The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1035.

People have to shoot.

Too two real people drink: "Bold! Do you dare me go out? Do you know who I am?"

The vibration: "Who are you?"

Too seconds: "This is long, come over, I am squatting in front of me, I tell you ... I think that in the past, Pangu opened the earth ..."

The face of the passerby was black again. This old guy introduced a self, he took the public to open the earth, what chaos, yin and yang pulled a lot! He immediately understood that this old guy is delaying time, and it is no longer to pay attention to Tai Si's live room to Qinshou.

Too second is anxious, but he also knows that he is anxious to pull the car quasi-trisher, definitely useless, no trouble, you have to be flying out. Ling machine moved, too second to laugh: "This is impatient, you want to go in, but the avenue is from the heart, life and death, death, Mo Mo, I didn't remind you."

The footsteps of the passerby suddenly stopped, turned to stare at the Tao Tao: "Your old guy is a lot, but you said more, just want to delay time."

"Delaying time?" Too second real person, then simply lying down and ignored it, "OK, you go in, I am waiting for the show."

The passive people turned and went, but when I went to the door, I stopped.

Qin Shou, many of him know, the rabbit should be closed, to break through the big star, such a big thing, will he let him succeed? There is also the school of the school, although many people say that he is nothing, but the governor always feels that this old family has a problem ...

Too two real people didn't go in, the eyebrows were challenged: "Do you look at me? Want to hurry, someone else will come."

The passerby said: "Is there anyone?"

Too two real people have a smile: "Nonsense, people who want to kill the rabbits so much, do you think you are old? This time, you will go first, wait late, afraid that it is not the same."

The quasi-Tao people are getting better ...

Just when I heard a doctor, the sky fell one person, a black dress, and there is a beautiful face. Even if it is a thousand miles, even if it is murdered!

Paradivia people see this, the channel is not good, it is good!

Too two truthfully climbed up and wiped the forehead: "Oh, I am going, I will come, I don't know how to play the next play, this old man is handed over, I I have to wipe the sweat. I am afraid that he is not careful, slap me to die ... "

The passive people, heard the words, there is a convulsion in the mouth, there is a kind of thoughts that shoot this old bastard! He lives for so many years.

It was actually deceived by this old boy!

However, the arrival of Doubang, I have to pay attention to it. The truth is to pay attention to, the power is still on the tea, but I want to defeat the tea, but it is very difficult, it is definitely not three times. I can get it. of.

A tea falls, and it's sneer: "Take a passive person, you are not in your Western squat, what do I don't have Zhou? Or you think that your Western teaching is also ended, want to baptize?"

The passenger shook his head: "There is not much to say nonsense. You should understand that this rabbit is to lead the big star, which is the enemy of the poor. Today, the poor road must kill him, you can't stop me! ".

Chapter 470


After that, Liu Zhi in the hands of the people is on the air, a green light runs through the void, and go straight to the tea! At the same time, it is necessary to break the door!

However, at this time, the bombard, a big flag, it is from the surface of the flame, a volume of the flag, the flag of the flag, and the person who touched the personnel could not help but retreat. More than 100 Step, I was hard to get out of the courtyard!

Too seconds, I saw this, haha ​​smiled: "The old guy said with you, you have to do it early, you don't listen, now regret it now?"

The passenger heard the words, he was a half-dead, angered: "This defense is really invincible, but since I come, I have a way to deal with him. I have received him!" There is a lot of words in your hands, and the lifetime is burning, and it is a rune in his palm!

A tea saw this, the heart is shocked, "" Sao Human Champion! "

"It's not bad, good eyes! Yes, this is the saints, which is specifically for the heaven and earth five flags, there is it in hand, this is the flames, I will help you." The vicinity people rushed again and grabned the flames of the ground.

A tea snort: "I am here, have you have the opportunity?" Intercontinent, the palm of the tea shot, slammed, pumping a governor!

The willow branches in the hands of the people are brushing in the air, and the slap and whip are hit together, and the palm of the tea is obviously a sunflower, and it is boused. Vicinity

Second brush, brush to the tea himself!

A cold light in the eyes, flying behind a white big flag! It is in a quiet bone!

After the appearance of the Nether Bone Bone, the arrival of the empty, and the passenger only felt that the soul trembled, the heart was not good, and the eyes were buddy, and they went to the Changhong moment!

A tea snort: "If you run fast! Next time, I want your dog!"

Too two, I saw this, haha, smiled: "A tea girl, powerful, powerful! That quasi-trisher is the master of the three thousand passengers, it is not as good as the dog in front of you, and the wolf fled. "

A tea smiled: "You look at me too high ... Christie Welcome a few ancestors!"

"Hey? ?" Tai 20 real people, looked up, I saw a guy in the sky, sitting in the air, holding it in your hand, drinking wine, squatting: "The old lady runs really fast. But the words come back, Abai tea, you are more beautiful, come, let the uncle look good."

A beautiful face is a black, pointing at the guy in the sky, saying: "I thought it was a big ancestral witch. How did you come to you so?"

It's not someone else, it is the fastest, and the power of the power of the space!

The Emperor's eyes turned, nor angry, huh, huh, huh: "What is it for me?

Work, don't you think that uncle, is it more handsome? I don't know how many girls chased me to ask for love. "

A tea joke, a face does not agree.

Too second real person, look at the emperor, then look at the tea, one to shoot a head, big shot: "I know! Haha ... I know who this guy is, the sharp monkey black coat, there is no piece, you have no face, you It is an emperor! "

The emperor heard the words and his face was dark.

A tea is poorly looked at Tai Quality, and a face of sympathy: "I forgot to tell you, this guy has a few non-angry principles, and you don't satisfy any one!"

"What is the principle?" The no understanding of the truth.

Dijiang black face: "First, beautiful women can say me, but you are not a beautiful woman, still a ugly! Second, friends can say me, I don't know you! Third, no matter who, I must admit me handsome, Said that I am ugly! The fourth, hey ... You can say that I am not handsome, but I can't say that I have no face! "

After that, the Di Jiang suddenly appeared in front of the Taiqi, pointed to her face, called: "You are optimistic, isn't this face? You a blind!"


Di Jiangyi fell, too second real person is already in the bottom of the ground, holding the shirt: "Your grandfather! You are a second goods emperor, you have the ability to kill me, don't die, you are my grandson!"

The emperor just stood up, the next moment disappeared, then the earth is deep, hey ... a series of sulf!

At the same time, I also accompanied the sound of the Tema's live person: "Oh! Hache! Oh, hurt! You go down, right ... is comfortable ... not, hurt! I really hurt, left, left ... ... you act I am still not a personal! "

Heaven, the appearance of the tea is speechless and helpless. She knows that the emperor is the best in the twelve ancestral witch. It is also one of the most interesting. In general, he will not be angry, always spend all around the game. But ... this guy really has to be angry, it is definitely the most terrible one in the twelve ancestors! Because he does not have any master's deality, it will be able to report, there is no principle!

At present, it seems that A tea has found that this is the most exclusive, but the inch is very good, and she has not provoked the emperor, so she is not worried about the safety of Tai Quality.

Even so, Acha is also surprised. He has always thought that Qin Shou and Tai's friendship, just two bumble smells that did not have face without skin. It's not so much now, I don't say it, I can't talk about the elegance. But this guy's unsathered body, but let Abai shocked!

The ancestral, even if it is refined, there is also the power of collapse! Under the furious, you can destroy the earth, reopen chaos! And the Thai real people were fat, and they couldn't help but say so much. This is simply metamorphosis!

Not only the tea is shocked, the emperor is too shocked after the two live people. he

I just started to pay hard, but the Tema truth is the mouth, and the Dijiang has gradually increased strength. As a result, there is still something!

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