The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1023.


After a series of unlucky has a coincidence, several people's hearts come out of cold sweat! Do you start with a bad luck?

"Who are you?" Jiuqu.

"Who is, you don't know. In short, you will die very badly!" The woman worked hard, manufacturing horror, the sound is still too tender, but a little fun. However, I heard eight people's ear, but there is a kind of cold and chestnut. Because of this power of bad luck, people are unable to prevent ....

Chapter 452 Killing Holy


"Put the ghosts ... first!" Jiuchen also a little hair, he can feel that the other party has been attacking, but the power of the other party is invisible, which has been affecting their air transport! Between the heavens and the earth, if the air transport is low to a certain value, drink the cold water to the teeth, can't get out, hit the wall ...

Of course, this is a bit absolute, but the gas is not good, it is easy to provoke yourself, even in battle, suddenly come to the energy, the magical shift is wrong, basically equal to death. Although the nine sessions are very certain, the other's power can not directly assume them, but there is a rainbow, and then this wealthy woman appears, he is no longer

Dare to look at the moon.

At this moment, the color of the nine's face was suddenly changed, "" Quickly hide! "


Almost at the same time, the Jiuqu's cloak is blown, the endless darkness is expanding, the terrible percentage, like arrogant, directly suppressed, the vitality in their body has become a fear in front of this force. As if fear is general, it seems to be inherent!

The darkness sweeps the world, and the eight people such as Jiuqu are instantly rolled out!

In the crowd, eight seas were frightened, and the public was screaming, and a boxing of the rainbow just saw!



He is bombing him! Bihof laugh: "Zhong!"

"Second brother ..." However, when he is approaching, he did not reply to see that he is not a rainbow at all, but the ghost is in an attempt to rush to fight the rainbow! A banding in the chest, and the strength of the Bahe is still crazy to destroy the meridian in a vivo ...

Just then, Wuqi drunk: "Where to go!"

"No!" Bihifang called, but unfortunately, a quiet head was smashed by five peace of punches, and Yuan god did not have anything!

The next moment is also dumbfounded ... I don't dare to call: "Impossible, I obviously see is the woman ..."

"I have been quiet, our air transport has been affected by a very low point, any weird things may happen, don't attack the attack! Retreat immediately! These two women are too ubous!" Jiuwei The voice came.

"Want to go? Are you still walking?" The voice of the rainbow came, and he took a man in one hand, and he was second and four! Then when the face of a few people, the hands have two hands, and the two people are blown on the spot!

"Walk! Go!" Nine.

The five folk brains are hot, roar: "I don't go, our brothers can't die in this! Kill!" Wuqi

After the appearance of a quiet wolf, the Nether wolf is a big mouth, there is a swallowing potential!

However, the next moment, a more huge wolf falls from the sky, and a paw will turn the Nether Wolf to the ground! That huge black wolf is on top of the top, and it will stand the rainbow! Rainbow dishemented: "In front of me, you have no qualifications! Any resistance will die!"

During the speech, the black wolf is another paw, and five sorrows are shocked; "the big brother saved me!"

The nine is empty, and the first rush is more than a reel, and the empties are dancing, and it is a void, and it is a way to say: "Woman, your opponent is me, go in! Duel!"

Rainbow and Jiuten rolls in a roll, and then closed.

Others see this, the heart is sinking, the strength of the rainbow has been seen, and you can tear the nine secluded magic weapon, kill a quiet, the second is like a chicken, such strength is very terrible! Even if it is nine, it is afraid that it is difficult to respond! To make it better, Jiuhe's current air transport has dropped to historical ice spots. At this time, his strength can't play 70%, or even it is likely to hurt! Such a battle, can you win?

They know that the nine is dangerous!

Eighty Hao: "If you want to save your big brother, you will kill me, you will win the woman in the moon mountain, you will win!"

"Kill!" Seven quiet, six quiet, five stories followed, four people were going to shoot, Wang Yue Mountain walked out of two women, two women slowly, their strength may not be strong, just you Respect. But eight secluded, seven

Sent, six secluded, five secluded four people are a bit fear!

Because the two women are holding the same thing, a horrible sword! This sword is not simple, constantly emits a fierce sword, the sword is very sharp, violent, like a beast that may rush out of the cage at any time.

"This is ... killing a holy apparatus!" Eight swallowed a spit, shocked.

Hallows, is a one-time attack props made by Saints Qin Shou, once this prop is used, it is equivalent to the power of saints! Under the saints, Yadheng is just a ant antity, how is the antite to resist this? The killing of the Holyer is a holy apparatus that exists in the saints, and the power is more horrible. This killing is generally produced. The street circulating is basically a defensive or other functional holy.

Seven classes can't help but call; "It's impossible! The saints do not allow things in the fairyland. How can you have a killing?

Two women who are boost are business!

Qin Yuan smiled: "Several ignorant waste, my master is the Tongtian teacher! This is what I have given me when men get started, and they are still in the saints! So I use this killing saint The device does not violate the sacred conventions! How many are you, are you ready to die? "

The four people slowly retreat, they knew that killing the holy apparatus is terrible, but only one opportunity is a chance, but it is a more than enough. They are clearer, the other party will not use the killing sanctifier, you must only

Can use it once, it disappears.

Qinyuan is looking forward: "I know what you are thinking, this is killing the holy apparatus, the precious, in general, I will not use it. But ..." Qin Yuan's eyes flashed a cold and said: " If anyone dares to disadvilient in the moon, this killing will inevitably out! "

Four people heard the words, the face became incapacitated! .

Chapter 453 Terror Sunflower

Nine people were originally confident, and now only five people have been dead! This is a great blow for them. Nowadays, nine is not sleepy. The only thing they may help nine, that is, killing the moon! But they face the killing enclosure, but they are afraid! This makes them ashamed, but they are unable to shoot.

Shangmei see this, sneer: "Jiu Nine fairy, is the Red Mi to invite you to shoot? You are a few stupid, and it is a shot of the Milkymi! Red Mi's strength than you? He I don't dare to take my moon mountain, who gives you courage, seeking the moon? "

When you come out, eight humane people have a sutter, before they just want to fish, and they didn't take the moon mountains, so they didn't think about this problem. I want to come now, it is indeed, they have given the pit for many silly eggs!

However, even so, several people have not retired, eight insults: "Business sheep, don't be there, you killed our brothers, this is not a total of wearing the hatred! Do not die! Today, this is the moon mountain must Destroy! "

Shangyou: "Dead duck is hard! Since you want to die, we will send you!


A golden light in the sky falls, countless Tianbing Tian will fall from the sky,

Zhang Bo Chart is the big battle of Tianting, Tian Luo Site! This set of array was used to destroy the mountain family, and now it is used to deal with nine secluded!

Eight disdain: "Do you take a few people who are Ms. Mango? See us broken your Tian Luo Side!"

During the speech, the eight halls will rise, a boxing of the Tian Luo Site!

However, at this time, a big hand falls from the sky, with a unacceptable momentum: "Eight secrets, you will also want to break my array."

The hand is hungry!

The Mountain is destroyed, and the county is grateful to the talents. In addition, the strength of the rabbit has always been friendly, the storm is cultivated, and the strength of the mens has broken through the nine heavens! However, after the megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload

Coupled with his horrible power, a punch, the sky collapsed!

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