The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1012

The face of the green shirt man suddenly changed, not the thoughtful people were anxious, hurry: "He is just a disciple, what do he know? Since you want to swear, let me come!"

Qin Shou shook his head: "Other, do you think I don't know how? Is it a means to avoid vows with your hoe? So you swear, I can't believe it, just

I am trustworthy this kid! Of course, find a few strength weaknesses, I also believe. "

Not thoughtful, he did a means to avoid vows, although the consequences are still very serious, but he can at least make people can't see it! However, if the green shirts swear, he can't do it.

The green shirt man stands there, it is vowed to, not swearing, it is stignted, and the one-faced one's face is.

Qin Shou booth stalls: "Ok, you don't swear, I will not say it. If you have a lot of money, your brain is broken, continue to visit this gambling stone side! Anyway they come , I will come over and stroll. Left, you can try your luck with the absolute yourself, you can try your breath. "

Not thoughtful, angry: "Rabbit, you are going to kill!"

Qin Shou was surprised: "Don't we say this, how do you say this? I am a good person, never make a bad thing. What is it to kill, I am coming to gamble a stone, you are so excited? Shi gambling, is it a gambling, just like a lot of people come to you, gambling, do not see you give them a way? "

Not thoughtful, the gambling stone has the rules of gambling, and the gambling clothes are required, it is necessary! And open the door, you can't catch the guests, otherwise no one will come.

Others are also silent, see now, everyone understands, this is not a problem, but there is no problem, but this rabbit is coming, there must be a problem! No one is not a lot of money, it's broken, so everyone decides, still not


Soon, the stone materials of Qin Shou election are all open, and all kinds of crystal stone, magic, Lingbao, Xuan Huang to Baixa have ten pieces together, can be said to be a big harvest! .

Chapter 436


Qin Shou is also welcome to pay for it, then get up, and don't think about the thought: "I don't want Zhou You, I have seen this stone, and I have no good things. How? Are you? Get some good things from the warehouse to give me a good time? Or do you want to close your don't do business today? "

Not thoughtful, just ordered it, at this time, one person came out of the crowd and called: "Rabbit, you have not deceived too much!"

Qin Shou is obeying, and I am happy, it is even an old acquaintance, Shen Leopard!

Shen Leopard came to the side of the road to argore: "Taoist friends, I haven't seen you for a long time, don't you have no sound?"

"It turned out to be the Shengao Taoist, how can I have time to come to me?" Not thoughtful, he quickly slammed, he did the strength, but the red man before the original Tianzun, he is not flat. Stay.

Shen Leopard huh smiled: "This is not to hear that this rabbit is coming, just passing, come over."

Qin Shou smiled: "Hey? Shen Gala, last time you said that you can eat shoes, the result is ran, your face is not, actually dare to show in front of the rabbit?"

Shen Galars said: "The rabbit, the matter is that you make fraud, countless. Since you entered the gambling stone side, then come to gambling, you can dare to continue gambling stone.

? "

Qin Shou smiled: "Why don't you dare? As long as you have a good stone, it is worth a good stone, I will bet with you!"

Shen Jia Leopard: "If you are gamble with me, then you will count. Unless you pay money, otherwise, this bet is not able to play! You won the white wins, lost, no loss, who gamble with you ! "

Qin Shou smiled: "Then you have to take out something to come, then play, I have gone your skin!"

Shen Leopard laughed: "I will lose? Hehe ..." After finishing, the Shen Galant turned to the no-thought of the ritual: "Daoyou, this rabbit is too arrogant. But in the lower lottery time is too short, there is nothing, there is no thing, there is no thing can be He gave birth to gambling. Please ask the Taoist friends to pay one or two! "

Not Zhou Taoist brows, the sound road: "Tao friends can be grasped?"

Shen Jia Leopard: "I have a thing, but the teacher is giving, can be realized, obstructing all the magical exploration. For a while, the friends will come to two exactly the same stone, must have a piece of waste, I have already fed fertilizer Cover, hey ... "

Not thoughtful: "Examples of the same stone? This ..."

Shen Gah saw that there was a difficult person, tested and asked: "Taoist friends, do you have such a big gambling stone side, even two exactly the same or similar stone?"

Not thoughtful people shook their heads: "There is, but the stone is the treasure of the town of Zhenshan, the mountain ..."

Shen Gao leopard, then laughed: "That is still, in case there is any flash, I can lose. It seems that this rabbit has to be awkward."

Red Miyun said: "Shen Leopard Taoist, you have said, if you don't bet, don't help ..."

Shen Gao leopard smiled: "The shame is affirmative, but this is no wonder others, it is poor, don't understand gambling stone, think that the same stone is easy to find."

Not thoughtful: "Daoyou is really don't understand gambling, some stone may find the same stone, but the stone with gambling stone is different because of the concentration of Yuan, the magic weapon, the spirit, the spirit, the spirit, the strength, Different terrain, often have their own characteristics, the same stone, unless it is a twin twin granter! And this stone is extremely rare, the entire land is estimated to have two pieces. "

Shen Jia Leopard: "For the time, this rabbit has also earned a lot, retaliation is also finished, it should be a way to stop. We will find a way, dealing him."

Just then, Hongmi Road: "Teacher, I feel that I can try to make Shen Jia Leopard Friends, don't forget, even if the rabbit won again? Can he take away?"

Not thoughtful, there is a bit of heart, but I still worry about it: "Shen Gala Lear Taoist, you don't understand gambling, even if I take out two stone, how do you distinguish which is true stone king? You have to know, even I I can't distinguish the truth! They are too like! This two stone kings have been opened, and the true stone king is likely to be self-explosion.

Shen Jia Leopard: "Of course, I can't do it, but I have a helper."

"Who?" Did not ask.

"Not Zhao You, I haven't seen you for a long time." At this time, one person slowly flew from the distance!

After Qin Shou saw this person, the brow wrinkled in the first time. He knows this person, it is living in a broken master under the mountain!

See the masters, don't weigh people, red matters, Shen Gao Leopard fly together, the trip: "See the master!"

Not thoughtful people immediately joined: "Shen Gao Leopard, what do you say is the master?"

Shen Gao leopard , confident smiling: "It is! If it is not a broken master, it is not easy to spend."

Not thoughtful, I've been satisfied: "If the master is shot, then I am relieved, I can take it out!"

Shengao Leopard: "Thank you, Tao You's trust, but the Shen Gao is still to say, if you lose?"

Not thoughtful, asked: "Do you think that the rabbit can win the master?"

Shen Galang shakes his head: "The world said, there is no absolute thing in the world, everything must be a bad intention. The win is big, and the Shen Gao will not dare to boast of 10%. If it is defeated, the stone king can be dangerous."

Not thoughtful, haha ​​laughed, emotional road: "This is relieved, this gambling stone and guess fake can be different, I will take all the stone, put it in the gambling stone square, when you need to break the master And the rabbit looks for yourself to find yourself. Then is higher than the stone value of the stone!

The stone king is not so good, the real stone king, returning to the truth, it is difficult to distinguish it. Furthermore, even if you lose, I don't blame the friend, and the friends are relieved. ".

Chapter 437 is a bit chaotic

A little chaotic relationship

The Shen Gah is satisfied with nodding, talking, the masters have come to the three people, see the ritual: "Several Taoist friends, please."

Several people have returned, and they will have a leopard: "The masters, this time I have it."

The masters nodded, looked to Qin Shou, huh, huh, fell down: "Qin Xiaoyou met. Last time I invited you to come to my Dongfu, the result is waiting for so long, you haven't thought of it. Here I have been encountered here. "

Qin Shou pointed to the instructions of the Leopard, not thoughtful, and others: "Broken master, you are sure, do you want to help them?"

The masters shook their heads: "I can't talk about helping, but I owe a human condition in the year. Today, I hope that I am still on, I have to still have it. Qin Xiaoyou is on the gambling stone, you do very much, but I still suggest you, give up today's rather. "

Qin Shou decisively shook his head: "The rabbit, I didn't plan to get a hand, just didn't expect, my opponent returned the master. As for the year, you can't invite me, I can't help. What happened these years, The master should be clear, I am equal to the duck that is rushing, can't stop. Please ask the master to do it ... "

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