The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 1038.

Lenovo gave the end of the Zengzu teacher, Qin Shouffined, this guy participated in some secrets that did not speaking, otherwise it won't be so bad, it was exiled to one, and could not come back.

"Mom has egg, I still have time to think about this ... or the old man's trial ancient ax!" Qin Shou thought in his heart.

The ancient ax is getting brighter and brighter, and there is a simple rune on the quaint appearance. These runes are not artificial, but a Tiandao branded printed! The ax is high, as if it may fall at any time.


Qin Shou tightened the nerve, ready to shoot!

However, let Qin Shouqi want to marry the mother, this guy has stopped again, and it began to accumulate!

"Power! Advance! If you are your grandfather, you are the ancient ax being the old lady, what do you do? Don't tell me, you are a mother! Your uncle!" Qin Shouqi's mouth ! No way, changed, tightly, the nerves, full of preparation, seeing the limit, the other party suddenly put the fart, saying, etc., it is enough.

Unfortunately, Pangu ax is not moving, continue to accommodate!

At this time, Qin Shou's face changed! He felt the outside of the outside, that is the breath of the saints!

Almost at the same time, the twelve ancestors opened their eyes, next moment, twelve people broke out of the twelve light columns, rushed to the cloud!

Above the cloud, a fairy sound, followed by petals waste, Yuan Shi Zun is sitting on a carriage, slow down, looking at the bottom, a faint road: "A few friends, do you really want to block me?" .

Chapter 474, Pangu, Double

Putu battle double

After looked at Yuan Tian Zun Road: "Since we come, you will not let you succeed! He is my brother, you want to kill him, first pass me this!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun nodded slightly, looking to Tian Wu said: "Tian Wu Daoyou, you and I have a good time, why bother to work with me?"

Tian Wu, smiled: "Yeah, you and I have a good time, or you can withdraw it first?"

Strong cold smile: "Although there is contradiction between our ancestors, we are clearer, we have left anyone who is dead! Yuan Shi Zun, you still give up the unnecessary fantasy."

Xuan Dynasty: "Tongtian Taoist Friends, I don't stop you, this is a true regret."

Yuan Shi Tianzun shook his head: "We are the teacher's brother, it is like the twelve ancestors, it is very big in front of you. We will be together. If you don't say it, please give me the rabbit. Didn't happen. Otherwise ... "

Then the road proudly said: "Otherwise, what?"

"Don't hesitate to fight!" Yuan Shi Tianzun finished, there is a blossoming red lotus behind, and there is a lot of jars in the hands!

Di Jianghuo said: "Don't he hesitate to fight Yuan Tianzun, you can't do this!"

Twelve people instantly become one, in fact, twelve people have already blended because they are very clear, if they are not earlier, once they are sneak attack, there may be variables.

Today, just complete the last step, the next moment, the twelve ancestors disappeared!

Twelve light columns hit together, one of the huge arms appeared, a boxing, the sky is instantly broken a super big hole!

The horses of Yuan Tianzun did a flying gray. The whole person stood in the black hole, and the jade in his hand waved. When the ancient arm hit together, Yushu suddenly appeared a slice of cracks. Subsequently collapsed!

Yuan Shi Tianzun brows wrinkled, and quickly retreat, push into the starry sky behind!

After hitting the huge arm, I took it back. Then I was very huge, and the knife giants appeared in the air. One finger was bigger than the moon mountain, and the legs were sitting in the sky. I don't know how many miles of miles!

Pangu is now in a time, countless people have voted, but no one dares to look directly, thinking that the terrible power is terrible! That strong flesh, as if every cell is a living life, anyone will be noted in the past! The flesh is not moving, but that strong power, it seems to be able to instantly use all voyages!

On the nine days, Yuan Shi Tianzun looked at the ancient belly. It is also a helpless. If Pangu is not pursued, it is just a simple defense, guarding Wang Yue Mountain, and there is no way in Yuan Tianzun.

Pang Gu Yang Wang Wang Wang, faintly: "Yuan Shi Tianzun, today is here, you can't let the rabbit, let it go. Otherwise, it is not a casualty!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun scorpion is cloudy, a bit bite, drink a big drink: "Teacher! I know you are still watching! Do you really want to make another uncontrolled saints between the world? The rabbit is San, this world can still be able to get our three clear? "

Pangu shook his head: "Tongtian Daoyou, the strength reaches you, everyone, who does not want to get to you? From beginning to

The tail is all the burn and the road ancestors to fight the rabbit. The rabbit can take the initiative to provoke these two people? I am bad, I hope you can see it clearly ... "

During the speech, the Tongtian's leader appeared in the air, and the pair of the ancient arch: "Taoist friends said, but we will be a brother. If this rabbit is sanctified, the balance is tilted, so ..."

A frowned, asked: "What?"

Tongtian teaches the main road: "I am planning two people, but some things can't escape. I have done the rabbit, as long as he does not become a holy, I will protect him peace."

Yuan Shi Tianzun frowned, but did not say anything, in fact, the rabbit is not holy, and it is not worth him. Not a holy

Even so, the strength is just a fire, there is no big in the world or so!

Pangu is cold and looked at the Tongtian's Lord and Yuan Shi Zun Road: "I have done his way, and there is a difference between him? It seems that it seems that it is nothing, today, let me teach two magics!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun heard, suddenly laughed, I have done the rabbit, although it is good, but only dead people are most worry-free!

Yuan Shi Tianzun is also afraid to drag down, directly sell, Yushu is a change, it is very huge! At the same time, there are more painted ancients that are ! The ancient times came out, the chaotic period was filled, and the temple is a wave, a chaotic light is coming, and the void is blown, and the chaotic gas is blown out! When it is a deficiency, destroy the earth!

Tongtian's teacher waved, Qingping sword fell into the hand, the void, Qing Ping fly out, half the empty people took Qing Pingjian, the empty sword fell down, this is the magical Tongtian, the Taoist is just a way. The shadow, the sword is true, the killing is great!

Pangu also does not get up, double-handed, like a sky, sweep!


Qing Ping sword was taken by a slap!


The yellow light of the plate is broken by hegemony!

Pang Guoke said: "As a saint is not dead, if you think that you can hurt the people, you will be too small!"

Tongtian teacher sighs: "Daoyou, if you don't choose to make him breakthrough, I may not shoot. But the following is related to the secret of the sanctuary, once he absorbs ... so, I am sorry!" There is no one hesitated, the battle of the saints, the battle is the face! Two hits one, can't fight, then the loss is lost!

After that, Tongtian's teacher personally holds Qing Pingjun!

Tongtian teaches the main killing, strong attack power, is the first person in many saints!

A sword is swept, scratching the time and space, directly falling to the top of the ancient head!

Pangu is not lifted, one hand shot, a force drop! What is your magical pass, what swordsmanship, a palm pass, cover the sky, only hard and hard! .

Chapter 475



There is a white sword mark on the arbor arm, but it is fleeting.

And Tongtian's teacher blames the patrol of the plate!

But the body of the ancient bodies is also slight!

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