The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 1045

Anxin and Lin can take Zhang to return to the welfare home. As a result, two people returned home, they were blocked by a group of people, then

It's taken away ...

At this time, Qin Shou at this moment left the capital, he wants to find the initial heart, my heart, but what is this thing? Qin Shou has always been a foggy water, this thing does not have any experiences at all. Wu's head analysis is analyzed, and finally, the conclusion is, followed!

"Follow you!" Qin Shou whispered a sentence, spoiled, to Jiangcheng, where he is his hometown, he is going back to see.

Although it has been more than two years, the change in Jiangcheng is not big, and many places have maintained this old, here is the place in Qin Shou. After transferring a circle, Qin Shou went to a county city under Jiangcheng, Fengxian, here is his longest

On the place, when their family is more difficult, they have been living here.

Walking on the familiar street, watching the familiar tradles, swearing all kinds of local snacks, and Qin Shou is only recalling. I have been delicious to him, I can't eat it now ...

Qin Shou is bored to walk on the street, nor does it care about everyone's eyes, and it will be too late to dress up.

The most important thing is that too handsome, one go, the girls are stationed, and there are two photos of the courage to shoot two photos. This Qin Shou is just a face.

Today, Qin Shou has changed too much, even if the old classmate of the year is estimated that no one recognizes it, so the more it is in the crowd.

In the middle, Qin Shou is, I feel that I haven't entered my own.

I don't know if I came to the new heaven and earth building, I looked at myself in front of myself, Qin Shou's face confused.

Qin Shou's heart couldn't help but said: The dead system threw him back to the star, is it just to make him confused?

"Boss, I have a suggestion, do you want to listen?" At this time, it was placed out of the wind-free nine cylinder.

Qin Shoudao: "Let's talk, the rabbit, I am now a dark, there is no idea."

Nine cork: "I think, my heart, initial heart, actually just a way. I want to say, in fact, the world is inseparable from the cause. You go to the fairyland here, then go to the Dairy Before, what else is there?

Is it realized? I refer to the wish of this star! If so, you will go to him, cut off all the causations in this world, I think it should be almost. "

"Should you? You can't give me an accurate statement?" Qin Shou two eyes turned, very uncomfortable.

"Boss, this is really not." The nine tube is bitter.

Qin Shou helplessly shakes his head: "Don't don't. Maybe you said it ... but I don't know, I don't know!"

"Boss, you look at this world, you can't get in, how can you think of you when you are a child? I think you should change back to the original identity, then ... you know." Nine cylinder.

Qin Shou sighed: "Maybe, um ... It turns out. To tell the truth, I just want to know why my aunt is dead, why do the foreigners who have a dog? I thought it was only a business dispute, now I don't think it is a bit wrong. I have a little money, but I can't do enough to kill the big dealership. ".

Chapter 483 Are you not dead?

Are you not dead?

"That's going to check it ..." The nine tube is not a way.

Qin Shou nodded, walked into a small alley, the next moment, changed the same change, became the appearance of the year, watching the frightened look in the mirror, Qin Shou Bar, the mouth: "In fact, it is still a little handsome."

"Qin ... Qin Shou?" When I got out of the alley in Qin Shou, a female voice screamed.

Qin Shou turned back, I really saw a familiar face. That is a very beautiful rural girl. It was originally the kind of rural areas, and the family is still a male and female. Her childhood can be said to be under various high-pressure discrimination. With her own words, I can live in high school, it is simply a miracle. Since the miracle has happened, I don't have a college, I have a doctor, then I can't afford this miracle.

So, Qin Shou, later heard that she really took a doctor, and in a hospital, the salary, the status of the home is naturally high, no one dares to discriminate him.

Qin Shou smiled: "Luo Wei, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Luo Wei took a small mouth, surprised: "They don't mean you die? How do you ..."

Qin Shou has a mouth: "All is a fake news, you also believe that this year is a rumor in the wise man, you are also a doctor, how can you follow it? But then,

It's almost dead, so I am saved by indigenous. how have you been? "

Luo Wei stalls the hand: "How can you still do it, go to work on time every day, although it is not lack of money, it is completely found."

"Is it married?" Qin Shou asked.

Luo Wei smiled: "You think that this is a woman who does not have a high degree of education, can you find an object? To tell you, don't be afraid of you, I have a few more than a hundred times, basically all met the kill and academic kill. Do you tell me? My thoughts are that I have to find a Gao Fushuai, and later think about Gao Shuai, it is a handsome ... Now ... Oh, as long as it is a living, you will be so difficult. ? "

Qin Shou didn't laugh two times: "You want to marry out, but it is not difficult."

Luo Wei's eyes lighted: "What should I do?"

"Hey, you learn her." Qin Shou Nuozi, refers to the small advertisement on the side of the electric wire on the side, which is clearly written - heavy gold!

"Roll! I haven't seen it for so many years, you are still so embarrassing!" Luo Xiao smiled.

Qin Shou haha ​​smiled: "You are not old? Say Wen Ya point, our name is dead, do not change; say a vulgar point ..."

"Is the dog can't eat it, right?" Luo was immediately connected.

Then both people smiled again. When I was going to school, the two people front and rear tables were not a day and two days. This is a matter of trouble, the relationship between the two people suddenly closer, at the same time, I also found it at the same year. a feeling of.

Qin Shudao: "How, Little Fu Po doesn't ask me to eat meals?"

"Hey, your guy who is studying abroad, let me ask guests? Do you want to think? Although I am in the same way, it is also a woman. Hello, let you eat," Luo Wei immediately called.

Qin Shou immediately bitterly said: "Don't mention it, I can alive it back. Do you know how to study back? Turtle! People are turtles that are boats, my TM hits themselves back, just committed eating The problem, now caught a rich woman, no matter what guest! "

Luo Wei's white Qin Shouyi said: "You are still so embarrassed, then the door! Let's go, today, the girl is doing an east, celebrating a turtle successful tour, did not drown!"

After saying, Luo Wei greets Qin Shou, walking around, is not a big restaurant, medium-grade, said in Luo Wei, the taste is not bad, the main thing is economical!

Qin Shou couldn't help but send this gimmick three words: "Really!"

As a result, the two talents came to the door. I didn't go in. A car pulled the harsh brakes and stopped in front of the two. Qin Shou swept a car logo, Mercedes! What model is specifically, Qin Shou This car is blindly unknown!

Luo Wei immediately lowered: "Going to walk, bugs come."

Qin Shou looked at Mercedes-Benz, as well as the young man in the car, immediately understood what, then whispered Luo Wei: "Don't you say no one?"

"This is not an example!" Luo Wei immediately.

When Qin Shouton, the guys in the car were sympathy with ninety-nine sympathy.


Qin Shou low voice: "I don't want to get rid of this bug forever? Can I help you?"

"How can I help me boyfriend? Forget it ... I let Liu Zhihao pretend to be my boyfriend before, the next day, I have been gone, since then, I will not see me." Luo Wei. "

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "He is him, I am me, I can not be so embarrassed. Don't forget, I have killed people!"

I heard here, Luo Wei realized that the people who were harmless in front of me, it seems to be killed in foreign countries! I can't help but say: "You will not kill him if you are excited?"

"Hey you said, what kind of person I am ... I still want to have a good time." Qin Shou looked with his mouth, but he pondered the slice or steamed the problem.

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