The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the jade rabbit 1039

At this moment, Yuan Shi Tianzun descended from the sky, and the plate of the dish, the earthquake, the vegetarian flesh was once again shaking!

The anger of the anger, I took it back!

At this moment, Yuan Shi Tianzun took up a pagoda, Xuan Huang felt, like a waterfall, will be shrouded in Yuan Shi Tian, ​​Heli is the Tiandi Xuan Huang Linglong Tower, Tai Shang Laojun's bearing magic weapon! Name, once the sacrifice, stand up in an invincible place!

Pangu and a slap in the top, Yuan Shi Tianzun is a shaped silk, and the fire is in the top of the plate!


The roof of the ancient head was taken in the end of the fire, but the landscaping was not broken!

Pangu is anger, roaring, the wind is raining, the storm is usually 1st

Nai Yuan Shi Zun He Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Tower defense is unparalleled, this storm can't be close to him!

Yuan Shi Zun Haha big laughed: "I really thought that everything is in your calculation? The brother will give me the heaven and earth Xuan Huang Linglong Tower, I will be unbeaten, how do you fight me?"

The Tongtian's Lord is also falling down, a waving, a purple electric hammer carrier is infinite thunder's strength from the sky!

I have to give up the time for the time being, I have to give up Yuan Shi Zun, a punch to the purple electric hammer!


The purple electric hammer is turned around the ancient times, and the electric light is flashing ...

At this moment, there is a big mountain outside the million miles away from the Wan Mountain. This mountain is known as Jiuyama, takes the meaning of the nine rivers, which can be seen, the strength of the owner of this mountain! Otherwise, I don't dare to get the name of the sky, I can still live well.

There is a ancestor in Jiuxiao, named Jiuyi, a magical manual Tong Xuan, although there is no purple palace, but there is no one dare to smash him!

Nine is arrogant, and it is said that the sky is purple, and the underground is nine. Do you have to be named with Hongyu? It can be seen that this person is arrogant, and the strength is deep.

Although the old ancestors of Jiuyi, although mad, the strength is powerful, so the people who come to make a teacher are also endless. However, nine is also a smart person. Although he is arrogant, he never interferes with the fairy world, and seals Jiulongshan, and has a happy day of a mountain.

On this day, Jiuyi old ancestors were sitting on the sky, looking down countd countless believers, disciples talked about Tiandi Avenue.

. It is critical to the crucial place, and Jiuyi old ancestors suddenly angryly angry, he immediately finished, and then cryed again ... ...

Many disciples don't understand, and I will ask this.

Jiuyi old ancestors crying: "This thought that Fengshan can escape the robbery, but unfortunately ... Failure to escape, everything is over ... and pool fish ..."

The voice fell, a disciple only heard a loud noise, and the mountain gate of the unbearable is broken, a purple thunder falls!

Jiuyi old ancestors roared, three corpses flew out, this respect, all kinds of bags released! However, all the magic weapons

In the moment, it was smashed by the Thunder, and the three corpses did not stop for a second, and the blink was flying as average!

Jiuyi old ancestors called a dead way ...


A loud noise, Jiuteng Mountain is a big pit! The purple lights in the big pit flashed, became a thunderous hell ... some attempted to explore the monks of the exactly, it was close to the thunder ...

Jiuxi Mountain is not a special case, the saints, even if it is just a silky wave, it is also a spiritual extinction! Absolute power, absolute destruction, no one can resist this hit!

The big mountains in the fairy world were erased!

And Wang Yue Mountain here, Pangu has standed up, double boxing war two holy!

Tongtian's teacher also released the fairy map to cover the ancient half of the body, the fairy chart, there are countless killing swords, horrible, and the road can kill the Sheng! Naiyu's ancient meat is immortal, strong! Although it is not the Tiandi Xuan Huang Linglong Tower, it is not weak in the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Tower!

Let's take you how much swords are shot, and you can't hurt him!

Although Yuan Tianzun's Pan is fierce, the same is that I can't put it ancient. However, Pangu also didn't help but Tongtian's main and Yuan Shi Zun.

The three people's purpose is very simple, Tongtian's Lord and Yuan Shi Tianzun want to scream from Wang Yue Mountain, thus killing Qin Shou

The ancient rules work hard to stand here, protect Qin Shou from the attack of the two saints!

"Pang Gu Daoyou, this battle, it is inevitable that the soul is tuned! Can you do it in chaos?" Yuan Shi Tianzun.

Pangu Cold: "Do you think possible? I will not leave here half! You have to fight, then fight! I can't attract the teacher inserting this matter, when you are closed!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun heard the words: "You are a mad!"

Pangu cold road: "Where is the mad? Yuan Tianzun, is you crazy or I am crazy? This can be a safe, you

Toss again, today you want to touch the rabbit! "

"That battle!" Yuan Shi Tianzun also killed the real fire, one hand is the old, and the jade is eager, and it is constantly killed.

The madness of the same kill, the three holy bathers, the scope of the Waves is getting wider ...

At this time, the Qin Shouzhihai in this moment has finally changed!

After the accumulation of the Zhuxiang's electricity, the bang fell!

Qin Shou saw this, the heart trembled, he knew that the ancient ax is very strong, just did not expect, a piece of fragment, it is still so strong! One ax falls, Qin Shou self-question online, he really does not necessarily be able to follow!

However, Qin Shou has another intended!

Drink, the body, common work, and the three people will transfer power to Qin Shou's life, the eggshelf outside the red crushed body, rushing out, and then opposite the air Catch, one tear!

Late ...

A portal in the sky was torn!

The anx ax of the anthart is instantly entering the portal! However, let Qin Shou shocked, this ax is actually locking, and there is no way to go away, but fly back, trying to kill Qin Shou again! .

Chapter 476 System?


After Qin Shou shocked, it was ecstatic, everything is like him, then the next is the most critical!

Qin Shou's Yuan Shen angry, even turned the door of the space swept!

The next moment of the ax flew out from the door of space, and the bombarded the sphere of the gas and turbidity!

The effect of Pangu should kill Qin Qin, destroying the sea and killing Yuan gods, so this ax is transferred by Qin Shou, but did not kill back, simple to open the sea!

It has plagued the clearness of Qin Shou countless years and the turbidity is completely separated. The purity begins to rise, and the turbidity begins to decline!

However, the rise in the rise is very slow, the speed of falling is also very slow, and even the rebound trend! However, Qin Shou did not use Yuan Shen to support the sky, but the public and Zhu Rong call, two guys have a pastly into two incomparable pillars, such as the top pillar, will support the heavens!

"The blood of the two ancestors is not enough to completely open this world, but it is enough for a short time." Qin Shou squad, and then struck, the anx ax lost, In the hands.

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