The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1033


Too two is awkward, pointing at yourself: "I will protect the law? Are you teasing me? Just come to a person, you can shoot me ..."

"I don't care, I have to go to the heavens, you don't have to optimize this door, don't allow anyone to go in!"

Too two is a bitterness, he braggy, lie to people, protecting the law such a senior stock, he can't play!

At this moment, the Houqing strolled in, and she was still holding a pot of wine. "Too two real people, how is it so embarrassed?"

"Don't talk nonsense, the wine is brought, you have also hurry." Too second truth called.

"Hey? I have a good wine to share with you, are you so doing me?"

"It's a fart to you, and the rabbit seems to have a moth. I have to give him a protection. You don't want to make it, you can't move the movable! This time, this rabbit seems to be very big, Better than the last time! "Too second truth called.

After the day, I couldn't sit, I was running out of the wine pot immediately, but I was too real ..

Chapter 467

"Don't go, your hands are waste, but it is just to attract others' eyes. No trouble must provoke trouble ... This, you go to the Yin Mountain, find Pluto A tea, let her come over. You go to find your sister ... "

After the Qing Qing also understands this truth, I still worry about: "Is it here?"

Too second is sigh: "Can you still do? Do you still have a person in this? I will stage an empty city, I can't say it. You are so fast, I will scam, I will deceive people Not long after. "

"Good!" Houqing hurriedly left.

When the Qing walked, Tai Qi was scratched, and the Taishi Chair moved to the shade of Qinshou, lie down, drink a small wine, and eat fruit.

At this moment, the West ...

"Well? This day is like? It's so strange!" The passive people got up, looking at the sky, a star fell, where it was in the position of the city!

The passerby frowned: "The emperor falls, falling in Word City, this ... What is going on? Is it going to change? Isn't the two demon emperors? Is it wrong, not an emperor, is more than the emperor More horrible emperors! Emperor ... it is impossible! "

The vicotic people screamed!

"Master, why are you so surprised? What is the emperor, what is the big star?" Asked a little girl.

The passenger laughed: "You don't understand, the emperor represents the world dominated, the Lord of the Tiandi! It is the emperor, the Emperor Too! You see the brightest star, one south, one South, one, then Two emperors, purple, cover all the stars. "

"Since the emperor is the Lord of Heaven and Earth, what is the big star?" Said the little games not.

The vicinity sigh: "Although heaven is very powerful, it is only great, accounting for orthodox, the land fairy is vast

, contain countless small world! Tibetan dragon is tiger, so don't listen to Tiantian. There are also places that have the strength of the heavens. You look at the descent, the purple gas coverage, always have some stars to travel away.

Also, outside the stars, there are more vast sky, they are still covered. That is the field of saints, not subject to Tianstro.

But ... big emperor ... "

Dynasty seems to have a little comprehend, calling: "Is the big star contribute to the saints?"

The passive people shakes his head: "I don't know clearly, the saints do not die, should not be able to control them. However, no matter how, the big star falls in the noord of the city, this thing is 80% and the rabbit is related, I I have to go! You are

Mi Mingshan stayed, if the friend came back, you told him about me that he naturally understands how to do it! "

After saying, it's quasi-trisker to go up, and go straight to the city.

Tianship, Emperor Taiyi and Emperor are standing on the star, and the face is dignified.

"Da Di! There is really this star?" Dijun did not dare to confuse.

Emperor is too a: "This big star passed, hurried, I was afraid that it was a good thing. It's also possible to walk, and that big emperor is dangerous."

Emperor Jun said: "What is we?"

Emperor is too: "The big star has been in the nearby city, and it has a relationship with the rabbit. It will never send in the snow.

The carbon is real. Better, this demon emperor, you, I have long tired, if he can really become the emperor, maybe we really free, super offline! "

"If the big star is not in the world, the saints must be intervened. This takes an obstacle. We have only seen the saints, we have passed, just afraid to don't help. Even if the rabbit failed, we will be held directly. It may not be guaranteed by heaven.

Emperor Too: "So, we can't go, you let the nest are in the East Cross, let go of the East Crime, you can come back, don't say anything."

The emperor sighed: "I can only do this ..."

Then two people immediately took action, and the nest of the East of the East, and went straight to the city.

However, another person followed up - nest!

The nest is incomparatuously staring at the nest, cold: "My good brother, since you want my position, then I have to send you to the road ... Who let my father have started Biased you ... Demon, he has East Cross, I can't kill him. "

A face and good demon teacher, Peng Zongshi, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh: "Nothing, you will take it, then the East Crime will naturally help you block. You want to be the emperor, this time must go through! Tians is the owner of the world, and A rabbit is too emotional trading too much smile ... "

"Well, thank you"! "After finishing, the nest will go.

Behind the Zhu Peng's ancestors huh, smiled, turned away, did not say anything, nothing, but the eyes blinks, but who can't understand the crazy!

Above nine days, the purple palace.

"Taoist, you don't believe in the qualification of the rabbit?

The man who attracted the opposite person followed the standing, looking at the sky: "It is the big star! It's a strange ..."

"Three thousand big borders, I should say it, I don't want to go with you. But now, the Taoist friends don't have to go ..." Attach people.

"Oh? How can this happen?" Although the three thousand people were surprised, they did not panic, but they were very calm.

"Do you know where the big star is?" Asked the Taoist.

The three thousand mains shook their heads: "I don't know."

At the point of arrival: "That is the place where you are in the city! And the whole city is eligible to accept it, it is estimated that there is only the rabbit! By this family, too much anti-sky ... just like him Ancestors, Tiandu is not over! "

The Three thousand big world is slightly talented: "I know, if you are very urgent, you can go."

At first, he said, he suddenly missed, the arrogant three thousand mains, how did you at this time?

It's still so heavy! However, the attachment is really can't wait, he will never allow any changes in Qin Shou! Because he is also afraid! .

Chapter 468

Sage change

If you don't think about the end of the people, anyone will be bold! Because that is a living antity, it grows up, and the story of shooting an elephant is too heartbeat!

The attractions were gone, and the three thousand people huh, huh, smiled: "This takes the leader is really self-righteous. He thought I didn't think about the waste? I want to take me as a gun? Hey ... I want to be angry, Looking forward to challenging the rabbit, take a look, and the winning is not painful, why bother to fight. "

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