The Old Knight of a Frontier District

Episode 8 Isteliya (Medium)


Talanka started asking questions.

This is something we discussed beforehand.

Talanka asks questions and the other person answers them.

Bardo should be able to ask questions from time to time as he listens to them sideways.

"Chieftain Poporbal Popo.

Then I want you to tell me first.

Why do you, or your people, want the Spirit Sword and its users "

After a moment of silence, the chief Poporbal Popo began to speak.

A low, deep voice.

But there's a mix of sounds, and it's a terribly inhuman voice.

"Let's ask before that.


Do you know what the Spirit Sword is like? "

Taranka responded carefully to this inquiry.

"It is a weapon in which the ancient divine spiritual beasts dwell, I hear.

Compatible with the user, it is a weapon that exerts terrible power. "


The way you put it, you seem to think that the terrible power lies in the sword itself.

No, it's not.

The Spirit Sword does possess the power to be feared as a weapon.

But it's not.

The true value of the Spirit Sword is its value as a key. "

"The key, you say?

"That's right.

By the way, do you know about the First Man? "

"You mean King Jean.

I know that man came from a completely different world than this earth.

King Jean is one of them, and he knows that he has become king of all the races of the land. "

"Not all races.

That doesn't include us dragon men.

We dragon men originally ruled all the races of the land.

It was decided with one thought that the tribe would flourish and perish.

The other race fought each other and sought victory.

To please us.

And we punished the sinners, and the handlers gave the prize.

He even gave the honor of entering our bodies and becoming part of them, especially to the strong and the beautiful.

Everything was going well. "

From the dragon men's point of view, Bardo thought.

Enter our bodies and become part of them, which means they can be eaten by dragon men.

I don't think any other species would have been happy with such a livestock life.

At least each race living now would never want to live like that.

"There the humans appeared.


The first person to show up was just one person.

"The First Man."

"The first man" tried to stop fighting between races.

We noticed that the foreign molecules had been distracted.

The First Man was a great tool to play with.

We drove the First Man into distress, and made him aim for his life, and betrayed those on his side.

I wanted to entertain how far [the first person] can work hard.

But completely unexpectedly, [the first person] didn't screw up.

Instead of screwing around, he put together almost all the races that were under our control.

And made us turn the fangs of rebellion. "

Here Poporbal Popo drank the contents by taking a wooden vessel placed on a table with a rock sharpened.

The dragon men seem to have a terribly primitive life.

but conversely, they need no clothes, no weapons, and little tools.

Maybe that's their culture and even their pride.

"That was a terribly unpleasant thing.

But it was also a terrible pleasure.

We waited for the time of the rebellion, looking at the arrangements of the First Man.

If we strike together, we will not be able to fight any race.

But things went in an unexpected direction.

There wasn't only one human being.

One human appeared after the other.

And carry a weapon to fear.

They also invaded the sky, which was our sanctuary, without creation, and drove us with spears of flame.

Originally our country was in the midst of Fuzza.

And they came to our land easy.

We were prepared to perish, but we did not.

The humans were splitting up into two parts and beating each other, but it intensified and we couldn't stand it.

It's a long, spectacular fight.

Eventually, the side led by the "first man" won.

We waited for a long time, lurking our breath.

The humans then gradually stopped flying.

We thought man had lost his mighty power. "

Beside Poporbal Popo, Chitil Arch listens without a shudder.

Is this story also an unknown story for Chitil Arch?

"We went down to the flat.

Humans were frightened there.

But the humans had once lost great power.

The humans who lost their flaming bows and flying machines were fragile creatures.

We gathered men together to create a single capital.

And we put our hands upon the gathered men, and became our servants altogether, and thought nothing but to serve us.

And made him build a powerful army.

Do you understand?


Our fathers thought that the pain and humiliation suffered by humans should be cleared by humans.

We do not need weapons or houses like those used by humans because we have a finished body.

But humans need weapons and protective equipment.

Made a lot of armor and protective equipment.

We attacked the men of other cities with their armies.

That was the failure.

Humans were not powerless.

Surprisingly, even though two hundred years have passed since humans appeared, [the first humans] were still alive.

Neither the flying machine nor the flaming bow were lost, but were kept secret by [the first man].

The capital was wiped out in a flash.

The First Man stuck us with a condition not to destroy us.

It's about leaving the continent and moving to this island.

That we do not descend to the place where humans live.

And keep an eye on the Prisoned Island. "

King Jean has vanished a single capital?

All the people who live there.

What the hell pissed King Jean off so much?

What treatment were the humans living there subjected to and how were they replaced?

That was a terrible thing to imagine.

But perhaps King Jean thought it a mercy for the men of the capital to be wiped out.

The dragon men must have done enough to make King Jean think so.


"An island of captivity, you say?

It was the daughter, not the chief, who answered Talanka's question.

"I would have shown it on my way here this morning.

It's a little island north of this island. "

"What's in there?"

Poporbalpopo replied to Taranca's question.

"We were not informed of it.

It was just an order.

And there is a seal on the island of the blame, so beware that no man shall come near it, nor shall any man come near it. "

"The blame?"

Did King Jean say that? "

"The exact words used by [the first man] at that time have not been conveyed.

Sinner, blame, bad guy?

We wondered if he was human in any case.

Eventually it was thought that some decades, naturally sealed humans, had also died.

Nevertheless we kept our covenant and stayed away from the island.

But two ancestors broke the ban.

Uldoru and Echidorkier. "


Bardo remembered his name.

That's the dragon man who was in the big black carriage of the Sinkai army.

He is a terrible magician who freely manipulates people's minds.

Yes, General Appetite told me.

The story seemed to remember Taranka as well.

"I remember the name Uldoru.

You're a dragon magician who manipulates people's hearts. "


Do you know?

Urdoru and Echidorkier stepped down to the island.

But the sealed being was still alive.

It wasn't human.

I had never seen it, it was horrible and mighty.

"It" happened to dominate the hearts of Uldru and Echidorkier.

And gave the two of them the power to fear.

They no longer know how old they are, and a very powerful spell is available.

The two worked as the hands and feet of monsters, and (it) made their power more and more immense.

Eventually, the dominance of it reached this island directly.

If you feel like it, you can freely manipulate anyone living on this island.

Any language spoken on this island can be heard.

And it's easy to tell if it's true or not.

It reigned over us with its transcendental power.

It became our own. "

Poporbal Popo spoke of it in a low, inorganic voice.

But when he uttered the word, the voice color was colored with passion.

There was an uncontrollable hatred in it.


When they heard the words, Baldo set himself up for a moment.

Then we will now be exactly in the hands of the monster.

But the chief Popolbarpopo lifted up his right hand and smeared the Baldos.


I'm asleep now.

That's why I could invite you.

The rebels have rebelled, too. "


"That's right.

"If you wake up for about twenty years, sleep for about ten or fifteen years."

Six years ago, [or so] fell asleep.

I found it, leave the word.

You won't wake up for a few years yet. "

Then the monster on the island of captivity was the Lord of that voice.

I'm somewhere else, not in this world, the Queen of Manouno said, but I guess that meant outside the Great Barrier, or the continent.

Bardo came up with something and asked Popolbarpopo a question.

The Patala Poza calendar, and the sleeping cycle of the spoilers.


It's a rare word I know.

That's right.

It is a word born of us dragon men.

In the Patala Poza calendar, we call it "overnight until you wake up, go to sleep, and wake up again."

Yes, it was.

This means that if you wake up for twenty years and sleep for ten or fifteen years, thirty or thirty-five years will fall overnight.

It took two nights on the Patarapoza calendar to match the warcraft that attacked Rhodovan Castle, the Queen of Manouno said.

That means it took sixty or seventy years to prepare.

It also means that he was imprisoned by the dragonman's curse for so long.

But that means.

It means that the sleep cycle of that "rubbish" is called "patarapoza".

Is that monster Patarapoza, the dark god?

Bardo asked Popolbarpopo about it.

I was wondering if Patarapoza, the Dark God, was your "Tartarus".

"It can be said that it is, or it is not.

He has been more involved in the human world than ever.

Through us dragon men.

Or through humans who are collaborators.

Sometimes it wielded its mighty power directly.

Very rarely did they call humans to have conversations or empower them.

The humans who touched the existence of such a "rubber" called the "rubber" thing Patarapoza.

And with that, we called the awakening and sleep cycle the Patarapoza calendar. "

Is it the monster that is the entity of Patarapoza?

Or did you call the monster Patarapoza, in the name of the myth of Patarapoza?

Poporbal popo's voice echoed in Baldo's ear, which was about to fall into untold thought.

"Now, the question was, why do we want a spirit sword and a user?

I'm looking for something left behind by the First Man.

The key to calling it in and manipulating it freely is the Spirit Sword.

The Spiritual Sword was sealed in the armor by a covenant with the Spiritual Beasts.

It only exerts its original power when a human being who fits the conditions becomes a user.

If the user orders using the Spirit Sword, he can draw strength from what [the first man] left behind.

And you're free to deal with it. "

"Chieftain Poporbal Popo.

Why do they want the legacy of the first man? "

The dragonman's chief looked horribly at Talanka, who asked.

"Why, yes.

Of course, to destroy it.

Can you think of anything else? "


Why should we destroy it? "

"Because that's the only power that can destroy"


So what is its legacy, a weapon? "

The dragonman's chief opened his third eye on his forehead with excitement.

Taranka stares straight at the chief's face, without any bullying.

After a while, the third eye was closed.

"I'm not sure if it's a weapon.

However, there is no doubt that it has the power to destroy. "

"How do you know it is"

"Other than that, there's no reason for [or reason] to keep looking for a legacy so bloody long."

That's crazy.

This logic is strange.

Maybe Poporbal Popo knows something and hides it.

Something I don't want the humans to know.

"Those who rebelled this time thought of gaining the power of their heritage ahead of [the sign].

So the rebels greeted the Spirit Sword and its users. "

Baldo needed some time to understand this so unexpected new information.

King Jean's legacy.

The monster who wants it.

A group of dragon men who tried to get it ahead of the monster.

The key to getting a legacy.

I'm confused in my head, and the information and information doesn't work.

To help sort out such Bardo's mind, Taranca lay down her questions as she chose the words.

"Where is that legacy, what is it?"

"I don't know where the legacy is and what it is.

Never tell us the details.

But we know if there is a relay.

In Mount Fuza. "

"Fusa's... inside?

"That's right.

It took a long time to find it.

It was hidden deep into the ground from the inner belly of the fuzza.

If you use the relay there and order it by the Spiritual Sword, you can summon the power of heritage.

The rebels wanted to put the power of their heritage under control and destroy [the ruins] ahead of [the ruins].

This is your last chance. "

Talanka asked a bold question.

"Does the Dragon Man Hate [or Hate]?

"Is there a reason you don't hate me?

He has manipulated and controlled us.

At one point, he takes his heart away from me, and he moves and talks the way he wants.

At one point he ordered me to work like a slave.

Whoever made his dislike move was mercilessly killed.

Now that the First Man has died and the mighty men have vanished, we are free to live, and yet we are still bound to this island.

Because it's easier to use as a pawn. "

"May I say such words?


Now the monster is asleep. "

"We have known from the beginning what we hate.

Somehow [or even] we can read the words in our hearts, and we have the power to discern whether they are lies or not.

But as long as we hate and fear, and obey our commands, we will not be destroyed.

It's ironic, but if we connect our minds, we can read the thoughts that come to our minds, and we can know if it's true or not, so that's for sure. "

Here again Bardo asked the question.

Last chance, what do you mean?


Poporbal Popo answered Baldo's question after drinking the contents of the vessel.

However, the gaze remains set on Taranca, which stands in the front.

Chieftain PoporBalpopo never tries to see Baldo better.

Baldo noticed that Poporbal Popo's mouth had a white color.

In the mouth of Chitil Arch was a red color.

Maybe the dragon man's mouth is white and the woman's mouth is red.

"At first there were seven spirit swords.

All seven of them were the keys.

It took me a long time to figure that out.

The "first man" left different clues to reach his legacy.

In the human world.

So I really had to learn the human language.

Do you know that?

The human word is not originally the human word.

It was created by the First Man.

The words of the different races of the land were studied by the (first man), who followed the hypothesis that it was one word in the past.

And they pulled common elements out of the words of different races, and they made new words, so that humans could talk about them.

So the human language is not so difficult for any race to learn "

That's what they said, and Baldo pretended to think of it.

I tried to interact with various races and felt that each word had a terribly similar part, except for the heterogeneity of the pronunciation.

"[Or] forced us to remember the words of man too.

And we followed the fate of the inheritance.

Two of them were active: Urdolw and Echidorkier.

The two of them have been operating on the continent far away from this island, so I don't know exactly where or what they've been doing.

"Or" sought collaborators among humans as well.

A number of collaborators showed up, but the most important of them were Lugurgoa Geskas.

Humanity Lugurgoa became a collaborator of [the] and taught [the] existence of the Spiritual Sword.

[Sagittarius] rejoiced like crazy.

He commanded us never to know that he was moving around in the human world.

I didn't always care about the humans.

Not to disturb the human world.

The clue left was like a thin line, and I was afraid it would break. "


In the shadow of history.

In the darkness behind it.

The monsters and dragon men were in the dark.

"Eventually Echidorkier found that there was a relay inside the fuser.

The human Lugurgore searched out the Spiritual Sword and its users, and Urdolu ruled its heart.

It was time for a hand to summon the power of legacy.

But I could not summon the power of legacy.

That was odd.

From what I've looked into, the power of the estate was certainly supposed to appear.

All in all, it turns out that the human Lugurgoa is useful, so [or so] gave him mighty power.

In addition, at the request of the human Lugurgoa, Urdoru was lent, even Red Stone (Lolo Gogue).

Do you know what Red Stone is? "

"I know."

Hearing Taranka's affirmation, Poporbal Popo kept talking.


We dug out the red stones buried outside the Great Barrier by the First Man.

He said it was a terribly impatient job to find out if there were red stones. "

Heard the monster dug back the red stone and made it all mine, a fierce rage crept up in Bardo's heart.

That is exactly the act of trampling King Jean's wishes.

"Failure was repeated many times.

And I finally get it.

My heart.

When the mind is ruled by a spell, the user's mind is (good).

Even if the "good" user of the mind uses the Spirit Sword, the power of heritage cannot be called upon.

In other words, the legacy does not respond unless it is done by the free will of the user.

Besides, once the user's mind is (yummy), the spirit sword is (yummy) too, and can never be used to call on the power of heritage again.

That's how even the sixth spirit sword lost its power.

This is the last Spiritual Sword that the human Baldo Lowen has.

The spirit sword was placed somewhere in the human world.

"Or" waited patiently.

One day the user will turn to the Spirit Sword and show off his true power.

It was with anticipation that the use of the Spiritual Sword was appearing and would not exert its power on the Warcraft opponent that he tried to let Echidorkier rule the Queen of Manuno and let the Herd of Warcraft enter the kingdom of man.

And then the march of the Warcraft begins. Nay, the Spirit Sword and its users appeared.

When it was time to sleep, he saw it and then fell asleep.

By now, you'll be having a delightful dream.

Now you know what it means to be the last opportunity.

If you wake up, you'll have a deal with human Baldo Lowen.

Deal I can't refuse.

And the way you can destroy your heritage and defeat it will be lost forever.

For those who fail to do so, now is the last chance, and Baldo Lowen and his Spiritual Sword are the last hope. "

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