The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the flood is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1037

Everyone nodded, just at this time, the void was shocked, and the soil came out.

Everyone is busy with the courtesy: "When you meet the soil mother."

Then the end: "Get up, you are a woman in the rabbit, and it is also my unique buddy. I don't have to polite. If you just say, I heard, I know you will not be willing. Moving. But some words, I am not convenient to say, I will easily trigger the sky, causing the two people's attention. In short, Qin Song is my brother, I will not harm him. We will show Moving Moves I brought him to Wan Mountain. If there is any change, there will be the battlefield between us. If there is no change, there will be his crowned place. "

The consecutive soil came over and explained, and the women had no opinion, and they nodded.

Then, nodded, and took a woman with a woman.

As a result, the girls were falling, and they saw another big cloud flying over, the area is large, and the Big Foot 10 in Mount Mountain is ten.

A few times! People shaking, obviously above, is not a bluff. The drums of the drums are rushed, vertical, one big flag - Dragon!

Then, a figure flew down from Xiang Yun, it was !

I ran over the wind and fire, called: "Nothing? Nothing?"

After the end, he followed the dragon five sons, and shakes the folding fan. He called: "Shantou, you slowly, this is a bit chaos, but a peaceful, there is no killing, how can it be Have something. "

I didn't listen to him, but I called: "I blame you, the speed is so slow, I am grinding, if the rabbit is there, I will pick you up!"

When I was suddenly smiling.

After the two fell, the rear soil, emperor, Xuan Ming and others have been behind, preparing to move the gods and leaving Qin Shou.

After the Qing Qing hurriedly, he called: "Hey, you are dry? How to bring so many people?"

: "I am not afraid of something, so I will go back to move the soldier. I brought five billion shrimps crabs, although the combat power is not good, but the drain is here, scared can scare a lot people!"

After the words heard, the eyes turned: "You can really toss ... don't worry, twelve ancestors are coming, and there are also people to help us."

"What? The twelve ancestors are here?" and !

After the look at Hey, he was so busy explained; "This is my six brother, ."

After the Qing Dynasty: "Isn't it the fifth?"

, , , fierce Call: "You say that I listen again? He ranks a few?"

After the Qing Dynasty swallowed the mouth, and he looked up. I am smilling: "She said that she is a few a few."

I made a victory move, then said: "You don't care about him, just help. Right, rabbit?"

After Hao Qing said the situation in front of him, and wanted his eyes, how did you not think that she actually

Also have so many things! It's a bit turning around for a moment!

I was also scared, the twelve ancestors came, the big star appeared in Qin Shou, and there may be a holy battle! All of this, all of him have a violent feeling ... The rest is a frightened meat. At the same time, some understand why he gave him so many people, and he didn't have a voice. He knew that the Dragon King gave him so many people. It seems that he knows everything, now just choosing Station team.

Since I have already selected the team, I haven't said it, I have a hand: "After the brother, the extra nonsense, I don't say anything. If you need me, you will say it directly. If you can, you can do it, you must help each other ! "

After gratitude, he was grateful: "The brothers are polite, since I are all a family, I don't say two words, go down first.

Others have arrived, I think we should also discuss the things that will be next. This is absolutely not so simple, they have to deal with my big brother, it is likely that we are all over, we are not too flat here. A battle is also inevitable ... "

I understand this truth, even if they are far from the Saints, they will not be peace here, and some people will take the opportunity to take the opportunity to take the friends and family of these rabbits. They must prepare prepared to prepare for various possibilities.

It's familiar with the emperor and the middle, and I also went to the moon mountain. I have seen the women, nature is not strange. Plus, although it is a little small, it is not stupid. She is very clear that Qin Shou's character, these women are his life, I want to have a good day with him, and the relationship with these women is also necessary. Therefore, it is naturally not to praise his praise, plus, a lot of small jewelry sent out.

The first of the sun was bought ...

Rainbow doesn't matter, who is coming, she is satisfied here.

Business sheep, Qinyuan is a woman with ice and smart, naturally will not be a vinegar here, so everyone will join together, and they are happy and chat. .

Chapter 473 Yuan Shi

Yuan started

Seeing this scene, Shen Qing, the true person, I also sent a tone, they were really afraid that several women hit together, they were full of days, then they were embarrassed ... At the same time, several people had to admire Qin Shou, actually Can get so many women at the same time ... still don't have a dry frame!

At this moment, the hills were thaled to the sky, and the emperor sat in the air, playing a print in his hand, a huge space delivery door opened! The back is waved, and the half of the holy mountain is from the main peak on the spot, flying into the delivery door ...

Just then, Kunlun, Yushuang Palace!

Yuan Shi Zun suddenly opened his eyes, angered: "Teacher! You are still obsessed with it? The twelve ancestors are shot, send the rabbit to the moon mountain! What is there under the mount? You will not be unclear, once they succeed Do you have any value? "

Tongtian's teacher heard the words, the body is shocked, caught in contemplation and hesitation!

Yuan Shi Tianzun saw this, and a rushing out!

Tongtian's main symbolic reach blocked, did not stop, then lifted his hand, and finally did not catch up. Sigh: "For this, I am two no gangs, success or failure, I have nothing to do with me. Everything looks at God ..."

After that, Tongtian's teacher turned and left.

At this moment, Wang Yue Mountain, all people were moved in the emperor to move in the city, not on the top of Zhaoshan, after the blame, the earth was flattened, put the holy mountain in it.

Twelve ancestors like the twelve stars, usually sitting around Qin Shou, the closed land of Qinshou, a majesty, horrible breath, and the town! Everything is far away ...

There is a haze in the sky, as if there is a world war that I will explode, a horrible war.

The atmosphere is getting more and more pressure ...

However, someone is not depressed, that is, Qin Shou!

Putu, the child is in power, before, Qin Shou, scared Qin Shou, I thought that Pangu ax was so big, knot

When the saver came out, I received it back, and then I have been in this effort, this kind of power is for a long time, but the breath ... but it is more and more horrible!

Qin Shou was quietly looked at the anx ax. From the beginning, he had already opened the world of Wukong, which was already open, and constantly analyzed the attack on the ancient ax. Qin Shou has several ways to block this hit, but the risk is not small! Qin Shou chose the worst way, did not stop, he also felt the breath of the ancestral witch outside, the ancestral witch came, then the saints will be far away?

Qin Shou is absolutely not allowed to have any danger, because the twelve ancestral witch as long as there is any false, the world's balance collapsed! The Wus Demon is afraid that they will be up to the roots. When they come to Qin Shou, even more tamed, it is useless!

It is not a saint, it will always be an antity, even if it is a full Pangu ax, it is impossible to go out of the saints! This is the absolute gap, any genius, any enchanting can't cross the gap!

Qin Shou also understood this truth, so he gamble! Gamble, if it is a maximum level of strength! Perhaps, there is still some effects on this battle ... As for the sanctuary, Qin Shou still does not think that he has qualified to be sanctified!

His strength may be enough, but merit is not enough! Without merit, the light wants to rely on enlightenment, it is just a joke!

Between the heavens and the earth, the female scorpion is because of the creation of people; three clear because of the ancient world, inheriting the pound of merits, thus

Holy; back soil is because of turning back, build a member of the husband and sanctified; fortune is because of compassionate world, and for good, countless small work is a big merits, but he will make a chance to be sanctified. The demon teacher has a chance to sacrifice, and it is the help of the talents, but unfortunately, finally defeated the vertical, and took the leader counting, snatching merits ... This will scatter a rush of the Royal Master.

Thinking of this, Qin Shou can't help but think of the future of the future ... If in accordance with the legendary plot, this monsters can take the heavenly merits, this is an incredible thing! Qin Shou may not think that in the sanctuary, the emperor and the Emperor will be generous to give the Pengpeng. If it is not let, there is more cat's greasy!

From the beginning, the mountains, to the later things, Qin Shou has always had a feeling, and the mountain is not a mountain ancestor.

Yes, there is another person! Some things behind, although the ancestors of the Peng Peng did not intervene directly, Qin Shou did not believe that he was really quiet ...

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