The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 1018

After that, don't leave, don't go back ...

Just then, Qin Shou called: "Taoist, you see how you put the owed tax? Also, when you come into new stone? When you come to the rabbit, I will come to see?"

Not thoughtful, one, almost planted on the ground, look back, angry: "Let's come? Oh ..." It's going to go.

Qin Shou Dao: "Oh, I haven't played enough, who gives me a referring to the road, what are these people do? Let's play with a one."

Qin Shou pointed to someone who just stood behind him and laughed.

Those faces have become incapacitated. After the Qing Da, "Big Brother, I know these people, I will take you to sightsee. Well, yes, how do we play this time?"

Qin Shou smiled: "Of course, it's a big! This way, play the family first, the tax can not be less, less for a copper plate, give me a copy, the man caught to work hard, female .....................................................

Shen Qing: "@ ¥ ... ¥"

Those guys who have standing behind people have been scared, all running up, and they have faithful ...

However, there are always a few deaths. These people Qin Shou glanced at it. Just six people are all the power of the native of the city, and it is also true that the people are really heart-string.

Just then, the masters went to front: "Qin Xiaoyou, can you have time?"

Qin Shou hurriedly shakes his head: "Master, you also saw it, I am a person.

Now I am afraid that there is no time. "

For the masters, Qin Shou enactment has a kind of inexplicable danger, although this person looks and good, Qin Shou is that it is not necessary to show such a friendly like him. Although Qin Shou's strength is not weak, but still do not want to see the masters alone.

Master huh, smiled: "What? If Qin Xiaoyou has time, go to me to sit."

Qin Shou Lianlian will promise, after sending away the masters, Qin Shou also withdraws from the gambling stone square of the thought, but when they go to the door, Qin Shou's brows wrinkled. Just destroyed, all the stone was smashed, but the two accompanying waste at the door was in the beginning!

Qin Shou said his eyes, did not say anything, left.

The next time, Qin Shou said that he had the rest of the six people's industries, and these few guys were still full, but they all closed. The things inside have also been moved too ... Since Qin Shou went, they did not plan to return to the empty hand. Directly put all six industries, and handed it to the care of you and .

As for the Tai second real, this old guy Qin Shou is too lazy, nor does it want to manage ...

At this moment, there is not a thought of the cave house.

"Brother, the Shen Leopard walked ..." Red Mad.

Not thoughtful people, saying: "Today's things, most of the reason is in that application

On the public, if he is not him to help, I will not take out the stone king and the rabbit to gamble. Now, the matter is over, he patted your butt ... "

Redmi Road: "Brother, what do you mean, where the Leopard and Qin Song come together?"

Not thoughtful people shaking his head: "This is not, how is the relationship between the Shen Gala and the rabbit, I am very clear. It is basically unsatisfactory, and the rabbit almost killed him several times. He also pitted the rabbit. Second. This time, if it is otherwise, we have won. Unfortunately, this dead rabbit is so uncomfortable ... "

Redmi Road: "Brother, don't you think these things are too coincident? Shen Gala is coming, your puppet move is also unwilling, and the last stone king, how can it be in the last moment, become a rabbit ? "

Not the thought is silent, what happened today, too coincident, how to see someone is in trouble! Especially the three rabbits, now think about him is still disgusting, but he clearly saw that the stone king was blown out, it was these three things! Can you pretend to be a stone king? This will not believe in him!

Not thoughtful, "I know what the teacher is thinking, but today's things are really coincident, I have to believe. The stone king is I personally found,

I broke out the stone king, I deliberately invited the masters to help. You don't want to think about it. If I want to use fake stone kings to lie to them, I will not gamble. Just, how can I be three rabbits? "

Redmi Road: "Will it be a broken master to take the stone, do the hands and feet? If the mascher does the hands and feet, then a few days have an answer, it is the rabbit and broken masters to join hands."

Not thoughtful people shook his head: "It is impossible, I am present at the time, and once Shi Wang did not have the baby inside, it will become a stone, and how can I break the breath of Shi Wang, destroy so many stone? This thing Quiries ... I have to investigate slowly. As for the masters, this old guy has been fighting with the world for so many years, no desire, and never resort, I really can't think of his reasons. "."

Chapter 445, the god leaf

Galawa leaf

Red Misa, nodded, said: "In this case, this is not said before, the rabbit has left the gambling stone square. Now we only need to wait for him to leave, you can do it! This rabbit let the brothers Grunge, we let him die! He is dead, the last winner is us. "

Not thoughtful, I have a little bit: "Yes, he is dead, I have been shameful, I will wash it! Wait ..."

Two people talk room, no one pays attention to the people standing on the side, and the eyes are quietly bright, and then there are more information in Qin Shou's bluecom!

Qin Shou is called "Good guy, this is WiFi or satellite signal? Oh, you can pass this information ... Well, this is not thoughtful, it is still unsatisfactory, since you want to become a whole rabbit , The rabbit will give you a chance! "

"Rabbit, you are laughing, is it a idea for pit people?" Too two real people suddenly asked.

Qin Shou's two eyes are turned on: "Is the rabbit, I am a person who is nothing to do,?"

: "Rabbit, you will not be worse, not only the gambling stone is lost, but also a few people have a rabbit, the face is also lost. You have to be careful Thoughtful people hate to kill you with you. Although you are behind

Big, but, the other party also has a saints, really wants to make it unknown. "

Qin Shou waved: "You can rest assured, if I am so good, if I am so good, I will die thousands of times. Let him come, hey, the rabbit will really want him!"

After Xiao Qing screamed: "Big Brother, I have never imagined that the stone king will become a rabbit?"

Qin Shou smiled, did not say anything, this matter is afraid that there are few people in the sky to wear! Although Qin Shou saw it, he will never say it.

"Look at your laugh, there is a kind of cat. Rabbit, you explain to us?" Too two real people are also curious.

Qin Shou smiled: "Ok, don't ask, you don't know this. I know, I don't have any benefits for you, but I have to happen. Well, the rabbit will be closed, you have nothing to do. I will find a place to play. After I closed it out this time, I was afraid to give you a surprise! Especially awkward! "

The eyebrow wrinkle: "What is the relationship with me?"

Qin Shou smiled, the smile is incomparable yin ...

Too second real person has blows a whistle, "" It seems that I have to divide again ... "

After the Qing Qing, the smile of a man, patted the shoulders: "Brothers, live." After finishing, left a misty water.

Choose a closed place, Qin Shou immediately summoned four giant beasts, and four

The guy gave him a door. After the heavy burst of heavy array, the careful wings came out from the Mustic bag!

The average person sees this powder, only when it is a bunch of stone powder, but in the eyes of Qin Shou, this does a treasure! Real treasure in Shiwang!

Shi Wang did explosive, but Qin Shou found that there is no thing in it, except that three rabbits! However, the three rabbits have reminded him that this is not so simple to have been doing hands and feet. So his Ford's heart is coming to the stone powder of the stone king. This action is very hidden, no one notes.

Because everyone went to see the three rabbits in the stone king, there is also the golden light of the fake stone king, all the best masking in Qin Shou.

"Is it a password? Hey, it seems that I have left a lot of things, I really left a lot!" Qin Shou squatted, and the stone was blended, and there was a sound. The stone powder disappears, constantly changing in the air, integrates, but the Qin Shou depressed is that this stuff seems to be less, and each restructuring ends.

"Less things, what is less?" Qin Shou slammed, at this time, Qin Shou suddenly remembered the same thing! Qin Shou got the radish leaf from the Dragon King! I didn't see what the leaves were used, but Qin Shou had a feeling. These two gates should have a relationship!

So Qin Shou took out the radish leaf, and the same decomposition into the stone powder, the next moment, Qin Shou smiled!

When the original stone powder is reorganized, there will be many vulnerabilities, so that the reorganization cannot be carried out. However, after the addition of this radish leaf, the lack of some of them really completed!

Next, a green-incomplete leaf appeared in the air and gently fell into Qin Shou's hand. This leaves are like emerald, but there is a liquid in the inside, and Qin Shou just touched, there is a kind of soul flying!

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