The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 291: Yue Ji: How did you become a woman!

  Chapter 291 Yue Ji: How did you become a woman!

   The ruins of the Ice Sea were in chaos, because too many prisoners had undergone corpse mutations, which had turned into large-scale riots, and even most of the original guard candidates had mutated.

  Grandpa Si held his forehead and tried his best to suppress the mental erosion: "Go! Go to the island!"

  Xia Yu looked at the out-of-control scene, and her face was not very good-looking, because she found that her fragrance could no longer control these lunatics who turned into corpses, and watched this group of people run rampant and slaughter.

   "Interesting, we, as evolutionaries, are not affected."

   Si Wei'an sat on the roof of the car, watching the **** scene where a candidate under his command was surrounded by crazy prisoners, and was finally eaten alive, and even licked his lips.

   Then he raised his hand and released a terrifying dark shock, blasting countless prisoners into powder.

  Almost all the candidates who were able to resist the mental attack also boarded the car and rushed to the island without hesitation. In their view, the back road had been cut off, and they had to run to the island if they wanted to survive. After all, everyone is an experienced raider, and they all know how to save their lives at critical moments, and even seek wealth in danger.

  Facts have proved that when countless individuals will unite, the suppression of the upper level will be especially ridiculous.

   Those who had pointed guns at the prisoners were eaten alive.

  The few who can protect themselves choose to protect themselves wisely.

  With a bang, armored vehicles rushed directly to the ruined palace on the island.

  At this moment, Gu Jianlin felt his scalp go numb.

  Because he found that after he solved a monster.

  Almost all the monsters turned their heads to look at him, let out a roar of hunger and thirst, as if they saw the most delicious food in the world, and the greed in their pale pupils almost overflowed.

  Hundreds of monsters are punching him in the face, crowded like he went to the market with his parents when he was a child.

   Right now, this situation is simply Shensi's home game, and he can open Wushuang at will.

  It is not very easy for the ghost-slaying path, even if it is blurred, it cannot defend against the attack of mental fluctuations.

Of course, Gu Jianlin is not an ordinary ghost-slaying man. He turned his hands and clenched the handle of the knife, and the bright blade unexpectedly lit up with fiery electric sparks, entwined with inextricable black thunderbolts, bursting out with a thousand birds chirping. Howl!

  He stretched out the field of super speed force, flashing like a ghost in the snow, accompanied by the thunder knife cutting vertically and horizontally, as if splashing black ink in the wind and snow, black lightning galloping, tearing apart the monsters swarming up.

  The sound of bones breaking, roaring, and howling.

Mix together.

  He didn't use Dimensional Slash, because he needed to keep his spirituality in case of emergency.

The thunder of the gods of the gods is undoubtedly a very powerful ancient forbidden spell, but he has not yet fully comprehended it so far, and he cannot destroy the world with a thunderbolt like the president, but he can do it on a large scale. destroy.

  Dimensional Slash pays attention to one-hit kills, and it is a bit wasteful to deal with these monsters.

   It would be better to use Lei Guang to explode.

   This is Tang Ling's happiness!

   "Quick, help that girl, she just reminded us!" Sanye Liu shouted, covering his forehead.

  Ning Chen's condition is not very good, and he helped him to run desperately to the island.

  The butcher took a deep breath immediately, put his hands together on his waist: "Kamehae Qigong!"


   This reckless man seems to be about to be promoted to the fifth level, and countless monsters were smashed to pieces with a qigong cannon.

   Shuweng swept away the corpse with a mental shock, and waved: "Beauty, this way!"

  What a beautiful woman.

   These two people are tired of their lives.

  Gu Jianlin thought to himself that these two people were tired of their lives, but suddenly he noticed the roaring sound behind him, and saw a heavy armored vehicle galloping violently, it seemed that it was going to run them all to death.

   The driver was a white woman dressed up enchantingly, with a cruel grin on her face, she didn't treat them as human beings at all.

  Gu Jianlin raised his eyebrows, and suddenly flashed to the co-pilot of the armored vehicle.

Time and space suddenly fell into a quagmire-like silence. The galloping heavy armored vehicle stopped abruptly. The white woman driving the car had a distorted and hideous expression, like a female ghost with green face and fangs. It became a low and strange noise, like the low laugh of a ghost.

   With a click, the man in the co-pilot had his neck broken and was thrown out of the window.

  The white woman didn't notice anything, her neck was already cut open, and blood flowed out.

  Gu Jianlin sat in the co-pilot, opened the door on her left side, and kicked her out.

   Then he sits in the driver's seat and grabs the steering wheel with both hands.

   OK, now comes the problem.

  How to drive this thing.

  Old Gu only taught him to drive an automatic transmission, but he had never driven a heavy armored vehicle.

  Don't care, just step on it!

  It was as if the devil deep inside had awakened, shouting:

   Woo hoo, drift!

  The barrier frozen in time suddenly collapsed, and the armored vehicle really flew out and went on a rampage.

  Gu Jianlin finally found the brake, a dragon swung its tail and knocked countless monsters into the air, and then opened the door of the rear compartment with a random push, and said in a cold voice: "What are you doing in a daze? Get in the car!"

  Liu Sanye has never seen such a majestic girl before, he laughed and said: "This is really, it seems to see Miss Yueji! Brother, get in the car quickly, and then say thank you to the girl, and protect her!"

  He scrambled and climbed into the car.

   Having said that, he was still shocked by the girl's fighting ability.

  There are two candidates for Tier 4 in this car, and they can still resist mental attacks.

  Even if they are not evolutionaries, their fighting power is extremely strong.

   I didn't expect to be killed in an instant!

  Ning Chen followed after blasting the heads of several monsters, and gave the girl a surprised look.

  Finally, the butcher and Shuweng jumped onto the roof of the car, taking cover around them.

  They didn't think there was anything wrong.

   After all, no matter how powerful the characters are, they are not as good as the real bosses of the two of them!

  Gu Jianlin started the engine, he thought he was stepping on the gas pedal, but the alchemy heavy machine gun on the roof of the car popped out, and fired wildly in all directions, as if going crazy.

  The butcher and the bookman were almost bombed in the head.

   "Damn it! Your own people, don't fire!"

  Liu Sanye laughed loudly, completely unaware that he had stepped on the wrong thing, and laughed loudly: "The girl is cruel enough!"

  Ning Chen gave a thumbs up.

  However, their expressions soon changed.

  Because the armored car that Gu Jianlin was driving swayed from side to side, rampaging like a crazy beast, and even drifting crazily on the ice, drunk driving is much more reliable than this.

   They initially thought the girl was just violent, cleaning up the enemy.

   After half a minute, I realized that I really can’t drive!

In the communication channel, Mrs. Si said in a deep voice: "All teams, please pay attention and head towards the ruins of the island collectively. Once you find Yueji along the way, do everything you can to capture her! Prioritize the capture of Lu Zijin who is accompanying her, no matter whether she is dead or alive! Just catch Lu Zijin , Yue Ji will be captured without a fight! They are nearby!"

  The divination by a divinator is still very reliable.

  Gu Jianlin's eyes became colder, and he found that the monsters around him were still chasing him closely.

  So he suddenly thought of an idea, turned on the microphone and said, "Master Protection Division!"


  He finally found the right throttle and drove the vehicle away.

   Go straight to Mr. Si's armored vehicle!

  For some reason, a sentence suddenly came to his mind.

   "The whole army goes out and goes straight to Zhuge Liang's four-wheeled vehicle!"


  When the armored vehicles saw him rushing towards him like crazy, they all drifted out of the way.

   "Anna, are you crazy?"

   "The next time you drive like that, I'll kick your **** with the heel of my shoe! I swear, I will."

   "Wait, let's look at Anna's back!"

  The armored vehicle roared and galloped away, followed by a group of mighty monsters.


   "Anna, what are you doing?"

  In the communication channel, the old man's surprised and angry voice sounded.

  Gu Jianlin stepped on the accelerator without hesitation, and bumped into the rear of the opponent's car!

   There was a bang.

  Because the ice surface was too slippery, the two cars spun and drifted, almost losing control!

  Gu Jianlin calculated his combat strength. He is a dual-core driver, and he is still a fourth-order Shura. He can use the evolutionary posture.

  But it will attract the wrath of the Kuilong ancestor, and the shadow will collapse and return to the body.

   "Come and drive alone, I'll go out and kill that old man!"

  In the spinning car, he dropped a sentence, and suddenly disappeared.

  In an instant, Gu Jianlin had already held the flicker high above the sky. Now he is not a **** priest, and naturally he does not have a strong sense of life. He can only fall down by instinct, trying to kill one first.

   There should be evolutionaries here, and their combat power should not be underestimated.

  However, at this moment, he suddenly saw a black shadow falling on the roof of the car.

  The Tang Dao in Gu Jianlin's hand trembled, the pitch-black thunder sounded like a dragon's chant, and a pair of blood-colored bewitching eyes were also illuminated by the thunder, showing a chilling killing intent!

   For a moment, the person who appeared out of nowhere sensed the killing intent falling from the sky, flashed into the air without hesitation, and a **** sword set off a wind and snow, roaring towards it!


  The blades collided, and blazing sparks shot out.

  Gu Jianlin saw the opponent's cat-face mask clearly at the last moment, so he did not hesitate to disperse the dark thunder light on the blade, but he didn't dare to stop directly, because he was afraid of being beheaded by a knife.

  As for blurring, it needs to be prepared in advance to complete.

   It is indeed his little padded jacket.

   thought of him together.

   Such a chaotic timing should be used for assassination!

   "You are strong."

  Yueji didn't recognize him, her eyes were full of fear, because it usually only takes a moment to figure out the truth between experts, this mysterious girl gave her a strong sense of oppression.

  Although I am not very proficient in using a knife, I feel that it is beyond common sense!

  Why do you say it’s a girl.

  Because of those amazing beautiful eyes, even a girl like her was moved when she saw it.

   As soon as the voice fell, Yue Ji disappeared again in an instant.

"it's me!"

  Knowing that she regarded herself as an enemy, Gu Jianlin hurriedly said, "My own!"

  Yueji didn't pay attention to him at all, she disappeared like an afterimage, slashing again and again!

   This knife even blesses Dimensional Slash!

  Gu Jianlin also had to block with the Dimensional Slash!

   There was another crisp sound, and ripples appeared in the void, but there was no rupture!

  Gu Jianlin's mask was shattered by the burst of saber energy, and his black hair fluttered, revealing that rare and beautiful face, only the cold and hard lines still left traces of himself!

   "It's really me, last month's monthly exam you passed the bottom three in the class!"

  He took half a step back and said again: "You only scored seven points in math!"

  Yue Ji opened her beautiful eyes wide, because this is a trivial daily matter in her real identity, and the other party knows it all.

and many more.

  Look carefully at that face, it seems really familiar!

   "This is the shadow created by the forbidden spell."

  Gu Jianlin said expressionlessly: "Calm down, it's really me. If this shadow is destroyed by you, it will never come again."

   A short silence.

"why you?"

  Yueji was shocked, and looked between the boy's legs: "You practiced the Sunflower Book behind my back?"

   As soon as the words fell, the huge island erupted with golden light.

   Someone shouted: "Miracle, miracle!"

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

  (end of this chapter)

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