The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 529: The ultimate solution to the world of innocence

  Chapter 529 Final Solution: The Unreal World

  Gu Jianlin stepped into the black hole of nothingness and disappeared like a reflection in water.

  Jiang Mingyan was silent for a long time, there was no shock or joy in her eyes, but a kind of unresolved sadness. Finally, she lit a cigarette for herself, and lightly exhaled a puff of smoke ring.

   "The strongest."

  Jiang Ze leaned on the door frame, folded his hands on his chest and smiled wryly, "I'm really confident."

  If someone else said such a thing, they would probably feel that young people don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and speak wild words.

  Gu Jianlin is different, not to mention the supreme personality he possesses, or the achievements in the practice of the third law, his personality alone is not the type of aggressiveness. Some of his words and deeds seem to be arrogant and even have the effect of ridicule, but in fact they are just more honest.

   There is a saying that sincerity is the ultimate skill.

   "Are you still going to compete with him?"

  Jiang Mingyan glanced at him, and said lightly: "It's a bit difficult."

  Jiang Ze shook his head and laughed at himself: "Oh, I gave up a long time ago, who would compete with this monster. But you, such a great **** at the Jiang family stall, don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse. Now that Youzhu has such a close relationship with him, there is actually no turning back. The stronger he becomes, the higher the probability that your daughter will survive."

  Jiang Mingyan hummed irresolutely, then sighed: "I hope so."

  Jiang Ze raised his eyebrows and said, "Seeing your expression, I'm even more worried."

  Jiang Mingyan was expressionless, and said indifferently: "I'm just worried about whether he can hold on."

  Jiang Ze was taken aback for a moment: "You're actually worried about him? You're clearly a persona for an evil mother-in-law."

  Jiang Mingyan snorted coldly: "People's hearts are made of flesh, who can be truly emotionless? That kid didn't do anything wrong. It would be fine if he was a genuine ancient god, but he just has the kind of power he inherited. I always feel that this matter is not that simple. What he will face in the future...may be cruel."

  Jiang Ze didn't speak, and he also agreed with this.

  What was the president hiding before his death? He clearly knew that the person who attacked her was Venerable Suzaku, but why did he hide it from the whole world? He even deliberately hid some clues to prevent others from discovering the secret.

  What did the Green King guess, that he deliberately stayed on Mount Kailash to start a war with the Suzaku Clan.

  Why did the Red King guess that something would happen to his niece, so he sent them to the rescue in advance.

  Thus now, why do they still say nothing.

   Thinking carefully is extremely frightening.

   "Big sister head!"

  Xingyun and Guiyan came up from downstairs, each holding a KFC family bucket in their arms, and asked carelessly: "Where are we going next, shall we continue to guard your daughter here?"

  Jiang Ze stroked his chin, pondered: "Follow Wang's instructions..."

  Jiang Mingyan said coldly: "No, let's go to the Central Lingshu Institute."

  The lights in the ward had been extinguished. Yuki Hina picked up the unconscious girl by the waist, and countless strands of holy light wrapped around her slender body, temporarily stabilizing her injury with a superb technique.

  Okochi has rearranged the weapon box and is ready to go.

   "Go to the Central Lingshu Institute?"

   Shuweng and the butcher were confused, including the two children, their eyes widened.

  Twilight members headed by Jiang Mingyan glanced at them.

   "Go to war."



  As the black hole swirled like a vortex, Gu Jianlin returned to the abandoned sanatorium again.

  At that time, Youzhu's situation was not optimistic. He could only put down the matter at hand, forcibly opened the space-time tunnel, and was teleported to the nearest hospital. Only now did he have time to turn back.

  The space-time shuttle of the seventh-order holding candle can probably travel through a range of 100 kilometers at will.

   Beyond a hundred kilometers, it is necessary to leave space-time coordinates to realize free travel.

   This was obviously the stronghold of the night watchmen, but due to unknown reasons, their whereabouts were exposed, so that they were hunted down by the unified will or candle believers, resulting in heavy casualties.

  The scorched black corpses seemed to be telling how tragic the battle was.

   If you have time, call someone to bury them.

  There was a trace of sadness in Gu Jianlin's eyes.

  He walked through the collapsed corridor, touched the dusty wall with his right hand, and felt the criss-crossing knife marks.

  The shattered glass windows brought a cold wind, the door at the end of the corridor creaked in the wind, the nails of the doorknob still had the fibrous tissue of clothes, and there were burnt footprints on the marble floor tiles.

   After a year, he finally understood the essence of the so-called profiling.

  That's not a profile.

  It is the ability to see through fate, to have insight into the past and the future.

  His brain boiled, and fragmented clues floated in his mind, trying to reconstruct the battle that took place in the nursing home. The roar of swords and guns, as well as the roar of fighting seemed to ring in his ears.

  The sound of hurried footsteps echoed in the corridor, and the iron back door was slammed open.

   It seems that I can still hear Aunt Han's calling.

  He walked along the sound and saw the unmelted frost and snow in the corner.

  There is a parking lot in the backyard, and there are four clear ruts on the concrete floor, which have not been washed away by the rain.

  Gu Jianlin seemed to be able to see a Mercedes-Benz galloping away in the night. Under the dark tree stood a strange, hunched shadow, staring at the direction they were leaving like a devouring ghost, with cold eyes.

   Well, he smelled that.

   What remains in the air, candles illuminate the smell of the law.

   Sure enough, the first people who found here were Candlelight believers.

  It is very likely that Mr. Solomon discovered the clues of the night watchmen, so he sent people here to hunt them down, which means that the group of people in the nursing home is clean, and no one is polluted.

   So how are they exposed?

  If you can figure this out, Solomon's identity will probably be revealed soon.

   "If there is nothing wrong, Han Jing and Fu Qingxuan should go to find Lin Dong. Now in the world of order, they have no other reinforcements, only Lin Dong can save them." Gu Jianlin had a strong intuition that the two senior night watchmen should still be alive, but if they don't arrive soon, something may happen.

   Time is running out, he has to be fast, it's a matter of life and death.

   "The battle of the Central Spiritual Pivot Institute can be handed over to the main body."

   Gu Jianlin said softly: "It's best to settle the battle before the gold and silver come back."

  Teacher fought to the death with the Suzaku clan on Mount Kailash.

   Then gold and silver will definitely come back, and I don’t know if Chi can stop them.


  The world was fragmented in his mind, and the city in the night collapsed inch by inch, leaving only the road outside the nursing home, and the black Mercedes galloping away, followed by motorcycles.

  Gu Jianlin took a deep breath, escaped into the realm of the speed force, and galloped away.



  Mt. Kailash, the desolate snow field trembled loudly, there were hideous and terrifying shadows fighting and rolling in the snow fog, the snow-covered ground cracked in the roar, and the snow on the mountains fell like a tsunami.

   This is a battle between the gods, the sky is falling apart, and the sun and the moon are fading.

  This wasteland seems to have become a battlefield in ancient times. The ancient demons returned from hell. Their burning blood ignited the earth, and they could spread the power of destroying the world. The strong heartbeat is the drum of the battlefield.

  After three thousand years, the Suzaku clan and the Qilin clan went to war again.

   Huaiyin sat on the throne with her chin resting on her hands, her evil and deep eyes were full of mischief.

   Venerable Suzaku also sat on the divine throne and stared at him from a distance, with no sadness or joy in his indifferent eyes.

  This is the battle of hosts, and the king naturally lives in heaven.

  But they used another way, fighting countless times on the summit of Mount Kailash.

   That is the Qilin forbidden curse and the Suzaku forbidden curse.

   There was a click.

   "It's a good idea to use the samsara impasse of Suzaku's curse to trap my shadow here."

  Huaiyin shook her numb right hand, and said with emotion: "In this way, my shadow will not be able to go out and kill all directions, otherwise, how many ancestors you brought will survive? After the ghost car died, your loyal dog... oh no, there is no loyal loyal bird. The ancestor you regenerated with genetic code in a hurry is not old enough."

   Venerable Suzaku dissipated like a reflection in water, his chest was clearly torn, but no blood flowed out.

  At this moment, Huai Yin seemed to have figured something out, and the smile in his eyes grew stronger.

   "It seems that your wishful thinking has failed, my lord."

  He shook his hands, looked around at the vast snow in all directions, and said with a sneer: "When you were in Fengcheng, you wanted to erase that girl. At that time, I still couldn't figure out why a high-ranking **** would condescend to do something to a little girl, but I knew that as long as I confronted you, it would be right."

  A noble and graceful figure re-condensed in the snow mist, and gilded flames soared into the sky.

   That was the reflection from the flames, still the appearance of Venerable Suzaku.

   "The unintentional act at the beginning has become your fate instead."

   Huaiyin snorted: "If you can't kill her, she will always remember."

  The snow mist was suddenly broken, Venerable Suzaku stretched out his right hand, and flicked his finger towards the center of his brow.


   Huaiyin flew backwards like a cannonball, smashed a boulder suddenly, and fell into the snow with a violent roar.

  He was not defeated, and pale will-o'-the-wisps emanated from his whole body, as if he was between a spirit body and an entity.

   This is the ability of the eighth level of the Shensi Path.

   Spirit and I are one.

  Eastern Emperor can devour dark matter and dark energy, allowing himself to become one with the spirit body, thus temporarily mutating himself into a special life structure, taking into account both offensive and defensive aspects, immortal.

  In this state, Shensi can even fight Guwu in hand-to-hand combat.

  As the most powerful Taiyi God in the world, Huaiyin couldn't be more proficient in this ability.

   "So what if you think about it?"

   Venerable Suzaku stepped forward, stood in front of him, looked down at him, and said indifferently, "I don't care."

  Huaiyin's young and handsome face showed a slight smile, and he grinned: "If you really don't care, why did you kill her? Because Su Youzhu saw the whole process on the highway, you are worried that she will become your threat. The same is true for that poor woman Shi Jing, because she also saw your secret."

   "You have exhausted all your tricks and used the Gu family to complete the third method, but you have left a fatal weakness."

  He smiled and said: "Solomon is still not interested in doing things after all. Compared with the teacher's ruthlessness and sophistication, he is a bit too restrained and timid. If it weren't for your appearance, we would have found him a long time ago."

   "If you think that's my weakness, so be it."

   Venerable Suzaku knelt down, and pointed his finger between his brows again.

  His movements are not fast, but there is an illusion that people cannot avoid.


  Huaiyin grabbed his wrist, with the flames of his fingertips reflected in his pupils, and said mockingly, "It's not like you to count on Solomon to succeed, my lord. Why don't you guess, once my student rushes over with the Wedge of Heaven and Man, can you win this war? Even if you can't kill you, you can buy enough time. I think you should be very clear, you just need to give him a chance to advance to the ninth rank..."

  The king smiled slightly: "Are you sure to win him by then?"

   Venerable Suzaku exerted strength with his right hand, and his burning fingertips were already approaching his forehead. His voice was still light and calm: "As the successor of Lianhe Wang, he does have great potential, but he has no time."

   Huaiyin knew what he meant and was not afraid at all: "Are you so confident that you can beat me?"

   Venerable Suzaku didn't even bother to answer this kind of question.

   Huaiyin's shadow was about to collapse.

  The effect of the Suzaku forbidden curse is to create a illusory illusion, where reincarnation is endless and endless.

   It is like the reflection of fate on Penglai Xiandao.

  In the desperate situation of nothingness, the projection of Venerable Suzaku can be reborn countless times, just like endless reincarnation.

   Trapped in endless samsara, the only way back is death.

  So far, the Suzaku forbidden spell has appeared in the world only a handful of times, and it cannot be observed by outsiders. Therefore, everyone who has seen this power is dead and cannot bring any information.

  The last person who mastered the Suzaku forbidden spell was Gu Ci'an.

   "I really don't know how to break the Suzaku curse."

  The smile on Huaiyin's lips became more and more sinister, and she said with a deep meaning: "But I once had a student, who can be said to be a young man. Back then in Buzhou Mountain, he had a brief glimpse of the future. The formless world created by the blood-colored Supreme is really amazing creation in the old saying."

  He raised his right hand and squeezed a strange seal on his chest: "Speaking of which, I am also a person who has arrived in the past. My talent is not weaker than you in the human period. That is to say, if I was born in the ancient times, I would also have the qualifications to become the ancient supreme. And I learned the law of ghosts two hundred years earlier than you."

   Venerable Suzaku's eyes finally showed a slight change.

   "This is our strength."

   Huaiyin's eyes became indifferent, and the wind and snow suddenly became violent: "The apex of primitive regression."

  Yong Ye's world was on fire, and he snapped his left hand lightly.

   "—Final Solution: The World Without Delusion."

  (end of this chapter)

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