The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1011.

However, Qin Shou said, but it is not thoughtful.

Qin Shou smiled: "Nothing is nothing, if you have a three long two short, I promise that there are ten people who stand opposite yours to you! And what happened today, will play a ten times in a row Second! "

In this way, there is no thoughtful people angered; "the bunny! They are dead, what is the relationship with us, not our mobile hand, what do you pull us?"

Qin Shi Li Tao: "I can only manage such an acre three degrees, and I'm going to sweep it here! Is it going to find someone else?"

"You ... you are not reasonable!" Not thoughtful.

Qin Shou lazy way: "You are right, the rabbit, I am not reasonable! Because, the rabbit, I just truth! I have the right to work, can you be?"

Since the appearance of the mad lion, Qin Shou is understanding, maybe too old, Yuan Tianzun can't take it directly to kill him. The people under their hand don't dare to kill him, but the black hand is still unscrupulous! Since the other party has already moved, Qin Shou didn't want to give them a face. Since you have to play, you will play with them! Play them!

Not thoughtful, he was tempeared by Qin Shou, and finally helplessly: "Very good, we will go to Tiantiao! Take a look at the two sorrows!"

Qin Shou blows whistle: "You are free, right, Nantian Gate is not

What is the A cat a dog can come. You are optimistic, here are the suspicion of rebellion, don't put it in one! "

When you come out, there are four giant bears in the sky, which is the idiots who are guarding Nan Tianmen!

No thoughtful, a blood sprayed out! Since ancient times, from the small to big, not Zhou Taoist has always believed that the strength is the truth! So he did hardly practice, and now he does not say the world first, but it is also a person. How many years no one dares to get angry? How many years he didn't be so angry? Most importantly, he has never encountered, and there is a problem that can't be solved!

But in front of him, this mixed rabbit, but truthfully gave him a class, you have strength, you have to look! I can't use it!

Strong power, it is very powerful than what magical power, you can't bull it!

Finally, no thought, a sneak sleeve: "Good ... very good ... Rabbit, the road between the mountains and the moon mountains can not be peaceful, you are best careful."

Qin Shou haha ​​smiled: "You are not prison, you are, right, this stone doesn't open it? You don't open, I can doubt that you have a tired of you here, I don't have received it directly."

Not thoughtful, he was too dead, and he bite his teeth: "You pay, naturally you can fly!"

Qin Shou is a faceless way: "Pay? What is your joke? I just checked

Posting, since the emergence of no week, this gambling stone side has not paid taxes! But the rabbit master, this is a good person, no one is complete, let's take a little, let you have a chance to breathe. After all, I am also the parent of my parents. What can't my mother go to death? This way, you see how much is the stone, then report to me, I will give you a tax. "

"You!" No thoughtful people have a blood, almost sprayed!

The guys who follow the thoughtful people are sitting on the ground. How many years haven't been established in Wen Zhou? If you use the yuan, you have to use millions! How much is it to take a tax? I am afraid who is not going out? This is a no-hole!

If this rabbit is taxed to everyone, it is estimated that all their wealth will be plundered one empty! And they still have to owe a ass!

Qin Shou immediately turned into the fire: "Yes, there is a thing forgot to tell everyone, everyone can't leave before the total tax. Otherwise, I will take the crime of tax evasion. You have launched a wanted order, but it is not me to go door, but the Tianbingtian will go to the door. This is not the problem that the tax can be solved, but the beams of the sky! The amount is serious, the amount of the arrears Huge but there is a running road, I think, it is also possible to take it on the monster. "

This time, the audience is stunned!

How much is this tax? Who can calculate it? Still not the mouth of this dead rabbit? Who is serious, who is small or even sinful, isn't a matter of his words?

Suddenly, some people immediately moved to Qin Shou's body. Now, Qin Shou has already stands two hundred people, and it is not less than people who don't have any serious people! Of course, in quality, there is still a dominant side. These people's face is extremely poor, but the deep cold electricity is flashing, and one is dignified, hidden murder. Qin Shou knows that most of these people are not thoughtful, and they are not allowed to participate in the plan for Qin Shou.

Therefore, Qin Shou is not nonsense. If he is behind him, it can be guaranteed that the economy is still stable, then the remaining people are directly pulled into the death list!

Qin Shou waved: "Okay, don't talk nonsense, don't weigh people, are you accounting, or checkout?"

Not thoughtful, the face is green on the spot, and the account is, it is to use the so-called non-existent tax bills, checkout, fear is to end the past there is no-hole general tax!

Not thoughtful people bite the teeth: "Accounting bills! Come, give him stone!"

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "This is right, it's okay, it's a blood, hehe, weird waste ..."

Qin Shou came back to the next, there was a chair in the back, Qin Shou rose the Erlang legs, comfortably, and the face is relaxed.

It was originally lost for a week, a belly, a belly, I laughed and opened a lot, I took the initiative to Qinshou, and I picked my shoulder for Qin Shou, smiled: "Rabbit, True you! When you shoot, let the old king become green


Chapter 435


Not thoughtful, it's a big angry, it's going to get fire, just see that there is a green king, the king of the ink, calling, calling; "This king is really ink green Wipe, um, don't know if it is just him. "

The scorpion of the people is immediately pressed down. At this time, isn't it the case? Can only be closed, recognize!

After the Qing, I kneel it, give Qin Shoujia legs, hammer, one side: "Big Brother, you are really powerful! You don't know, this death king is a bastard, you have not come, take a group of little kings eight in us The door is chaotic, blocked, screamed, also grab customers! I haven't had to do it even more business ... You come, he will rabbit blood, hey ... Sure enough, you have a big brother. "

Qin Shou smiled; "That is because you are stupid, a old king is not going, how do you become a big thing in the future? Ok, let's play, the rabbit, I will sleep for a while, I will open it out for a while. Both packs back. "

After Xiao Qing screamed: "Big Brother, I also want to open two stones to play."

Qin Shou waved his hand: "Just open, there is money on anyway ..."

After that, Qin Shou slept.

Not thoughtful, the fire is three feet, the three corpses are violent, what is the money? There is no money on your account, the so-called tax is just the power to grab! Do not

I also understand this, I don't use it ...

At this moment, the news from the two-wire three came to let the thoughtful people still can't sit.

I saw the stone gaps of Qin Shou election to pick up the two-year-old three, the value is at least five times the price of the stone! That is to say, don't say that Qin Shou has not spent money, it will spend money, he is also stable and unreasonable!

"Green crystal stone! Value value is five times!"

"Nine products first day Lingbao, value added twelve times!"

"Three products Xuanhuang to Baobao, value added one hundred and sixty times!"

"Hey!" Not thoughtful once again sprayed a blood, a butt sat on the chair, as black ink!

The Red Mili of the side: "Brother, don't be angry, how do he open again? Wait until he is dead, these things we will come back!"

"I am not distressed, but I am angry! This dead rabbit ... actually gambling stone, but also a master!" Not thoughtful.

Others watching the lively people also see that this rabbit is indeed a gambling master, all selected stone, there is no piece of waste, all have no loss!

Soon, after the Qing Dynasty, Tai Quality and the three people also selected ten chains ran back. Dedicated to Qin Shou, Qin Shou said: "There is only one thing, the rest is waste. ! "After the finish, Qin Shou was laughing at not thoughtful.

Road: "Don't weigh people, do you do this? Do you have a small stone that is contaminated with the stone, confuse others, don't you fool? Don't tell me that these are the stone on the stone side of the stone. It's a stone on the side of the stone king. Even if there is no baby, there are some good sparsle! Results, these all are waste, there is no shit! And said, Shi Wang is only a big place, there can so much breath on the side. Stone? Dictionary is that your artificial will send waste, contaminated the breath, take it out to fake money!

Hey, no week, no thought, it is so embarrassing, it is really letting me open your eyes. "Speaking this, Qin Shou looked around, Lang said:" Everyone, don't look for the fun, there is no good material here, it is better than I am. Left, even if it is good, it is also a holiday! Another is true waste! I really don't understand, do you have more money to spend this place where you have anything? "

"Rabbit, you have to have a letter to the mouth!" Not thoughtful!

Qin Shou shakes his head: "I am not a letter to female, ask a few people don't know? That blue shirt, do you not say something? Come, you have died, talk about this stone Didn't do your hands and feet! Remember, you must swear! "

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