The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit.

Hey: "Yes, the industry that does not turn around is gambling stone square! The status of the thoughtful gambling stone square is not Zhou Shifang. What happened? "

Qin Shou smiled: "Forgot to tell you, the rabbit, I can be the number of two gambling masters! Since he gambling the stone square, then ... we lose more, I will go to his gambling stone square. ! I have to see, how long can he play with us! "

Too two real people immediately called; "The rabbit is not only not thought, not only the five families of the no week, there is no thoughtful people, and there are also gambling stone industries. I think you need it. Take advantage! "

"Oh? Not Zhou City five families?" Qin Shou's eyes flashed a cold.

"It's true! These five families are Zhou Wang Zheng Li Sun! It is said that their family and less thoughtful people have thousands of thoughts. Many families are not thoughtful. This time they block holy mountains and mountains, they are I have a great effort. "Tai Qi Zhe said.

Qin Shou looked back Qing Da: "After the Qing, do you know this?"

After the Qing Dynasty, I was busy; "Of course, I don't seem to be prosperous. In fact, this will not be in the management of thought. The most profitable industry is not his, and he has thousands. Thousands of relationships. Not thoughtful people are very collectible ... "

"Not thoughtful people are also extremely powerful in Yadong. Strengthening this step, it is not too great. He is not a rabbit master, I need to swallow the treasure, improve your own repair. So, he What is the purpose of doing this, do you know? "Qin Shou frowned. .

Chapter 431 does not Zhou Shi Wang

Not Zhou Shi Wang

"Unclear ..." Everyone shook his head.

Too two real people suddenly opened: "Rabbit, as a coming, I have to remind you, don't fall into the pit. Sometimes, the easiest to see is not necessarily true!"

Qin Shou's heart trembled, said: "What do you mean, this is probably a law?"

Too two truth is boophful, "I didn't know this, but I have a feeling, and the purpose of not thinking is that it is likely to cover up."

Qin Shou nodded: "I understand. However, no matter what he is for, let me first revenge!"

"It must be, I will go with you!" Too two is afraid that things are not big, and hurry.

After Houqing is, it is also to join in the palm of the palm, and it is called: "I will go!"

"Okay, I want to go! Today, Today, the holy mountain closed, restless day!" Qin Shou waved, excitedly called: "This is what you said! You let the business, you can't make money, you can't make money Blame me! "

Too two truths: "This is said, it seems to make money ..."



Not Zhou Shifang, the largest stone square in Wen Zhou, is also known as the largest stone square in the whole land, mainly from other peaks outside the mountains. Not Wushan itself has a variety of stone, but here is forbidden.

Qin Shou entered the not Zhou Shifang, and the consciousness under the eyebrows was picked up. This is not Zhou Shifang covers an area, on a street, only such a family, I want to go to other stores, speed slowly to fly for a long time! There are two huge strange stones at the door of Shifang. This stone is strange, and it is the most important thing that this is two stone kings! What is afraid that people who don't know how to feel the extraordinary of these two strange stones!

However, the two strange stones fell in Qin Shou Eye, but in exchange for a shock, whispered: "The stone sells well, but it is empty."

Too two real people laughed: "This is not to say, it has been said, this is two fertilizers! Two pieces taken from the real stone king in the noble stone. But this waste The phase is also extremely extraordinary, and I don't know what it is in the stone king. "

Qin Shou wondered, the eyes suddenly looked: "Oh? These two pieces are actually cutting the fertilizer on the stone king?"

After the clearance: "They are unclear, this is the most clear! I heard that there is a peerless good material, and the number can be opened. These two fertilizers are not stone kings. Body, but stone on the side of Shiwang! Just some breath on Shiwang! However, I listen to some people who know how to say that if this stone is placed in the stone king, it is not allowed to give birth to it. Some treasures come! Everyone thinks that the stone king must have a good thing! Unfortunately, not the thought of the stone king as the treasure of the town store, except for the Wanshi Conference, I will take it out for everyone. Look, it is usually not to see. It is very deep, no one knows where it is. "

Qin Shou smiled: "I didn't expect this old guy to have such air transport, walk, go in!"

Too second real person quickly and asked quietly: "How do I feel that you have a little picture about the stone ..."

Qin Shou Bai Miu Tung You said: "Don't say, the rabbit, I just want to see, there is no other idea ... Don't you see me, I am telling the truth! What is true! Forget it!" Pull. "

Too two truth is all!

Head: "Rabbit, you really will gamble?"

Qin Shou proudly said: "How did you think of the base industry in Wan Meshan?

It is gambling, winning a family, only. "Qin Shou, will not be said to be robbed, too fallen ...

Qin Shou, Tai Qi Zhen, , Houqing a few people are celebrities in the city, and they have entered the gambling stone square, and some people have already ran to report.

"What? The dead rabbit actually came to my gambling stone square? How? He still wants to gamble?" Not thoughtful.

"The ancestors, unclear, but see the situation seems to be gambling. They have begun to pick up the stone ..." A disciple road.

Not thoughtful, heard: "I have heard of the rabbit, I have some means in gambling. However, he wants to win here, there is no self-righteousness!"

"The brother said that your stone has been put on the edge of Shiwang. It is contaminated with the stones of Shiwang. It can be isolated and confused. Although the rabbit is some means, but it is here, ... "A man comes out from behind, a red pair, but some distortions, garlic nose, faint mouth, a pair of eyes seems to be two wires, open and closed. The effect is similar.

Not thoughtful people don't look at him, it is estimated that he is also disgusting, afraid to do a nightmare. Not thoughtful: "Red Miyi, you don't know this rabbit, this rabbit is not said, but he did four in the gambling stone square of the Wanmie Mountain Dragon.

Fang, mad and kill. He should have some feelings about gambling ... However, as you said, I am not other gambling stone squares. Since he wants to play, then play with him! Come! Go out of the warehouse in the warehouse, put it! Hey ... I want this rabbit to pay! Take the hatred of I am not waiting for the city! "

"Yes!" Someone immediately gave birth to it.

Not thoughtful people, the Redmi Road: "Teacher, let's go, look at the lively."

"It has this point, I have long heard that this rabbit is extremely fascinated by the fairy world, where to get the chicken flying dog, today I met this interesting little guy." The Red Mi said that the voice is very gentle, but Everyone who is familiar with Red Mi knows that the more gentle, the more he is in the heart!

Not thoughtful, laughing: "The brother wants to shoot, don't worry, wait for him to fall again, it is not too late. Taking the brother's god, killing him like killing the hare, looking back, there must be rewards!" .. "

Chapter 432's Counterattack

Power counterattack

Red Mei smiled: "The brother should not say this, if it kills the rabbit, this credit is to be all of you, the madman is also a waste, giving him a good opportunity, but there is still a failed ... unfortunately."

Not thoughtful, people don't think about it: "The mad lion king just tested the waste in front of the rabbit, death, no unfortunately. Go ..."

When you wait until you come out, your face is not very nice. I saw that Qin Shou actually chose more than one hundred stone places in the square. Such a big hand purchase stone, not Zhou Shifang is also the first time! Under the hands of the thought, it is obviously scared, one by one, look at me, I see you, I don't dare to start the stone!

Qin Shou sat on a big stone, knotted Erlang legs, hanging gentleman: "What is these guys, what is going on? I don't give me a business. I don't give me a business. What kind of mean? Still, this is this The so-called biggest gambling stone square in the city is actually a bonus, does not open at all? "

"Qin Daoyou, you have done a stone yet." A green shirt man said.

Qin Shou glanced at the green shirt, said: "How? What? I am afraid that the rabbit is can't afford?"

The green shirt is smirk, he is not worried about Qin Shouqi can't afford the money, the holy mountain is not

With business, so many years continue to be extremely worthy of wealth. He is afraid that Qin Shou is not intended at all.

However, this white-shirt man can't say it, otherwise this kind of rabbit, a bunny, he all, he is not a place to speak.

Others have the concerns of women in the green shirt. Qin Shou this guy lifted their ancestors to bulld a half-dead, and the management rights of not Zhou City also grabbed it. It is only to bully them. They are only white. In the face of overbearing, strong, Qin Shou, who is abiding, one by one, choose to shut up, delay time.

The green shirt man said: "Of course, I don't know if Qin Daoyou has holy mountain in the hand, the assets countless, the area of ​​the district is ruined. However, our gambling stone side has its own rules, pay the money, after the stone, after "


The green shirt has not yet opened, Qin Shou is directly shot, the hand is falling, he is awkward, the stone is divided into two in Qin Shou, the inside, falling a piece of green stone, stone as if there is liquid , The liquid inside the room is coming back and forth, very beautiful!

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