Jiang Mingyan was taken aback, but when she raised her head again, she felt a wave of spiritual thoughts coming. Fortunately, she always kept the domain in front of her, and the closer she was to her substance, the slower the speed would be.

  In the burning corridor, Gu Qingcheng roared to the sky.

  He was burned into a terrifying skull, with scarlet flames all over his body.

   Nebula and Ghost Eye were blasted out by him.

   This strange thing is an ancient god, and I don't know what it is yet!


  Jiang Mingyan held his daughter in his arms with one hand, and with the other hand, he pulled out his revolver and fired like lightning. The bullets with the arrow of destruction streaked across the darkness, shattering the incoming spirit.

  The overlord path is known as the most destructive profession, especially the eighth-level general has the ability to overlord the body, strengthen all-round physical functions, and be able to resist damage from the outside world, and the power of domineering has increased tenfold!

  The revolver roared like a monster, unable to withstand the violent domineering, it almost collapsed!

  The last bullet, the red-hot light flashed violently, and the virtual dog blasted out!


  The red-hot flashes flooded the long and narrow hallway, all she wanted was to use firepower to counter the boom!

  The butcher and the bookman looked at each other, turned around without hesitation, picked up the two children, and ran away.

   After all, they are the boss's juniors, and they will not be able to explain if they die here.

  Because after a virtual dog cannon was eliminated, the demon in the flame was almost unscathed.

   Not only that, but also those horrible ghosts coming out of the fire.

  Okochi set up an anti-material sniper rifle, and sniped the monsters crawling out of the flames in the scope. It was clearly a bolt sniper, but it fired bursts, because the firearm had exceeded its limit under the erosion of domineering, but even so, he still had to fight while retreating, unable to deal with such a large number of enemies at once.


  The eclosion ability of the Celestial Master Path, so that monsters are not afraid of his bullets.

  Currently, Nebula and Ghost Eye have been severely damaged, and their chest has been burned into a horrible pothole.

  Yuki Hina tried her best to use holy light to heal her, but it took a while.

  At this very moment, Gu Qingcheng raised his bone-like right hand, and crushed a golden pill in his palm. The splintered stars poured out from between his fingers, like a supernova erupting!

  Ghost place!

  Seeing this, Jiang Ze stepped forward, and also crushed the golden core in his palm, shining brilliantly in his fingers!

   With a loud bang, the ghosts clashed, and the terrifying energy was suddenly annihilated!

  Jiang Ze spat out a mouthful of blood, flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and smashed hard against the wall.

   This is the power of the ancient gods, Gu Qingcheng laughed hoarsely, with mockery and disdain in his laughter.

  The collapsed corridor was once again filled with majestic spiritual thoughts. This time, Jiang Mingyan's momentary domain was forcibly smashed. Fortunately, she has a strong body to protect her from being affected, but the girl in her arms does not!

  Su Youzhu snorted in pain, his throat seemed to be strangled, and he couldn't breathe.

  The delicate face that lost blood also became flushed due to congestion.


  Gu Qingcheng twisted his right hand and clenched his fist.

   Both Nebula and Ghost Eye's necks were broken forcibly. Both of them have powerful self-healing abilities. This kind of injury will not kill them suddenly, but it is enough to make them lose their combat effectiveness.

   Bang, Jiang Ze's head exploded like a watermelon.

  If he didn't have the ability to emerge, he would undoubtedly die completely.

   Fortunately, Butcher and Shuweng had taken their two children out of the reach of their minds, and fled to the dilapidated yard under the cover of sniper rifle shooting, out of breath from exhaustion.

  Da Hewang held his breath, locked the enemy back and forth in the scope, but did not dare to pull the trigger.

  Because the situation took a turn for the worse, he probably only had one chance.

  He dared not even pull the trigger.

   At the critical moment, Yuki Haruna recited the ancient testimonies, and the holy light fell like a waterfall!

  Su Youzhu was bathed in the divine light, but her throat that should have been crushed was healed at an incredible speed. The vermilion flames pervading her snow-white skin no longer spread, and majestic vitality continued to emerge.

  Even if this is a doppelgänger, they still have to die.

  Because the jade pendant with twin yin and yang is by no means incomprehensible, the Suzaku clan has the means to circumvent it.

  It's a pity that this method of forcibly infusing life is destined to not last long. Yuki Yangna herself was also imprisoned by her spiritual thoughts, her fragile body was crushed inch by inch, and she almost fainted from the pain.

   "No, Youying's law can't be used, and the breath of the ancient **** will be forcibly plundered. I don't know if the guy opposite is the ancient ancestor or the first ancestor. He is so strong. If this continues, when the priest can no longer hold on, the child Youzhu will definitely die. Then I can only bet my life..." Jiang Mingyan calmed down and thought out a countermeasure.

  She can only gamble, and currently only she can move freely.

  Using the lethality of the Overlord Path, try to hit that monster hard with one blow.

  But it needs the cooperation of Dahewang.

   "Scholar, take the children!"

  The butcher roared, threw the little princess out of his arms with his backhand, turned around and went into the nursing home.

   Shuweng hugged the two children, his eyes widened: "Are you crazy?"

  It's a pity that the big man as strong as a cow didn't hear it at all, so he just burrowed inside.

  In the eyes of the butcher, as long as the boss can survive for a second, even if it takes his own life, it is worth it.

   "Co-author, you are a hero, and I am a bear, right?"

  Shu Weng was about to throw the two children aside when he suddenly froze.

  Just now he was still looking like a defeated dog, but now he pinches his waist and laughs, his villain's face is full of doubts: "Hahaha, you bastards, my big daddy is here!"

   No wonder the butcher dared to rush in resolutely, because his induction is faster!

  Jiang Mingyan heard footsteps from behind, like the trampling of bison.

   She froze.

  The current servants of the gods are so loyal, this kind of situation rushes back to die.

   No, not right.

  Because the butcher didn't come to die, because he was laughing, laughing like crazy.

  At this moment, the butcher pointed to the sky with one hand, and roared angrily, "Come on daddy!"

  A pitch-black hole suddenly appeared in the void, and the sound of a dragon-like sword resounded through the silence!

  Jiang Mingyan had never felt such a sharp blade light before. Before the blade approached, he could see the extremely bright blade light. The burning sea of ​​fire was divided into two, and the flames were flying and swaying, falling like rain.

  Even if her legendary elder brother is close to her, it may be nothing more than that.

  Time and space fell into a quagmire of silence, only she in the domineering state was not affected in any way, she clearly saw the boy attacking from the black hole, and the peerless sharp knife, tearing the void with ease.

  The tiles in the corridor flew and shattered, and the knife aura left a bloodstain on her fair face.

  The blood beads swayed, reflecting the pair of pupils with magical mandala flowing.

  Gu Jianlin finally arrived.

   Seventh step, hold the candle!

   So far, Jiang Mingyan has been opposed to his daughter's marriage, because no parent in the world wants their children to take risks, let alone experience life and death.

  No one can deny the excellence of Gu Jianlin, but the problem is that the price of loving him is too high, too heavy.

  So heavy that you might pay with your life.

   Before even writing the horoscope, Su Youzhu has already been cursed by an unknown force, and is still being chased and killed by this group of monsters. That is from the Suzaku clan, one of the six ancient **** clans.

  That is not something mortals can fight against.

   If possible, Jiang Mingyan even wanted to go back to the past and strangle that boy to death. She doesn't mind bearing the guilt and guilt alone, as long as her daughter can live a safe and happy life.

   Now she understands.

  Because the one her daughter fell in love with was not a mortal.

   But a Supreme.

  Gu Jianlin came tearing apart the void, and the world was silent because of his arrival. The blood-red ghost knife drew a sharp arc along the collapsed corridor, and the vermilion flames that spread in all directions were split into two. In the flames, the ghosts were separated from their heads amidst the sound of tearing flesh and blood. Blood splashed out and evaporated into mist.

   No matter how strong his mental thoughts were, he smashed them to pieces, and the trembling sound of the blade was like thunder.

  Jiang Mingyan has never seen such a simple and sharp sword technique in half his life fighting in the dark world.

   There is no way, but it makes you feel unavoidable.

  Just glanced at it, and the cold sweat was already seeping from her back.

  Gu Jianlin walked forward like a ghost in the sea of ​​flames, shuttled between the monsters in the flames like lightning, and the blood-red ghost knife flashed criss-crossing arcs, harvesting their lives like a bamboo.

  The realm of heaven and man spread suddenly, and the golden rainstorm fell from the sky, annihilating the boiling breath of the ancient gods.

  The scarlet flame was also quenched.

  He is like a blood-red lightning, unstoppable!


  Unparalleled coercion!

   That is the coercion that only the ancient supreme can bring.

   In front of the gods, you can only bow down!

  At this moment, even Gu Qingcheng, a monster from the Suzaku clan, felt fear. For a while, he couldn't even tell who the **** in front of him was. He looked like a black emperor and a **** tyrant.

   All He can do is roar and spit out syllables from the ancient times!

  Ancient divine language!

  Even the ancient gods of the Suzaku clan felt the severe pain caused by the overload of the soul. The majestic power was drained all at once, and the dryness and weakness permeated like a tide. Facing the supreme god, he had to bet everything on himself, otherwise he would not have any chance and would be beheaded on the spot!

  The skull shattered, and hot flames spewed out from his mouth, like a volcano erupting.

  In ancient times, His flame had a name that resounded throughout the ages.

   Samadhi is really hot!

  The reason why the ancient divine language was released was just to delay a little time.

  He wanted to liberate his ultimate form and blew himself up on the spot.

   Unfortunately, He will not have the chance.

  Gu Jianlin shattered the void with a knife, and the gushing true fire of Samadhi was swallowed by the collapsed time and space. The sound of the blade trembling seemed to come from the depths of hell, like the howling of hundreds of millions of souls!

  Gu Qingcheng's gathered spirituality suddenly collapsed, and the horrific skeleton-like posture was forcibly removed. With the flash of scorching flames, he unexpectedly regained his old appearance in the human state.

  Gu Jianlin saw that face clearly.

   I have seen the face countless times in the ancestral hall.

  The face I saw in the old photos sorted out in Lao Gu's belongings.

  Of course, it is also the face that appeared in the tombstone of Funing Garden, Taipei Road, Fengcheng.

   His grandpa.

  Gu Qingcheng.


  Gu Qingcheng raised his head to the sky and screamed in pain, his heart was pierced by a knife.

  Gu Jianlin was in a daze for a moment, and then mercilessly pierced his chest. When he saw a monster pretending to be his own father in Heiyun City, he was beaten violently, let alone a mere fake grandfather.

  He let go of the handle of the knife, and pressed the old man's head with both hands.

  The strange black mantra spread like flames, and his pupils were filled with the mist of nothingness.


  The soul in Gu Qingcheng screamed crazily, the complex and mysterious life structure collapsed suddenly, the evolution that had already achieved the third method was reversed, and the spiritual genes deep in the soul collapsed and broke!

  Gu Jianlin stared at the old man coldly, and forcibly destroyed his evolution.

   This is undoubtedly the ancient **** sent by the Suzaku clan.

  An ancient ancestor.

  The ancient ancestor who is about to evolve into the ancient ancestor.

  For a great life like him with a supreme personality, it is not worth mentioning.

   But the question is, why did the ancient gods of the Suzaku clan use his grandfather's face.

  Of course, he had no chance to torture him.

  Because as long as Gu Jianlin holds back a little bit, this monster will explode on the spot.

  For the safety of Youzhu, please die.


  The old man's head was broken off on the spot, and his body suddenly turned into crystal clear jade, and he fell to the ground.

   The battle is over.

  From beginning to end, it only took thirteen seconds.

  Gu Jianlin felt the lock from afar, and turned to look out of the courtyard.

  Okochi raised his hands in fright, indicating that he was a friendly army.

  Yueki Yangna was silent for a moment, glanced at the fallen ancient corpse, stood up with force, and let out a foul breath: "It's over, let me take a look at Miss Youzhu first, and leave the others alone."

  Gu Jianlin remembered who these two were. They once fought side by side in Penglai Xiandao.

  All Twilight members.

   Nebula and Ghost Eye were also lying on the ground, their broken necks slowly healing.

  Jiang Ze's blown head also recovered like a retrospective.

  Gu Jianlin turned around and looked coldly at the glamorous woman half kneeling in front of him.

  Jiang Mingyan hugged his daughter and looked at him, feeling a little uncertain.

  The cold look in her eyes gave her an inexplicable sense of tension.

  I always feel that this big boy will chop off her head at any time and kill his mother-in-law.

   In this way, no one can object to their marriage.

  Jiang Mingyan couldn't help feeling that his daughter was really capable.

  Who is not good for you.

   Don't forget Venerable Qilin.

   It just happened to make you catch up successfully.

  The problem is, you can't say that your boyfriend is Venerable Qilin earlier.

  Silence is spreading, and so is the cold killing intent.

  Unexpectedly, Gu Jianlin just nodded slightly and said politely, "Hello, Auntie."

  The killing intent was all restrained, the mandala flowers flowing in the pupils of the eyes were also extinguished, and the Jiuyin no longer trembled.

  Damn tone.

  It seems to be visiting relatives during the holidays.

  Jiang Mingyan was silent for a second, but finally got up and handed out the daughter in his arms.

   "Your own girlfriend, take it yourself."

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