The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1024.

Eighth eyes, cold, blow, big drink: "Meng, you also want to block me? Do you block?"

Eight's roar, the whole body is crazy to mobilize, blood and blood accelerate, the vitality accelerates, the strength of the eight cars climbed to a very terrible level!

The sky of the sky, the eyes flashed a thickness! Absolute strength gap, let the Mon also feel a huge threat!

However ..., at this time, the strength of the eight halls reached the moment of the peak, and eight suddenly felt that a strange force drilled into his body, integrated into his strength.

Here, then the heart was shocked. He thought that if the Jiuwei said, their air transport has dropped to a very low point. At this time, they are in the mildew, and they may attract them at any time!

Eight Hundreds: "Not good, the air transport is too low, attracting the heart!"

However, everything is finished, and the strength of the eight cars suddenly stopped, and then the whole person is uncontrolled, the strength of the body has climbed again, and the speed of climbing is extremely fast! I broke through his own strength, and I haven't stopped it yet ... Both eyes are red, the whole body is red, and even began to be black!

Seven, six quiet, five people see this, the heart is immersed, this scene is too familiar - walking into the magic!

Three people quickly rushed to the sky and shouted loudly, attempted to wake up.

"Two brother, I wake up quickly!" Wu Wei called.

Seven classes are actual combat, attempt to invade eight humans, and then wake up the embarked consciousness. However, this moved, only started, killing the eight halls of the sky, staring at seven, roaring: "Do you dare to attack me? Fortunate!"

Seven stunned: "Second brother is me!"

Unfortunately, the eight hall is not listening, and the strength reaches the eight halls that go beyond the limit! The seven secure can't stop, and the scene is bombarded half of the body!

Six secular and five defeats blocked, and the results are all the goals of Eight Secret! Eight peace is like the mad, one person hits three!

Wuqian, six quiet, seven days because of the heart, the heart, the murmur, do not dare to use the whole force, this is the same, only a few rounds, the three are all injured!

"You can't make this, full, otherwise everyone must die!" Seven secrets.

However, the next moment, the strength of the eight halls once again climbed! One mouth, a hoe, flying out, spraying a white fog against the seven secluded!

Seven quietly released his magic weapon, an umbrella, and the umbrella was not open, and he was hit by the hoe! Although it is the same level of magic weapon, why, the people used by the people are too big, and the seven families can't stop!

Seven swayings, bitter laugh, the next moment is swallowed in a mouthful of ...

Liu Wei and five glasses, the heart is trembled, the rabbit is dead, and the two people don't have desperate summary outbreaks, but in despair, their combat power is weak.

Just then, the void, the nine-quiet reel appeared!

Wujing and six quiet simultaneous gas winning hope, call: "Big Brother ?!"

In the reel, walking out of a figure is nine! Jiu Hi's face is calm, then looks at the five secluded and six secluded, and there is a mad eight quiet, and the eyes flashed a painful color: "Finished, all over ..."

After finishing, the nine bombards! Another person from the reel is not damaged, like the rainbow of nine days!

Wujing and Liujing have seen the nine hobs, and the final hopes of the heart also covered, under the death, eight knots, and kill two people in the air!

Then the eight halls roared, the strength climbed again, and the result of could not carry, the bombard, fry into a splendid firework ...

Qinyuan saw this, I can't help but sigh: "I didn't think of the power of Kwai so terrible, the nine citizen, their strength is still in the fairy world! One party's existence, result, actually died in mildew By ... "..

Chapter 454 Who is sealed?

Who is sealed?

The business sheep smiled; "I thought that in the woman around the rabbit, I was the most powerful. As ... ..."

Qin Ma is a business sheep. "I am not weaker than you!"

The business sheep cut said: "You are not as good as me."

Qinyuan fork and stand: "Do you want to see it?"

"Two, do you have to look at the current situation is quarreling? This battle, the wave is very wide, a lot of trouble

To handle it. Also, can I go? "Just at this time, the gathering and smiled.

Shangshi and Qin Yuan have smells it, then laughed: "The big brother is polite, and the things here are indeed, you can go back and live."

Meng Numot: "We are stationed nearby, there is something to contact ... Hey, I saw the strength of these female dolls, I found that I am old. I can't do it, I am ready to go to Tianship to enter the Tria Tower. If you don't break through, you will be surpassed by you. "

Business sheep shocked: "You have to try the tower of trials? But ... That Tower ..."

Month: "Hundreds of people don't live, right? Now this world has changed, the powerful people have appeared, if not

Breakthrough, afraid that the chance to live will not live! Ok, I will leave first, leave. "

After that, I went to the mean, and his back had a few points ...

Two women looked at the back of the meter, quite a little. In that year, hegemony, rampant, arrogant, confident, experienced the recent 10 years later, it will actually say this, which can be seen that now is how dangerous in the fairy world.

Two women looked at it, Qinyuan said: "We have to speed up the footsteps, I have a feeling, if our strength can't get into the hierarchy, the battlefield of the rabbit will no longer have our figure. Don't want The hind legs of towel, must work hard ... "

Business and sheep point: "Yes ..."

The two women fell, the rainbow fell, the sun came out from the room, and the face had a little white, but the spiritual head is full, and the jumping is coming to the yard, immediately call: "Sisters Come and see me, is I grown up? "

The girls heard the words, seeing the past, sure, the old little Loli actually grows much higher, there is a five-day five, and it is a delicate girl!

Win Yun said: "It is indeed growing up, now you, quite Ä human teenage girls, um ... Hey, look at it, a beautiful girl."

When the sun, he suddenly became a flower, and he jumped and jumped. It is very happy.

The business sheep will, dry cough, said: "Come, Kwai, Sister Hug."

After finishing, hugging the sun, then the smart face of the sun is dark, the merchant sheep will make a slanting, and there is a way to walk.

Kwai said with a small mouth, calling behind the business sheep: "Isn't it better than me? So big, still hang ..."

Jiute the things that are in Wang Yue Mountain will soon pass. For a time, the entire land is boiling, countless eyes to the moon. Nine secluded, different from the previous three bones, the guy is just a social idle person. And nine, but there is your own name, the one of your forces! I really want to have a status, two people are different!

Most importantly, Wang Yue Mountain has no rabbit to sit in the town, but you can also kill Sheng Sheng! This makes everyone have to pay attention to the moon mountain!

On this day, I won the cloud representing Wang Yue Mountain shouting: "Jiuwei hits Wang Yue Mountain, there is a lingering! But we have said that Wang Yam has a problem, we will go find a thoughtful person, don't we wait, you will wait. ! "


In the case of the city, not the thoughtful people smashing the tea cup in the hands: "What is going on? What is going on? The strength of Jiuyin Jiuxian is absolutely weak, nine people are jointly putting down the nine deflasts, even if we are It also takes a lot of feet to come out! Wang Yue Mountain, no rabbit, only a few women, they still defeated? "

The Red Mi is also a gloomy, and he also wants to have problems. Where do they knew, Wang Yue Mountain's rainbow is so violent. If you can't make it, you can kill people. In addition, the words before Red Mi said too much, let Jiuyin and others look at Wangyoon Mountain, relax, and be vigilant, under the enemy, Rainbow killed a handleman, there is a head in the three in the opening, and the big array of nine can't get up! Coupled with other reasons, Jiu You can say that there is some embarrassment, but it is justified.

Redmi Road: "Teachers, no matter how things have happened, I think it is still thinking about it."

"Behind things? What is it?" Not thoughtful.

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