The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 292: Penglai Xiandao!

  Chapter 292 Penglai Xiandao!

  The ruins of the huge island burst out with fiery golden light, just like the light bursting out in the polar night, but it was just brilliant gold, as if the ancient fairyland opened the door to the world.

  With a loud bang, the heavy armored vehicle rushed towards the location of Jin Guang.

  Gu Jianlin couldn't stabilize his center of gravity, so he had to insert a knife into the metal plate of the car roof, and forcefully stabilized it: "I didn't practice the Sunflower Book, this is the effect of the mythical weapon, it's just more beautiful."

In contrast, Yue Ji looked like a master of martial arts. She easily squatted on the roof of the car, reached out to touch his body, and said suspiciously: "It's so hard, and there is no temperature, no breathing and no heartbeat." , is it really a shadow? What is this thing that can turn you into a ghost-slaying path?"

  She never imagined that every time they just separated for a while, this guy could always come up with a new job.

   "Well, I also have a growth-type myth armed."

  After Gu Jianlin finished speaking, he suddenly found that she was staring at his face all the time.

   That look is very weird.

  Yue Ji puffed her cheeks and turned her head aside. Of course it was a pleasant surprise to meet again here.

   What she didn't expect was that this guy turned out to be so good-looking.

  You are a man!

   Originally, she thought her advantage was her beauty.

  But one thing I have to admit is that Gu Jianlin's gesture is simply overwhelming.

  Just a quick glance is enough to make people's hearts flutter.



"What's wrong?"

  Gu Jianlin looked towards the golden light on the island.

   "It's nothing, I don't want to talk to the female imp!"

  Yueji snorted softly, but still stuck tightly to him.

   "You are the little devil."

  Gu Jianlin frowned: "It's just that the appearance has changed, and the gender has not changed."

  Yue Ji squinted at him, her beautiful eyes were unmoved: "How do you prove it? Let me see if you have the ability."

  Gu Jianlin slashed her head with a knife.

   I don’t know why, whether it’s siblings or something else, two people’s personalities always tend to quarrel.

   At this moment, the heavy armored vehicle was jolting.

  In front of him, there was a petite black figure floating in the wind and snow.

  A terrifying turbulence of elements gathers above her head.

  Lu Zijin!

  The celestial master path has spiritual consciousness at the zero level, that is, the ability of spiritual exploration, without any combat power.

  The first level is called alchemist, also known as Liangyi.

   At this stage, you will master the four abilities of earth, wind, water and fire, and your combat effectiveness will soar.

  The second level is called the mage, also known as the four images.

   It can gather the power of the four elements into a turbulent flow, creating terrifying lethality.

  The third stage is to read the teacher, which can burst out powerful spiritual ideas.

  The fourth stage is to refine the teacher, master the art of controlling things, in today's words it is the power of mind.

  The fifth stage is called Yuren, which can gather the so-called Jindan.

  Now the five turbulent currents of earth, feng, shui, fire, and spirit are gathered in midair, and there is also a golden elixir floating.

   This is Lu Zijin's strongest killing intent without returning to his heyday!

  I saw that golden core devoured the energy of the turbulent flow of elements, and suddenly fell down!

   "Get out of the way!"

  Lu Zijin's coquettish reprimand sounded in the air.

  The dogs and men on the roof of the car suddenly used the space to jump out of the way. The high mobility of the ghost-slaying path is convenient.

   Of course, they have to be suspicious.

  Lu Zijin saw the two of them flirting and deliberately took revenge!

   Just as the armored vehicle was about to be destroyed, the voice of the old man sounded.

   "The stars are moving!"

  This is the ability of Old Master Si as a hexagram master, which can deflect the opponent's attack.

  It's a pity that Lu Zijin is also an old Si Ji. As a minister, how could she not know this method, so she snapped her fingers without hesitation, and the golden core that roared away exploded ahead of time!

  Only hearing a bang, the heavy armored vehicle was overturned by the terrifying energy, and suddenly shriveled.

   Right in the air, the armored vehicle hovered strangely.

  Because Xia Yu is also a celestial master, and also a fifth-level feathered man, he forcibly used telekinesis to stabilize the vehicle.

  I saw her kicking the car door out, suspended in mid-air.

  Si Wei'an also jumped out of one side of the car door and landed in the snow.

  Only Mrs. Si, as an old man, was unable to move his legs and feet. He fell into the snow with his head smashed. He shouted: "Si Wei'an, take out your secret weapon and kill them! Don't hide it!"

  The old man was referring to, of course, the fragments of the Qilin Wedge.

  Si Wei'an's face gradually turned ferocious, and just as he was about to curse, he heard the sound of a knife above his head!

  It was like the howling of countless evil spirits in hell, which directly disturbed the spirituality in his body, and saw a stern cold light descending from the sky, cutting off his arm with a single knife, and blood spurting wildly.

  He roared to the sky, but was kicked flying!


  He bumped his head against the iceberg, but behind him emerged a huge skeleton spirit, burning with pale will-o'-the-wisps.

   Madly devouring the vitality of those monsters.

  Yue Ji landed lightly, with vermilion dragon horns sprouting on the top of her head, and her beautiful eyes were blood red. The down jacket had already been broken in the wind, and the black sailor suit was swaying in the wind, and the hem of the skirt fluttered.

  A pair of beautiful legs wrapped in black silk are slightly curved, and black leather shoes are embedded in the snow.

   Majestic murderous intentions spread in all directions.

   "Hey, Ms. Yue Ji, this time should have had enough trouble, right? Why don't you go back with me?"

Xia Yu wore an evening dress fluttering in the cold wind, a hint of admiration appeared in her beautiful eyes, golden and gorgeous lines appeared on her face, her beautiful eyes suddenly turned into a pair of phoenix eyes, and her rolled up black hair was already loose When it opened, luxurious feathers appeared faintly, and an illusory phoenix tail also appeared behind it!

   Evolution Stance!

  The evolutionary posture of the Suzaku clan!

  Yue Ji has seen this woman, she is also an evolutionary candidate for Twilight, and her sexual orientation is abnormal.

  A strange fragrance wafted from the cold wind, arousing her most primitive desires.

It's just that because her mind is relatively firm, the picture that emerges in her mind is that cold and indifferent face. The imagined scene is that two people are on the bed in her room. As the head of the bed keeps bumping against the wall, she still You have to refrain from making a sound, the clothes have already been thrown on the floor, and the floor is messy.

  She felt her cheeks were burning hot, and there was a look of embarrassment in her beautiful eyes.

   At the critical moment, a high-pitched dragon chant descended from the sky.

  Gu Jianlin's black hair fluttered, and blood-red dragon horns grew on his head. His overpowering face seemed to be filled with awe-inspiring expression. The blush in the corner of his eyes was as thick as blood, and his murderous aura was strong enough to blow away the wind and snow!

   He clenched the handle of the knife tightly, the blade trembling crazily, accumulating spirituality.

   This is preparing for a combo technique, beheading with one blow.


  Xia Yu lost her mind in a trance. She had never seen such a beautiful girl in her life. She was captured by the unparalleled appearance and temperament in an instant, and she didn't even want to dodge this knife.


  One knife, two halves!

  However, her body was chopped into pieces like a paper doll.

   And she herself appeared fifty meters away, her eyes still so stunning.

  It seems to have seen the most beautiful things in the world.

  Gu Jianlin is now in a shadow posture, and her strange fragrance doesn't work at all.

  No matter how beautiful a person is, they are not as good as Lei Ting and Yue Ji.

   This is at the T1 level.

   There is an old monster pressing on it, which is the ultimate monster of T0 level.

   As for the others, it's all the same thing.

  Gu Jianlin fell to the ground, raised his hand without hesitation, the blade was entwined with pitch-black thunder, and slashed down!

  The ancient forbidden curse, the thunder of the gods!

   Seeing this, Tsukihime also raised the Slayer Ghost Sword, the blade was ignited with hot flames, and black embers were faintly swaying!

  The ancient forbidden curse, the ashes of the remaining fire!

   Just listen to the bang!

  Lightning of thunder and light of fire gallop out.

   This dog and man turned out to throw out the knife!

  The old man Si was shocked when he saw this, and he did not hesitate to use the star shift to dodge.

   It's a pity, it's still not as fast as the knife light!

  He raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, his left palm was cut by the lightning, and the wound was scorched as black as charcoal.

  The right shoulder was also scratched by the flame blade, and the wound was deep enough to show the bone!

  He was shocked and angry, and he never thought that his hexagram skills failed.

   Didn't expect the opponent to have such a powerful reinforcement.

   "You are courting death!"

  Old Master Si let out a grin, and something seemed to be beating in his heart, as if it was about to explode.

  Even though he beat the opponent so embarrassingly, Lu Zijin did not relax in the slightest.

  Because this guy is a sixth-order old Yin Bi, I don't know what tricks he is hiding.

  Yue Ji also stared at him, her tender body tensed.

  It was only then that Gu Jianlin remembered that the Si family had a secret technique called Cycle of Sad Corpse.

   At the critical moment, I can change my life with you.

  Suddenly, crazy laughter came from behind.

"A miracle, this is a miracle, the opening of the ancient golden palace, the ancient mystery of eternal life, the blessing of the kingdom of God! This is the real Gao Tianyuan, the brilliance of the Lord God in the sky!" It was a candidate from Yingzhou Those who don't know what legends he has heard, rushed to that island like crazy at this moment.

   After hearing his words, many people showed greedy faces and rushed forward with him.

  Behind are the prisoners surging forward, roaring insanely.

   After all, there were several evolutionaries present, they came just after smelling it.

   There was a loud bang.

  Accompanied by the brilliant golden light soaring into the sky, the surroundings of the island seemed to have fallen into a fairyland. The strong light made people unable to open their eyes, and even the spiritual fluctuations were suppressed.

  For some reason, Gu Jianlin vaguely felt that his breathing was disturbed.

   Not right.

   This is the breath of heaven and man, and it seems to have sensed something!

  Gu Jianlin frowned, and said in a low voice: "Wait, what did that Yingzhou person say just now? The myth of the Yingzhou people, the so-called Gaotianyuan, the place of the gods, how could it be in such a place?"

   "I don't know either. The mythology of the Yingzhou people is not worth studying. It just originated from a certain ancient **** clan. And there is obviously no academic research on such miscellaneous fish."

  Yueji shook her head and said calmly: "What he said is of no value."

  Lu Zijin also landed beside the two of them, opened the barrier of thoughts, and hummed: "Anyway, there must be good things here, as long as we kill the others, we can enjoy the treasure all to ourselves."

  Everyone thinks so in their hearts.

   According to legend, the sublimators who arrived here are all dead, and all the current abnormalities also indicate danger.

  And danger means opportunity!

   "Look ahead!"

  Gu Jianlin's pupils trembled slightly. Seeing a huge stone monument suddenly appear on the island filled with golden light.

  This giant stone tablet seems to be engraved with four simple characters.

  Penglai Xiandao!

  Everyone trembled slightly, at this moment they all wanted to understand something.

  More than 2,000 years ago, Emperor Shi Huang's lifespan was near the end of his life due to years of war, so he sent people across the East China Sea to search for elixir.

  Why is it the East China Sea instead of other places.

   There must be some legends spread in this place.

  The so-called Penglai Xiandao is real, but it is not in the real world, but in the Ancient God Realm.

   Almost at the same time, a deep and hoarse voice sounded in their minds.

"help me."

   "Help me, save me!"

   "Please, save me, save me!"

   This voice is so majestic.

  Yes, it can only be described as majestic.

  It's like the call of the ancient giant god.

   It's like the hysterical roar of an evil spirit.

   There is solemnity in the weirdness.

   There is a sense of dignity in the solemnity.

  It seems to be a resplendent fairyland, but it feels like a tomb.

  Accompanied by the call of this voice, this huge island seemed to twist, releasing a terrifying attraction like a bottomless vortex, pulling and swallowing everything around it.

  Those who did not land on the island could not resist this force at all, and were swallowed in one after another.

"help me…"

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

   It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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