The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 528: Stripping

  There was a white light on the operating table in the hospital. Yuki Hina took off her mask, wiped off the fine sweat on her cheeks, and breathed a sigh of relief: "Miss Yue Ji is out of danger now, at least this clone should be kept. I used the holy light technique to stabilize her spirit and soul, and it can be applied to the main body even if it is separated by hundreds of kilometers."

   On the hospital bed, Su Youzhu was unconscious, talking unconsciously in her sleep like having a high fever.

  After an hour of treatment, the vermilion lines on her chest finally stopped spreading, and the curse was temporarily suppressed.

  Jiang Mingyan nodded slightly. Of course, she trusted the priest very much, after all, she was a comrade in arms who had known each other for many years.

   But some people think otherwise.

   "I always feel that this scene seems familiar."

  Da Hewang complained at the door holding a sniper rifle.

  Jiang Ze looked weird, but he couldn't say anything.

  Because during the operation, there was a knife clamped around Yuki Hina's neck from beginning to end.

  Gu Jianlin finally sheathed the knife, apologetic: "Sorry, Miss Yuki, I didn't target you."

   Mainly after the battle of Shenxu, he was very wary of the dark world.

  No, it might be better to say that he was on guard against the Red King.

  Ghost knows what that guy will do suddenly, so he has to be on guard no matter what.

  The almost suffocating atmosphere was finally broken, and the Twilight members secretly heaved a sigh of relief. They were all lawless lunatics in the extraordinary world, but this time they were facing a genuine Ancient Supreme, even though the Venerable only looked like a seventeen-year-old boy.

  Especially this Supreme, not long ago, he tore an ancient ancestor in the sky above the Central Spiritual Pivot.

   "It's okay, I've already made mental preparations in advance."

  Hina Yuki showed an awkward yet polite smile: "When I was studying art with a teacher in Northern Europe, the teacher told me that this kind of thing might happen, especially people of your line."

  Holding a knife holder on the doctor's neck to make people perform surgery, this is the traditional art of order and righteousness.

   Probably similar to wheelchair fishing.

  After Gu Jianlin was promoted to the Sanctuary, this instinct was naturally awakened as if hidden in his blood.

  The most important thing is that he didn't feel embarrassed at all. It seems that his thick skin has also awakened, and he changed the subject quite skillfully: "The Scarlet King has long expected this kind of thing to happen?"

  He looked at the **** the hospital bed, thinking that it was a good thing he came in time.

   "Jiang Yanli said that if you want to defeat the Suzaku clan, having beads is the key."

  Jiang Mingyan glanced at him: "Your mother is also the key."

  Gu Jianlin turned around and looked out the window. The distant night sky looked deep and silent, but in the dark world, he seemed to be able to feel the violent turbulence of the dimension, as if he could see the gods and demons fighting for life and death, the scalding blood splashed into the sky, the roars and roars faintly echoing in his ears, and the fleeting smell of blood like hallucinations.

  He could even see the cracked sky, and the golden tree that fell from the sky.

   He was so blazing that he almost set the world on fire.

   That is the Candle Illumination Tree that Venerable Suzaku usurped from the depths of the Qilin Asgard.

  The teacher borrowed the Qilin wedge just to stop him.

   "Obviously, Youzhu forgot something."

  Jiang Mingyan said expressionlessly: "Her memory has been affected, by Qiongqi."

  Hina Yuki frowned and said: "Indeed, Miss Yue Ji's brain has no traces of trauma, so there is no possibility of amnesia. The reason why she doesn't remember that event is because a powerful force erased that reality. That is to say, she is not forgetting, but the event itself does not exist."

  If you want to conceal the truth, the best way is to make the witness amnesia.

  In the world of the ancient gods, the most brilliant method is to make that thing non-existent.

   "Just, why Qiongqi's authority?"

  Da Hewang was full of curiosity: "Could it be that the Qiongqi clan and the Suzaku clan joined forces?"

  Jiang Ze shook his head: "The Qiongqi clan hasn't appeared for so many years, I think something happened."

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a moment, and hummed: "To complete the Zhuzhao Divine Tree, a supreme being with the third power is needed as a sacrifice, and Venerable Qiongqi unfortunately became that sacrifice. To put it more vividly, it is like that the Zhuzhao Divine Tree took root and grew on Qiongqi's corpse, constantly eating away at his power."

   "Now that Venerable Suzaku is eating away at the original, it is not surprising that he can use this power."

  He said softly: "The question is what Youzhu saw at that time."

   Including his mother.

  If it is said that Su Youzhu was going to be silenced because he saw it on the viaduct at that time, then why did his mother have to die? There are too many mysteries in the Suzaku clan.

  Of course, if it weren't for Taihua and Qingchi's protection, they might have died long ago.

   "If this mystery can be solved, the truth of the so-called curse will also be solved."

  Jiang Mingyan crossed his arms and said solemnly: "This not only determines the life and death of the individual, but also the direction of this war. Even the King of Green can't defeat a real ancient supreme."

   Indeed, it is impossible for humans to defeat gods unless they have an overwhelming advantage.

   After all, the ancient gods live forever, so consumption can kill you.

   Time is running out.

  Gu Jianlin looked down at the old diary, shaking his head frequently.

  The things that Lao Gu experienced during his lifetime were so weird that even he himself felt that something was wrong with his spirit. After all, it is impossible for a dead person to be resurrected. He could see the members of the Gu clan appearing beside him.

  But other people can't see it.

   This is the most desperate.

   "Old Gu's experience may seem strange, but it is not inexplicable. The reason why others cannot see the members of the Gu family is because they have been erased by Qiongqi's power and cannot be observed through normal means."

  Gu Jianlin closed the diary, closed his eyes and thought for a moment: "As for how the members of the Gu clan came back from the dead, I guess there is a possibility. We don't know what the Suzaku clan's curse is, but it must have something to do with the Gu clan. The ancient gods would not curse a family just to vent their anger. The Gu family is the one they chose... If I guess correctly, the Gu clan's curse is to complete the third method."

   "You mean, the dead members of the Gu clan are sacrifices?"

  Jiang Mingyan looked at him in surprise, this statement is indeed quite logical.

  She also had to admire the thoughtfulness of this future son-in-law.

  In such a short period of time, the essence can be seen through the phenomenon.

   "Before, I always thought that the Suzaku mark that appeared on my mother was due to a curse."

  Gu Jianlin took a deep breath: "Now it seems that we have taken it for granted, because Zhu Mingming is not yet forty years old, why is he cursed? Now that the third method of the Suzaku clan has been completed, they have nothing to do with this experiment. Therefore, the Suzaku mark on them is likely to be different from the Gu family's curse."

  He rubbed the center of his brows, and said in a low voice: "As for why even adopted children can't be avoided if they are not members of the Gu family, I still need to think about it carefully. We are almost close to the truth. It would be great if Youzhu could recall that incident. As for my mother... I will take time to go back and see her."

  Now his ghost-slaying path has been promoted to the seventh-level candle holder, and he has the ability to travel through time and space.

  As long as you leave the coordinates, you can travel freely to and from all over the world without being interfered by the dimension.

"It can only be this way."

  Jiang Mingyan leaned against the wall, turned his head and asked, "Can that corpse be autopsied?"

  Hina Yuki hummed: "Yes, but it will take time."

  Gu Qingcheng's body has been recovered by them, and a comprehensive autopsy is needed next.

  As long as the secret of this corpse can be found out, the truth about the curse of the Suzaku clan can probably be found.

  Why does an ancient **** race have to use human appearance.

  Gu Jianlin vaguely felt that this might have something to do with the genetic code of the ancient gods.

   Venerable Qilin gave him a genetic code of the ancient gods, which contains the mystery of the origin of life.

  Theoretically, it is necessary to build a huge alchemy matrix on the ancient altar, to reproduce his spiritual genetic structure with the ancient ancestor or the marrow of the ancient ancestor, and finally let the sacrifice devour the supreme blood to create new life.

   It is still a **** living sacrifice, which required a large number of believers to be buried in ancient times.

  Death is exchanged for new life.

   "Need to be quick, we don't have much time."

  Jiang Ze rubbed his chin. He was one of the few team brains in the Twilight Organization, with top-notch decision-making and leadership skills. He immediately said: "The Suzaku clan came to the door for this diary before, but the problem is that the seal of Qiongqi power has not been loosened at that time. The secret operations of the night watchmen should not be discovered."

  He raised his eyes and paused every word: "What happened to Han Jing and Fu Qingxuan?"

  Gu Jianlin frowned slightly.

  Yeah, the Suzaku clan was able to airborne because Tsukihime gradually recalled what happened on the viaduct.

   Until then, the actions of the Night's Watch should not have been discovered.

  The reason why they were hunted down was because of that diary.


  Gu Jianlin suddenly said: "There are still these moths in the world of order, and they got the information."

  He got up abruptly, pushed the door open and walked into the corridor.

  Shuweng and the butcher just brought KFC for supper, and they are coaxing the children.

  Fu Chaoyang ate so much that his mouth was full of oil. When he saw someone coming out, he hurriedly wiped his mouth and poked his companion.

  Ji Xiaoyu raised her head, with a chicken wing still gnawing at the corner of her mouth.

   "Where did Aunt Han and Uncle Fu go?"

  Gu Jianlin would not be as gentle as his own priestess, and his tone was as blunt as ever.

"have no idea."

  Fu Chaoyang's mood became depressed when he thought of this: "They drove away in order to lure the enemy away. I don't know where they will flee. I remember their last operation was to sneak into the old house of Ji's family and steal this diary. Aunt Han said that she kept the diary, but since the president was attacked in the Sea of ​​Eternal Life, she took it away and hid it well."

  Hearing this sentence, Ji Xiaoyu was also stunned for a moment, touched the oil on his lips, nodded vigorously and said: "I remember this incident, I was there at the time, or I saw my grandmother hide the diary in the ancestral hall of Ji's family. If I hadn't secretly reported it, Aunt Han would not have been able to find it anyway."

  As soon as her grandmother was mentioned, the little bear's expression couldn't hide his disappointment.

  Losing a close relative, Ji’s family is dead and rebellious, and the child has gone through the process from heaven to hell.

   She suffered too.

  Gu Jianlin raised his hand and touched her head, trying to soften his tone: "Then do you remember what the president said when he hid the diary? Or, what expression did you have?"

  Ji Xiaoyu recalled seriously and shook her head: "I didn't say anything, I just remembered that she sighed."

  Fu Chaoyang retorted: "Did you remember wrongly? The president will also sigh?"

  The two brats stared wide-eyed.

  Gu Jianlin thought about it, and probably understood.

   "The president hid that diary to protect Aunt Han."

  He said calmly: "If Auntie Han hid that diary, something might happen. Of course it's more than that, the president may also have other concerns. As for why she let you see it, she did it on purpose."

  Fu Chaoyang was quite clever, and said in surprise, "Xiao Yu, you are the clue!"

  Ji Xiaoyu was taken aback.

   "Yes, Xiao Yu is the granddaughter of the president, and she is also the clue left by her."

  Gu Jianlin smiled silently: "Did Aunt Han say where she plans to go next?"

  Ji Xiaoyu scratched her head: "I seem to have the impression that they want to rescue Vice President Lin Dong."

  Fu Chaoyang quickly replied: "I have overheard their conversation. The reason why Vice President Lin Dong chose to imprison himself was not only because he didn't want to split the world of order, but more importantly, he wanted to find... the wedge of heaven and man!"

   Gu Jianlin thought to himself that it was so.

  The Wedge of Heaven and Man!

   This is the key to this war.

  Whoever gets the Wedge of Heaven and Man is the orthodoxy of the world of order!

"I see."

  He ordered: "Scholar Butcher, protect these two children, I will go out for a while."

   After speaking, he pulled out Jiuyin, ready to travel through time and space.

   Just at this moment, a blunt and indifferent voice came from behind.

   "Are you going to go alone?"

  Jiang Mingyan stood at the door of the ward, his sharp eyes seemed to be able to pierce his back.

   "You don't need me to send someone to follow you?"

  Gu Jianlin paused slightly, shook his head and said, "No, thank you."

  Jiang Mingyan felt the confidence in his words, was silent for a second and asked, "How strong are you now?"

   Gu Jianlin rarely thought about this issue seriously.

   "Except for the ancient supreme, no one below the eighth level will be my opponent, no matter whether it is a **** or a human being."

  He said firmly: "The ninth-level sublimator can't do anything to me now."

  This also means that only the ninth-rank ancient gods who have mastered the third method can pose a threat to him.

  As for the human level, even the level of Rhine and Lin Dong can't help him!

   "What if you also advance to the ninth level?"

  Jiang Mingyan finally felt a touch of curiosity.

  Gu Jianlin said without any hesitation, "Then of course I am the strongest."

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