The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the Westward Journey is the jade rabbit

After that, the Three thousand main people seized their own courtyards and continued to close.

However, some people can't stand it, that is, Chen Lord!

The first visit to the Taoist people is Chen Lord. Chen Lord also agreed to show up. Nowadays, the big star appeared, he first rushed to the city!

At the same time, the friends of Qin Shou have also seen the appearance of Daxie, and they have left the closed closure, and they will come to the city!

After the latter, Kaoyu, Yucheng, Jiangliu, Chaos, the world rushing to the sky.

The ancestral hall, the eleven ancestors in the twelve ancestors pulled the bouncing, suddenly all stood up, looked up at the place where the big emperor was falling, and the face of one was not bad. .

Strong touch the head: "Fang Ya, your home seems to have a disaster

Fine! The big star fell, he could not speak tonight. "

Fang Ya said: "It is a good thing for my brother to become a good thing for my witch. It is also a chance to be clear about my witch. It is a chance to be clear, this is a chance! I hope everyone will not Also think about it! "

Xuan Dynasty: "The Emperor ... Oh, if this little man can really become the emperor, it is really a good thing."

Tian Wu smiled: "A few, I remind you that the big star fell, he didn't have the capital of the emperor! It is not an emperor! It's not true. Over the past, the first few of the heirs, isn't it falling on the road to Yumi? "

Fang Ya said: "How do I do anyone else, my brother, I believe he can do it!"

Xuan Ming faintly said: "My man can't miss, you either help, or I will help you act!"

Tian Wu quickly raised his hands: "If I am afraid of you, I will have it, and the three clear is too arrogant. In this case, let's let them see the lower ancient believing!"

Zhu Rong said: "Although I don't like it, I like this two hundred and five cooperation, but this time, this is the case."

When I went to work, I was angry. "This is said, it seems that I like to cooperate with you! This account is back and then you! Go!"

"Jiufeng, you contact the old fritters of the emperor, hurry up!"

Before going to the past, the voice gave Jiufeng.

Jiu Feng immediately rushed to the ancestors, there was twelve ancestors, you can contact your ancestors at any time through the ancestral monument.

At this moment, what is the Dijiang?

"Oh, beautiful, my eyes can't, spend, can't see it. This white flower hua is? I can't see it, I have to touch ..." The emperor said, reach out of the salty pig hand touch one Only the long legs of foxes.

The fox essence is also natural, leaning on the side of the emperor, whispered: "Adults can not see, then touch ..."

"Well, um ... um?" The eyes of the emperor just drunk, suddenly became sharp, Hawran got up: "Little fox, today, continue tomorrow, Grandpa will go in advance!"

The fox is found, and the mistakes are obvious. She clearly uses the charm of the charm of this big head. How is it clear? This is too much ...

I didn't have a shadow, she went back God to say: "Dead ghost! Mix the pig fox, I still want to eat, it is a old bastard!"

In the Yuxian Palace, Yuan Shi Tianzhi is gloomy as the water stares at the main road: "Teacher, the big star falls on the rabbit head, this thing can be small. You and I have a teachings, but we are finally Teacher's brothers, this year is also a born, how should you be more close than outsiders? I don't care about you, but today's situation is not optimistic, the rabbit's potential you have also seen. Such as

Differently, he accepted the blessing of Daxin, and the days of the sanctuary were not far away. If he is sanctuary, do you have value? Twelve ancestors, female, plus, the rabbit can be able to divide the world with us!

At that time, the first rabbit should clean it, I am afraid it is your interception. By the brothers, our brothers, the fastest and development of you, and suppress you, naturally, everything is solved. "

Tongtian's teacher heard the words, the face slightly changed, but there is no reply ...

Two people have fallen into a deadlock.

The palace is accommodated.

Too Shang Laojun put down a piece of chess, sigh: "The big star fell into the city, the mother of the mother is a good calculation."

The girl shook his head; "I don't have to believe in the ancestors, I am not interested in and anyone. I am here, but I just don't want the world to suffer again."

Too many old monarch smiled and said: "If this is a relaxed, if the mother is really like it, it will not indulge the family. If the family has experienced what many years have experienced, don't you say it? Monster's Chinese meal ... and they However, you will make it in your hand! Now, I will shoot, but it is given this race that should be prosperous. "

The female scent shook his head: "People, I have some intent, if the Zu Zu will not shoot, I will also open the people to cultivate. The potential of the people will be too big, if

Early the early development of the people, even if the Empress Damai, the Emperor, the Emperor, and the town of the town. First develop a demon group, to balance the power of the demon family and the humanity. Only equilibrium can be peaceful. "

"Peace ... The monsters eat people, have been eaten for so many years, this hate, you think that you can easily resolve? Demon, people, can't be integrated. Two races must have one side, this does not have any resilings "Too many old people. .

Chapter 469


The female sigh said: "I believe that the race I created, knowing how to be modest, with a complaint, integrate the million people. Not like a demon, it is difficult to domestication, wild."

"It seems that the Niang Niang still is still not ready to go ..." Too old, the move straight.

The girl said: "The agreement of the saints is still there, the road is to tear an agreement?"

Too Shangjun shakes his head: "Of course, I just reminded the mother, you do it, will only let us go to the opposite. Future, there is no benefit to you."

The female lady laughed: "Thank you, Tao You reminded, I think, we still continue to play."

Dairy world, not week.

"Le Xiaoyao ... ah happy ... have eating - drink! Didn't pursue it ..." Too two real people lying on the chair, a face of a face.

Just then, there were more people in the yard! White beards, holding a bamboo in his hand, a fairy ribbon looks like a robe.

Too two real people glanced at each other, the heart was trembled, and then calmed down, as if not knowing the other party: "Old

Head, newcomers? Go to me and sell the pot. "

Come on people are gratifying! The passerby heard the words, stunned, then he snorted: "Your old guy will make a call, but today is there, you still fall asleep." Finished, led people A waving.

The Tempo has grown up his eyes, and his head is so sleepy!

The passerby huh and smiled, bypassing the Temurone, I walked into it, and the result took a few steps. After hearing the mother, the Tai second real person came up again: "Oh, this is comfortable, who, who, I Sleep, wine? "

The ladien's head is full of black lines, suddenly turning back, staring at Tai Quality: "You didn't fall asleep?"

Too two is straightforward: "I am asleep! I still dream! My wine?"

The passerby stared at the Tai second real person, the two real people did not think that the two guys were looking for a long time, and the passing people did not see a different from the eyes of the Tai second real, and suddenly frowned. .

Too seconds continue to urinate: "Your old head, don't work, still stay here, I don't believe me let you roll the cover and roll out? This real person is here. It is not one! Even if it is the rabbit, listen to me!"

"Oh? The rabbit must listen to you?" The passage is stunned.

Too second is awkward, lazy, go to the way: "That is nature! Who is the real person? Heavenly underground, only my alone!"

"Your big words are not small, but today you can't drink it, or go out!" Said that

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