The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1046.

At this time, the guy on the car came down, pulled the collar, handsome, picking sunglasses, just on the head like a broken wax, using him to think the most handsome charming eyes Look at Luo Wei, a smile of a thief, "Xiaoshen, eat? Oh, how can you come like this? Don't match you, walk, I will take you to Dihao ! "

"Xiao Yan, this guy who is in the head, the head of the dog, there is a light, all reflective." The other side ignored Qin Shou, Qin Shou naturally could not ignore the other party, so he opened, the opponent's face Green!

Luo Wei smiled and said: "Do you forget it? This is Wang Yun, and we are still a chanting in that year. "

Wang Yun is very uncomfortable to look at Qinshi Road: "Who is TM ... ? Qin Shou? Hold the grass! Are you dead?".

Chapter 484 Six-hand modified car

Six-hand modified car

Qin Shou wedd by the words, the power is turned, and a face of iron is coming: "Yes, I am dead, but I am not willing to look back, see what is fun, take it. Do you want one?"

Qin Shoujie ghosts, it is definitely scared more than the ghost. Wang Yun scared his legs and almost sitting on the ground ...

However, Wang Yun is a modern person. Although I am afraid of ghost gods, I still have a good idea. I have seen the big sun hanging on it. "Are you scare me? This big afternoon, you want a ghost, you have long died!"

Qin Shou White This is a good one: "You know, I still say that I am dead? I want to die, you are dead now. Oops, your car is good, Mercedes!"

Wang Yunrton is proud: "Of course, it is Mercedes, I tell you, my car ..."


The Mercedes-Benz car is off ...

Qin Shou looked at Wang Yun, Wang Yun looked at Qin Shou.

Qin Shou booth stall hand: "Your quality is inherently, talking, car

The label is lost, will you buy a six-hand car? "

"Put ..." Wang Yungang wants two sentences.

The result is dang!

The car is coming!

Wang Yundon wants to cry without tears, he just bought the car! I haven't shown it for three days, what is this today ...

I haven't waited for Wang Yun, I am awkward!

A stone on the head falls, the car window is directly smashed, the driver disk is smashed!

Qin Shou sighs: "It seems that it is a six-hand, Wang Yun comrade, I have to remind you, now this small business hawker is very pit, you buy a car next time, you must be optimistic about it. And, Buy a car to regular store, don't go to the village, it is a tractor change. "

"Fart! I am coming out from the 4S shop!" Wang Yunhuo.

Qin Shou smashed: "You don't believe it, don't believe you open the front cover, the engine is the tractor engine of diesel."

Wang Yun is angered: "Hu said eight! I opened it, let you understand, what is a luxury car!"

Wang Yun first opened the front cover, as a result, Wang Yun's face was green! I only see the original high.

On the big, there is a lot, there is a tractor head in a rural hand-held tractor is in it!

Qin Shou took the past, carefully looked at it, with a thumb: "Niu force! Hand-held Mercedes-Benz case, domineering! How many of you can't do this?"

Wang Yun was already angry at this moment. He glanced at his car. Although he did not understand the car, the fool understood, how can a hand-held tractor? How can I put into Mercedes? Even if you put in, your roots are not even, how did he open it?

Thinking of this, Wang Yun looks at the car, then look at Qin Shou, and then think that Qin Shou's ghost is like a ghost, the heart is a cold.

Qin Shou suddenly went to Wang Yun Road in the Senssen: "Luo Wei is my woman, I want to take it away, do you want to be together?"

Wang Yun, running, racing, and there is no shadow.

Luo Wei came over: "You ... what do you do?"

Qin Shou said that I was very inexplicable: "I know, this guy bought a broken car and also came to show, I don't know what to say. But this person is not bad, when I am leaving, the wallet is given I am, let me eat a meal. Beauty, want to eat? "

Luo Wei immediately smiled: "Malash!"

"Do you have a bit pursuit?"

"The kind of meat!"


Qin Shou is now playing at this moment, but the whole East is not calm.

The car is suspended. If the car does not have a brake, it can be braked. This is not enough, and people can't understand. What will fly with a regular road! This makes the plane of the plane to?

"What do you think?" The country's big BOSS asked.

"Currently, this is a supernatural phenomenon. The other must have some special ability, such as the ability to manipulate the abilities of the object, or some gods. We should know that the old ancestors have passed down. Pseudo-science, some real monks, can still use God. Only, this young man is not like an eight-year-old man. "One person.

"I don't ask this, I asked, what do you think of this?"

"Contact, these squares have been touched, their power is very strange, can't explain the science. Although this person is in the trouble, there is no big mess, there is no hurt, it should not be a bad person. And, peace of mind It is an old granddaughter, and everyone is clear. It is clear ... The most important thing is that the little ghost says that peace is that

Personal girlfriend. If this is true, I think that the feelings are more important than anything. We may use peace of mind and his contact ... "

"This ... we represent a country, go to an individual to play the feelings? And how do I feel that you are talking to him?" A middle-aged general is dissatisfied.

"I didn't dare to agree. In fact, I think so. So a talent, we have to do a ritual, if you can't do it, you will only force him to hostile forces go with."

The fire general is dissatisfied: "I think, not for us, the removal is it. The guys is indeed a very strange means, but in the face of the real gun, it is also impossible."

Everyone nodded, which did most of their temperament.

Only Chen Lao understands, big BOSS is also good, others don't seem to realize that this square is different! He has seen too manyone, even if it is the first master of the Orient, it will not be so big by a big car.

However, Chen Lao is also not good to explain what, the principle of first contact, retreat. .

Chapter 485 has never concealed

Never conceal

But very fast, Chen has been depressed, because that conspicuous young people disappeared! Turn monitoring throughout the country, and finally locked the small counties below Jiangcheng, but after the other party entered the small county, they disappeared, people didn't have, and they also contacted a fart!

Just as Chen Lao was unmoluntary, a document was sent over, after Chen Lao's finished reading, his face was lifted.

"Chen Ning, where did this file you come from?" Chen Lao Shen said.

"Grandpa, can you don't be so serious, now we are two people." Chen Ning did not cool his mouth.

Chen You did not lift him: "No! I told you, here, we only talk about probes ..."

"Okay, you can don't be embarrassed. As for this file, you don't forget, I deciphered the high-school students, criminal doctors! I found a driver's license from the car of peace, so I will check it. The result was found! The person claimed to be Qin Ge, but the above document number is a guy called Qin Shou. He has died abroad two years ago, the body is still in the local embassy, ​​this Thousands of true. I thought he was really dead, this Qin Ge is replaced.

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