The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the 1001 chapter of the jade

Qin Shoudao: "A set of overalls, at night, my rabbit, I personally accompany you to sleep.

? "

"Roll over!" A tea raised legs is a foot.

Qin Shou hurriedly hid, smiled: "Really, so you don't tease. Not Zhou City is handed over, you still have to give you the benefits, I am not giving you. You must really, That two, what? "

A tea is white, Qin Shou, said: "I have never seen you the rabbit of the door! Forget it, I will do it in the city, but there is a person you have to help me pay attention."

"Who?" Qin Shou asked. .

Chapter 420, the demon emperor's helplessness


"Who?" Qin Shou asked.

"You will know soon, leave a question, let you sleep, haha ​​..." After that, I will disappear.

Qin Shou's face is turned black, complaining: "Women like this?"

Then, Qin Shou turned over, fell asleep ...

Didn't go far, waiting for a good tea, the brain is up to the black line, whispering a sentence: "This nerve is too thick ... I really don't know if the wonderful calculation is from this guy. Think of it. "

The next day, the sky was bright, and the Tianda had awarded the latest will. There was no compensation, no rewards, but claimed that there should be no invitation to thought, the Tianstroy is not waiting for the city, the day, no week, the quarter of the Quartet Wang Qin song!

For a time, the world is shaking!

Many people are not in the city yesterday, they don't know what happened in the city. Tiansheng suddenly posted on the fairy world, publicized the world, not Zhou Yicheng Yiwei!

Subsequently, various rumors are also circulated in the fairy boundary, but the most version is that not the thoughtful people have challenge the Western teaching, leading the Western teaching to the East, causing dissatisfaction with the sky, and being pressed by the heavens.

The second version is relative to the facts, that is, the four-party Wang Qin Ge is a rich and worthy of Quancheng, directly with the millions of army will forced Zhou Zhiji! Also give a bunch of criminal hats, not the thoughtfulness, almost being hit into the Tianlun. The two demon emperors came out, and this thing was calibrated.

For a time, the people in the world were shocked, and they were shocked to fight against Western teaching! Not thoughtful people are bullied into dogs, then others? For a time, the forces that were originally related to Western teaching have been toned to the Western teaching, no longer.

Two to shock the energy of Qin Shou, a master of respect, bullied a famous strong force to bankrupt, almost improving the Tianlun! And these, he actually only moving his mouth! Qin Shou once again has been marked in a list of many forces that cannot be provoked.

Three shocking in the power of heaven! Qin Shoun, all people are frightened, and the energy of the heavens is so big! Heaven wants to deal with anyone, no matter how big your magics you have to be pressed! Because the sky is orthodox, representing the will of many saints, Hong Yulu! No one can not listen, once it resists, it is rebel! Meeting will be the disaster of the extinguish!

Subsequently, the land fairy is quiet and peaceful overnight, and the monster who go out is quiet. It was originally dried in the little God, and also began to pull out various banquets, pull the relationship, closing ...

At the same time, the demon ghosts of the land fairy are sighful, and the gods are very happy.

I am sigh, how can this dead rabbit appear early ...

Tianship, Demon Hall.

"Haha ... this step is also very sweet! Emperor, you are honest, is the rabbit to arrange the past?" Emperor said that there is a laugh.

The emperor shakes his head: "This can I want to be wrong, I and the rabbit is not the relationship between the next level. I am very small to ask him to do ..."

Emperor is too big: "I don't look at you, but I am afraid that his lion is big. I know that the rabbit's mouth is very good, biting who is hurting."

The emperor helplessly laughed: "There is a reason why he will not be white, so that he works, you have to pay. This time, he is doing it, as a coincidence, still plan This is still asking himself. "

The Emperor is going to say anything, hook it in, and a ritual: "I have seen two big masters, Qin Qin Song, Sifang, seek."

Emperor Emperor Tai Wen, the emperor heard, looking at it, while smiling.

Emperor is too: "This rabbit is coming to invite the strength? This guy can't be dot, is it?"

Emperor Handson: "This guy is estimated to be invited, and it has been returned to the mountains. It is more reason to have a reason to repeat a Western teaching, even destroyed Western teaching. Can you say it ... "

Emperor is too strong: "Get, since it is your nephew, then you will get it

Let me go first. "

Dijun quickly pulled the Emperor of the East: "You leave me, you run every time you bleed, you can't do it this time!"

Emperor is too bitter and smiled: "People are coming, can't walk."

The emperor called the head, and the side of the side, and then the Empress Emperor ran! Emperor saw this, laughing: "You do the goods!"

No longer Qin Shou came in, and the chamis did not come in. Qin Shou is also an old acquaintance. Every time I come to the hook at the small gift. This guy takes a short man, plus this, and he is too lazy to send .

Qin Shou came in, after seeing the emperor, a thief's face immediately became awkward, calling: "Emperor's uncle, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Emperor smiled: "For a long time, yesterday, your body is here. Rabbit, how did you do this this time? I am very busy today, if it is fine, I can go first."

"Other, I am coming to report." Qin Shouyi was sitting on the futon made of Emperor, picked up the fresh fruit on the table, and I didn't polite.

Emperor Handsome; "Reporting? Where is it?"

Qin Shoudao: "Hi is coming from the West, Western teaches the holy mountain, there is no way to penetrate the oriental, if there is evidence, can also enhance their forces to compress some of them, you see, this more Good news. In addition, I was also recovered in Non Zhou. From then on, the world is big, but it is a territory of the sky.

What is the place outside. How good ... "

Emperor Hands took a little bit: "It is true, but this world is still there."

Qin Shou wondered, the old face was black, he was so clear that this emperor would not be up? The rabbit, I did so much, did you not say?

Emperor is awkward, sitting in that tea, there is no meaning to say! A pair, I am looking for it! .

Chapter 421


Qin Shou took the way; "Emperor's uncle, don't you use this? I have done so much, the benefits have you tied, don't you say?"

"When you enter the door, I took the lion rings on my gate." Said the emperor.

Qin Shou: "..."

Qin Shou dry cough and said: "Hey, the mating is yourself, I will pick it up. Hey, the child is also ticking, the child is eating, there is no attention."

At this moment, the champion ran came in, and he came in and pointed to Qin Shou called: "The big master, this dead rabbit picked the lion ring on the door!"

Qin Shou asked: "Hook Chen, which eye is you stealing? Just you are very enjoyable, but you are a very enjoyable ..."

When the championship is sudden, it is a daughter. Although the man is dress, it is still a little delicate.

However, Qin Shou is unexpectedly, the emperor is suddenly coming, and it's cold!

Scared of the hook, swaying on the ground, didn't dare to move.

Qin Shoudao: "Uncle, the uncle, are you doing? Isn't this a lion ring? I'm lost, I am, big, you just have it, as for so frightening hook

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