The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit.

Did you? "

"Shut up!" The emperor did not speak, and the champion took Qin Shouyi.

Qin Shou hurriedly shut up, and he was a cold butt, he absolutely not do it! Although this is wrong, he has the first ...

The Dijun Weiwei said: "Hook Chen, the supervision is weak, lost the lion ring, you can know?"

Tinch Chen and said: "Disciple is sinned."

"Since innocence, do you know?" Emperor asked.

Tick ​​your eyes red, said: "Penalty."

Emperor Jun said: "This rabbit is also wrong. Since he is because he is, then it is still in him. You follow this rabbit, he is a complete, willing to come back, come back."

"Ah!?" Qin Shou and hook Chen also blame.

The emperor is standing up, faint: "What is it? You can take effect!"

Qin Shou hurriedly called: "The emperor is uncle, wait! I have something to say!"

Emperor Hondow: "What else do you say?"

Qin Shoudao: "This can not be rewarded! I am helping you solve problems, educate disciples, and hard work, I don't charge you. Just talking about, you can't get it."

The emperor and the face of the hook are also black.

I am not equal to the mouth, and I called Chen: "Sad Harbed! What do you think? I am not a prize!"

The emperor heard the slight cough, it seems that this guy is still intended to take the charm of the prize. Tinch Chen is also ice and snow, suddenly understands, some crying ...

Emperor saw this, shake his head: "Hook Chen, you don't think too much, the future is full of variables, no one knows how the future will be. Today, there is no such rabbit, I will let you go out. The earth is big, if you want a hundred feet, it is useless. It is useless. After you go out, everything is naturally available. "

"Yes, I will honor your life!" Hook Chen's ritual.

Qin Shou learned that it turned out that Chen Shu was actually a disciple of emperor. He also thought that it was just a small small road!

Emperor is also in Qinshi Road: "Rabbit, now talk about your things, what reward do you want?"

Qin Shou smiled: "It is actually nothing, but I have to ask Uncle a problem. Why is there no sun?"

The face of the emperor changed slightly, frowned, sighed: "Originally, I don't want to say things in the valley. Since you asked, let's talk about it, this

The reason why there is no sun in the valley, one of this name and my golden ethnic group, not Geely. Two, this is also a habit, Dragon and Phoenix period, there is no sun in the valley. We have been checking the reasons, but unfortunately, we have never been able to find anything. Because of all kinds of concerns, we also inherited this tradition, just this. "

Qin Shouni grinned, smiled: "Just because this, you will be so big, put it in the dark? This is also ..."

"Too big, right?" Dijun smiled.

Qin Shou took the lead: "Yes, there are many gods in the local area, but because of such a habit, they must go back to the country."

Di Jun said: "Okay, when this rabbit is related to the world, you are here. I know that you have been to the sunset valley, you should also see those people who want you. It should be that they want you to go to the sky, let the sun fall into the setting sun Valley? "

Qin Shou took the lead: "Yes, it is true."

"So, do you want to use your credit, in exchange for sunshine to fall to the valley?" Emperor asked.

Qin Shou continued to nod, he did not ask for the current quarter, this time, mainly for this thing! Before he also thought, but it was not good, and he reached out, he always didn't feel very good. Nowadays, there is a head and naturally different.

Emperor Handson: "The sun will not go through the valley, but the sun can sprinkle

go with. "

Qin Shoudao: "Don't have the sun, there is a sun! The focus is temperature!"

Emperor Hands nodded: "If you are willing, it's okay, the rabbit you have already realized it, you will hurry, I am very busy."

Qin Shou hurriedly called: "The last thing, I don't have time to manage, I will let go of the Dark Wang Abai to help me, and the holy mountain will be gone. Also, Tianbing Tian will stationed You can think about it ... "

Emperor heard that this is not solved here, said: "Tianbingtian will stationed in the fairy world, what do you think?"

Qin Shou didn't smirk: "What is what I think, say it seems that you don't want it."

Emperor's old face was red, then she was calm: "I certainly think that Tianbing Tian will stop, so that heaven is more stable, shocking those who don't have interested people. But since ancient times, Tianship is high, Tianbingtian will only be It will be mobilized when you have a big event. Usually, you will drilled in heaven ... Today, open this first river, afraid that it will fall into the handle. "

Qin Shou smiled: "Uncle, you said this unpaid too much. What is the relationship between the tradition and now? The tradition of the past is still the world of the dragon and phoeniases, you can still let the heavens make it don't go out? .

Chapter 422


Since the past, since it has passed, what do they do? New world, we must have new ideas, abandon the past, create your own rules and traditions to increase the existence of heavens. Otherwise, everyone is still respected, and the heart is not thinking about it.

Nowaday, this opportunity is very good, then don't relax, Western teaching, holy mountain's things, and my invitation, you can send troops to the big shock! Who if I ask, I can say that I will leave the troops to keep public security in Word City. It can also be said that sending troops to participate in training ... The reason why the reason is more. If you want to speaking, it should be fine? "

The emperor heard the words, slightly touched: "Although the past, but this is a break of the old rules again ..."

Qin Shou smiled: "The uncle of the emperor, you are clear about me, although the number is known as the day, the rules between the heavens and the earth are extremely important, and they will be extremely faded! Tiansheng has begun to go down the slope, the next The situation is growing, and the time of peace, the baptism of blood donation, too many people are thinking. Today, the three-clear saints are inserted by the fairyland, plus the ambitious Western teaching, if you still follow the old things Come, this day, I was afraid that I was restricted everywhere.

Move, the final result is not very wonderful. "

The emperor is cold and said: "Have a long say!"

Qinshou stalls, two innocent said: "Uncle said, uncle, the uncle, I don't like to listen, then I don't say it. Tick Chen sister, go, come home with my brother! Today my brother gives you warm bed ... "

"Hey! You dare to enter my room, I am slaughtering you!" Tick Chen said with a beautiful face.

Qin Shoudao: "Look at you, now I haven't found your chest yet, can have an attempt to you ..."

"You ... I killed you!" Tick Chen's anger, and pull the sword.

Qin Shou hurriedly ran.

At this time, the emperor suddenly called: "Rabbit, you will wait, I just finished it."

At this time, Qin Shou did not ran, and the chart did not dare to be angry. The drums stood on the side of Qin Shou.

Qin Shou, laughed, said; "The emperor is uncle, isn't I am not saying?"

"Your guy, I still have to ridicule me. I am not afraid that you are saying, you said, I listen." Emperor smiled.

Qin Shudao: "Today's situation looks good, but have you ever thought? Nowaday is just a kind of illusion, this so-called peace prosperous, just a skin! Inner Riles, this big ship is ready to turn!"

The emperor's eyebrows are locked, and there is no plus. But the Tin Chen couldn't help but said: "The rabbit, you have a non-righteous language. When today is two, who can turn over the heaven?"

Qin Shou marhamined: "Of course, the average person can not work, the saints can!"

"But there is no agreement in the saints? You can't interrupted the fairy world." Tick Chen is based on the way.

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