The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the jade rabbit 1041

As a result, Qin Shou did not move, but there was more idea in the woman's head. Qin Shou's words were: "Oh, come out from a kill, there is a beautiful woman with death, not bad!"

When the girl heard the words, suddenly the sadness is desperate, I really encountered stupid!

However, the next moment, the girl was shocked again!


The flying sports car suddenly fixed in the air! Finally, I stopped behind the mad man ...

"This ..." The girl's brain is down.

Qin Shou looked back and looked at the driver in the sports car. It was also a woman. It was also a frightened color and turned into a shocking color ...

Qin Shou shake his head. For these ordinary people, he can easily use the mind, his heart has access their secrets, so the female driver's thoughts Qin Shou also received it. It is not crazy driving, but the car brakes are unincolve, and I have accelerated ...

Qin Shou knows that if there is such a calculation, there is no problem in both sides, a waving car slow

The next, Qin Shou, smiled, took the head of the girl in front, pinched his face of the little boy in his arms, then detour the car side, pulled the door, one butt, smiled. "Beauty, convenient? I came out to work, the boss ran, now there is no clear, there is no time, give some money, eat meals?"

The driving is indeed a beautiful woman, shoulders long hair, big eyes, willows, mouth bars are not traditional cherry tips, but have their own characteristics. The whole person looks very savvy, and it is the kind of a woman.

The beauty heard the words, stunned, then smiled and said: "You said that the ghosts don't believe it, but I can ask you to eat a meal. Also, my car is broken, the brake is broken, it will automatically Accelerate, so ... "

"Automatic acceleration automatically accelerates, I like the kind of pleasure, come, take it ..." Qin Shou haha ​​laughed.

Beauty is awkward ... She is really the first time I encountered this kind of wonder, but the scene just happened, but I always remind her that this man is not ordinary! Look at Qin Shou's dress, white hair, a black costume, don't know what material is doing. In the big summer, everyone wear is very cool, and it is very small to wear black clothes.

By black heat absorption, will only be more provoked. However, after this person came in, she obviously felt that the temperature in the car drove some, and the temperature was just very comfortable. Beauty is a businessman, very studied to the clothes, the fabric is even more, but I can't see the material and brand of this pair.

However, there is a little beautiful woman is sure, and this is a little crazy man in front of you, absolutely unaware!

Beauty can't help but ask: "You ... is a human ghost?"

Qin Shou two eyes turned: "Do you think I am a ghost? After finishing, make a look of scary ..."

The beauty of the beauty is rough, and it is not scared. Instead, it refers to the solar road outside: "It's fast noon, you want to die early. Self-introduction, my name is peaceful.".

Chapter 478


Qin Shou reached out and held his handshake: "Qin Ge!" Then I found that the expression of peace of mind became quirky, explained a sentence: "The song of the song."

With peace of mind, I laughed: "It is really a good name that is cheap."

Qin Shou did not think about it: "That's because you don't know the name of my, I will say this."

"Please ask the name of the surname?" Axin is a businesswoman, such a good opportunity to take the other intelligence, how can he miss it, and ask immediately.

"Qin, the aunt!" Qin Shou was a serious way.

"Hey ..." Can't help but laugh, this is really a quicker, and also remember this name to death, go back to she want to check what this family is coming.

At this time, the girl who was almost hit was also coming, and ran over the window and didn't catch the window: "How did you drive? Don't want to live, we still want to live ""

Anxin is not losing and losing, and claiming that his car is broken, the brakes fail will be like this.

When the girl saw peace of mind, and the car seems really broken, plus the man who is still sitting on the side, but the man who is handsome, but the man who is handsome, this is not the top of her spicy. Take it out, but slightly slightly

I have two words: "Well, I will pass you. The guy, although I don't know if you do it, but I want to say, I do it, I will thank you. Not you do, I also thank you. Go to death with me. "

After that, the girl took out the mobile phone and said: "So, leave a WeChat?"

Qin Shou thinks that there is no mobile phone, but this is not a problem, Qin Shou's idea moves, and there is a mobile phone in his hand. Golden thinking of diamonds, big logo, or Huawei. It's not that what I can produce it is, I can't get high-tech. Qin Shou is not familiar with technology. This mobile phone is running is a variety of runes! Can be perfectly simulated all mobile phones.

Qin Shou and the girl added WeChat, and the girl glanced over the mobile phone of Qin Shou. Suddenly, he suddenly said: "You are so local, a Huayi is still the golden side diamond ..." Only the expression, how to see it is like a big head plus The soil stupid.

Qin Shou wondered, two eyes turned: "Patriotism is as simple as I started from me."

"Oh, it is indeed patriotic, I also changed to Huawei." The girl said, self-introduction: "Lin Ke, I am very glad to meet you."

"Qin Ge, singing songs, each other is, this peace of mind, please don't eat,?" Qin Shou directly borrowed the Buddha.

Lin Ke just wanted to refuse, but I found more and more people who watched the lively. Many people took the mobile phone in the mess. There was a trend in the water immediately, and quickly opened.

The door is on the car.

Peaceful, bitter, she found that the people who have encountered today are quite quite wonderful. One I don't know where to come out, I don't know if it is a high-person or a super handsome guy; a nerve big bar, a big girl ... The most important thing is that these two people seem to have no lungs ...

Another reminded: "Two, my car is broken, then start, I can't stop the car," I have to have an accident. "

Lin Yi listened, suddenly remembered, calling: "I think of it, this guy is killing, just don't know how your car stopped ..."

Anxin is stunned, looking at Qin Shou Road: "Are you committed?"

Qin Shou is a nodded: "Yeah, this is not dead, so just that your car didn't brake, and then it was almost completed."

Rest: "@ ¥ @ ..."

Lin Ke: "@ ¥ @ ¥ ...% ¥"

After all, I will come over, Qin Shou's eyes are full of play, easily, not like a person who wants to commit suicide, more is a joke.

But Lin Ke can be not so savvy, and even busy get off the door.

Qin Shou immediately opened: "You can be a person outside. If you have just caught it, you are estimated that you have no quiet days later. At the time, the National Security Bureau will pull you into some studies. "

Lin can scare and dare not get off.

Anxin smile: "Qin Ge, you don't scare little sister. What should you do?"

Qin Shou, I laughed: "Okay, I know that I am scaring people, then drive. I am really hungry, I haven't come to Beijing, some food is still a matter."

Resting Qinshou Road: "Do you have to drive?"

Qin Shou smiled: "If you don't go, you can't get it, the police are coming."

Relief, bite, ignite, throttle!

The car suddenly launched, and the front of the camera, and the excused everyone was so busy, and the car of relief immediately rushed out and scared everyone.

"This woman is crazy? Can't win the car?"

"Just! So many people also speed up!"

"Mad, I want to expose her!"

"Yes, expose her! Human meat!"

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