The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 533: gold and silver

  Gu Jianlin was suspended in the sky, staring at the dark world.

  The black unicorn is entrenched in the clouds, and has never made any movement. He does not intend to intervene in the battlefield of the Central Spiritual Council. From the beginning, he has been waiting for the real and only two enemies that can threaten him.

  Now he is at the seventh level, it is very dangerous to face two demigods at once.

  Especially this is his body, which is prone to accidents.

  But ever since he came back from the Qilin Immortal Palace, he had a feeling somewhere.

  He seems to be able to feel the turbulent matter flowing in the dark side of the vast world, as well as the energy that accelerates the expansion of the universe all the time, and he can vaguely feel the resonance from the depths of the soul.

   Especially in the state of original regression, this resonance is particularly clear.

  When he closed his eyes, he could even see a black **** standing on the top of the bronze pillar. With a light snap of his fingers, the world like the eternal night collapsed, and all living beings were annihilated!

"So that's how it was. This is what my brother felt at the time. The end point of the original return, the ultimate meaning of Youying's law, exists in the power of every ancient supreme." After Gu Jianlin mastered the final solution of Zhulong, With a preliminary understanding of this power, it is not difficult to understand it.

  After all, he has broken through the shackles of creating something from nothing.

  He tried to clenched his right hand, as if he could feel the vibration of the dark side of the world.

  At this moment, the howling sound of sword energy came from afar, so sharp that it could almost tear the eardrum.

  Of course, there is also a sword intent that is strong enough to tear apart the rainstorm!


  Gu Jianlin closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, darkness filled the golden pupils.

   Gold and Silver, finally here.

  He didn't have the slightest intention to back down, because he had something he wanted to try.



  Facts have proved that the reason why Mu Shiyu is so calm is because of the two sword lights falling from the sky.

The golden and silver sword lights chased one after the other, leaving monster-like cracks along the way, the dark clouds in the night sky were pierced, the howling rain was torn apart, and the gravel and trees on the mountain were also crushed .

  Before the sword's edge arrived, the overwhelming sword intent hit like a tsunami, almost smashing the entire Buddhist temple.

   At the critical moment, Tianji still needs to make a move. He who has evolved into a **** servant is the most powerful combat force present, and his majestic and vigorous energy explodes with his roar, rolling towards the sky.

  Ya Dao and Tianshu's reactions were also quite fast. The two abilities of time-space freezing and moment domain were activated almost at the same time.

   Unfortunately, it is still not enough.


   The frozen space-time was broken, and the gravitational field was shattered by a sword.

  The god-serving saints were pierced by the howling sword wind, and their bodies were covered with shocking bloodstains, even the bones were visible. If the body of the ancient gods was not strong enough, they would have died long ago. But even so, they didn't take a step back, they just wanted to use their bodies to form a human wall to block the red-haired girl behind them.

  The red hair on Tang Ling's forehead was lifted by the sword wind, and there was only disappointment in her rose red eyes, because she knew that the ultimate goal of the sword wind was herself, and the killing intent was so strong that it was almost suffocating.

  She returned to the Central Spiritual Pivot Academy this time not only to represent the order and eliminate the traitors, but also to meet her teacher. She really wanted to ask, what kind of role have you played over the years, did you know about Frieda's schizophrenia experiment, and did you feel any heartache after planning that betrayal.

   Now there is no need to answer, the answer is all in the killing intent of Jian Feng whistling.

  Faced with such a violent sword strike, she did not intend to sit still and wait for death, but held her breath, the realm of heaven and man expanded to the extreme, and a golden rainstorm began to fall in her pink eyes!

  Her iron sword rose into the air, setting off a howling wind of the sword, and went against the sky.

  At this very moment, a bleak sword light swept from the mountain path and rushed into the sky!

   That was Ying Changsheng's sword. He himself was soaking wet standing on the stone steps panting, his eyes were extremely bright.

  The dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and Gold and Silver looked down at their inheritors side by side. There was no trace of human emotion left in their pupils, as if they were looking at two ants.

  Both Lei Ting and the prince are at the sixth level, facing a demigod at the ninth level is like hitting a stone with an egg.

   But they just want to express their attitude.

   In the night, the unicorn roared, and the blazing golden pupils illuminated the darkness.

   Something is falling from overhead!

  The black-haired boy let his body fall down, with gilt glow flowing all over his body, behind him was a blazing sun wheel, and the golden flame discs rotated and staggered, vaguely reflecting a magnificent and chilling phantom.


Not only that.

  His face was condensed with countless strands of black light, and his flickering face was like a roaring unicorn.

   "Final solution—"

  Gu Jianlin said softly: "The world without illusions!"

  The authority of Venerable Qilin is to devour, or to reproduce the ability of other supreme beings. It is because of this that he can forcibly overcome the shackles of his own abilities and display the final solution of the Torch Dragon Clan, which is the Formless World.

   And just now, he finally communicated with the dark side of the world.

  Able to mobilize real dark matter and dark energy for his use!

  The world fell into the darkness of eternal night, he clenched his right hand, and the sound of cracking resounded through the world!

  Exercising the final solution in the state of heaven and man, this is what he wants to do.

   Candle illuminates the ultimate of the law.

  The ultimate of ghostly law.

   All are integrated into this punch!

  The thunder of the gods of the gods resounded, as if the mythical Indra came to the world, and lightning pierced the world!

   With a bang, both Silver and Gold felt the sound of thunder from the sky above their heads. The criss-crossing lightning swam in the darkness like a snake, and that delicate fist came down like a giant hammer of judgment!

   Suddenly, they saw the golden unicorn roaring.

  I also saw the sharp eyes of the young man.

   This punch was unavoidable, like a sun exploding above their heads.

  The steep mountain shook violently, and the silver and gold were smashed into the temple by this punch, destroying the ancient Buddhist temple like a cannonball, and the dust rising from the sky spread like a mushroom cloud!

  Including their iron swords were also suspended in mid-air, and the momentum of the swords stopped abruptly!

Gu Jianlin exhaled a turbid breath in his chest. He had been longing for this blow for a long time. The gilded brilliance of heaven and man melted into his body, and the jet-black black jade mask would no longer flicker out. Concentrate under control, so as to minimize the burden on the body, otherwise he is likely to collapse on the spot!

  He fell from the air into the Zen courtyard, smashing a deep hole out of the broken brick floor.

  The punch just now almost exhausted all his strength. At this time, all the cells in his body were hurting, and his spirit seemed to be dry, so that even after he was promoted to the sanctuary, he couldn't hold on at all.

   As soon as his body swayed, he was supported by a pair of soft hands.

  Tang Ling supported his shoulders, and glared at him angrily: "Who knew that you flew into the sky, appeared suddenly and didn't say hello, you sucked up the breath of heaven and man."

  Her full chest undulated slightly, and it felt uncomfortable to be suddenly drained of strength.

The tone seemed to be complaining, but Her Royal Highness's eyes showed pity and doting. She watched him grow up all the way, and knew how difficult it was for him along the way. To the extent that he is now comparable to a god, he can even see the shadow of the former president.

  How can she be dissatisfied, how can she not be sympathetic.


  Ying Changsheng let out a dry cough, reminding them that the enemy is at hand and they should be careful.

   "I'm fine, stay focused."

   Gu Jianlin took a deep breath and forced himself to relax. He would not be able to adapt to his own strength for a while.

  Tang Ling turned her head and said, "Why are you here?"

   At this time, her eyes are not so gentle.

Ying Changsheng was silent for a second: "I want to visit my grandfather... Of course, it's not just for this. We tried to control Taixu before, but failed. No. Wu guessed that someone should have planted the control center of the deep space network. into his own body, if he guessed right, it should be that Mu Shiyu."

   Taixu's control center!

  In the rainstorm, Mu Shiyu looked at them without any emotion, but a turbulent data stream flashed on her retina. When the wind blew her forehead hair, she could see the wound on her forehead.

   That's new age technology, the brain-computer interface.

   That is to say, Tai Xu's right to control lies in this woman's mind.

   Includes remote control for Scourge!

   No wonder gold and silver appeared here, probably to protect her.

  When the smoke dissipated, the King of Gold came out with his upper body naked. Half of his body was scorched black, dripping with thick blood, and there was a delicate fist mark on his chest, which almost penetrated into his heart.

   "Is this the transformation of heaven and man?"

  He said hoarsely: "No, no, there seems to be some other power."


  The situation of the Silver King was not much better, his white hair was scorched, and his black windbreaker was damaged everywhere, especially a scorched fist mark was blasted at the heart.

  As the most powerful demigods in the world, they have never been so embarrassed.

  The last time was when I faced my teacher's wife.

   This time, it was still Master's wife.

  The fusion of the two supreme laws hit them hard in one fell swoop.

   It can only be said that young people are awesome.

  Gu Jianlin took a deep breath and said softly, "Does it hurt?"

   "No wonder, the teacher's wife will choose you, not the two senior brothers or us."

The King of Gold wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth expressionlessly, with a hint of fear in his eyes, and said hoarsely: "It's true, maybe you are the only one who can understand the power left by the teacher? We don't have that Qualifications. Until now, I can’t figure it out, are you a human or an ancient supreme?”

  The Silver King said coldly: "Is this what you have always wanted to do?"

   Knock down the high demigods into the dust.

   "This punch is returned to you on behalf of the president."

  Gu Jianlin's eyes fell on their hearts, and he said calmly: "This is just the beginning."

   Both gold and silver felt his gaze, and their eyes became cold.

  Gu Jianlin is looking at their celestial seed!

  This boy is trying to take back what they have usurped from the President!

  After Gu Jianlin returned from the second floor of the Qilin Fairy Palace, he wrote down many names in his diary.

  Now the owners of those names are dying one by one.

   Finally it was the turn of the aloof demigods.

   "Before that, can I ask, why?"

  Ying Changsheng suddenly said, "For the sake of our grandparents."

   Tang Ling also looked at her teacher with complicated eyes.

  At this time, someone sneered and said:

   "What else could it be?"

   Someone came out of the black hole in the void and said lazily, "Of course it's because of greed!"

   Everyone followed the reputation.

   King of Red, Jiang Yanli.

   "When the Rebellion of the Ancient Gods was about to end, I once persuaded my teacher to kill you."

Jiang Yanli put his hands in his pockets, leaned against the tree trunk and said mockingly: "Unfortunately, the teacher's wife is too soft-hearted... Or, she didn't care about you at all. After all, your talents are just like that, even if you No matter how loyal you are to the teacher, you won't be able to cause too much trouble in front of the teacher's wife."

   "Based on your level, can't you really guess that we jointly killed the teacher back then?"

  He scratched his head and said with a smile: "Is evidence really important to you?"

  Gold and Silver were silent, and Chi's words were like blades, every word piercing their hearts.

   "In fact, you have always known it, but you dare not do it."

Jiang Yanli taunted and said: "Until Baijin opened the tomb and finally released the demon teacher, the disciples of Zhuzhao were able to expand like a plague again. It's ridiculous that Baijin couldn't be unified because of his high rank. The will is forcibly eroded, and his talent is too low to learn to follow the law. Forced to do so, my cheap teacher had no choice but to treat him as a target on the surface, but in fact, you are the ones who secretly choose."

"However, you are all natural disasters, inheritors of Youying's law, and a unified will cannot control you. Here I have to praise your wisdom, because you only started to promote yourself after your mother eliminated the curse of the Candle God Tree The practice of the third method avoids being assimilated by a unified will."

He paused: "This means that you have maintained a clear self-awareness from the beginning to the end. You have personally helped the unified will to screen out young people who are good enough to conduct experiments on the third method. Even with your promotion , Solomon, the spokesperson, appeared, who was the leader of the monastery after the teacher."

   Tang Ling raised her head impressively, her beautiful eyes trembled, and her face was pale.

  Ying Changsheng was silent and sighed faintly.

  During the long silence, the rain poured down.

  The Silver King closed his eyes, and said indifferently: "Yes, we have always known it, and now we think about it, that happened decades ago. Who would have thought that it would become what it is today?"

   "Brother, what right do you have to accuse us? You really want to know why this happened, right? You want to know why we chose to betray you? Do you really think it's because of greed?"

The King of Gold raised his eyes violently, and stared angrily: "You two are self-proclaimed geniuses and invincible, so stand in our position and try it out! If it weren't for the infighting between the two of you back then, you would have entered the Fusang Shrine How can people be us? Everyone in the world thinks that the invasion decades ago was an unprecedented victory..."

  He suddenly laughed miserably, with a huge sarcasm in his smile: "But that is a failure, a failure that is enough to push people into the abyss! You don't even know what we are facing, and what you have seen with your own eyes!"

  Jiang Yanli suddenly stopped smiling, and said seriously, "Oh?"

   "The battle that established our reputation as brothers and sisters was when we defeated Venerable Suzaku in the Fusang Shrine."

  The King of Gold drenched in the rain, said every word: "But that's a deal."

  The silver king lowered his eyes and broke the silence: "A deal that will keep us alive."

  Jiang Yanli raised his eyebrows.

   "The power of Venerable Suzaku has almost exceeded our imagination."

   "That is an existence that cannot be defeated."

   "It is impossible to defeat..."

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