The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 1026

Xuan Ming continued: "You only see that now the swirls are getting bigger and bigger, but they don't see this vortex will appear, and we will never have a business! Three saints must enter the world, three sects are going out, We and the demon are their blocking tiger, and they are also their stepping stone! This battle is a little or later, and it is also unavoidable. Since it is going to fight, don't shrink, look forward to my witch personality!

My suggestion is very simple, start now, prepare for! Forming alliances and life and death together! Yuan Shi Zun and Too God want to enter the world's fairyland? Under the root of our family, we will die first! "

Tian Wu is silent ...

After the lanons: "I agree to Xuan Ming's suggestion! If this battle can't hide, then you can only send a man first! The saint can't interrupted the fairy thing, and it is effective, launching the power of the monsters and the Witch. , Thorough pressing and teaching and people! Just let these two sects do not come, they have not launching the capital of war! "

Hold the snake in your mouth. The tiger's personal, four hoof, long-handed hard-to-mouth, the strength of the elbow: "I think so, since it is going to fight, then it is a bit. I am most afraid of the warm boiled frog, on the surface and we hunted, drag Take us. Waiting to the wings, give us a boring, then play again, my witch didn't know how many good gratings were died. "

Human birds, ear hanging on the snake, hand holding a red snake, a smile: "Since it is going to fight, then you will be too early.

How do you plan to do this rabbit? Back, you really plan to recognize him for your brother? There is also Xuan Ming ... "

Then: "Since I recognize, can I fake? The rabbit is the appetite on my appetite, this brother I believe that you are also his uncle, don't bully him. Especially Tian Wu, don't follow me. What is clear ... I was a suggestion once, I was also a suggestion, three times, four times, I have to shoot! "

Tian Wu scored no sound, the two ancestral witch is the strongest in the battle force is Xuan Ming, the most powerful defense is the soil, Tian Wu is ranked after the twelve ancestral witch. It's really a single, basically the ... Although you can't die, the shame is inevitable.

Human snakes, full body red candle, nine yin suddenly looked up, deep breathing, a chaotic smog spread and closed

After the combination, slowly open: "Your suggestion is good, but I hope that you should best pay attention to the fairy boundaries, I have a feeling, the guy has been in the fairy world, he is not dead! As long as he is not dead, then then There is no past disaster. "

Everyone heard the heart, the candle is Jiuyin is a Zhuwu, which is the force of the ancestral witch, he can see the future, and the death of the twelve ancestors. If he said, no one dares!

Xuan Dynasty: "Can you lock his position? Or, more information?"

Candle nine vaginal: "I just saw some information because I saw some information. I have seen his book, but his situation seems to be not good, it is weak ... If we find him, you can kill him ! Unfortunately, he is very deep, I can't find him. "

"Dijiang, you will sleep next time, don't blame me!" Xuan Ming glanced, sitting in the eyes, but the emperor who was moving.

The emperor is like a yellow sac, is as a scent of Dan, six feet four-wings, no face, the whole person looks like a four-word super fighter. But this guy is the lazy worm in the fighter ...

Dijiang wipes the mouth of the mouth, dry cough: "Cough ... What did you say?"

Everyone collectively speaking ...

"You didn't hear it?" Xuan Ming pinched his fist, others started active bones. .

Chapter 457 Rabbit

The Emperor Jiang's eyes are not good, hurry: "I heard it! I think ... I think you want me to say ..."

Xuan Ming said: "Your speed is the fastest, the guy is not dead, I want you to find him! Be sure to kill him before he recovered!"

The Dijiang is awkward: "This is a tired ..."

"You take out the spirit of you all around you, you will not be tired." After the land.

Di Jiang did not think about it: "This can steal ... cough, borrow something more than?"

Everyone got it ...

Dijiang hurriedly said: "No problem! This is in me! Even if you run through the land fairy, I have to catch him out!"

"That's good." Everyone nodded, landed, and began to study the battle.

Time a day, the Witch's people have started to act, and the road to Kunlun is once again blocked, but the thorough blocked, and several disciples of Yuan Tianzun have wanted to rush out several times, and the results have been hit back. Even someone falls on the spot.

To this end, Yuan Shi Tianzun doesn't know how many times have you been angry ...

The days of the family have become a lot of good, because the Witch starts to merge the people in the normality of the same respect, and many people have moved into the territory of the Witch. Similarly, they have to abandon the beliefs of taught, intermediary, in exchange for the Witch's shelter and teaching.

For a time, the dispute is beginning to enter the state of hot.

However, Qin Shou didn't know these things, he is very busy now!

One week, he returned the flesh, completely abandoned the existence of the road. He did no trace in the flesh at this moment, the whole person is the existence outside of the road! I really didn't have in the five elements and jumped out of the three.

At the same time, Qin Shou also embarked on the road he couldn't understand, and one should not exist, but there is a road! Step on the past, Qin Shou only felt that the whole body of the whole body seems to be awakened in an instant! Infinite power combo from his body! This power is not the power of the road, but a force from the source of life, from his own strength! This power is endless!

Qin Shou felt the strength of the body, suddenly laughed, laughing: "Haha ... It turns out! It turns out! The end of the departure, but the end of the departure is the source of itself ! All the way is created by me! I am the source of the road, the ancestors! "

Qin Shoucun laughed, the idea moved: "I said that there is light between this world!"

Qin Shou's ,, There is no source, there is no sun, but the light is so appeared!

Qin Shou continued: "There is sky, there is a big place!"

Bang ...

There is a big land under the sea, and the sky began to become blue!

"There is an endless starry sky above the sky! There is a nine in the earth!"


A Thunder flashed, the blue sky appeared on countless stars! Under the earth, there is a nine-story

Qin Shouzi is about to say something, when you have something to make, suddenly a dizziness, smirk a road; "In the case, the law is not casual, and the three words have turned into my strength to consume light."

Subsequently, Qin Shou is a moving, and the whole body of the body flourifies the endless power, and instantly fill the deficit. However, the consumption on the soul of Qin Shou, but it is not able to make up for it, he wants to improve the world in the body again, and it takes time to travel.

Request, Qin Shou looked at the true martial arts in front of him, and the way: "This is too counter-sky, and it is discovered by a rebellion.

Then the two flesh bombarded one for two!

Zhenwughao has a departure of a departure, and the legs of the departure are sitting in the seven-color beads, co-cooperation and the three things, but he seems to be an insulator, and the energy of the sea will not enter him. in vivo! On the contrary, he will exude a breath, constantly assimilate the strength ...

In this regard, Qin Shou does not stop, the more people comprehend to the heavens and the earth, and Qin Shou is more and more transparent to the future.

The swallowed people is the most perfect road in the eyes of the world, with the flesh of the Tao, and finally a great understanding, and achieve the saints. Even, Hong Hao may be this system!

Zhenwu's flesh is a kind of innovation, and it will integrate into itself, then break the sky, to force the flesh! This road

Also walk.

But Qin Shou's ambition has become more and more big, with the improvement of the knowledge!

If the previous Qin Shou just thinks to become a saints, then violently violently, then now, his goal has been locked in Hongyu's ancestors!

This is a bit crazy, but Qin Shou is from the foreigners. Thoughts are not affected by this world, thinking is super off, not willing to be suppressed by anyone, that is, this idea! It was also available before, but he also thought it impossible!

But the appearance of the departure, let him see hope! So his ambition burned again!

Deep sucking, Qin Shou opened his eyes, slowly got up, clenched his fists, Qin Shou smiled: "Not thoughtful

, Have you prepared it? "

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