The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 532: battle of order

  Cheng Youyu was completely stunned, and was stunned by the sound of artillery fire all over the sky.

The little fat man was still shocked by the great and terrifying sacrifice just now. His grandfather was among the sacrifices called criminals. At that time, he suddenly had the urge to cry, because he understood something in a trance.

  Professor Cheng, or the old head of the family, has been considered by people for many years to be eccentric and difficult to get along with, and he has reached the age of old and stupid, and he always favors those dandies with bad conduct.

   Until today, the little fat man didn't know the good intentions of the old man.

  Because the old man is a sinner, he has been making atonement for so many years, and he will deliberately keep a distance from the blood relatives of the family. The reason why he favors those dudes is probably just to use them as cannon fodder.

  In order to protect his true chosen offspring.

  The old man’s last words seemed to be his last words. The reason why he chose to participate in this sacrifice was not because he had died to achieve the king’s awakening, but to fulfill his long-cherished wish for many years, to atone for his sins with death!

  Of course, he is not the only one who is sad.

  Xia Zhi knelt in front of the withered bone in the Buddhist monastery, gently sweeping over the scorched bone with her soft hands, with a sad expression in her eyes, like a kitten that lost its owner, confused and helpless.

  Professor Cheng is not her blood relative, but he is also a very important person. All these years, she has wandered alone in this huge city. If there were no intentional or unintentional suggestions from the old man, she might not be able to survive today. During the Chinese New Year holidays, I would still bring the small gifts I bought to visit. Although I was always turned away, I could receive big red envelopes when I returned home.

  Cheng Youyu looked at the girl, and also saw the sadness and sadness reflected in her pupils.

  It's a pity that the little fat man didn't have time to think about what was going on, because there was a deafening roar in the sky above his head, and the bright lights swept across the dead bones on the ground and landed on him.

   "Inquisition fellow!"

  Cheng Youyu yelled, "Run!"

  The roar of the machine gun sounded, and the bullets shot down from top to bottom. The little fat man pulled up the confused girl and ran away.

  On the helicopter, Mu Shiyu's eyes flickered, and he ordered: "Catch the alive."

  The two saints Xuanyin and Huifeng looked at each other, thinking that they were going to take hostages.

   It's a dirty trick, but it works well in this case.

The priest path is already capable of combat at the sanctuary level. They have the ability to control diseases. As early as the dark medieval period, there was a black religious order, which gathered some antisocial personality evil lunatics, specializing in the manufacture of germs Come to destroy them, it took many years for the world of order to completely eradicate them.

  As the mysterious yin sage blew past in one breath, the undetectable germs had already permeated the wind.

  Huifeng Shengzhe also set up a sniper rifle and aimed at the prey in the Zen courtyard.

   It looks like a hunting posture.

   "The sequence of **** generals will arrive on the battlefield in about ten minutes, so you don't have to worry."

Mu Shiyu glanced at her watch. Now she has received news from her father and elder brother, and has taken over the position of commander in chief on the battlefield. It stands to reason that at this time, any smart person should know that she is being treated as cannon fodder, but she There was no crack in his expression, and he was always calm and composed.


  Cheng Yuyu's right shoulder was pierced with a blood hole, and his entire arm was almost hanging on his shoulder.

  The splashed blood sprayed Xia Zhi's face, and she said in shock, "You were maimed!"

   "How the **** do I know I've been disabled!"

Cheng Youyu dragged her down the mountain, his lips twitching in pain: "The guy who shot the gun is a saint. He could have killed a little Karami like us with one shot, but he didn't. This means they want to take us as hostages." , to threaten Brother Lin and the others. If it really doesn’t work... shall we be on our own?”

  Xia Zhi was taken aback for a moment, only to see the little fat man took out a dagger for himself.

   "Scholars can be killed but not humiliated. It is better than falling into their hands."

Cheng Youyu suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood: "Of course, you may not be willing to do this. After all, you were involved. If you really can't do it, you can kill me and surrender yourself. My old man has taught me before. He must stand upright in the world, even if he dies, he must win this battle, I can't hold him back, or after I die, I'm afraid I'll be beaten to death by him when I go down."

  Xia Zhi was taken aback: "Are you the grandson of Professor Cheng?"

  Cheng Youyu stared: "Nonsense, my last name is Cheng."

  Xia Zhi also realized that it was a matter of life and death, so she couldn't help but get scared.

   Of course she was afraid of death, but she was also afraid of being captured.

   Surrendering is indeed a good choice, but she is subconsciously unwilling to do that.

  Probably because of the death of the old professor.

  It may be because there is so much sadness in the pupils of that boy, which makes people feel distressed.

  Even if he is now missing.

   She took the dagger in her hand, trembling slightly.

  At this moment, they suddenly felt severe pain in their lungs, and their breathing became difficult.

   Black blood flowed from the seven orifices.

   With a bang, the shock wave of the virtual dog cannon's explosion knocked them over.

  They slammed into the tree trunk hard, their eyes turned black, and they spit blood at the mouth.

   Sanctuary-level overlord path is not invincible.

  Especially there is a sanctuary-level priest path to assist.

  Especially when the opponent still occupies the commanding heights.

  Xia Zhi coughed in pain, thinking carefully that she shouldn't have come here today, this level of war has nothing to do with her, she should have stayed in that small apartment and secretly spent the rest of her life.

   The fear of death hung over her, almost suffocating her.

  She suddenly had a splitting headache, and her forgotten memories recalled, as if she could smell the smell of disinfectant, and the scary red skull in front of the hospital bed, when the man took off the hood, a face was revealed.

  Cheng Youyu had already yelled at him, folded his arms and forced himself up, planning to fight to the death.

  However, at this moment, the helicopter's propeller wing was cut off by a sword!

   Mu Shiyu raised her head impressively, feeling the vibration in the cabin, the two saints decisively pulled her to jump out of the plane.

  The helicopter that lost power tilted and fell to the top of the mountain, bursting into a mushroom cloud.

  Things like jumping off the plane are not a problem for high-level sublimators. I saw them easily adjust their balance and fall into the Zen courtyard.

  Mu Shiyu, the only one good at close combat, drew his sword to block, but was knocked back more than ten meters by the blasting sword wind, and a bloodstain was even cut on his cheek by the sharp wind, including the two saints who also retreated violently.

   There were light and sharp footsteps faintly, passing through the bones all over the ground.

   Cheng Youyu saw the familiar figure from behind, and the expression on his face changed from anger to joy.

   While in a daze, Xia Zhi also felt that sharp breath.

  The fierce pace is getting faster and faster, like a low-pitched drum beating continuously.

  The man drew his sword and made a surprise attack, the jumping and wandering electric arc tore through the darkness like a snake, the extremely condensed sword breath swept in like a hurricane, the bones all over the ground were smashed into pieces, and there was a terrifying cracking sound.

  Sword breath!

  Sixth Rank Sword Demon!

  In this case, Mu Shiyu has no way to fight her due to the obvious difference in rank.

  Including the realm of heaven and man that she had just unleashed, it was also collapsing sharply. When she was caught off guard, she could only raise her sword to block, but the iron sword suddenly shattered under the bombardment of the sword's breath!

  The Saint of Xuanyin raised his hand to condense a barrier of holy light, and there was a roaring gunshot behind him.

   That is the virtual dog cannon of Huifeng Saint!


  In the darkness, a snow-white monster emerged. The huge devil-like horns are so shocking, and there is a cold light in the sharp vertical pupils. Its face is like a deer and a tiger, its body is like a dragon, and it has four legs.

   Return to the original, and the heavens will respect the truth!

The sword energy tore through the galloping virtual dog cannon like the wind. The girl first smashed the holy light barrier in front of her with a single sword, and then blocked an alchemy bullet that hit her vitals with a horizontal sword, and then slashed out again with her backhand. Sword breath!

   With a bang, Mu Shiyu and the two saints were blasted into the monastery, their bodies covered in blood as they were cut by the sword energy.

  In the disappearing sword wind, the girl supported the ground with her sword, her pupils were filled with shocking rose red like blood, and she looked down at them with a condescending attitude, her red hair was like a fluttering flame.


   With one against three, we have the upper hand!

   This is the power of the third law, and it is also the suppression of the personality.


  Cheng Youyu was bleeding from his mouth and nose, and laughed arrogantly: "You are all dead!"

   No wonder Brother Lin left without looking back. It turned out that he knew that reinforcements would come back.

   Gu Jianlin is indeed not here, but he has a wife.

  When Xia Zhi opened her eyes, she also saw the girl who was so beautiful that she showed her sharpness.

  Sharp and charming pupils like roses.

  Long hair that flutters and flies like a rose.

   "Sorry for being late."

   Tang Ling said blankly, "Some **** was cleaned up on the road."

   As soon as the Xuanyin saint stood up, he saw the red dot on his chest.

   "You are locked."

  Chen Bojun's voice spread through the night.

   Returning Wind Saint was just about to find a cover to aim in reverse, when he was hit by a petite figure falling from the sky!


  Lu Zijin descended from the sky, smashing him into the floor tiles with majestic telekinetic power, condescending.


  In the smoky ruins, Mu Shiyu wiped the blood from her lips and braced herself up.

  Even though Lei Ting appeared, she didn't panic at all.

  Because there was a roar in the sky above, the fighter planes that the generals were on had already approached the battlefield.

Not only that.


  The secret fell into the Zen courtyard like a meteorite, shaking the ground with dust.

  Yatao and Tianshu also came out of the black hole of time and space, and the majestic murderous intent filled the dilapidated Zen courtyard.

  The situation of the battle was reversed in an instant!

   After all, these are three sanctuary level.

  Three-digit eighth-order!

  Chen Bojun and Lu Zijin both showed vigilance.

  Only Tang Ling remained calm and expressionless.

   "It's just in time."

  Xuan Yin and Hui Feng felt relieved, and hurriedly said: "Quick, get rid of them!"

   Mu Shiyu had a cold smile on her lips, and said hoarsely, "Lei Ting, I have been waiting for you for a long time, but I never thought you would dare to come here. Since Tianji and the others have appeared, it means..."

  Suddenly, Tianji turned around and stared at her with extremely indifferent eyes.

  The two saints Yadao and Tianshu faced the red-haired girl in front of them. Not only did they not act immediately, but they actually made an unexpected move that made everyone in the audience dumbfounded!

   They half-kneeled on the ground, touching their chests with their hands!

   means surrender!

  The saint of the court of justice expressed his surrender!

  Tianji raised a finger and pointed to the dark night sky.

   Mu Shiyu looked up, and saw a pitch-black unicorn entrenched deep in the burning clouds.

  The ancient and strict golden pupils overlook the earth!


   He is still alive!

   Mu Shiyu looked back in shock, and when she looked at the three saints in front of her again, her eyes changed.

   It turned out that Tianji and the others did not return with a big victory.

  The reason why they came back alive is because they surrendered!

   "Sorry, no matter how lofty the ideal is, life doesn't matter."

   Tianji said blankly: "Of course, it's not as important as...evolution!"

  In an instant, Yato and Tianshu who were kneeling in front of Her Highness the Princess disappeared.

  A knife was clamped around Huifeng's neck.

  Yatao is no longer old, but has returned to the fierce appearance of his youth, with thick black hair fluttering, livid horns growing on the top of his head, ferocious magic patterns all over his face, and iron-like dragon scales spreading across his body.

  The overwhelming aura spread, Huifeng even broke out in a cold sweat.

   Xuanyin was the same, the back of his head was pressed against a gun, and the chill was piercing.

   Tianshu also mutated into a terrifying monster, which completely made up for his lack of melee ability. Now it is too easy for him to instantly kill a fragile dad.

   "This is...evolution."

  Tianji's pupils were filled with gilded glow, and he said hoarsely, "Hand over the remote control."

  From the beginning to the end, Tang Ling didn't show any expression in the face of the betrayal of the three of them.

  Because she can always feel the gaze from the distant sky.

  Gu Jianlin was always there.

  Since he is here, the three saints will not be allowed to come before her.

  Unless the saints have become servants of the gods.

  Since he is a servant of God, he will not pose any threat.

  The so-called remote control is actually the hub for controlling the Scourge Meteorite.

   This is one of the ultimate moves of the Inquisition Chamber. If they want to burn everything together, they will drop the Scourge Meteorite.

   Destroy everything.

  Of course Tang Ling didn't want to give them this chance, which was also her main purpose of coming here.

   "I didn't expect you to choose to betray."

   Mu Shiyu said coldly: "Aren't you afraid of gold and silver coming back?"

  Tianji was silent for a moment, and said with a smile: "The natural disasters will come back, and naturally there will be a great master to deal with them."

   Mu Shiyu frowned, and said expressionlessly, "But he's only at the seventh level."

   "Oh, you don't know anything about gods."

  Tianji said indifferently: "I want to know why you are so calm?"

  Mu Shiyu's beautiful face has no expression so far, and she has no plans to hand over the remote control.

   At this moment, two sharp sword lights pierced the sky.

   Gold and Silver are back.

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