The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the 1008 chapter of Yuren.

Qin Shou left the female palace, and the brow wrinkled. Although he was mad, it was not stupid, the saint must calculate him, and it must be full! The future enemy is inevitably terrible! However, Qin Shou also understands that hiding is useless. Once you hide, this big turn will run according to your own trajectory, and finally the Lich two is inevitably embarrassed.

The existence of Qin Shou is a stirring stick, the iron stick in the middle of the gear! He knows the movement of history, and can reverse the warner of the warbox counterclockwise. So he absolutely can't stop!

Just when Qin Shou is thinking, the , one thing is broken!

Qin Shou turned quickly, and he was arrested in his hand. He suddenly was a note!

Open, write a line of text: "Lion Mountain, Mad Lion King, Yadheng, San Ranked 865, using double hammer. Good at, smashing mountain river. Double hammer Can generate terrible sounds ... "

"This ... who gave me?" Qin Shouzhen.

Just then, in front of a demon cloud, standing on a golden big lion, lion head, personal, body wearing a chain, hand holding two big hammers, double eyes!

Qin Shou contracted the description of the note on the note: "Large lion, can you come for me?"

The mad lion king is soaked: "Since this lion king came, are you committed, or I brought you with a mellow?"

Qin Shou ha laughed, then the face was sinking, and he wanted: "Okay, you will be a mad king, do you dare to take me? I am a flattener of the Tiantian, you will be more than you will come to me! You are not afraid of the Tianbing, Did you destroy your whole family? "

The mad lion king laughed; "I am still afraid, but ... if there is still a worries, I will not come! Rabbit, today you don't have to use your body, the body, I am scared! I am not a thoughtful person! Come here today. , Just to kill you! "

Qin Shou shook his head: "You are still very stupid, whether it is Daozu or Yuan Shi Tianzun as your back shield, you come here today, there is only one next place, that is ... Red lion head!"

"Hey, find dead!" The mad lion king finished, the wheel and the shank kill it up, double hammered tiger tiger, the momentum is not small! " If you are not getting a word first, Qin Shou really thought that he was a strong flesh of the melee!

Although there is a preparation, Qin Shou is still a dress, the whole body is diamonded, and the blood red in the skin is like a strange picture, but when Qin Shou is a box!

The mad lion king's face suddenly changed, and it was excited: "How is it? You are obvious ... ah!"

The mad lion king has not yet shouted, the double hammer was bombarded by Qin Shou, and the hammer was turned out by Qin Shouyi! Then, this punch is in the invincible trend, straight to the door of the mad lion king!

The crisis shutdown mad lion king suddenly shut up, then the abdomen ridge, then: "Hey!"

A roaring and roaring!

The result is that the sound is exported!


Qin Shou backhand took out the mountain sessions into his mouth, and the snoring suddenly went back! The rising face is red, the whole body blood vessel has emerged as a snoring!

Then Qin Shou is also a punch!


The magical king's skull is blown on the air, and the cerebelings are pulpted!

When Qin Shou recovered his hand, he handled the Mad Lion King's Yuan God!

"Forgive ... Rabbit Grandpa, forgive, I don't want to come, it is aunt ..." The madman is finally afraid, and they will ask for help.

"The people are less than the snake swallow, your little lion also wants to kill me? Rabbit, I even killed hundreds of Liu Liu, and I would also be afraid of you? I really don't have it!" Qin Shou said, Throw the mad lion king in the mouth, swallow!

Encoured in the god of the mad lion, Qin Shou's face is not good. Although the strength of this mad lion king is general, but if there is no such thing, it will remind it in advance, the insidious guy suddenly suddenly screamed, Qin Shou Absolutely you want to eat a bit! .

Chapter 430 Gambling Square


So, the problem is coming, who is it to Qin Shou's strip? Why do he help Qin Shou?

Unfortunately, I have been waiting for a long time, I have never seen someone, Qin Shou doesn't want to go, and go without week.

Waiting for Qin Shou to not Zhou City, I really saw that the original business is booming, people come to the holy mountain, at this moment, the door can be Rocrac. The gate is sitting there, supporting the gods of the gods.

Qin Shouli went down, smiled: "How? This is not going to go? Who said with me, must ensure that business is booming?"

I heard the voice of Qin Shou, and I got up, and I was very embarrassed.

Qin Shou, laughed, took the shoulders of the embarrassment: "Look at you, what is the original, isn't it a little set?"

"I am not a little set! This is among my life, the first time I first pick such a big task, the result ... ..." .

Qin Shoudao: "There is nothing to sigh, no thought is that the forces here are deeply rooted, he wants to blocked who, no one can hold."

: "But I am not willing! That is not thoughtful, it is too deceived!"

Qin Shou, I laughed; "I bullied people, I said the second, who dares to say the first one? Yes, Tai Quality and the two guys? That Tai Si real people did not give you a big idea "Qin Shouke can be clear, the Hao Qing may not force, but the guy of the Taiqi is definitely the old boy from the old man, he is willing to help, the day of this holy mountain will never be so bad.

I heard the name of the Thasi people, I immediately bite his teeth: "You also mention him with me? The old guy actually made a good idea! I used it, where is my face?"

Qin Shouli: "What is the idea of ​​being?"

, said: "In short ... In short, it is very bad idea. Anyway, I will not use it."

At this moment, the two people and the two people who had the two people took back, and the truth was smoked with a haze, and the face was full of red: "What is the idea, the real person gives you the idea, but It is a good idea! Once it is, it will be invincible. You don't listen, how can I blame me. "

: "Your name is a good idea? On the holy mountain, open the casino, Qinglou, find a bunch of rogue monsters to go around ..."

Qin Shou listened, the face was black!

Too two really said: "It's called a casino, why you call the Qinglou, I haven't said it. This is the prosperous business in the holy mountain, that is, because of the money, you can achieve all the wishes! Huang is also very poisonous, When you play, then

Calling the business, the vulgar you play, that is, it is called Qinglou Brigade. I am letting you take the elegance route ... "

"Hey! White, isn't it a vulgar gating?"

Qin Shou is understanding, This is the most profitable business that tested the holy mountain, and then did not adopt the opinions of Tai-two live people ...

Qin Shou immediately asked: "Hey, what are you operating in Holy Mountain?"

Head: "Eat! I invited many masters, Tian Nanhai, as long as you think, I have! And all kinds of entertainment activities, what is dancing, what happened? Rabbit, your face So what? "

Too two live swayed and walked; "You can see the ghosts, you will cut the most profitable, who cares about anyone? You have, others have, you have no one, Why are people come to you this? The head makes the scorpion? "

Angry: "Omele too, can you shut up?"

Qin Shou Dao: "Hey, the Tai Vi is said to be very good, but it does have this problem. However, this is not absolute, even a pure hotel, if you can play the pattern, make a feature, It will not be the door to be Rocar. In the final analysis, the holy mountain is blocked. "

Although it is a bit uncomfortable, but still nod: "Yes, since it was blocked, there was no one in it."

Qin Shoudao: "Okay, you don't worry about this, you do your business.

Bar. Outside the thing, I will solve myself. "

"You solve it? How to solve it?" .

Qin Shou smiled: "I heard that there is an industry in the near future, right?"

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