The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 286: Taihua: Is this the happiness of Qing?

  Chapter 286 Taihua: Is this the happiness of Qing?

  When Gu Jianlin asked this sentence, he didn't intend to do anything to this pseudo-ancestor, because the other party was most likely a family member of an acquaintance.

   I just didn't expect that when the dark energy condensed at his fingertips, the breathing of the other party suddenly changed.

  Breathing Technique·Boundless Realm!

  Tang Yun was like an emotionless killing machine, as if a vague afterimage passed behind him, the broken sword spewed out a piercing sword aura, and mercilessly chopped it down!

  Everyone's pupils contracted violently, and the sword sect's path is extremely lethal, and if you go down with a sword, you may be seriously injured if you don't die!


  The sword energy from the broken sword poured on the hard skeleton and collapsed on the spot!

  I don't know when, Gu Jianlin was leaning on a knife with both hands, and behind him was a terrifying golden skeleton. The rock-solid bones were bathed in golden flames, and there seemed to be hysterical laughter echoing in the dark.

  He turned around, and the four ghost hands behind him roared and punched them!

  The four ghostly hands were surrounded by majestic power. Even though Tang Yun blocked it with a broken sword, he was still blasted out like a cannonball, and hit the bulkhead heavily, leaving a deep pit in the shape of a human.

  Gu Jianlin found that the girl's will no longer seemed to be human.

   Fully controlled by the ancestors in the body.

  Almost at the same time, there was a faint trembling sound in the huge central rest area.

  Plates, forks, knives, paring knives, metal table edges, tablets.

  All angular objects are vibrating crazily.

  The sharp corner was aimed at him.

  Fifth-level sword soul, imperial swordsmanship!

  The majestic sword energy filled all directions, as if aimed at him alone, ready to go!

  The sound of metal colliding sounded in Tang Yun's body. She moved her neck indifferently, the blood in her eyes became denser, and a strong chill condensed in her palms, condensing inch by inch.

   Finally, it condensed into an ice sword that was surrounded by cold air, and the wind and snow howled!

  An ancient forbidden curse, Yi Shuihan!

  Accompanied by the reactivation of the breathing technique of the realm of no distance, she attacked mercilessly, with sword energy wrapped in ice and snow!

  Gu Jianlin only felt that he was facing a world of ice and snow, and in front of him was the sword aura gushing like a blizzard, and the sword aura ready to be released in all directions was like a stabbing back, as if it was a death situation!

   First of all, the opponent's sword is already the best within the fifth rank. The dark shock is not powerful enough to fight without long-term power storage, and will be torn apart instead.

  Including the sword energy coming from all directions, the skeleton giant is not an all-round defense without dead ends.

Really annoying.

   "Do you really think you are invincible?"

   For a moment, a terrifying hallucination flashed before his eyes, the pitch-black sky and the gathering dark clouds, and the circling giant thunder crashing down, as if the whole world would be burned to ashes.

  In his mind, a strange and complicated incantation vaguely emerged, as if engraved deep in his soul.


  The skeleton giant roared loudly, and the four ghost hands slammed together. The black flashes in the palms frantically gathered, and then a dark electric spark lit up, and the dark thunder burst into existence in an instant!

  Accompanied by the opening of the four ghost hands, a line of jet-black thunder guns suddenly condensed into shape, bursting out with a sharp sound like a thousand birds chirping, the lights in the entire central rest area shattered in an instant, and darkness descended.

   Only the thunder flashed, and galloped away!

  The ancient forbidden curse, the thunder of the gods!

  And this is a composite ability that incorporates the blessing of combo skills and is driven by dark energy!

   "Quick, set up the barrier!"

   Omegas roar!

  The priests did not hesitate to open the barrier of sacred protection, covering all directions!


  A huge black flash flashed away, and thunder rolled!

  The sword of ice was shattered abruptly, and the blazing thunder light was as powerful as a bamboo!

  Tang Yun was blasted onto the metal bulkhead again. This time, her whole body was filled with blazing thunder, and her black robe had been burned, revealing her crystal clear skin like white jade. She couldn't help but let out a cry of pain!

  Almost at the same time, Gu Jianlin's skeleton giant was also shaken by the bursting sword aura, and countless cracks appeared in the hard bone, but the sword aura from all directions suddenly struck at this moment!

   Countless sharp edges and corners surround the sword energy, like a storm!

  Gu Jianlin's breathing also changed suddenly, and the cold moonlight suddenly swept over like a tide!

  With a bang, the realm of Freedom was shattered, purifying all extraordinary abilities.

   Countless metal objects fell to the ground, scattered everywhere.

  The skeleton giant also disappeared, and even the ghost-like state was lifted.

   Tang Yun just wanted to get up and struggle, when suddenly there was a sharp pain in his shoulder!

   Jiuyin pierced through her left shoulder, which made her groan.

   "Don't resist."

  Gu Jianlin's spirituality had evaporated, he took out a bottle of blue blood from his pocket and drank it expressionlessly, and the raised finger gathered black light again: "Answer my question."

  How could Tang Yun tolerate such humiliation, her face was still expressionless, and the blood in her eyes became more and more intense, as if something terrifying was roaring and was about to break through the prison!

  At this moment, Gu Jianlin looked at her indifferently, and a fleeting golden light flashed in his eyes!


  The soul in the depths of Tang Yun's consciousness seemed to be shocked, and suddenly fell into a deep sleep.

  Her eyes seemed to have regained their clarity, even though she was in pain all over, she showed a bewildered expression.

  The Omegas were shocked and speechless, but they did not expect to win in the end.

  It's so scary.

   Anyone who knows the origin of this group of people is very clear.

   There is an ancestor's spiritual gene in every black-robed man.

   In other words, they exist like Renzhuriki.

   Combat power is extremely terrifying.

  At the same level, it is almost impossible to have an opponent.

   This Tang Yun looks like a fifth-order sword soul, but in fact there is an ancestor sleeping in his body.

   Unexpectedly, even so, he was still defeated.

  So strong!

   This boy is really too strong.

  As the Omegas present, none of them had any confidence that they could defeat him.

  Even Mu Qingyou, who is ranked second in Omega, feels chills in her heart at this moment.

   "Hahaha, are you arrogant? Continue to be arrogant?"

  Ji Xiaoyu laughed loudly and said, "What's the big deal?"

  The people in black robes saw this and were about to come to the rescue.

"do not move."

  Gu Jianlin said coldly, "I don't care who you are."

   I don't know if it's because the young man's fierceness has already gained a reputation, or he is afraid of his identity.

  The pseudo-ancestors from Tianyan Pavilion in Lishan really did not take another half step forward, but kept a safe distance.

  Gu Jianlin turned his head to look at the girl, and said calmly, "Let me ask you again, who is Tang Ling?"

  Tang Yun endured the severe pain in his shoulder, without resisting for a while, he said in a daze, "Is that my cousin?"

  Gu Jianlin frowned: "Your own cousin, why do you still have such an uncertain tone?"

  Suddenly, a man in black robe came over and said blankly: "Because she has just integrated not long ago, sometimes she can't tell who she is, and her memory and emotions will also be disordered."

  The moment he opened his mouth, invisible mental fluctuations opened up, isolating most people.

  The expressions and movements of those Omegas seemed to be frozen, completely isolated.

   Only Gu Jianlin and the people in black robes were not affected.

   "My human name is Ji Ye, you can call me that."

  The black-robed man took off his hood. She also seemed to be a woman, and she looked quite handsome. Her forehead hair was neatly combed back, tied into a refreshing ponytail, and her hands were wrapped in gloves, hugging her chest.

  The people in black robes were headed by her, and no one spoke.

"What did you say?"

   Gu Jianlin asked expressionlessly: "You mean, Tang Ling will also become like this?"

Ji Ye replied: "No, she won't, because she is more advanced than us. In essence, she is also an evolutionary with infinite possibilities, but she has made a trade-off in order to be compatible with the power of heaven and man. If her life and death If it is completed, then she is still her, the leader of the human world who masters the path of celestial beings and evolution at the same time."

  Gu Jianlin thought of the profile he did on that girl back then, it was indeed different.

  These pseudo-ancestors all have a strong sense of disobedience.

  Two different faces, pieced together.

   Leiting, on the other hand, has no sense of disobedience, just like two herself in different dresses.

   "What if it fails?"

   Gu Jianlin asked coldly.

  Ji Ye said: "Death."

  Gu Jianlin's eyes became sharper, and the word death startled him.

   Unexpectedly, the girl herself was also burdened with the curse of death.

   Same as him.

   "You care about her a lot?"

Ji Ye asked calmly: "I didn't expect that a person like Lei Ting would have friends. So it seems that you are the one who entered the Sea of ​​Eternal Life with her back then, and the person we want to find is you. Now Lei Ting is Prepare for the most critical life-and-death test, and you must not be disturbed, we can only come to you."

   "We answered your questions, and I hope you will answer ours."

  She paused: "This is very important."

  Gu Jianlin narrowed his eyes and did not speak.

Ji Ye took out a blueprint from his backpack and handed it out: "If you don't know alchemy, I can explain it to you. The alchemy matrix that blocked the retreat of the Sea of ​​Eternal Life back then had a very unique name, called the past life. In the ancient gods In our civilization, those who step here will either regain their lives or be robbed of their lives."

   "And this alchemy matrix has twelve formation eyes, and the most core formation eye is guarded by Taizhuo. According to our investigation, the reason why Taizhuo recovered is because this alchemy matrix is ​​continuously delivering vitality to him."

  She deliberately emphasized: "Such a majestic vitality is fully enough to support him to recover to the sanctuary level."

   Gu Jianlin was terrified.

   Especially the next sentence.

   "Before Tai Zhuo fell asleep, according to the level of human power, he was only one step away from becoming a demigod."

  Ji Ye said in a deep voice: "With your combat power, it is absolutely impossible to defeat him. Even if a sanctuary-level ascendant challenges him, he may not be able to gain the upper hand. Because Taizhuo can continue to draw the vitality here."

  Gu Jianlinxin said that if it wasn't for that ancestor who forcibly tried to invade his mind, and finally attracted the old monster's glance by mistake, and even awakened Jiuyin in the end, their ending would probably be dead.

  Even if he becomes an ancient god, he will still attract Kui's killing blow, and there will be no way out.

  But what the other party said made him feel that this matter was getting more and more wrong.

  If it is true what the pseudo-ancestor said, then even if the ancestor of the Kuilong didn't make a move, they would not be able to survive.

   "I'm Sanctuary level, but I'm not sure I can defeat Taizhuo."

  Ji Ye replied: "There are only two possibilities for you to survive. Either you have an extremely strong person protecting you. Or, Taizhuo has become extremely weak for some reason."

  Gu Jianlin thought about these two possibilities.

   The first type is obviously not available.

   As for the second type, wait!

  He suddenly thought of something.

  The cipher text that Lao Gu left behind, belonging to the Night Watchers, has not been erased.

   There were only three living people in that bronze palace.

   Too hot.

  Tang Zijing.

   There is also a priest.

   If it is too hot to recover, someone has really tampered with it.

  Then there is only one biggest suspect.

   "Tang Zijing."

   He whispered softly.



  In the silent conference room, the big shots stared at the pictures on the projection screen, falling into a weird silence.

  For the people of the Ethereum Association, most of them are already numb.

   After all, he is a student of the Blue King.

  If you say you can't beat it, then it is really abnormal.

   After all, the whole world can say that the King of Blue is a lunatic, but no one can question his combat power and vision. Unless his old man suffered a cerebral hemorrhage because of the Air Force, it is absolutely impossible to choose a weak chicken as his successor.

   Especially, this is the last mantle of the Blue King.

   There is a great probability that the talent is stronger than that of a teacher like him.

  Bai Feng fell into silence. Even though he had no human feelings as a false ancestor, he still felt very surprised and shocked, and felt extremely uncomfortable deep in his heart.

   It seemed as if someone stepped on the head again.

  He raised his head and looked at the dignified woman opposite.

   "What are you so surprised for?"

  Taihua withdrew his gaze expressionlessly, and said indifferently: "This is Qing's student, the youngest one, and also my grandson. I don't have much time to train him at the moment, he's not good enough for the time being, he's as weak as a paramecium."

   "Codename, Qilin."

  She smiled lightly: "It's very interesting, right? My original intention is that when Lei Ting succeeds the position of president, the restriction that the natural disaster cannot be in power will be lifted, and he will be responsible for the external war as a natural disaster."

Bai Feng said in a low voice: "Kirin... that was the **** of the gods just now? You taught him all this? You failed to embark on the path of evolution back then, it seems that you want to pass on this mantle to him. Although this The child's mastery of the Thunder of the Gods of the Heavens is not very advanced, but he hasn't learned it for long, right? It's so skillful to use it, and the talent is amazing."


  Taihua nodded slightly, but kept tapping on the table with his hand.

  The senior executives who are familiar with the president know that this is the old man's inner muttering.

  Because Taihua knew very well when he taught him the God of Thunder.

   Probably no more than five minutes before and after.

  This is not counting walking, and the time when he discovered that there is a mezzanine in the tome.

   In all likelihood, the child just glanced at it.

   "Is this Qing's happiness?"

  Taihua pondered for a moment. Due to the particularity of the ancient forbidden curses, each sublimator can only choose to master a few of them, and finally build his own sanctuary before he can make a breakthrough.

  Once you learn too much, your sanctuary will become complicated and weak.

  She decided to keep the child away from those **** forbidden spells.

   It’s best not to even glance at it.

   In addition to this, there is another very important thing.

   "Pass on my order. If the child comes to look for Ji Zhou later, tell him that he is not here."

  Tai Hua said lightly: "Leave nothing to do with Lei Ting."

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

  (end of this chapter)

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