The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the Yutong Chapter 1003.

Qin Shou didn't think about it: "The saints don't shoot, and it is not necessary to overthrow the sky! They only need to support it in a dark!"

"How do you say this?" Emperor is moving.

Qin Shou Road: "The current peace is built in the Witch and Demon, and the extension of the Tongtian Church will be formed. We are all clear that there is a sacred seat between the heavens and the earth! If I am Yuan Shi Tianzun or Daozu, It will find ways to break the balance. The best way is to support another saints, a saints who can rely on them! Once there is, this balance naturally breaks, if you don't say the wizard, even if you are Tongtian people. During the interception, it is not necessary to keep it, but the war of faith is related to the face of the saints, don't hold any other hope.

Even if there is no other saints, the current situation is not broken. Because the Witch is the biggest variable! The ancestral witch is not harmonious. If someone is provoking, let the ancestral civil war, then ... "

When I said this, Qin Shou didn't have to say it, and the emperor had been able to think of the consequences. If the ancestral war, the heavens must be rolled out, I can't get it, and the final witch and the demon family must be sacred. If someone falls ...

Think of this, Di Jun said: "So?"

Qin Shoudao: "Therefore, we need a absolute strong, Dingsheng Tiansheng! Even if the witch is turmoil, the monsters can also suppress all possible situations! And this step, you need to step by step, put the strength of the heavens Radiation opening area, put all the roots that may have confusing, one by one to suppress or erase. The first step is that Tiand will show enough power, let them fear! The second step is to go out, the strength of the heavens coverage all corners Let them always be happy, do not dare to be chaotic. Third, that is, there is some middle school, pulling over, gradually increase our strength.

Finally, it is to weaken the enemy's power, any force to Western teaching, the other two saints, find a reason to destroy, or find some reason to suppress, let them never develop. In this regard, the balance will become more smooth.

Of course, you are best to communicate well with the Witch, so that the witch is in this time.

Waiting for something mess. "

Emperor Hands I said: "You said it very reasonable, but there are many problems inside."

Qin Shou Da Hand Loured: "I just refer to the road, how to take it is a big uncle, you are a cow, I am a passerby, so don't ask me. If it's okay, I will go first. what…"

After that, Qin Shou is going to run, and the emperor hurriedly grabbed Qin Shou. "You still passerby A & 5. If you come from a dry system? I tell you, the big direction, I can grasp, But some things must be doing. You want to stand by side, wait for a cheap. In addition, the Witch, you have to talk to us, we hope to achieve a real attack and defensive alliance, as for the terms, you can discuss! But this world is absolutely unrest! ".

Chapter 423 does not request the Dazu

Do not invite the Dazu

Qin Shou two eyes, then reached out: "I have a good benefit? Don't ignore me, you have a little one, I am a small four-party king, the official of Mo, I have to pay attention to the world, the honesty, This is also, the key is what I did, I gave you, the interests, I can't be white. "

Emperor Xiao Xiao; "You still tell me this? These things, which thing is not good for you? Western teaching ... If you don't think this account, I will ask you, do you help?"

"Benefits?" Qin Shou Eye was looking at the emperor.

Emperor Handson: "Give you the official!"

"Can you make a fortune?" Qin Shou asked.

The emperor decisively shook his head: "There is no other grain, your belly is too big, not full."

"Then I am playing the autumn windshore?" Qin Shou arrived in the family of the Tianshan, he had his own goal.

"As long as it is reasonable, don't mess, it will be." Emperor Hondun.

Qin Shou took a hand: "This can be, and there is, our sister, I have to

Take away, help my town to watch the moon. "

"Roll, their strength is still not enough, you are public private use." Emperor smiled.

Qin Shou Meng spokes to the emperor: "Then, public use, uncle, how? The transaction is not?"

"OK, I will allow, business sheep and Qin Yuan can be to you. But don't blame I have not remind you, they are also my tiage, my heavens are also their mother's house, you are not allowed to bully them!" .

Qin Shou waved his hand: "You are relieved, I am good for them."

"When I got married?" Dijun suddenly asked.

Qin Shouton is stupid, married ... this is a problem. If you want to get married, Qin Shou can don't want to divide a lot of times, he wants once!

So Qin Shoudao: "When I grow up, I will get married! It's useless to get married. I can't do it."

"Haha ... then you will grow up soon, I am still waiting for your drink." Emperor smiled.

Qin Shou, laughed twice ...

"Stinking" ... "The hook of the side said.

Qin Shou's face is black, makes it over, said: "You call me stink, go back to me.

Give you a hooligan! Don't forget, you are my people now, um, Washing clothes don't have to do it, but taking a bath, warm, you can try it. "

"You dare!" Hooked to the eye beads.

Qin Shou cut a saying: "I don't dare, I don't dare. So, I will talk to me later. Otherwise, if the rabbit is full of fire, it is not allowed to prepare for the next generation."

"..." Tick Chen really wants to be twice, but in the face of this Emperor's dare to knock the bamboo bar, she is afraid.

Qin Shou and Emperor Hondun said; "Dijun Uncle, I have n'thing to go, I will see it."

"Don't see it again, come away, I will take my things, now I have turned away now ..." Emperor smiled.

Qin Shoudao: "Don't forget the sunshine of the valley!"

"Roll!" The emperor waved, Qin Shou Tengyun, flew out of the South Tianmen.

When a ass falls, I see that everyone is sitting and don't know what to talk.

When I saw Qin Shou, I immediately ran over and said: "Rabbit, you fly out?"

Qin Shou sighed: "Good mood, change a landing method. You continue, I will go first."

: "Rabbit, I have a message, do you want to hear?"

"Say!" Qin Shou knew that in the giant behem, is the most steady, he must say something is also useful.

I laughed: "Daozu went down."

Qin Shou's face suddenly changed! What did the Daozu do? Others are unclear, Qin Shou is clear, this is afraid of being derived!

"Rabbit, Daozu down, 80% is looking for you." Tick Chen did not have the mind of Qin Shou, reminded.

Qin Shou nodded: "Let's go, there will be it will come, hiding is can't hide."

"Well ... However, you have to converge your temper, then it is a saint." Hook Chen is really afraid that this dead rabbit is horing, and the saints are not birds.

Qin Shou, did not say two times, but I was acknowledged in my heart: "Saints ... I have given you a saints sooner or later, and I will become a dog head!"

Going back to Wangyoon Mountain, the mountain gate will see Dongfeng and West Wind in the same place, while walking around, an anxious look, like the ants on the hot pot.

Qin Shou fell to the way; "What do you do? Dragonfly grinding?"

Dongfeng and Western wind quickly ran up and called: "The king you can come back, big things, come and have a person. If you don't come back, we don't know what to do."

Qin Shou one is a burst: "I'm looking at the two things. People are coming to visit, I don't come to attack the mountain. This is the case. Under the biggest situation, you still have a little useful? I will go in and see. Also, you are nothing to follow the family, people are not like ants on the hot pot ... Well, he is itself ant. "

Dongfeng immediately called: "It's a group of children, excited faint passes ..."

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