The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 1043

Qin Shou hurriedly kept up, and the result was so early, still no place. It seems that the energy is not very energy, and several people have been invited to enter a private room.

"What do you eat?" Asked the waiter.

Qin Shou immediately called: "Let's come to ten roast duck open appetite!"

In this case, the people in the audience are all! The waiter is in the original place, the number of people who returned Qin Shou people, I can't help but ask: "Do you have a few people?"

Qin Shoudao: "If you have a few people, you still come?"

"Ten a little more ..." Lin Ke low.

Qin Shou shook his head: "Not much, ten ducks, you can count on appetizing. How many?"

Zhang mad, I stubbornly, I called: "At least two!"

Qin Shou again looked at peace of mind and forest, Lin Keao, I was eating one with peace of mind. In fact, Lin can also want to say, I can't eat half a half ... but in the face of Qin Shou's ten, she is not embarrassed.

Anxin is smirk: "He said that it is only ten, o My opens three, we will join one, just 14."

The waiter smiled, turned to go, shook his head while walking, heart: "Four people eat 14 ducks, are they not afraid to die? It is definitely the township, I have never seen the world ... but the man is so handsome. ... although the genus is a bit ... but, so handsome ... "

Soon 14 ducks come up, Qin Shou can not pay attention to those, cakes, chopped green onion, Jiang, duck meat, put it in the mouth. However, Qin Shou quickly frowned, hetebreated without pollution, pure natural dragon meat, Fenghuang meat, a variety of Qizhen beasts, looked back and eaten these things, Qin Shou suddenly found that there is a bit of dislike!

After eating two Qin Shou, I sighed: "Loss, I haven't been eaten for too long, this place is so difficult to eat."

"Is it difficult to eat? It is delicious. ... is you not to eat?" Lin Ke tapped, called.

An Xin Dao: "The taste is not changed, this year is this taste."

On the other side, Zhang was arrested, and the arms were eaten, and the face was full of collar sauce, and the mouth hangs all oil. This guy is simple and rude, and a chopsticks duck meat. The two-onion flowers in the game, then the cakes stood in the mouth, and chewed together. Every mix is ​​solved with his mouth ... containing a confused road: "Extreme, delicious ... I think I can eat fourteen ..."

Everyone: "# @ ¥% # ..."

After half an hour, the madness successfully killed two ducks, sitting there, waiting for the ducks in front of them, but they did not go to the chopsticks.

Qin Shou smiled: "Don't you eat?"

"Nausea ..." Zhang is very unhappy.

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "You don't say you can eat 14?"

"Yeah, you will eat a few times." Zhang Ming's way.

Qin Shou also didn't tease him, and the peace of mind: "These packaging took away, and handed it to this little guy to bring back the welfare home, um, also gave him some friends to eat."

Another feeling that Qin Shouzhen is really not eaten, and can only be like this, so the package is taken away.

Before leaving, the waiter looked at several people, especially Qin Shou. The waiter thought that a big master took two beautiful women to eat, and at least the mercy is a man's payment. The result is a female payment ... She is not comfortable, my heart: "

Such a handsome guy is actually eating soft rice, hehe ... "

But still in Qinshou Road, I said a string number whispered in Qinshou Ear.

Qin Shou smashed the ear, when did not hear, although the day is good, but Qin Shou's mouth has been raised, and the general beauty can't see it. Besides, this kind of active is free to send the door, Qin Shou is really a little bit ...

After dinner, the peace of mind is here, drag away the Porsche, leaving a domineering road tiger!

Lin Ke said: "An Xinjie, you open the road to the tiger?"

Anxin said: "Under normal circumstances, this time is not a male comrade, open the road to the tiger is spacious, comfortable."

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "Indeed, or do you come to open?"

"Do you have a driver's license?" Lin Ke immediately called.

Qin Shou has a mouth: "Do you want a few?" After that, Qin Shou's hand had a driver's license. This driver's license is still before Qin Shou, but now it has changed, the above documents are all available. No one can see it. Of course, if it is checked, it will be found that this goods have been dead for a long time ...

Since Qin Shou has a driver's license, the peace of mind will give the key to Qin Shou, sitting in the car. Qin Shou sat on the driver's seat and smiled: "To tell the truth,

I haven't driven for a long time, it may be a bit sorrowful ... "

"Nothing, just don't hit people, this car is firm ..." Axin joke.

Next moment, peace of mind regret it ...


Qin Shou, a throttle, hit the opposite fence ...

When you feel with peace of mind, it will be black.

Lin can scare a jump, calling: "How many years have you been caught? I have to have a good day, don't take us to commit suicide!"

Qin Shoudao: "I said that I have been hundreds of years, I haven't passed the car for a thousand years, do you believe?"

"Don't believe!" Lin Ke immediately called.

Qin Shoudao: "This is not enough, you don't believe you, you still ask. Don't worry, just a mistake, then you will not. Well? The old man who is worked, hurry."

After that, Qin Shou is practicing, the car is held, and the road is rushing along the road.

Qin Shou just did it, but his Yuanyuan is strong, slightly thicker, all naturally intensive. Qin Shou is more and more boasts and faster, constantly overtaking, all kinds of show car skills, all kinds of red lights ...

Lin Ke screams in the back, no way, scared ...

The peace of mind on the side is also dead, and it is white. .

Chapter 481 fly, flying!

Fly, fly!

And the little boy, but there is still time to squat on the window: "Qin big brother hurves! The police chased it, my God, three police cars! Oh, they were smashed ... One is coming again! "

Another is finally opened: "Don't be too fast, if you do something wrong."

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "Do you have an accident, I can't do things!"

At this moment, the traffic command center of Beijing is also crazy.

Office within the office ...

"What? Do you say a road to the three hundred yards? Is it in the urban area? Are you bullying my IQ low, still think you don't want to do it? Is it so embarrassed, or a big afternoon, who can Get up the car? "Wang Bureau roaring.

"The bureau, I am telling the truth, don't believe you to see, now he is still there. But don't know how, he went to the road, it is relatively small, never going to the road section of the pluck. "The man explains the scalp.

The Wang Bureau glanced at the other side, got up, not long, the face of the Wang Bureau is green, just hurts, it is fairly good!

I saw a road to the video on the monitoring video, rushing all the way, it is similar to TM high-speed rail!

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