The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the Yutong Chapter 1007.

Qin Shou shook his head: "Don't worry, I really want to kill, they will not attack Wang Yue Mountain, will only find me directly!"

"Why?" The middle is very unexpected, and now many people know that Qin Shou also has a soft rib, that is the woman around him! Although these soft ribs are actually not soft, it is very hard! .

Chapter 428 Who is more dangerous?

Who is more dangerous?

Qin Shou smiled and didn't say anything. When he saw too old, he had been very clear about the old man. He is very afraid of death, but he is not afraid of death! If the old man is really going to force him to death, Qin Shou is doing something!

Tai Shang Lao Jun also clear Qin Shou's energy. If he doesn't show up, even if it is, it is inevitably for Qin Shou, the Thunder, one hits!

Therefore, Qin Shou seems to be safe. In fact, his own situation has become more dangerous! But this kind of words, Qin Shou will not say it, he doesn't want his woman to worry about himself.

So Qin Shoujing said: "This is a long time in the moon, not who wants to break. Better, I have someone in the sky, there is someone in the underground, unless the saints personally shot, otherwise ... "

The slightly smiled and smiled, said: "Hey, your stinky, right, do you have a broken breakthrough to Yadong? How did you still haven't moved now?"

Qin Shouton hired: "Do you think I don't want to? I don't know why, it is always a little bit, the card is not going."

Holdly: "bottleneck!"

"Bottleneck? Is this a bottleneck?" Qin Shouzhen.

In the middle of the way, Qin Shouyi said: "What is the bottleneck in this place? Any level has a bottleneck? It's just a thin hair, one drum is born, rushing, don't think it is difficult. But some People, there is insufficient accumulation, it will be bothered on a neck card. The best way is to accumulate more roads, then take a breath, then impact it. If you understand, you will go, then you will waste you a lot of time, you still have not Energy. "

Qin Shou nodded: "I understand, it seems to eat a big household."

"What?" "" The middle of the middle has not understood the meaning of Qin Shou.

Qin Shou dry cough and said: "Nothing, I just said, hey. Yes, have you just say that there are several things? Other is what is it?"

The middle is not asked, continuing to say: "The second thing comes from not Zhanshan, not the thought of most of the power in the city, began to interculate your holy mountain and Yinshan, now the business of holy mountains and Yinshan Falling up thousands of stars, basically there is no income. , constantly from the Dragon Palace to the lord, fill the deficit. "

Qin Shouton is happy: "Haha ... This is still so doing this stupid,?"

"You laughed out? If you don't have four people in the past, you have already started to lose money." There are some speechless ways.

Qin Shou did not believe in the way: "Lost this? I came out of the rabbit, I still lost this?

Since it is dying, since it is dying, then the rabbit will teach him to teach him what is not dead, one will die! "

"Rabbit, I will remind you. The strengths and forces of those people may be better than you, but they can have their own circles in the unscrupulous city. If you use strong, it is afraid that it will cause greater rebound. It will lead to more trouble. Dealing with them, you can only use business-friendly means ... so your means is best not to use. "

Qin Shou smiled: "What is my means? Don't use it? The rabbit, I didn't plan to use strong, rest assured, I am myself. Since they play with me, I will use the text to let them cry!"

"That's good." I nodded in the middle of the way, "further, Western teaching passed the holy mountain's thing, has been rushed back to the West. However, the fairy belongs have a rumor, and the Tianship should take the rise, rob The leading power of the land fairy, annexing the Witch is complete! The Witch is this, but it is said that there is a small dispute in the ancestral. "

Qin Shou heard here, his face finally became changing, but he did not continue to ask the Witch's thing, but asked: "Is there anything else?"

"Yes, but it is a little thing, I am too lazy to tell you. It is also nothing to do with us."

Qin Shou nodded: "I have worked hard these days, walk ..."

"What to do?" The middle of the middle was taken forward by Qin Shou overba, and he went slightly, then he went back to God, and asked a little tense.

Qin Shouwang is in the middle, sincere and unparalleled: "Take a week, I haven't take a shower for a long time, wash it together?"


There are more big bags on the Qinshou head, and the middle is floating.

Qin Shou kneaded his head, smiled; "Really, the rabbit, I am so affectionate, I can't melt the heart of this girl, oh ... the movie is really lie!"

No later words, the next day, Qin Shou immediately went to the female palace, relative to the Witch's things, the things that were not week is too small. If the Witch is chaos, this fairyland is really chaotic! The Lich two is not guaranteed, and Qin Shou's days are not good.

Therefore, Qin Shou's first thing is to see Fang Ya, and Fang Ya usually lives in the female palace.

However, when Qin Shou felt the female palace, I didn't see the female, but I saw a cyan tear snake at the door. After I saw Qin Shou, I went into a group, said: "Rabbit, you finally come. Mother Niang I have to let me tell you. "

Qin Shou Dao: "What? And which mother is left?"

Teng snake is white, Qin Shou, said: "Of course it is a girl, the mother said,

Witch's things you can't insert your hands. This matter, she and the rear son can handle it, so you don't have to worry. In addition, she also said that this is likely to tiger from the mountain, so let you be careful. "

"I am careful? What is it? I am still in the end of me?" Qin Shouzhen.

"Silly bunny, what do you think?" A girl wearing green clothes came out, and it was the white breech that Qin Shou met in the dream!

Qin Shou's two eyes turned, complained: "These guys hate me more, in order to deal with me, even the ancestral witch gave it ..."

White : "They hate you, it is a thousand people hate! You don't want to think, since you have appeared, have you had a good day? But then come back, they hate you so hate you Your head can be dangerous. ..

Chapter 429, a ferocious rabbit

Ferocious rabbit

The Niang Niang said, if you are worried, then stay in the female palace. The female palace is the land of saints, no one dares to kill here. "

Qin Shou immediately asked: "Stay in the women's palace? The problem is what the rabbit I need, the female palace is not, the minimum sleeping equipment is not complete."

"Less, female palace does not say to have the world, at least there is still something. What do you want, tell me, I really don't believe it, our female palace does not have your hill king. "White gas drums."

Qin Shoudao: "Before I sleep, I like to let the beauty give me warmly ..."

"Roll, the bunny ..." White Herbled face, , turn around.

I saw this, haha ​​smiled: "White, I didn't expect your knife mouth, it was really difficult, haha ​​..."

White fierce glanced: "You will be , you are not afraid to flash to the waist. Diming the bunny, the warm quarter is not, the love will not stay, hehe!"

Finished, the white flasher.

Teng snake to Qin Shou twisted twisted the snake head: "Rabbit, I suggest you leave it. If you are not peace today, you have a saints if it is stronger, even if the strength is strong, it is also strong, and there is nothing. "

However, Qin Shou shook his head: "If it is a saint, I am also afraid of him a bit.

. Unfortunately, the saint can't shoot, the remaining Yadian, ... To be honest, I still look forward to it. Don't say it, I will go first, and there is something. "

Teng snake said: "Rabbit, don't you stay?"

Qin Shou waved his hand: "Thank you, the world will only be more exciting, so on danger, ... the relative payment is dangerous!"

Waiting for Qin Shou, it is around the door, and the feet of ignorant: "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

Teng snakes are beautiful: "I heard that this rabbit rogue is very, white, you don't go to a year and a half, give me a little snake back."

"Roll out! Anyway, there is another year from me, I don't believe it, this rabbit can also jump a month ... Hey!" White Hao said, go back to the room.

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