The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 1044

And this speed is still promoting!

The king bureau said: "When you confirm, who is this car, who is the driver, is this this is to take off?"

"The Bureau has already determined that it is a car of the Chairman of the Anxin Technology Company. However, the person driving is a man, um ... a very strange man, white hair, or long hair, black clothes or costumes. Relief Chairman In the car, but her face is not very good ... "a police officer reported.

One of the Wang Bureau, I am anxious: "Axin's car? My , hurry to stop me! Set the card along the way, no matter what I stopped, if you have something, no one is good Fruit eat! "

So the entire transportation department began busy, set up cards, attempted to block Qin Shou.

At this moment, Qin Shou still feels slow, and then stepping on the throttle, but unfortunately, the speed has reached the extreme. But Qin

Shouyi Move, wind and cart, directly from the ground a few millimeters, the car is idling, the speed is instant!

Another is finally scared, calling: "Come slowly, speed! No, my car is the fastest more than 200, how do you have more than 300 feelings?"

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "Don't say three hundred, I can still have four hundred, five hundred feelings, do you believe?"

Anxin has already seen the roads and people on both sides, and she is now talking now.

Qin Shou directly looked back to Lin Ke, Lin can be scared to hold the pillow.

When I was a mad, I was sitting in the beautiful tour.

Qin Shou curiously asked: "Zhang mad, you are not afraid?"

Zhang crazy does not matter: "I am afraid of a orphan? You are not afraid of death, I am afraid? It doesn't matter ... Yes, don't you need to see the road?"

Lin Ke came back to God, whispered: "Look at the road! You want to die! Even the three hundred speeds you still don't look at the road! Ah ... you have to die, there is a car in front!"

Lin Ke screamed, but because there is a police car in front of the police, blocking along the road! However, the road to the tiger speed is too fast, the police car does not dare to be dead, otherwise it hits together, it is miserable.

However, various decelerations have been set.

Qin Shou knew a bit of play, but he was afraid of playing? He is invincible at the star, he is terrible?

So Qin Shou laughed, called: "The road can't run, then fly!"

Next, the road rushed to the sky, it actually flew!

The King of the Ministry of Communications saw this, Zhang Da has a mouth, and he dare not confidence: "It is really flying ..."

The Land and Tiger flew in the sky, and there was no meaning that didn't fall, except for wings, others were similar to the plane.

At this moment, peace of mind, Lin Ke can, Zhang Mad, the mistakes and shock!

When Qin Shou played enough, when the car was on a grass, the peace of mind and Lin have went to spit it, and Zhang mad hugged Qin Shou's thigh: "The gods of the gods, pass my two hands?"

But here is in the sea, but it is crazy on the Internet.

The first video is the Safety of peace of mind to hit the lens of Lin Ke, and the picture is more than one person blocks in front of the forest, and the car is suspended in the air, stopping. The lens, the people who look at it straight!

The second video is the video of the road to Tiger.

The result is still exchanged numerous sounds.

"Liar! Special effects do good!"

"Just, this kind of thing, who is believed?"

As a result, after a few hours, the two videos were all disappeared, and everyone didn't spoil, and nature will no longer pay attention.

Waiting for peace of mind and forest, Qin Shou is in the past, and ask: "Do you need help?"

Lin Wei waved his hand: "You are a madman, I am so vomiting ..."

Another heart smile: "Qin Song, who is you?"

Qin Shou referred to the day, pointed to the ground, a face: "I am the legendary superman Guttman's ancestor! How, how is this explanation?"

Two women believe that he has a ghost, Qin Shou does not say, the two women are not well questioned. To be honest, the two women have some fear of Qin Shou. In this era of ghosts, this is just the general existence of myth! While shocking, there are still awe. .

Chapter 482, the mind is equal to causing

The mind is equal to causality

Of course, in Qinshou legs, there is no hand, and there is no hand.

I chatted with two women for a while, Qin Shou took Zhang wildly, stuffed into the car, let two women drive him back to the welfare home.

"What about you? Don't you go back with us?" Asked peace of mind. Lin can also be a nervous ...

Qin Shou came over and stared at the two women 's face: "Go back with you? How can I go back? I still go back, or go to you? Oh, right, we are a husband."

"Roll ... Who wants to talk to you ..." Rolling ... "Lin Ke face, immediately called.

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed, turned and turned, the long clothes fluttered, big sleeves, extremely chic: "The big land is big, all my family, if there is a good time, goodbye! Um ... If you come, you will be What is my woman? "

This time I can not open it, because she can feel that the other party is really going! Although the time known is not long, Qin Shou will give them a special! Qin Shou's temperament is that they have never seen, and the evil is brought by big, big, no conscience, what is it is.

If you are eager to see the world and big waves, you will take a deep breath. It really shouted around the window: "Let's behave! Next time, I will be your woman!"

Qin Shou listened, next moment, there was a person on the side of peace of mind, Qin Shou smiled: "You are beautiful, please meet again.

Take care! "

Rest Heart: "# @% ¥ # &"

Lin Ke: "@ # ¥"

Zhang Mad Zhang Zhang said: "The big brother is really a god! My generation! So picking up, I will!"

"Snap, you don't have a small fart, what is the girl!" Qin Shou gave a burst of mad, then said: "Beauty, do you see if your home or go to my house?"

If you have a pleasant feeling, she just lifted the courage to get enough for more than 20 years. I didn't expect this guy to be so unconscious. I immediately came back ... Suddenly her girl is in a mess.

Lin can be an anxiety of a face, and I don't know if it is anxious, or for her own.

At this moment, Qin Shou married: "Teasing you, my mobile phone is on the car, I will leave. Do a good psychological preparation, meet next time, um ... You are my woman!"

After that, Qin Shou disappeared, this time Qin Shou is really gone.

Looking at the empty car, the eyes of peace of mind flashed a little disappointment, she regretted, did not have the courage to come, and even more courageous!

Lin Ke, I sent a tone ... I don't know if it is fortunate, or I am sighing.

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