The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit 1025

Just then, the man of the green shirt came in and called: "The ancestors, bad, our gambling stone is being given by the people.

Sealed, the stone inside was taken away! There are still several other industries that are all sealed, and people inside are raised! "

"What?" Not Thoughtful Hawran got up, Bao Rura, I couldn't help but call: "Who gave their courage, actually dare to seal my industry!"

"I seal!" At this moment, a man's biggest meteor came in, no one dared to block him!

Not thoughtful people looked up, the pupil suddenly shrinks, and it is said: "It turned out to be the general of the Pkapo ..."

It is the future of the green cattle, and now the first battle of Tianship, the golden pocket! The golden brow is clear and said: "Not thoughtful, how, I seal your industry, you seem to be very unhappy!"

Not thoughtful people smile: "Who is I changed this?"

Golden Pad is sitting on a chair, not thinking about: "If you follow the people of the moon mountain, they hope that I will send you into the Tianlun, and I just seal your industry, you should feel happy. "

Not thoughtful, the face suddenly changed, and then the slings smiled: "When is the general of Tiantian, you have to listen to a small demon king's order?"

The golden pocket is not angry, the way: "This time you can say your mistake, this time is not those women, but the orders of the new four-party emperor Qin Song!" .. "

Chapter 455, Zuwu Disagreement


"New Jinsheng Emperor?" This is a time, no thoughtful people and the Red Mi are shocked!

The pocket is point: "Yes, that is today, the two demon emperings will be brought down, and the Qin Qin is the four-party emperor! Manage the four parties of the heavens, this is the first person of the demon, two Bit, now you still feel that I have a penalty for you? "

Not thoughtful, and the Red Mi is looking at it. If this is true, the golden pocket is really not awkward. If the rabbit is personally, it is estimated that he is doing it!

At the same time, two people have firmly firmly destroyed Qin Shou's mind, otherwise provoked such a respect for the power, and the days after the two people will definitely! At the same time, there is still other concerns about no thought, that is, the home of the no week! He has a child's blood, the biggest secret is here, he is absolutely not allowed to have any mistakes!

The pocket is point: "It seems that you understand, since it understands, then I will stop me in the future! I am leaving, this is not always in the future, huh, huh ... Not thoughtful, back is the shore." Finished, gold The generals go out.

Red Misa is not thoughtful, not thoughtful, his teeth said: "Don't die!"

Red scared his tone and left.

Not thoughtful, Red Mi is afraid! Today, Qin Shou only left the four-party emperor, second only to the two demon emperors, if they kill Qin Shou, Tianshen will definitely die! Even if it is a saint, it may not be able to protect them!

But there must be such a reason for doing this ...

"It's unsuccessful, you must die!" No thoughtful people, finish, turn around. Not the thought of all the people's industry was seized, and even the doorstep were taken away by the Tianbing, the world was shocked. Everyone was amazed in the terrible power behind Qin Shou!

However, the next moment, the scriptures from Tiabs made the world shocked again! Qin Shou actually broke the capital as a four-party emperor, the status was second only to two demon! When it is two people, there are thousands of people! In this position, under the way, no one dare to move him at all!

Unless the sky is getting, or someone is hugging the death and Qin Shouming!

"So arrived, the world is big, but no one can match." Some people feel.

"Fortune is awkward, this rabbit is really a good fortune!"

These sighs, mostly the strength is not very good, or some people know very little about the outside world.

Those who truly understand the trend of the world, but the expression of one by one. So the sky, the strength of the two demon emperors crackdown on Kyushu, then a few mean this time a book seal? A strength has not reached the San Fang Emperor

? I really don't speak!

"What should I do?" This is a doubt that many people have issued.

Also on this day, the old man said that he said to a closed door, and recalls all disciples, it is not allowed to enter the fairy boundaries, not allowed to dine!

The old man is so moving, immediately attracting the guess of countless people, but most people have guessing between this world, but what is going on, but no one is unclear.

The ancestral hall!

"Back, you must have the relationship with the rabbit! You should understand what they represent!" A man eight first face, eight people, tiger ten tails, this person is Zu Tian Wu .

"Tian Wu, how, when the dragon and phoenic robbery shocked your courage? You have to understand, if you are not the old man of the rabbit, you can also be free from this world?" The road angry.

Tian Wu shake his head: "Why don't you say, everything is what he caught? Why do we give him a whip? He gives yourself a whisper, and it is nothing to do!"

"Fay!" Take a table, stand up, angered: "Tian Wu, you are the stinky slamming of your mother! Is that something really going to go? The things are planning the whole world , Including all the saints and you! It's just that the rabbit broke his plan! Today you can stand this, and the rabbit

Love, but you say this, do you hurt? "

Tian Wu Yu's shot, angered; "Co-work! Less to me! Or that sentence, this rabbit is less tube! There is no peace between heaven and earth, can't be because of a rabbit, noisy Identification! That stop, how many people you are falling? If you come again, the Witch will completely disappear in the world! There is no more blood in the Lujing in the six rounds. Witch can't afford any war! "

The beast head is in the body, the red scales, the ear, the fire snake, the foot of the fire dragon frown: "You don't have noisy, you have reasonable, but now the problem is not a war, the problem is not war. But this rabbit What I want to do ... I have observed in one fell swoop in the rabbit. Although many things are coincident, I have no heart, but I have a feeling, what is he is arranged. "

Human faces, double-earred dogs, ear hanging snakes, smile, taste the way: "To be honest, I also agree with Tiandu's ideas. It is not easy to be too flat, we have to do it. It is the peacefulness of this day and no longer cause anything. Rabbit this family, no one, we still have the boundaries with him. "

After the scene, there is a tone: "The extraordinary corpse, I know that you have recently be very close to the Yuan Shi Tianzhi, but I want to tell you that the ambition of Yuan Shi Zun is bigger than you imagined! You want peace. The next happy, he wants to be the whole floor! You come together with him, so soon, so soon, you will be touched by him! "

The luxury compared to the corpse: "After you, you don't scare me. How? Only allow you to go close to the girl, will not allow me to be close to Yuan Shi Tianzun? Under the day, there is eligible In addition to the saints, who will communicate, who else? Don't I find a rabbit to talk about life? "

"Luxury corpse, are you laughing at me?" ..

Chapter 456, the ancestral

The ancestral witch also

At this time, a woman came from the outside, the whole body was hanging on the white bone armor, with a white bone mask on his face, can't see it, but she appeared, the atmosphere of the scene became stiff.

The people are the most powerful Xuan Ming, the twelve ancestors!

Xuan Ming glanced at the loss of the corpse, and went to his own throne. He said, "Luxury, I don't care about anyone, but I think you should understand a truth, Yuan Shi Tianzun has our mind, but The female mother is not! One has a ambition, one is not bound with the world, who can close, who can't get close, I hope that you have a lot in your heart. We look at the scenery,

God demon, the witch, ... others boast to you, you also believe it?

Twelve ancestors are eligible and the saints are flat and flat, and they will be destroyed in the morning and evening! "

The extravague is silent, and although his personality is a bit oil, it is not a fool. In fact, it understands this truth. Just sometimes, the feelings of the feelings.

Tian Wu Dao; "Xuan Ming, the rabbit thing, what do you think?"

Xuan Ming faintly said: "The rabbit is still useful? The rabbit is built with a balance, balanced peace! In fact, now the fairy world is in trouble, don't blame the rabbit, the opposite, if not The rabbits have been present, and they will attract Yuan Tianzun and the eyes of the old man in the sky. Nowadays, you still have time.

Here and we are ??

Tian Wu, the ancestors flowing in the body is a pure plate of ancient blood! The ancient battle is the war of the war! If you have lost the will of war, you are not far away. "

Tian Wu cooked: "Who said that I am afraid? If you want to fight, I am not afraid! But the situation is indeed, the witch has no success, if once the war, the Witch can not afford to bear Any death hurt! We can't fight a witch for other races, and there is no benefit to us. "

Xuan Ming nodded: "This is good, then, Tian Wu, you tell me, if the demon heavens collapsed, how does the witch be self-promoted?"

Tian Wu, he really didn't think about this problem ...

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