The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 370: Scary little stories

  Chapter 370 Thinking about the terrifying little story

  Gu Jianlin had never seen such a bewildered look in her eyes, and felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

  He suddenly realized something.

  No matter how powerful the woman in front of me is or how noble her status is, she has her own unknown past, hiding her past joys and sorrows, joys and sorrows.

  She is a real person, not a weapon or a monster.

  Thinking about it this way, he felt more or less a sense of security in his heart. It turns out that such a strong person also has weaknesses, and he will show such a confused look in his eyes, and he also has the helplessness and loneliness of being homeless, and he is not invulnerable. But when he thought about it again, his heart was a little heavy. Even a person standing at the top of the world would still have things that he couldn't do, and when he was powerless, he would draw his sword and look around in a daze, and could only sit in the bar and drink.

  Compared to the sense of crisis of being coerced by others, he hates the feeling of incompetence more.

"Feel sorry."

  He felt a little sorry, because he suddenly thought of himself when he was a child.

   "Apologize for what?"

   Skylark poured himself a glass of peach juice, held it with both hands and handed it to his lips, sipping gracefully and gracefully.


  Gu Jianlin looked at the bright city under the sun, and suddenly asked, "Is that person important to you?"

Skylark showed a thoughtful expression, and said softly: "Maybe it's my family? Because I clearly remember that I used to live in a small city in the south. There was an old tree that lived for many years at the door of my house. It looks like a dazzling gold when it is covered by the sun, and there is a flower that has withered for many years."

  She seems to be telling the most ordinary past events, but the mysterious atmosphere is enveloping, and the flow of time has become quiet. The sunlight reflected on the girl's porcelain-white cheeks, so white that it was almost transparent.

   It's like a beautiful witch chanting an ancient spell, and the big secret is hidden in the spell.

   "Well, your accent is indeed a bit southern."

  Gu Jianlin nodded slightly: "Do you like sweet or salty tofu?"

   "Sweet, of course."

   Skylark squinted at him: "Can you eat salty ones?"

"That's right."

  Gu Jianlin said casually: "And when I smell sweet tofu nao, I just want to vomit."

   It is rare for a person with such a straight mind like him to make a joke to liven up the atmosphere.

  Probably to adjust the woman's emotions, to prevent her from going berserk.

   Has nothing to do with whether she looks good or not.

   “Our family’s family background should be good at first, and many people in that small city respected us.”

Skylark stared at the blue sky, silently watched the surging sea of ​​clouds, and said softly: "If I remember correctly, that city was hit by a natural disaster later on. Well, it wasn't a natural disaster, but was destroyed by the ancient gods." The breath invaded and became a forbidden area. Our city was enveloped and the Aether Society took over there."


  Gu Jianlin caught the key words.

"Well, I remember that I have a family. I am the eldest daughter in the family. There should be four younger brothers in the family. They are all about my age, but they are all difficult to discipline. The second child is the most withdrawn and does not get close to the family. The only one What I can remember is his back. The third child is very smart and can help me share a lot of things. The fourth child is lazy and indifferent to everything. He is a child who has not grown up. The fifth child has a perverted personality, and no one knows what he is thinking. What."

Skylark was caught in the memory, his eyes were clear and confused: "The five of us are not in good health, weak and sick. Most of the residents have been evacuated, and we have no choice to leave. We have to wait for our parents to come back, and they will come to treat us. Illness. People from the Ether Association once helped us contact our parents, but there was no news."

   "You have also been to Heiyun Walled City, and you should know what will happen in the forbidden area, just like Tokyo last night. The sudden disaster disrupted your peaceful life, and the past is gone forever."

She shook the peach juice in the glass, and said quietly: "Even under the control of the Ether Association, the taboo area is still disorderly. Ascensionists from all over the world will come here to investigate, and battles will break out from time to time. I remember, My room has been smashed and collapsed many times, and people's heads rolled down to my feet like footballs."

  The panicky screams and terrified expressions of those citizens last night seemed to appear before her eyes again.

  At that time, she didn't care, she just thought that those people were a group of ants.

  After recovering part of his memory, he was suddenly able to empathize with them.

  Because she was once such a helpless ant.

  Gu Jianlin frowned instinctively, because he felt that this place was a bit unreasonable.

   If it’s really the style of the Aether Association, you don’t care about your own wishes, and you five brats don’t want to go, then just gag your mouth and stuff it into a sack, and then inject a tranquilizer.

  By the time you wake up, you will already be doing morning exercises in Modu Experimental Primary School.

   "Sounds crazy."

   he commented.

   Skylark's recovered memories may not be all reliable, and it doesn't matter if the details are not right.

"Life during that time was very chaotic, because the outside world's daily necessities would no longer be brought in, and daily needs could only be delivered through special channels. The five of us would often go to the rescue station to grab food and toilet paper. The station manager was a **** who was full of money. , would steal most of the rescue money and give us some leftovers. Sometimes he would scold us and accuse us of stealing things. Occasionally, he would take people around downstairs of my house. Are you trying to sell us? "

   Skylark smiled silently: "How many people like this are there in the Aether Association?"

   "This kind of behavior should not be common in all branches. Taixu will clean them up regularly."

  Gu Jianlin thought for a while: "Probably not more than three months."

   "I can't wait that long, because I've already awakened by then."

Skylark curled his lips: "At that time we couldn't go to school, so we could only hide at home every day in fear. The TV signal could only receive six stations, only boring soap operas and evening news. The Internet was also interrupted, and there were still some games and games in the hard disk. A few animations. The one that stayed with me during that time was "Digimon", have you seen it?"

  Gu Jianlin tried to hum a ditty in Japanese: "After the infinite dream?"

   Now he is sure that this woman has recovered more and more memories.

   is also more human-like.

Skylark also hummed the tune softly, her voice was ethereal and graceful, and she sang a different kind of charm, like an elf in the forest, vivid and yearning, as if opening a forest leaf is a new adventure .

"How many times can one watch an anime over and over again? In the end, we still need to find something to do. At that time, a scholar who came to archeology took good care of us. He was an old man in his nineties, and his lifelong wish was to get a glimpse of the secrets of the ancient gods. Some When he came back from archaeology, he would bring us a lot of snacks and candies. Sitting under the tree downstairs in my house, he told me the history of the ancient gods. At first I thought it was all myths and legends."

Skylark's voice was rare and gentle: "I still remember his smile. It was exposed to the wind and sun all year round, and his face was wrinkled, but he smiled very kindly. It was the old man who gave me the promotion ceremony of the ghost-slaying path, including the Part of the resources needed. He told me that girls should also learn to clench their fists to protect themselves, especially I have four unlucky younger brothers. I am so beautiful, sooner or later bad people will miss me."

  Gu Jianlin looked suspiciously at her beautiful side face, and suddenly said: "I remember Bailong said just now that you became more and more like that Supreme after you arrived at Buzhou Mountain."

   "I used to be good-looking too."

   Skylark said in a cold voice: "And after I was promoted to the second rank, the first thing I did was to kill the webmaster who was pocketing his own money, along with his three **** sons and four lovers."


  Gu Jianlin commented: "How old were you at that time?"

   "Eight years old?"

   Skylark said softly: "Don't you think I'm scary?"

   "It's nothing to be afraid of. I believe that people are inherently evil. When I was young, I was ignorant and of course had a lot of bad thoughts. In that case, it is your survival instinct to do this kind of thing. I would do it too."

   Gu Jianlin said seriously: "As long as you can bear the price, it doesn't matter to you right or wrong."

  Skylark savored this sentence: "It's really good, but I'm not the one who pays for it."

  Gu Jianlin was slightly taken aback.

   "Ethereum Association noticed the death of the station master, and quickly launched an investigation on him, and naturally found out that I was the murderer. The group of people did not hold me accountable for this incident, after all, the station master is indeed a bastard."

   Skylark's voice became indifferent: "The problem is that I did break their rules, so I need to be restrained and disciplined. At the same time, the Ether Association also found out the old man who helped me get promoted."

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a moment: "The style of the Ether Association should not make things difficult for him."

   "Yes, the Ether Association didn't embarrass him, but sent him out of the forbidden area and disqualified him as an officially certified archaeologist. The problem is that the station master has a background."

   There was a strong killing intent in Yunque's eyes: "Later, I found out that the old man died, on the way home, and there were two granddaughters waiting for him to go back."

   Gu Jianlin shook his head, if this story is true, it would be a tragedy under a huge system.

  Ethereum Association is too large and its forces are intricate.

  The ancient sect, the power of the family.

  Under the realm of heaven and man, there will always be darkness.

   "Isn't this unbearable for you?"

  Gu Jianlin also poured himself a glass of beer, tasted it a little, it tasted really weird.

   "Well, I even know who the murderer is, because on the third day after the station master died, his brother came to take over the aid station, and he looked at me like a wolf seeing a lamb."

There was a cold smile on Yunque's lips: "It's a pity they didn't know that I was already a fourth-rank Shura at that time. This kind of promotion speed is a bit slower than yours, but it is unimaginable for them. That day It was a severe cold, and snow was rare in the south, so I broke into his house with a knife and chopped him up."

   "I don't remember the specific process. He seems to be begging for mercy all the time, but I don't seem to have heard of it."

  Her eyes were joyful and cheerful, and she said with a smile, "Blood has stained the snow red."

Gu Jianlin imagined that snowy night, the little girl with twin ponytails was holding a Tang knife that was longer than her, blood spurted from the knife in her hand, and the blood stained in the snow was like a flower in full bloom. plum bossom.

   There is a different kind of beauty.

   "I did this, then there is no way to survive in the forbidden zone."

Skylark rested his chin on his hand, his eyes suspicious: "I didn't think about the consequences before I did this. I do things alone, and I will protect my younger brothers. But what I didn't expect was that my younger brother was waiting at the door." I."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment: "Your brother?"

   "Yes, the most withdrawn dick."

  Skylark nodded: "He said some strange things. He said that we are cursed, and our parents will not come back. He is going to find a new home. He doesn't need my protection, he can grow up by himself."

"I wanted to stop him, but he suddenly disappeared in front of my eyes. I hurried home, but what I saw was the farewell letter left by the third child. The third child has already packed up his things and left. In the letter, he thanked me for so many years He also believes that he is cursed, so he is going to find out."

She was puzzled and said: "I don't understand, they obviously haven't awakened, how did they leave. I took Xiao Si and Xiao Wu out to find them, and it was snowing as big as a feather outside, so we couldn't see anything. We were wrapped in heavy I felt like I would be buried in the wind and snow at any moment. I held their hands tightly and walked in the front.”

   Gu Jianlin felt incredible again, how could there be such a heavy snowfall in the south.

"I held their hands and trudged in the snow. I don't know how far I walked. I walked that road for many years. It was the same road to kindergarten, and that road to primary school. The strange thing is, that day I I have been walking for a long time, but I have not been able to reach the end of that road. And when I turned around, Xiao Si and Xiao Wu were gone."

Skylark's voice was as cold as ice, and said, "It's not that I let them go, but they let me go. I always thought that I was the eldest sister, and I couldn't abandon them. I didn't expect that the person who was abandoned was me. .”

  This story is almost weird everywhere.

  Maybe due to imperfect memory, resulting in lack of logic.

  However, in the extraordinary world, everything that is unreasonable may actually have another reason.

  Gu Jianlin tried to build that city, but because of the emptiness and logical fallacies of the story, he couldn't imagine him in his mind, let alone some details or personality portraits.

   "Later, I also managed to escape from the forbidden area, and never returned to our home."

   Skylark said coldly: "I went to a new city, looking for my parents and my younger brothers at the same time. I pretended to be a primary school student, and kept learning the knowledge of sublimation until..."

   "Until you met the ancestor of the blue dragon."

  Gu Jianlin put his hand on his forehead and pondered for a moment: "Okay, is this all your memory?"

  Skylark was silent for a long time, and hummed slightly.

   "Can you remember your parents?"

   "I don't remember, I have no impression at all."

   "What about your brothers?"

   "I don't remember either."

   "You are not in good health, what disease do you have?"


  It’s a good one to ask three questions.

   "The weirdest thing about this is your younger brothers. It seems that you don't know them at all."

  Gu Jianlin crossed his hands and put it on the bridge of his nose: "What did they do?"

  I thought this question would not be answered.

   Unexpectedly, Skylark looked at the distant sky and blurted out: "Looking for a new home."

  Gu Jianlin was slightly taken aback.

   Skylark murmured softly: "Find and take revenge on those who abandoned them."

  (end of this chapter)

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