The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 369: Skylark's past

  Chapter 369 Skylark's Past

  Gu Jianlin's proposal seemed to be for business at first glance, but it sounded a bit weird.

   "Did you awaken some strange attribute?"

Skylark smiled charmingly, her smile was as beautiful as a begonia, even in a cold place like the morgue, it gave people a kind of seductive temptation: "Didn't you resist me staying in your body before? I Understandably, no one in this world wants their body to be manipulated by others, and that feels bad."

Gu Jianlin said expressionlessly: "I still don't like it now, but if I can find out the truth, I can endure a lot of things for it. I don't just need your ability to trace back time and space, but I also need the help of you and me." The state of fusion, which allows us to empathize, so that I can profile more information."

  The limitation of profiling is that you must have enough information.

  If you compare the world to a huge game, then anyone or anything is a composition of information flow.

  What he has to do is to find crucial clues from the torrent of information.

  Thus deduce the truth of the matter.


   Yunque snorted and said: "You really have no sense of humor, how can you find a girlfriend?"

  This boy is indeed such a character, he can endure many things in order to win.

  You can't see the slightest affectation in him, he is always so pragmatic and silent.

   Sometimes you feel that it is a machine, not a living person.

  Because at any time, he puts the goal first, and himself is the last.

   It was like being in Heiyun Walled City back then.

  Of course Gu Jianlin knew that doing so would put him in danger, but he still insisted on going his own way.

  It’s not that he is not afraid of death, he really wants to live, and only by surviving can he find out the truth of everything.

   But he knew very well that if he backed down that time, he would never find out what he wanted to know.

  That cowardly self, unable to do anything he wants to do.

  So any opportunity presented to him, he would firmly grasp it, for fear that if he missed it, he would never come again.

  Although he says he hates it, Skylark actually likes this character quite a lot.

  Because it is very reliable.

  Now that things are going on, she has become a little hesitant, perhaps because she finally has to face her past, so she would feel hesitant and uneasy because of her personality, trying to cover up her inner emotions with such boring jokes.

  She restrained the smile on her lips: "Ready."

  Gu Jianlin didn't speak, and watched her get into his body like a ghost, and the feeling of fusion of soul and body came to his heart again, as if two people were naked and honest, and there was no secret at all.

  A god-like soul awakened in the body, and a pair of bewitching and charming blood-colored eyes slowly opened.

It is a feeling that cannot be described in words, as if there is a **** or devil sleeping in the body, and it only takes one thought to make him release a steady stream of forbidden power for you. The ancient and mysterious language echoes in the mind, the grotesque Knowledge is surging like a torrent, like being reborn and reborn from the ashes.

  He looked at the corpse on the iron bed again, his eyes were full of blood.

  Gu Jianlin stretched out his hand, and put his finger on the ancestor's forehead, and the sound of time flowing backwards suddenly sounded.

  Time and space are misplaced, and the old time surges in, like an old movie with broken frames.

  The fleeting picture flickers, like a slideshow.

  In a laboratory with flickering incandescent lights, a charming woman is lying on the operating table with a small but shocking wound on her forehead, surrounded by doctors in white coats, and sophisticated instruments displaying a large amount of data.

  The wailing of pain, the whispering of doctors, the flickering lights.

   Can't tell whether this is a laboratory or **** on earth.

   "Is this the container you prepared for me?"

  The white-haired boy stood under the light like a ghost. He was wearing an old black robe, like a fanatic depicted in an ancient scroll. His hoarse voice was solemn, and his tone seemed to be reciting ancient scriptures.

   "This is the best container I can find for you. Today's real world is shrouded in the shadow of that celestial being. Even I have to be cautious. The time is not yet ripe, and we need to be careful at every step."

The strange man with the red skull head said lightly: "Skylark just appeared in a city named Yokohama, and now it seems that she is in Yingzhou, and she is in a very bad condition. Even so, Guijiao and his container were destroyed in just an instant. If you kill it, you need to be more cautious, otherwise you will still give it away for nothing."

   "The sixth-ranked dragon attendant under the ancestor of the Canglong, Bailong."

  He paused: "Shouldn't you let me down?"

  Bai Long said coldly: "Facing that kind of creature, no one is sure of victory."

The strange man with the red skull head said: "After all, this is a creature that only exists in paradox. No one thought that a mere experimental body would become so powerful. Bu Zhoushan was too obsessed in the process of researching the secret art of embedding flowers and trees, and no one could Confirm whether the things left by the Black Supreme are true or false."

"After all, no one can figure out what the black supreme is thinking. Maybe everything you see is what he wants you to see. Even if you really win him, you have to consider whether he deliberately let you win of."

  He said with emotion: "Dealing with Venerable Qilin is one of the most dangerous things in the world, isn't it?"

  Bai Long didn't speak, it was his default.

   "If you study according to what He left behind, you may find some monsters."

  The strange man with the red skull laughed hoarsely, "Is the skylark a coffin?"

Bailong said lightly: "At first I thought it was a coffin, but it turns out that we were all wrong. Since the First World War in the East China Sea, Venerable Candle Dragon has completely disappeared in the two worlds. The ancestor of Canglong stole the treasure left by him, more than two thousand I don’t know how many **** experiments have been conducted in the past few years, and countless deformed monsters have been born.”

   "The skylark is the most perfect and the most powerful, so strong that even my master is afraid."

  His calm tone added a trace of fear, and he said in a low voice: "You humans have an old saying that when something goes wrong, there must be a demon. That woman's strength is beyond common sense, and there must be a reason for it."

The strange man with the red skull smiled and said: "If a monster like the coffin grows to the ninth level and practices the two laws of Candlelight and Ghosting at the same time, it will indeed become the ultimate weapon against the five major clans. Now it seems that the threat of Skylark It has to be on top of the coffin. Thinking about it, someone might have tampered with her, right?"

"I only know that it is a precious experimental subject personally received by the ancestor of the Canglong. The original intention was indeed to create the so-called coffin, which can be used to cultivate weapons capable of invading the real world. It's just that no one thought that in just fourteen years, That little girl back then turned out to be so powerful."

Bailong said hoarsely: "In recent years, Lark has become more and more like my master, so much so that we all feel scared. I thought that the master has disappeared for more than two thousand years and will not come back in a short time. And At the moment when Skylark became deified, we all felt that the venerable came, so we could only kneel down and worship."

  The weirdo with the red skull took out a wind chime from his pocket and handed it to him.

   "No matter what it is, just kill it."

The leader of the monastery smiled and said: "I know, you suspect that the Supreme has some kind of tricks on her body. Isn't this just right? As long as the skylark dies, no matter what the Supreme is planning, it will be in vain. "

  Bailong took the wind chime, with a look of awe in his pupils, he nodded slightly.


  The laboratory was crumbling, and the ash was shaking off.

  The incandescent lights flickered crazily, and the doctors in white coats all twisted up like screaming wraiths. The woman lying on the operating table was struggling crazily and screaming hysterically.

  The back of the white dragon was swallowed by the darkness, and the red skull was shaking and trembling like an epilepsy.

   This is because there is a crack in the backtracked time and space.


  Gu Jianlin put his hand on his forehead, trying to comfort the woman inside: "Control yourself."

  Of course he wants to appease, otherwise he might be blown up again.

  The amount of information in this backtracking is very large, and it is enough to surprise him.

  The good news is that Skylark is really not the **** Supreme, but more like an experimental subject.

   In a sense, he is really the same kind as him.

   Of course, it's not without bad news.

  The bad news is that Zhou Shan doesn’t even know how she became so powerful. Nothing happens for no reason in this world. It only shows that some unknown variables appeared during the experiment.

  Who gave this variable? The answer can only be that **** Supreme.

  Because the reason is the same.

   Except for Venerable Candle Dragon himself, no one can manipulate the power of a supreme being.

  After profiling with clues, he tried to construct a real scene in his mind.

  Concentrate and take a deep breath.

  Brain boils, awakens a strong sixth sense, and perceives the soul that blends with oneself.

   Regardless of each other, I am you and you are me.

  At this moment, the turbulent past is coming!

   It's like turning back time!

With the sound of pattering rain, the school was still ringing with the bell for the end of get out of class. Students poured out of the corridor in a crowd, and then were picked up by the parents at the school gate. Only a girl with two ponytails left the school alone with an umbrella. She was alone. Running in a huge city, as if looking for something.

  Suddenly everything was silent, the traffic on the street stopped abruptly, the men, women and children on the bus all silently looked at the same face, and the classmates in the school also stopped one after another, staring at him like a ghost.

  A sense of oppression.

   Suffocating sense of oppression.

  The wind and rain howled, the thunder above the sky exploded, and the dull roar rolled away.

   There was a strong earthy smell in the storm.

  The girl with twin ponytails looked up.

   In the clouds and mist, there is a vast ancient dragon, and his pupils are full of lightning and thunder.


  The pupils of the girl's eyes were illuminated, leaving only a shocking paleness.

  The world seems to come to a sudden stop.

   This dreamlike world collapsed and returned to reality.

   There was a click.

  The silent time and space were fragmented like a mirror, collapsing and collapsing inch by inch amidst the roar, and the body of the white dragon was also pierced by criss-crossing and mournful cracks, and was finally buried in the endless void and dark world.

   This is Skylark who personally destroyed the corpse.

  Gu Jianlin felt her emotions.

   Anger, fear, irritability, hesitation, helplessness, despair.

In an instant, he forcibly traveled through the gap between time and space, like a bolt of lightning running through the huge city, the street scene in Tokyo is as bizarre as a spinning kaleidoscope, the silly jokes of the police on the street, the advertising news on the commercial street, the laughter in the restaurant , as if thrown to the end of time.

   Until that bad woman was forcibly pulled from his body.

  Gu Jianlin found himself on a terrace, which is obviously a stylish bar, located on the roof of the Ginza Building, the pure wooden decoration looks like a sailing ship, and the blue sky looks like the sea.

  The wine cabinet is full of famous wines, and the afternoon sun illuminates the quiet bar.

  Skylark sat on a chair by the bar and poured himself a glass of beer expressionlessly.

   "I know you are not used to traveling through time and space, so I will take you to experience it again."

  She said coldly: "Thanks to you, I remembered something."

  Gu Jianlin put his hand on his forehead, sat next to her, and took her beer away.

He took out a glass of peach juice from the display cabinet and brought it to her: "It's best not to drink alcohol when your mood fluctuates. People in the ghost-slaying path are prone to obsession, which leads to some extreme behavior. In a sense Said, this is an emotional performance, and it is easy to be dominated by emotions."

   "Shenji Road is also worthy of saying such a thing?"

   Skylark glanced at him indifferently, but actually opened the bottle of peach juice.

   "I'm not a normal priest, I have strong self-control."

  Gu Jianlin shook his head, and said in a low voice: "You have also seen the picture I profiled. It seems that my performance is still stable this time, otherwise you would not have such a sudden emotional fluctuation."

   Skylark didn't answer this question, but silently held the bottle of peach juice tightly.

  The metal can was squeezed hard by her, leaving deep finger marks.

   "According to the current intelligence, there is a high probability that you were really a human before."

Gu Jianlin played with the glass of beer, silently relieved the exhaustion in his mind, and explained: "You must have been selected by the ancient gods in Buzhou Mountain for some special reason. The ancestor of Canglong did not hesitate to come to the real world in person Greeting you, He actually wants to cultivate you into a coffin, it's really inconceivable."

  He stood up suddenly and stared at the woman's face seriously.

   Especially the forehead.

  Skylark didn't like his eyes very much, so he said coldly, "What are you looking at?"

  She lifted the soft hair on her forehead, and said angrily, "Is there a scar here?"

   Obviously, her forehead is as smooth as jade, without the slightest blemish.

   "No, you are indeed not a coffin."

Gu Jianlin leaned over to take a closer look, shook his head and said, "This is very strange, the ancestors of Buzhou Mountain are not sure if you are a coffin. Or, you used to have that wound, and after you evolved, the wound healed .Or, the ancestor of the Canglong was so secretive about what you did, that even his dragon servant didn't know about it. As for whether the ancestor of the Canglong himself knew about it, it is still unknown."

  He paused: "What did you just remember?"

  Skylark was silent for a long time, and raised her bewitching and alluring eyes with deep eyes.

   "I remembered things from my childhood."

  She said softly: "I seemed to be looking for someone, someone who is very important to me."

  (end of this chapter)

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