The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 531: He is about to wake up

  Chapter 531 He is about to wake up

   Huaiyin's smile showed a hint of uncertainty.

As a human being who knows the ancient gods best, he had already understood the birth rules of the ancient supreme when he returned from the deep space of the universe two hundred years ago. Every planet that has given birth to life has the qualification to breed gods. Whether it is illuminated by the power of the moon and the sun, the **** will always wake up.

   This is an eternal law.

   "I once saw the planet that gave birth to you and your sister."

He said with a half-smile: "The galaxy you are in has only the sun infused with the power of candlelight, but there is no moon that is supposed to be accompanied by the power of ghosts. If I guessed correctly, it gave birth to Xuanming and Hell. The planet of Bai Ze, the galaxy they are in probably has no sun, right?"

   Venerable Suzaku raised his hand and tapped on the armrest of the divine throne, saying every word: "You know a lot."


The seven orifices of Huai Yin were bleeding continuously, but the smile became more and more intense: "The earth is different. This is the cradle that Yuan Yuan prepared for himself to completely wake up. The ancestor star and the earth can wake up the two Yuan Yuan. Unfortunately, Qilin The venerable's anger turned the ancestor star into a barren wasteland. You, who didn't know the truth, killed the Great God Youying together with him, and completely buried the ambition of the original one who tried to make up for himself."

   Venerable Suzaku nodded slightly: "Yes, the ancestral star does have sun and moon."

   "The earth is your second ancestral planet."

Huaiyin raised two fingers: "According to the law, there will also be an ancient supreme on the ancestral star. He can be the original, but he can also be someone else. Because the conditions of the ancestral star can give birth to gods, then there will definitely be a god." The qualified person appeared. It is a pity that there is no life on the ancestral star, and he was abolished. But there is no life on the earth, there has been life here so far, and now there are people with supreme qualifications among the seven billion people."

   "That person was not born to be supreme, but he must have the qualifications to become supreme."

  He paused: "That person is precisely the original greatest enemy."

   Venerable Suzaku did not deny it, and hummed.

   "Whether it's my sister or myself, they are all outsiders who forcibly intervene."

Flames like lava flowed from Venerable Suzaku's vermilion mask, and he said softly, "Qongqi thinks he can usurp the original, but in fact it is just a trap. The legends of the ancient times are false, once the supreme third power tries to If you usurp the original, then there is a high probability that you will be backlashed, and the chances of winning are very low."

   Huaiyin smiled and said: "Therefore, it is either the original birth or the birth of that person. The newly born Supreme is probably at the same level as you, but when he is born, he is a perfect third law life."

   Venerable Suzaku nodded slightly: "And we don't want the original to be born, nor do we want the new Supreme to be born."

   Obviously, the two supreme beings, Zhulong and Suzaku, wanted to usurp the power of the Zhuzhao Divine Tree.

  Originally reduced to dead things completely, for their use.

  So what they want is to break the rules of this planet.

   Otherwise, no matter what, this planet will still give birth to a new ancient supreme.

  Even the power of the third force cannot completely kill it.

   After all, a paradox has already been born.

   "If you tell me who He is, I can take you to some Death Star."

   Venerable Suzaku actually made an unprecedented condition: "If you have the ability, you can be resurrected after death."

   Not resurrected as a human.


   "I thought you knew."

  Huaiyin laughed dumbfoundedly: "It's not my student anyway, you should know it best, after all, he is now a genuine Qilin Venerable, and he is not a person chosen by this planet in essence."

   Venerable Suzaku's eyes turned cold. As an ancient supreme being with the power to see fate, he can certainly see the joke of the human being in front of him. The other party knew who that person was early on!

   "You already know who that person is."

  He paused every word: "You are deceiving me."

  The smile on Huaiyin's lips became serious, and she laughed loudly: "Of course I know who she is, I think she is about to wake up now, this is not good news for you, Venerable Suzaku."

  Thunder resounded on the barren battlefield, and the wind and snow suddenly became violent.

   Venerable Suzaku finally stood up and asked, "Can I use Wuwang World again?"

   Huaiyin also stepped into the void, raised his right hand, and snapped his fingers.



  He opened the field twice, and his voice pierced through the world: "The final solution, the world without illusions."

  The world fell into the darkness of eternal night, and the pale will-o'-the-wisp burned.


   Venerable Suzaku raised his head, the flowing lava mask seemed to speak of an ancient silence, and he made a strange seal on his chest with his hands, like an ancient Buddha holding flowers, solemn and bewitching.

  His voice also penetrates the heaven and the earth: "Final Solution·Infernal World."



  Late at night, it was raining heavily outside the villa.

  With the help of the waiter, Rhine got dressed and looked out the window at the burning flames. The Central Spiritual Academy, which used to be the world's number one extraordinary school, had been engulfed by the flames of war, and there were wailing everywhere.

  The nano-soldiers of the dawn combat sequence have already entered, crushing everything like a torrent of steel.


   It might be better to say that Thunder has already entered.

  The true inheritor of order has returned with her thousands of horses and horses. The Qilin Venerable who dominates the power of life and death is her guardian. His anger has ignited the city and punished the rebellious sinners.

   "Master Rhine."

  As his personal secretary, Nightingale felt the grief and desolation in his heart, as well as the eagerness to try his sword: "Your physical condition is very bad, and you no longer go to the front line to fight."

Rhine said with a blank expression: "When Qilin was at the sixth level, he was able to destroy my fusion ceremony of the third method and hurt me like this. And I am a ninth-level Taixushen, why can't I go to the front line to fight? Besides, The Judgment Division is indeed at the end of its rope, but as long as I'm still alive, I haven't lost yet."

   "Surrender is not in my dictionary."

  He paused: "No matter what, I want to win."

  The vice president raised his hand and touched his chest, feeling the pain from the depths of his soul.

   That is the trauma left after the failure of the third fusion method.

   It is also the shadow left by Qilin.

  Nightingale's face was pale, and she said submissively: "Are you really going to die for your belief?"

   The ideological dispute between the two great men, Taihua and Taiqing, lasted until a hundred years later.

   Now the world of order is almost destroyed.

  Why bother to continue.

  Rhein shook his head and denied: "No, I have already agreed with them in the battle of ideas."

  Nightingale was taken aback.

"When there was a problem with the saints of the Tribunal, I realized that the Priory exists objectively, but I don't believe in anyone except myself. I have been using my own methods to find the root of the Priory, Although this process is not smooth, but fortunately, it is not in vain."

Rhine said with a blank expression: "The reason why I want to participate in that change is because I don't agree with my grandma's approach. The hope of mankind must be held in my own hands and must not be left to the ancient gods. From ancient times to the present, All tragedies in human history originate from the ancient gods, what I really want to do is to drive the ancient gods to extinction."

  In fact, he has known about the existence of the Priory for a long time, and has been investigating secretly.

  What happened in the past two days made him even more convinced of this.

   After all, the ancestor of the ghost car has already appeared in the Central Spiritual Council.

  Based on his city and qualifications, he can probably guess what's going on.

  Especially when he looked into the distance, he could see the golden ancient tree piercing the sky and the Suzaku entrenched on the tree. All the mysteries left over from the past two hundred years seemed no longer so mysterious.

  Nightingale turned pale, and asked in a low voice, "What are you going to do?"

  Rhein was silent for a second.

   "Before the master's will dissipated, there was a voice in my consciousness."

  He said softly: "That voice told me where the Wedge of Heaven and Man is."

  If there is one person in the world who knows Taihua best, then it must be her husband who has been with her for two hundred years.

   Too clear!

  Rhein turned around, took down a quaint sword box from the Buddhist altar in the living room, turned and walked into the courtyard.

  The gray-haired old man held an umbrella and stared at the rain in silence.

  In just one night, Bai Jin seemed to have aged more than a hundred years, and turned into an old man who was dying.

   "Ah Rhine."

  Bai Jin looked like a walking corpse crawling out of a grave, and asked hoarsely, "Do we still have a chance?"

Rhine carried the quaint sword box on his back, and also held up an umbrella, and said indifferently: "Of course, when the uncle and uncle come back, we still have the fighting power of four and a half gods. Including the heads of the family, and everyone Ministers, also stand by our side. Ten minutes ago, I also recalled the generals."

  In the suffocating silence, Platinum silently turned around, his face illuminated by the electric light.

   "Ah Rhine."

  He said hoarsely: "What did the teacher tell you?"

  A sharp cold light flashed in Rhine's eyes, and he paused every word: "The wedge of heaven and man."

  Platinum's face suddenly twisted and ferocious, grabbed his shoulders with both hands, and almost roared: "Teacher guessed the location of the Wedge of Heaven and Man? Tell me, where did the teacher hide it?"

  Rhein didn't care about his father's gaffe, and said quietly: "The Buddhist temple where Master and Grandmother lived in their childhood was the former residence they often visited in their spare time, and it was also the place where Lin Dong imprisoned himself."

   Platinum's face suddenly froze.

   "Yes, Winter may have already guessed it."

  Rhein took a deep breath: "We have to kill him."

Platinum was stunned for a few seconds, then became irritable like a beast, and roared: "Then kill Lin Dong immediately and take away the wedge of heaven and man. The battlefield of the Central Spiritual Center is not important, let your sister take full command of the battle! It doesn’t matter even if all the members of the Tribunal are dead, as long as we get the Wedge of Heaven and Man, we can win!”

  During the heavy rain, the father and son rose up with their swords, and the light of the sword tore through the night.

  (end of this chapter)

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