The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 371: Negotiations of Order and Darkness

  Chapter 371 Order and Dark Negotiation

  When Gu Jianlin heard the last sentence, he felt a chill for some reason.

  If the story that Skylark told before was just a bit nihilistic and absurd, then it can already be called weird here. Whether it's the mysterious parents or the weird behavior of the younger brothers, it all shows that the family she lives in is by no means a normal family, and there are even big problems in the city where she lives.

   There is no doubt that her memory is fragmented, more like it has been tampered with by something.

  Perhaps even her cognition is distorted.

"you do not believe me?"

   Skylark rested his chin on his hand, staring at him with deep eyes.

   It's like staring at a bad guy.

   "No, I just find it weird that your family members are obviously not normal."

Gu Jianlin shook his head and said: "This matter is very easy to handle. The internal files of the Ether Association record information on various taboo areas in the world, and your city must also be in it, including the family of the webmaster you killed. Recorded. Your family's information will also be registered, as long as you really existed."

   As long as you really existed.

   Skylark fell silent after hearing the last sentence.

   "There are not many taboo areas in China, there are only a few hundred."

   Gu Jianlin said seriously: "It can be found out with the method of elimination."

   Skylark hummed.

   "No matter how you say it, today has a lot to gain."

Gu Jianlin pondered and said: "As long as you can find the city you are in, you will undoubtedly think of more things, including who has tampered with you during the years in Buzhou Mountain. Of course, we must make sufficient preparations. Prepare, the ancient protoss of Buzhou Mountain may be able to guess that you will return to your hometown and set up a net there."

   His eyes were serious, and he asked, "How much combat power do you have now?"

  In his opinion, as long as about 50% can be saved, it is considered good news.

  Yunk's eyes were cold, and he said in a cold voice: "Zero!"

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback.

   "Don't leave any pot unopened, as long as I hear Venerable Zhulong's singing, I will lose control."

With a stern face, Yunque said in a cold voice: "In this case, I have almost no fighting ability. If there is no singing, I am the strongest among the existing ninth ranks in the world. However, because I was Sneak attack, I am seriously injured now, and I will fall into a dormant state from time to time."

  Gu Jianlin fell into silence, thinking that it's no wonder this bad woman hides in his body.

   It seems that she is really insecure.

   "Otherwise what do I want you to do?"

Yunque flicked the black hair that was hanging on her shoulders, raised her bewitching and alluring eyes, and sneered, "In the civilization of the ancient gods, one of the roles of male priests is to protect your mistress, even if it costs you your life. "

   "First of all, I am not a male priest."

Gu Jian said expressionlessly: "Secondly, don't think that I don't know. The main function of male priests is to restore spirituality through intercourse. In the civilization of the ancient gods, excellent male priests are precious strategic resources and need to be recognized. If it is kept properly, it will never be sent to the battlefield. Even if it is dead, it will be squeezed to death."

   There was a strange change in the way Skylark looked at him.

  She suddenly smiled, the corners of her eyes and brows were full of charm and temptation, her voice was moist and hoarse: "It seems that you are expecting me to push you on the bed, and then severely squeeze your spirituality?"

  Her eyes are like looking at a delicious lamb.

   Gu Jianlin seriously corrected: "I'm just refuting your remarks. Don't treat me like a kid who doesn't know anything. I still have a little research on this aspect."

  When he was in the Omega sequence, he studied what female priests and male priests are.

   Have a full understanding of this aspect of knowledge.

  He is a person with a strong thirst for knowledge. Once he knows where there is a gap in knowledge, he will go to make up lessons.

"Is it?"

   Skylark sneered.


  Gu Jianlin shook his head, and said helplessly, "At my level, I'm not qualified even to be your male priest, and I'll probably be swallowed to death by you. Your rank is too high, and I can't afford it."

   It's rare that he was a little angry when he was molested, so his speech was a bit weird.

   "It's okay, sister can wait for you to grow up."

  Skylark's red lips curled up in a playful arc: "Under my training, you can grow very quickly."

  Gu Jianlin is a very pragmatic person, as long as he can become strong as soon as possible, he can endure many things.

   "Your battle last night was wonderful, even I have to admit that you are very strong."

Skylark glanced at him, and said quietly: "And you still have a lot of room for improvement. Your top priority now is to advance to the sixth level as soon as possible. Promote to the end of the super-dimensional level and master the original regression. This is the law of Youying The core of it. Of course, the Law of Candlelight cannot be left behind, your domain has not yet been formed."

   A person who can fuse the two ancient divine languages ​​is of course powerful.

  The talent of this teenager is beyond doubt.

   Compared with talent, what is more amazing is his willpower.

  Being able to forcibly deify the ancients against the backlash of the rules of the real world is something that even she cannot do.

   It's a pity that you are too young, and the time to become a sublimator is too short.

   Even if it backfires, it will be like this in a short time.

  No matter how powerful the ancient divine language is, without spiritual support, it is nothing but the roar of a dragon.

  For a demigod of Skylark's level, it is no different from whining.

"All right."

  For some reason, Gu Jianlin felt like he couldn't finish his summer homework until the last day.

  Recently, more and more things happened, which made him a little out of breath.

   "It shouldn't be too difficult for me to be promoted. Now that I control the Si family, even if I have hard piles of resources, I can pile up a sixth level, and the spiritual medicine is inexhaustible."

  He raised his eyes and asked, "What about the practice of the two supreme laws?"

Skylark stared into his eyes from a close distance, as if he saw the taciturn boy many years ago: "You have your noble sister, what are you afraid of? Don't worry, as long as you are promoted to the sixth level, I will find a way for you. Holy skeleton, let you master the original return. As for your realm of heaven and man, it is nothing more than the shadow of your childhood."

  She showed pity in her eyes, and said softly: "What a poor child, you met an ancient supreme when you were young, and the shadow left by you still lingers even now?"

  Gu Jianlin felt that her expression and tone were fake, a tone of teasing him.

  Just for a moment, he felt as if there was a stream in her eyes, flowing gently.

   This bad woman seems to really feel sorry for him.

  Perhaps it is because the two of them have similar experiences and both had unhappy childhoods.

  Finally, after encountering the ancient gods, life became fragmented.

   "Don't worry, it's just the Suzaku clan."

  Yunzai leaned close to his lips and breathed like blue: "Next time sister will help you out."

  Gu Jianlin obviously felt his face was getting hot, and subconsciously moved away.

  He is not used to such intimate contact with people.

  Although more intimate behaviors have been done, he still instinctively resisted.

   "So, the next plan is to stay in the dark world?"

  Gu Jianlin changed the topic, and this bad woman would only be more serious when she was talking about business.

   At least not to tease him.

"Of course, you have to seize the time to become stronger. There is not much time left. I want to enter the God Market on the second floor of the Qilin Fairy Palace. It is a magical place. There are some things that are useful to me. The dark world It's been a long time since I stared at the second floor, and they didn't try their best on the first floor." Yunque snorted.


  Gu Jianlin who didn't come thought of the upside-down mausoleum he saw in the materials of the Priory last night.

Skylark could see through his thoughts at a glance, nodded and said: "Well, that's what you were thinking about. It's the real mausoleum that Venerable Qilin built for himself, a world that belongs to him alone. That's why I choose you In a sense, it is your lair, and you are the one who has the best chance of clearing the level."

   Gu Jianlin was thoughtful. After the gate of the second floor of the Qilin Immortal Palace was opened, the advance teams from all over the world would first break into the ancient **** realm to explore according to the information compiled by the cheaters, just in case.

  The next step is the familiar land reclamation link.

   Probably similar to the process of the first layer.

   It's just that he still doesn't know what the second floor looks like, except for the huge mausoleum hanging upside down.

   "There is still some time, go out with me."

  Skylark lazily stretched her waist, her silhouette in the afternoon sun was so graceful and coquettish, her embossed figure had a blooming beauty, like a swaying and blooming mandala flower.

  When the wind blows, the orchid musk-like body fragrance also diffuses, floating everywhere like petals.

   "What else to check?"

  Gu Jianlin's heart moved slightly.

   "Don't check anything, I'm in a good mood, find a restaurant to eat, and watch a movie with me."

   Skylark glanced at him: "Why, don't you want to?"

  Gu Jianlin was about to say something when he suddenly saw her bewitching and alluring eyes.

  Her deep beautiful eyes were full of threats.

   Gu Jianlin sighed, for the sake of helping her grow, let her go.

  Besides, he also felt that he needed to relax.

  The roaring sound of the ancient bell resounded in the city.

  Skylark turned around as if feeling something, his eyes were indifferent: "That old ghost Jiang Chunyang finally made a move."

  Gu Jianlin frowned and asked, "What?"

   "Is this the wake-up clock?"

Skylark said lightly: "If I'm not wrong, after what happened last night, Jiang Chunyang will do whatever it takes to investigate the ghosts in the dark world, and find a way to find out the shadows of the Priory. For a dying miser like Jiang Chunyang , the most unbearable thing is betrayal, which will make him very insecure."

  Gu Jianlin had a bad feeling: "What will he do?"

   It should be a very difficult thing in his cognition to find out the shadow of the Priory.

  He has been tortured only through the Requiem Bell.

   This is the way the teacher came up with for him.

   "The awakening bell is a mythical weapon inherited from Buddhism. It was originally used to make sinners repent. People who are baptized by the bell will become distracted and will involuntarily repent of their crimes."

Skylark snorted softly: "Jiang Chunyang probably wants to use this method to screen out the shadows of the hermitage. His rank is the highest in Yingzhou. If he rings the awakening bell himself, no one in the entire dark world will be able to." Resisting his will. Of course, it is invalid for you and me, after all, it still belongs to the category of the spiritual realm."

   Gu Jianlin frowned and asked, "Can it succeed?"

"have no idea."

   Skylark shook his head.

  Gu Jianlin suddenly thought of something, and his eyes changed slightly: "Wait a minute, Mrs. Si and the others are my secret sons. When they face the bell, won't they reveal their identity as **** servants?"

   Skylark glanced at him with a charming smile.

   "It seems that you don't know anything about the relationship between the master and the servant."



  The headquarters building of Youying Group stands on the streets of Shinjuku District, looking like a towering giant overlooking this bustling city, across the street is the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, which is a political building, and you can see Tokyo Bay and Mount Fuji in the distance.

  The ancient bells echoed in the city, but this building isolated the bells.

  Because there was a low and weird echo in the meeting room, as if it came from the depths of the universe, so empty.

  Boom boom, boom boom.

  It seemed like thunder, or like a sword colliding, or a strange sound trembling in the void.

   "How many years has it been since the world of order and the world of darkness sat together to negotiate?"

  The military division said with a smile: "Welcome to the dark world."

  Around a long black table, representatives of the Aether Association and Youying Group sat on both sides.

   Sandalwood was burning on the long black table, and the curling smoke filled the air.

  No one spoke, because they were all quietly listening to the weird sound with solemn expressions.

  Because this mysterious strange sound represents the history of two hundred years ago.

   It is also the most glorious period of history when the human world has not been divided.

Two hundred years ago, the pair of brothers named Qing and Chi were undoubtedly the first human beings to enter space in history. When they returned from the deep space of the universe, they also brought back countless unsolved mysteries to the human world. , one of which is the mysterious strange sound that is now echoing in the conference room.

   It is said that this is the strange sound they heard after breaking through the atmosphere. It stands to reason that sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum environment, but it just reverberates in space so strangely.

  It is so silent and low, as if running through the long river of distant history.

  From the beginning of the universe, reverberating to the present.

  In the 1960s, some humans also went into space, but they didn’t hear this weird sound.

   This is because the world perceived by humans and sublimated people is different.

  Analysis by alchemists, if you enter the universe, the rules of the world will change.

   People without spirituality will enter the watch universe.

  The truly spiritual sublimated person will enter the inner universe.

  The universe inside and outside is the same space, but the scenes seen by the two are completely different.

   So far no one has been able to deduce the source of this eerie sound.

   It is impossible to even trace how many years this eerie sound echoed.

   Therefore, it has become an unsolved mystery and a symbol of blue and red.

   No one knows the purpose of the military division playing this recording.

   Maybe it was just a whim.

  Maybe it was a demonstration, and it wanted to let the people of the Ether Association know that they were also the pillars of the human world back then, holding the oldest secrets in their hands, and they are not soft persimmons that can be kneaded by others.

  In fact, the military division played this recording for no other reason.

   Just to play the emotional card.

  Look, we were all one family two hundred years ago, so why not sit down and talk about it.

   Have a meal and chat together, we are all good friends.

   There is no need to be so tense, right?

  The military division forced a smile on his face, but through the floor-to-ceiling windows, his gaze was fixed on the colorful Long Street.

  Accompanied by the falling cherry blossoms, the majestic and dignified woman held a parasol and walked silently on the petal-covered path, as if missing the familiar street scene and the past time.

  The polished windows reflected the military division's smile, which was uglier than crying.

   "The dark world has done things that shouldn't be done, and moved people who shouldn't be moved."

Lin Dong crossed his hands and said indifferently: "I don't want to ask the reason, and I don't want to know any cause and effect. Within 24 hours, I want to see the person I want to see in front of me intact. Otherwise, The realm of heaven and man will directly descend to Tokyo, and all the peace agreements signed in the past two hundred years will become waste paper."

   "At that time, there will be no peace, only war."

  He paused: "This is not what I mean, but what that person meant."

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

  (end of this chapter)

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