The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit 1010

When the green shirt man's face is turned to the stone!

Houqing is even more surprised: "Green liquid stone! Haha ... Qin big brother, you earn big! This stone price 10,000 Chinese product stone, but this green liquid stone is worth 100,000

! "

Qin Shou smiled and smiled and threw the green liquor directly to the entrance.

After the day, I was stupid.

The green shirt man wants to stop, it is late, it can only be said: "Qin Daoyou, you haven't paid yet, the green liquor is still in our gambling stone square. You have eaten ..."

"Either give me a stone, or I have a piece of yourself, then a piece of eating, you will go!" Qin Shouyi, you can resist my look, watch the green shirt man, the teeth of the gust of the teeth, Helpless.

However, the man is really shocked, or the stone's stone technique and speed of Qin Shou, if the lightning is lightning, the flash is passed, a stone is open, the things inside fall out! This way, has exceeded all the stone masters of their gambling stone square! Only the three Tree Masters in the gambling stone square can be done!

There is a stone of stone, there is also a papers, the capital of the account, so he does not suspect that Qin Shou said to do it!

Just when the man was soaked in the green shirt, it didn't think about the thought: "Rabbit, you are not happy on your holy mountain, what is this gambling stone square?"

A disciple didn't see the thoughtful people, and they had returned and secretly tone.

And the people who watched the lively, but more excited, they all know that they are not thoughtful and

Qin Shou is not dealt with, two guys can say that they are penetrating with water. One is the heavens, all kinds of titles, and a big, known as a big, called the strongest two ancestors, mixed bills!

Another is a long-awaited, strength, and innocent king!

Two people face to face, they want to know how sparks will be taken out.

However, there is also some people, quietly standing after the people who don't worry, these people are the owners of major merchants in the city.

Qin Shou swept them, remembering them at a glance, laughed: "Not bad is standing, wait for the rabbit, I will visit your store! Well, the law says that this is not a matter of public security. Not peaceful, two days may have to perform curfew. "

At this time, the face of everyone has become a piece of iron!

The business of not Zhoucheng is mainly concentrated in the evening, known as not night city, infinite gentle town! As a result, this bastard is actually going to perform curfew, then their business ...

However, this is not finished, Qin Shou has opened: "There is still ah, surrounded by the safety of not Zhou City, I decided to apply for a large number of Tianbi Tian, ​​will be stationed, um, this security is maintenance, but also Talent. Well, just join the tax, how much is the specific plus, I will inform you in two days, I will not be chaotic, I will not be chaotic.

Right. "

When you come out, everyone's face is even more.

The fool knows that this rabbit is to make a public enroll, and the Capital tax is to increase their costs, and the long-term ban is broken! A blocking source, an increase in overhead, not long, these businesses have to die! Not everyone is so many people!

Qin Shou's two sentences, suddenly shake these people's military hearts, and the beginning of the beginning is not fixed, even the following small families, small businessmen began to move out.

Not thoughtful, so that Qin Shou continued to continue, otherwise he crackedly created the situation, it was to be broken by this dead rabbit! So, there is no thought: "Rabbit, not Zhou City has only a symbolic zero 50% tax, you have to tax, how can you discuss us? Also, the public unsolved in the city is not closed, so. How can I say safety difference? I don't want to use the curfew? "..

Chapter 433 I am a law

I am the law

Qin Shouki smiled and smiled. I deliberately black your expression, said: "Business? I am not discussing with you? Just don't have a sound, that is. As for curfew, you said I don't know, I just listened, recently, there are people who are in the night, see the door, then I will pass the woman to shout the voice, I think this is a safe hidden dangerous. Ok, public discussion At this end, things are so fixed, you don't have to worry about me, serve the people who are not Quancheng, everything should be! Today, I just came out to gambling stone, I don't discuss it, yes, yes, Not thoughtful, you don't give me a stone under these men, what do you think? "

When everyone listened, suddenly, I was so angry. It is a hidden danger of public security? You have a mixed bunny that you can't make it ...

One of the faces are quiz, they are finally understood why this dead rabbit is not the management of Zhou City! This guy can be died, you can play everyone! And they, there is no way to resist! It is ridiculous that they actually join, want to suppress and rabbit industry!

Not thoughtful people played one of them, and the other side jumped out, called: "Qin Daoyou, the happy people in the Happy Palace! You are so powerful for the city

, Are you not afraid that we collectively move out? At that time, you can make anything to make the chicken, you can't make anything! "

Qin Shou smiled: "You want to move out? Come on, go ... Take the happy palace, the people inside are driven away, there is a left, people have to move, the place will receive it. Take it, ask if anyone acquires, um, it is cheap, and a piece of Chinese stone is sold! "

In this case, the happy palace master, the joyful people hurry to call: "Wait! Qin Daoyou, I haven't said that I moved out ..."

Qin Shou smashed the ear: "You said? I can't hear it!" Then shouted others: "What do you do? Inform us, to receive the happy palace."

After this, I went back to God, and I ran, and I threw it to Qin Shou, I've been thrown into Qin Shou. "I want it, haha ​​..."

When the Hallowman's face is suddenly black, he quickly looked at the no thought: "Not thoughtful, you say something."

Not thoughtful people on the front: "Rabbit, you have not too much! You are really not afraid that everyone will bother you?"

Qin Shou cut said: "I didn't come before the rabbit, I didn't come. If you want to go, you will go, anyway, my rabbit, I don't miss it. Oh, yes, you are Where can I say it, I will apply it to it, become the side.

Manager, um ... rest assured, I will take care of you. "

Not thoughtful and the face of those people who came with him is all black, this is that although the world is big, it is under the management of heavens! Taking Qin Shou in the status of heaven, he wants to go, and you can go!

At this time, many people who blindly follow the thoughtful people suddenly realized that in front of powerful public power, how ridiculous and weaknesses they have these groups! Even if you are strong, if you don't think about the strength of Qin Shou, it is also powerful! Unless you do!

But hands-on, it is to rebel, rebel is to face the heaven ...

I finally, I originally followed the hundred people who didn't have any thoughtful people, I started to leave, and I was a spending of Qin Shou, "Qin Daoyou, heard a few decorations in the last bad palace in the holy mountain, I will let me People send it. "

Qin Shou laughed: "What is the call? What is it?"

"In the Bremen Banzi, the bliss Hall ..." The bliss master nodded, obviously, this is a standard wall grass. Can't talk about people, but Qin Shou needs such a person! Such people tend to bring a nice start!

Qin Shou nodded: "Is the Pale Temple? I heard that the Pale Temple is a good place, there is no hidden nattan, and the security is also good, you don't have to ban, but remember, you must standardize the operation."

The bliss son suddenly said that it is.

And others have written words, directly turn over white, what is the gong? The famous flower bonus, the ultra-happy hall is a single green building plus brocupe, and it is better than any place. If he is legal, there is no compliance below this day.

Unfortunately, everyone understands that this rabbit is in private, abuse! No one can supervise his inquiry, his words are the sky! Who he said who is guilty, who is guilty! Even if you are the way!

The face of the non-thoughtful face is a five-black, the red miyun sound of the side: "This rabbit does have some means, but the brother doesn't have to worry. Just wait for him enough, leave here, to the place where no one is, You, I put it up, kill him! "

Not thoughtful people nodded, as long as Qin Shou died, he now said everything, it has become meaningless. Didn't have Qin Shou, Shengshan, Wang Yue Mountain is a piece of shared sand, he really does not believe in these two places to toss what moth came! Even if there is no Qin Shou, the contact of the Lich group will not be like this now ...

The more thought, the more thoughtful people, the more I want to give Qin Shouli to no one!

Unfortunately, Qin Shou did not mean it, with a bliss borders, a lot

People have jumped out, expressing supporting the holy mountain, supporting Qin Shou, and then sent a variety of gifts to show loyalty. Qin Shou took one by one, pulled them into the white list, then the light was collected and the gift ...

Not thoughtful, can no longer let this rabbit will be turned down, otherwise it is really a lone, he will kill Qin Shou, and he will not return to face!

So not the thoughtful people snorted: "You have to think about it, the fairyland is so big, but the city is not big, there is no week, the world is still very dangerous."

In this case, people who were still hesitant were still quiet. Qin Shou's threat is indirect, but the threat of not thought is direct! That is really killing people with no thought, who can they block? .

Chapter 434

Vomiting blood

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