The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit 1017

Qin Shou married: "It is because it is a brother, so it is too competitive. They are not the brothers of the teacher, they are the guys who are apprentices for the Masters, the pet, it is inevitable."

Too two real people nodded, then smiled: "It's just that you are in the end? I always feel that you know ... and not good things!"

Qin Shou didn't answer, but an angry staring at the opposite man: "Not thoughtful, you actually eat them ?!"

Not thoughtful people proudly: "How do you eat? Things are mine, how can I eat? Do you still want to grab? Haha ... I have no chance!"

Qin Shou weddy, shook his head, sigh: "Hey ... Do you think I want to grab those clothes? You are wrong ... I am looking at you, I will help you get a disaster, and if you think that I think I, really let People are sad. "

Not thoughtful, said: "Rabbit, this is said, do you think I will believe? Ok, don't talk nonsense, Dan medicine is mine, I have to eat you, this is here. You Is it going to choose a stone, or give up here? ".

Chapter 443 Daoyou cautious

Daoyou cautious

Qin Shou didn't think about his eyes: "You can't swallow the medicinal herbs, there is no special feeling?"

Not Zhou Taoist frowned a wrinkle: "Sansheng Dan, awakening three memory and mana, which is so fast ..."

Qin Shouni's mouth: "Do you make sure that is three birthday?"

Not thoughtful and looked at Tai Quality, Tai Quality is boophful: "Don't look at me so much, I am also said, I am not afraid that this rabbit does not work, and the name. I asked , Will you eat, will it be poisonous? "

If the face is turned green, he has a very bad feeling!

Qin Shoudao: "Of course, there is no poison, or green, harmful, natural products, see that the color, the preservation is very good, there is no expiration."

Shen Gala is curiously asked: "Rabbit, do you know the medicinal medicine?"

Qin Shou two eyes: "Dan medicine fart! How much do you want, the rabbit is to pull you! How much, how much, I can go, I can go to my coming."

Not thoughtful faces are worse, what he is worried about seems to happen!

Shouqing shouted: "I think it is, it is a rabbit! Oh, no thoughtful people eat the rabbit! Or take the initiative!"

Too second is called: "I have eaten three times again!"

, :

Qin Shou followed: "It seems that it can't stop it at all! Not thoughtful, you are good!"

Not thoughtful, wow, I spit ...

Because the Red Mili on the side : "I also think of it, this is indeed a rabbit ..."

"You ... do you play me ?!" Not thoughtful.

Qin Shou hurriedly shook his head: "Don't say this, the stone king is blown up, things are yourself, and you are grabbing it, I want to block, you still don't let it. But let me go, After half a day, I just want to tell you something ... "

Qin Shou, Tai Qi Zhen, Houqing, four people call: "We will play with you! You!"

"Hey!" Not thoughtful, the old blood spurted out of the old, the anger blows the hair on the head, when it is an anger, the earth inch is smashed ...

Just then, Qin Shou Dafu drunk: "Do not turn around, you dare to destroy the city, I will rule you a Tucheng and kill innocent sins!"

In this way, there is no thought of a old blood, this is not an angry, but an angry could not spray, and it!

The red scorpion on the side is not awkward, he is obedient, this dead rabbit

The child may not be good, but this mouth, the means of playing people is really anti-fight! He doesn't want to follow the shame ...

Shen Gao sighed on the side, said: "Taoist friends, now useless, still think about how to save it. Just stone king took the initiative to wake up, it is estimated that the stone in the gambling stone is being introduced and self-destroyed. Now you of this stone side, there will be the rotten stone left ... "


Not thoughtful, it is a blood spray, the face is like hot, and the binochang is extremely popular, and the back is retreat.

Shengao leopard smirks: "Taoist friends, what do you do? Who knows that this rabbit will be so unhappy, find someone to open Shi Wang ... ...

Not thoughtful people biting teeth: "Where is to find someone, it is his own open ... Rabbit, you ... I have to slaughter you sooner or later!"

Qin Shou immediately took out an audio and video stone, called: "This is what you said, I don't force you, I will send this stone to the sky, um ... I have a three long two short, I have a nightmare in the middle of the night. Let them come to you! "

After that, Qin Shou took the shadow stone.

If you don't think about the sleeve, you must leave.

At this moment, the masters came over and said: "Not Zhou Dao friends, just I feel the breath of Shiwang's self-destructive, now all the stone is still destroyed, this is more than trying to see if I have."

Shi Wang is gone, but also a countless stone, not the thought of people don't say a family, and the bottom of the lost, the trousers must be serious. At this time, he is also difficult to ride, and then gamble, what to gamble? If you don't bet, he is not willing.

Qin Shou smashed the ear: "Broken master, this is not around the city, there is so many gambling stone squares, although it is small, but you can also be a place to gamble. Well, these people are not thinking about thoughtful relationships. , Then go to your gambling stone square to gamble, I think you should be a hundred and twenty fun? "

As a result, there are gambling stone business, one of them returns. Joke, not thoughtful, such a big gambling stone square, let the bunny fry, their little business, if it is paid by this rabbit, it is estimated that it is abolished on the spot! No good, they still have to go in!

No one dares to pick up, no thoughtful people are open: "Wen Song people! Your gambling stone side, borrow me!"

The literary people listened, suddenly anxious, he wanted to refuse, but refused to be thoughtful, then he had sin Qin Shou, what happened to him?

Wen Masonic people left, look at the right, and finally fell on Qin Shou's body.

Qin Shou hangs his gentleman: "I will give me half of assets, I will change."

The literary people immediately nodded: "Qin Daoyou, I agree!"

Qin Shou smiled: "It's a good boy, come, come back," then looked at an angry, no thought: "Not thoughtful, still change."

Not thoughtful: "No! Choose their home gambling stone square!"

Qin Shou cut, disdainful way: "Gambling is you shouting, is also gambling in your home, why do you want to gamble? Or continue to bet within your power, or today this bet Identified. "

Shen Galars didn't have a relationship between the people: "I invite the master only this opportunity, missed, and then gamble, you have to rely on our own. Dao You carefully ..." ..

Chapter 444


Not thoughtful, he is hesitant, he is trust in the gambling stone ability of the master, although he is already a little uncomfortable to the Shen Gao ... but these things, the Shen Gao has already said it very clearly, and it is helpful. He is not good to say.

Take a look at Qin Shou, then look at the masters, and don't think about the remaining gambling stone squares.

As a result, several people retired after the group ...

Not thoughtful, sighed, he knew that if you continue, these people didn't want to go to the rabbit. Is this not sent to the rabbit?

Red Miyun said: "Brother, I don't think about this matter. Before gambling, it's hard to let this rabbit is ugly, since we can't do it, we simply ..."

Not thoughtful in the eyes of a touch of cold, nodded slightly, for Qinshi Road: "Rabbit, you will walk around today, today's gamble will make this!"

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