The Old Knight of a Frontier District

Lesson 8 Isteriya (Part II)


Now Bardo is sorting out the information he gets in his mind.

After all, what information have we got so far?

First, it turns out that ancient swords are the key.

It is the key to extracting the legacy and power of the First Man, King Jean.

With the relay device located in the middle belly of the fuzza, the ancient sword and the user recognized by the ancient sword, the power of King Jean's legacy can be summoned and manipulated.

With the power of its legacy, they can destroy even the Patarapoza, the king of evil spirits.

However, you can't use it without manipulating someone who is good at dragon men.

If you manipulate the user's mind, both the user's mind and the ancient sword will (see).

With the ancient sword, you can't draw the power of heritage.

If this is the right information, neither the dragonman nor the evil spirit king will be able to manipulate Bardo's heart to make him hear what he says.

And there were originally seven ancient swords, but by the sixth, they had gone (see).

That's why the ancient sword that Bardo has now is the last normal key.

Next, it was found that the evil spirit king was a being sealed in the "island of captivity" by King Jean.

Bardo wondered if the evil spirit king meant "Captain".

But Zaria said the captain was executed.

Nor does it make sense how [the Captain], though he is possessed of the Spirit, lives much longer than King Jean and remains alive to this day.

Besides, the Captain must have had company, and it's unnatural that only the Captain was sealed.

Above all, chief Poporbal Popo says it wasn't human or anything.

I've never even seen it, he said it was horrible and powerful.

Is Patarapoza an evil god who has been deprived of his power and sealed by King Jean?

I don't know.

I'm still not sure who Patarapoza is.

Whoever it is, it's mighty.

Neither the dragon men nor the Queen of Manuno can be fat enough.

And it has been called the Patarapoza, involved in the human world.

And they wake up for about twenty years and sleep for about ten or fifteen years.

The Dragon Man named his awakening and sleep cycles "Patarapoza Calendar".

Various attempts at resistance will have been made in the sleep period up to now.

I'm sleeping now.

Is this the sixth year of sleep?

The dragon men originally lived in the hillside of Fusa.

And they ruled and devoured the other subhumans.

But King Jean drove me away.

Two hundred years after being driven away, the dragon men waged war on humans by creating a puppet state.

But the puppet state was destroyed by King Jean.

The dragon men were chased by this Isteriah and given the role of watching over the "island of captivity".

Keep someone away from "The Island of Prisoners".

Eventually, two dragon men, Urdoru and Echidorkier, stepped onto the "island of captivity" and were imprisoned in Patarapoza.

These two are said to have been given special powers.

Of these, Urdoru is already dead.

I wish General Appetite was right.

If so, it was a dragon man named Echidorkier who manipulated the Queen of Manuno to carry out the Great Invasion of the Warcraft.

I wonder where the dragonman is doing now.

Anyway, all the dragon men were put under the control of Patarapoza.

And it has become the hands and feet of Patarapoza to intervene in the human world.

Even though they are hands and feet, the dragon men abhor Patarapoza violently.

It was also found that the rebels' aim was to obtain King Jean's legacy and destroy Patarapoza.

It is true that dragon men are unwilling to set things up with humans.

Because Patarapoza forbade it.

But without the threat of patarapoza, the dragon men will treat humans no matter what.

For them humans are nothing more than bugs.

If you look at it, Talanka is looking at Bardo better.

As for the rest of the questions from here, I guess you want to hear Bardo's will.

Bardo closed his eyes and thought further.

He said there were seven ancient swords in the beginning.

The General of Appetite (ate) the divine beast that dwelt in the five ancient swords.

The other two are Van Fleur in Baldo's possession of Chantra Meguierion and Cars.

But up to six ancient swords, they say, have gone.

In other words, Van Fleur is already in the hands of the monster and the demon who did it.

So only Chantra Meguierion is the only ancient sword left without the Devil's Sword Stabolos.

For example, I can see that General Appetite called Bardo "the last user of the Sword of the Divine Beast."

I also know that the dragonman's head said this was his last chance.

A user of the last ancient sword appeared, and the monster learned of its existence.

When he wakes up again, the monster will get an ancient sword and a user and fulfill his wishes.

Thinking so far, Bardo realized there was a possibility.

There's a way to keep the last ancient sword from getting the monster a legacy.

All you have to do is kill Bardo.

Probably has been so before.

The user of the ancient sword would appear dead, and the ancient sword would have waited to meet the next user.

And also, the dragon man's head has a way of forever crushing the monster's ambitions.

All you have to do is rule Bardo's heart.

That way, the last ancient sword will also (see), and the path to unlock will be closed.

Bardo asked the chief popolbarpopo a slightly ill-willed question.

Lord Poporbal Popo.

If you kill Bardo Lowen, this will not be your last chance.

Also, if you manipulate the mind of Bardo Lowen, it will be permanently impossible for the monster to get his legacy.

Not that I didn't think about it.

"Regardless, I thought.

But doing so would make retaliation terrible.

If you kill Bardo Lowen, how many decades will you wait this time before the next user shows up?

If you do that, [or] you will be severely punished.

If we let the Spirit Sword go, we will be utterly destroyed. "

Listening to the answer of the dragonman's chief, Bardo realized that there was.

After all, the chief is lying.

I'm hiding something.

The chief said that [Ruji] was looking for King Jean's legacy in order to destroy it.

At the same time, however, he said, he would never allow the dragon men to let the last ancient sword.

Isn't it contradictory?

From what the chief has stated so far, relay devices, ancient swords and users are essential to summon the power of King Jean's legacy.

If you [good] the ancient sword, you will never again be able to summon the power of King Jean's legacy.

Isn't that what you want?

So something is different.

Is it different that the purpose of the search for an inheritance is destruction?

So what will [or will] do with the legacy?

Perhaps it is also a lie that the dragon men will gain their inheritance and destroy them.

So what can a legacy do about [the]?

After all, the question is what the legacy is and what it does.

The chief knows something more than he's talking about.

But you won't be leaking it.

Bardo asked a remarkable question.

I thought you didn't want to kill the monster while you were asleep.

"Of course, I thought about it.

I didn't just think about it, I once tried.

The dragon warriors pushed over to the captive island and tried to kill [or killed].

But we could not even find what it looked like.

It's hidden deep in the island.

Whether I looked or looked, I couldn't find the [rubber].

As I explored it, I woke up.

He examined us and found out that we had tried to kill him.

The punishment was severe.

Half of us were killed, including the chief.

How do you think he was killed?

And he commanded us that those close to him should be joined together.

And of them that were assembled, those that were tall commanded them to slay those that were tall.

My mother killed my son, and my husband killed my wife.

The power of its dominion was immense, and no one could refuse it.

He put all of us under his control at once and easily, and gave his cruel command.

Moreover, ever since then, [O Muhammad] has cast a curse from which we cannot approach the island of captivity.


If you want to try and see if you can kill it, you can try it.

But it's impossible for us to get you there. "

Bardo asked a different question.

You say you don't know what the legacy and what color it is, what size it is, and what it does.

But I suppose he made you guys look for it.

There's no way I can find it without knowing its shape, color, or size.

I was wondering if you were supposed to be given any information.

"I don't know.

I don't know, man.

It's just that it's known to possess tremendous power.

It's just that it's obviously not natural, it's made, and if you look at it, you'll know it is. "

Patarapoza doesn't know where the legacy and the dots are.

But we know what size, what form, what kind of work.

However, even dragon men who do not know its shape and size can see it as such.

That is what can destroy Pataraposa, says the dragonman's chief.

That may or may not be the case.

But in any case, it's a weakness.

I still don't know what that means, but the legacy of King Jean and all that is the weakness of Patarapoza.


Bardo finally decided to ask a question approaching the core.

Lord Poporbal Popo.

The trick to summon the power of the legacy was in the fuzz, but I want to hear more about it.

Where is it and how do we get there?

Also, how do you use it?

Poporbal Popo completely drank the beverage in the vessel.

And I finally turned to Baldo and glanced at him.

It's a shooting gaze.

And the gaze, for a moment, did capture the ancient sword, and was removed.

I'm aware of that!

This dragon man knows who I am and what I am raising on my hips.

I pretend to know and not notice.

"There are two ways to get there.

One is the way in through the door on the hillside of Fusa.

This place is very easy to get to as long as you fly in the sky.

However, the opening and closing of this door is under the complete control of the Tartar.

Only this time, [or so] closed this door before going to sleep.

I can't use this road when I'm asleep.

The other is the way up through the wind pit.

It is called the Cave of Trials.

It was made by the First Man.

The Cave of Trials is long and steep.

And on that road, the "enemies" placed by the "first man" are waiting.

If we don't defeat the enemy, we can't move on.

Defeat all enemies and proceed to reach the repeater.

It's a golden ball that floats in the universe, and if you release the power of the Spirit Sword and call it to that ball, you can draw the power of heritage "

Much more.

Have you looked it up in the human world over the years?

However, it is not known what the chief Poporbal Popo tells and twists and bends in his knowledge.

I have to listen to the chief while paying attention to the carpet.

Okay, so what happens if I sort out what I just heard?

The Dragon Man wants to gain the power of legacy.

To do that, we have to take Baldo and the ancient sword to a place like a relay.

But the easy way to get in is closed, and you have to go through the Trial Cave and the hard way through it.

No matter how strong the Cave of Trials and the enemies, these dreaded dragon men will be able to dominate easily.

If you can't beat these dragon men, you can't beat anyone.

That means.

Bardo asked.

So the rebels and the others tried to dominate the "Cave of Trials" and take Baldo Lowen and the Spiritual Sword there, he said.

"I couldn't dominate.


I couldn't even try in the first place.

If Cave of Trials had dominated, I could have ridden the thoughts of the rebels, too.

As for sleep, the rebels tried to get to a place with a relay.

And I found out that the door to the middle belly of the fuzza was closed.

So I tried to try the "Cave of Trials".

The Cave of Trials is in the wind pit.

The entrance to the wind pit is managed by the manoonos, but there is no such thing as this.

If you fly out into the sky, you can easily reach the entrance.

And we can get into the wind pit.

But we can't go behind it.

There is a proviso at the entrance, which says that there must be at least three or six.

But for some reason, no matter what kind of six brave men try, it won't open the way to the back.

In other words, we dragon men are not qualified to challenge the "Cave of Trials" for some reason.

I don't know why. "

Bardo opened his eyes when he asked about this word of the chief popole barpopo.

And he asked what kind of rebels they were, what they did and what's happening now.

"Rebels are those who cannot resist the situation in which we are employed.

There are many such people.

I wish I had just spoken of my dissatisfaction.

That is not subject to punishment.

But Totornostoto and his connoisseurs wanted to destroy [the Tartar] at any cost on this last opportunity.

When Totornostoto first commanded the capital of the kingdom of Parzam to send him his sword and his hand, I did not realize it.

Only a few of them have been going somewhere for two days.

But when I went to retrieve the Spirit Sword and the user, I just couldn't miss it.

Somehow I led too many people.

But I questioned the remainder.

And I learned that Totornostoto had failed the Challenge of the "Cave of Trials" seven times, and that he was about to boil his career to challenge the "Cave of Trials" with the Spirit Sword and its users.

I just couldn't overlook this.

It's a bet that's too low.

Besides, I don't care how much you kill humans, but if you get your hands on the Spirit Sword and its users, [or whatever] you will never forgive us.

And We seized Totornostoto, and lowered his rank, and made him cautious.

Are you making me be cautious?

That means Poporbal Popo is not seriously willing to punish Totornostoto.

It's only a procedure for putting the patarapoza in front of you.

That would be so.

The hectic Totornostoto is a valuable resource to lead the next generation of dragon men.

There's no way I want to kill you.

But then I wonder what the chief Poporbal Popo is after.

Are you going to shut up and watch [or watch] wake up and get the legacy?




What is the aim of Dragonman's chief Poporbal Popo?

Talanka just wants to know if he can keep asking questions.

I guess I still have something to ask.

Why don't we just leave this place to Taranca?

No, but.

Something bothers me.

Why doesn't Popol Bal Popo try to see Baldo better?

Do you pretend you don't even realize that the old man here is obviously Bardo Lowen and that the last (yummy) unwitting spirit sword on his hip?

What is Poporbal Popo after?


Bardo realized he had let the chief talk too much.

Don't ask Poporbal Popo any more questions.

Don't let them talk about something.


But one more thing.

I just have one more question I want to ask you.

Bardo asked the chief.

Why and when does the Spirit go mad?


Oh, the Spirit.

Why go crazy, he said.

You mean the spirits possessed by the beast.

I don't know.

We have no interest whatsoever in the Spirit, nor in the beasts possessed by the Spirit "

This was an unexpected answer, so Bardo often lost his word.

But I guess so.

Dragon men are not interested in spirits or warcraft.

Perhaps the Warcraft does not strike the Dragonman.

Even if it strikes, it is not a slight threat to the dragon men.

Also in this mouthful, I guess the dragon men don't want to be spirit-possessed.

Don't you know you can do that?


Maybe dragon men can't be spirit-possessed.

In any case, now that there are no normal spirits, there's nothing I can think about.

If you look at it, Talanka is about to open her mouth.

How about that?

Don't let Talanka ask questions.

Bardo said to Chitil Arch, the chief's daughter, to intervene.

That concludes the discussion.

Lord Chitil Arch.

Bring us home.


Chitil Arch stared at Bardo's face in surprise, then saw Poporbal Popo, his father.

Poporbal Popo also turned to Chitil Arch and put something in his expression.

I can't even read the dragon man's expression or anything, but looking at the look on the chief's face, Chitil Arch seems convinced.


But now you will fly in the cold hours of the night, and you will be weak or dead.

I'll send it now to the place I delivered it last night.

The return is tomorrow morning. "

He says Taranka said something to the sudden development.

But no.

If you ask a useless question, the sheikh's hand could be wasted.

We need to pull up here quickly.

Sent to the dragon men's flying dragon, the Baldos returned to the sandy beach where they spent last night.


"Master Bardo.

Why did they suddenly finish the talks?

I still had some questions to ask. "

That's why.

I can't even talk to a sheik anymore.

Especially when it comes to the Cave of Trials.

"I don't know.

Knowledge of the Cave of Trials is what we were looking for.

Isn't that where you can defeat the monster? "


And Chieftain Poporbal Popo wants us to find a way to get into the Cave of Trials.


Think about it.

Why did the chief invite us to this island?

Why did you answer our question so cordially?

The dragon man said he only saw less than a bug, such as about humans.

That's not to teach us about the Cave of Trials, to help us solve its mystery.

But you can't just say it clearly.

That touches contraindications.

Taranca needed a little time to conjure up her thoughts to this Baldo point.

"... right...

They must have hated the appearance of people treading the Cave of Trials while they were asleep.

And it's the Dragon Man who knows about The Trial Cave.

So I imposed some sort of restriction on the dragon man's chief.

So that the chief can't order or ask someone to go to The Cave of Trials.

That could be a limitation on my mind, or... "

When the chief said that, the Chitil Arch might have mowed the chief's neck, Bardo said.

Kars and Kara are silently listening to Bardo and Taranca's questions.

Talanka continued her words like a solitary.

"What if Master Bardo said we were going to the Cave of Trials?

You could have killed us all.

No, Master Bardo wouldn't have been killed, though.

That's about as much restriction as it is, no wonder.


The chief seemed to notice Master Bardo and the Devil's Sword Stabolos, but he didn't try to be sure of it.

On the contrary, I was intentionally trying to take my gaze off Master Bardo.

We couldn't be sure that the Devil's Sword and its users appeared in front of us.

Oh, well.

I don't know what other restrictions there were.

So before I say anything better than that, Master Bardo ended the conversation. "

Bardo smiled at Taranca and said yes.

I have to go to Trial Cave.

There will be traps there.

The story of the chief Poporbal Popo is also very hard to believe that it is all true.

Do the dragon men really not know anything about the inheritance and the contents of the doings?

No, because you have an approximate idea, don't you want to get that power at all before the monster wakes up?

Also, what are you going to do after Bardo and the others discover how to get into the "Cave of Trials"?

Are we aiming for humans to gain heritage and do it and defeat [or defeat] it?

But would a highly tempered dragon man allow man to gain the means of transcendental destruction?

If so, after the legacy and the liberation of them, is there a formula to take it away?

The chief definitely has some kind of glitch.

But still.

The knowledge gained on this island greatly advanced Baldo's quest.

Now it's clear where we should be heading, and it's clear what we need to look into.

Besides, there are hidden balls here.

It is Zaria, a spirit-possessed pharmacist.

Zaria's wisdom and strange power will guide the Baldos.

Look, dragonman chief.

Bardo got a new adventure and felt his chest blood wanting to be hot.

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