The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit 1042.

"Sleeping him!" A guy shouted, and the result was immediately shot to have a number of people in the same way, as well as a woman's angry eyes, this carnation is in the glory and shame.

Under Qinshou's request, the peace of mind drove with Qin Shou directly to kill Wangfujing's full gathering duck old shop, but this car speed is getting faster, Wangfujing is another pedestrian street, peace of mind is a 120 fear I am afraid that I can't stop the car.

Lin Ke bulld in the back of the Buddha, squatting: "How can I be so stupid, Ming

Ming meets a fool, mad, but also stupid, it's not that he is not dead, it's time to die ... 5555555 full of God Buddha bless. "

Lin Yuli's little is a little, it is uncomfortable: "Sister, do you have a bit? People are not afraid, are you afraid?"

Qin Shou listened, immediately put a thumbs up: "Not bad! Pure men!"

Xiao Zheng was a tale: "Must! I am a short hair is the symbol of the grandfather! Yes, how do you stay?".

Chapter 479 Zhang Mad ...

Mad ...

Qin Shou's face was green ... : "I hate a child ..."

When you are in peace, you will laugh.

The speed is getting faster and faster, peace of mind: "To speed up, it seems to be a traffic jam. What should I do?"

Qin Shoudao: "Then the brakes."

"Your pig! Is there a sister of peace of mind? The brakes are broken!" Lin Ke said.

Qin Shoudao: "Then hit it ... Oh, this plan to eat dinner and commit suicide, the result is still not eaten. But it is also very good, two beautiful women are accompanying, no loss."

Lin Yi listened, I was scared.

Anxin is also a little hair, for your own Tang, and theirmone trust Qin Shou repented, she doesn't want to die!

The brakes of peace of mind, and it is true that the brake is completely invalid! Seeing that you have to hit, peace of mind and forest can scream at the same time ...


Qin Shou slammed her ear and sighed: "It is a master ..."

Next, the idea is moving, the sports car began to slow down, wait until the back of the car

When the stock was stable, it has stopped.

Anxin and Lin Kee stared at the front. The two women were unbelievable, the two people were unfined, and their brains were downtime.

Inspectedly, Lin Ke's brother is not afraid that it is not afraid of stupid. "What is called, the ear is afraid, women ... is trouble!"

Lin Yi listened to the back seat: "It's amazing, you are awkward! What is the old?"

The little guy is only about four years old, and the milk is talented. "Let you hold, it is because you are tired."

When Qin Shou heard suddenly smiled, pinching this little guy said: "The little guy is called?"

The little guy scored: "Zhang Mad!"

Qin Shou heard, suddenly, this name is really a little mad! Qin Shou smiled: "You are not afraid of this name."

Zhang mad is not a way: "You are still alive, I am afraid?"

Qin Shou: "@ # ¥ # @ ..."

At this moment, Qin Shou saw Zhang Ming's eyebrows, there was a purple light, and the fingers were found, and Qin Shou's eyes flamed a surprised color! Nowadays, the land is almost exhausted, but it is still a little aura ...

However, the practice of the ground is basically informed, and some of the monks are only in the old one. Many people in the new generation are cultivated, but they have no aura, the cultivation can't make up, and finally have doubts. And exited the practice world.

It can be said that today's practice is a bleak. If you are not an older man, you can also translate a little magic, proof is useful. I was already as a cult, superstitious was given up by people.

Even so, the practice of the practice will also have a variety of changes in the doubts. It has become a rock and desirable practice. It is increasingly not good ... In addition to the old generation because of the past Prestige and trust, still morality, the status is respectful, the newcomer has basically fallen to no one letter, is equal to the point of the liar, and the status is not as good as one day.

But in front of you, Zhang mad is in this era, open a new chapter, and re-will live! Most importantly, he crossed! The opportunity is in Qinshou!

Qin Shou, the heart, the heart is surprised, although he knows, this mad future return is not returning to this star, but another parallel time and space, but encountering a guy who may think he crossing, Qin Shou is really a bit I feel weird.

However, this is the last words, Qin Shou is only surprised, and it will be a person who wants to be sacrificed. The mortal practice will be forced.

Qin Shou is just a little bit: "The name is good, come on, the little ghost."

"Hey you a little ghost ..." Zhang is a sentence, Qin Shou is too lazy to take care of this kid.

Qin Shou curiously asked: "Lin Ke, you are surnamed Lin, his surname Zhang, which is your sister?"

Lin can smile: "I saw this little guy on the road seems to be lost, I have been with him. In fact, we have no relationship."

Zhang mad followed him: "It doesn't have a relationship, and Laozi is a wedding hospital. When he comes back, who will send me back?"

Qin Shou: "@ # ¥ @ ..."

Anxin is curious: "Zhang mad, are you from the orphanage?"

"Don't say the orphanage, I don't seem to be orphan, I am a blessing home. Well, St. Maryian Welfare Institute. Today, I want to have a happiness, two I crushed their folk eggs, and I ran out. Then sad reminder is that Laozi is lost ... "Zhang hugged the stick complained.

Qin Shou, peace of mind, Lin Kert suddenly speechless, this kid is really a mixed ball! So small, it will attack! But three people also for this little guy

Pinching a cold sweat, if the two people happened to take him away, it is estimated that there is nothing to sell now.

However, Qin Shou refused to think about this mixed ball, who bought who is headache ... It is estimated that it is throwing for two days, but also to the mixture.

An Xin said: "I know St. Mary and Iphan ... Welfare Home, I will go to you. Today, my sister please eat a big meal today!"

Zhang mad touched the stomach: "This can be, but I have to go to the toilet, empty belly, I don't eat less, suffer a loss ..."

Resting: "@ # ¥ @ ¥ ... ×"

Qin Shounhen, the heart is happy, this little ghost's personality is a bit exempt, but Qin Shou found that he still looked at this kid. But let him raise a boy, Qin Shou is a hundred and twenty noter, he still likes a girl. As for this kid, he has his own opportunity, Qin Shou is also too lazy to ask, but Qin Shou is still doing his foot on him, at least guarantees that he is still no problem.

The traffic light is green, and after the car, after two experiences, the peace of mind is not so fearful, directly bang the oil door, as for the brake, give it over the handsome guy.

Soon, I went to Wangfujing. Sure enough, Qin Shou is here, although this car stops, but there is no risk. However, the first thing to take care of the car is called,

Let people drag the car to repair, and then get a car to give her.

Qin Shou listened to peace of mind, curiously asked: "Anxin, listen to your tone seems to have a lot of cars, it is very rich? Do you do it?".

Chapter 480 Old Driver

Old driver

Anxin is a red way: "Nothing, I opened a small company. As for money, not much, but do business in Beijing, if there are no two good car furnishings, many things are not good. Go, 11 I have dotted, I just opened the door, I was afraid that I was afraid. "

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