The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 1047.

However, after I investigated Qin Ge's whereabouts trajectory, I found this monitoring video! Qin Shou lived! Also dinner with his high school students! How can a dead person can resurrect? Qin Ge disappeared, Qin Shou resurrected, I think they are two

Individual is sure is a person! Chen Ning Road.

Chen Lao said: "You said it very reasonable, this way, others continue to search for Qin Ge's drop, you, go to Fengxian, personally contact this Qin Shou, explore the bottom. Remember, Don't fight the snake, don't come! "

Chen Ning flat-mouth: "Know, you are old, you don't forget, I have a black arm, I have also taken the champion. Shooting me is not a weak, I really want to play, your mouth is not necessarily Is my opponent. "

After finishing, Chen Ning said.

Leave Chen old a person in this helpless.


Qin Shou and Luo Wei walked on the road, the sun sets, the old age of the two people, the two people don't know, the more it takes more ...

Luo Wei lowered his head, did not dare to look up, breathing is a little urgent.

Qin Shou saw this, huh, huh, a waist with Luo Wei, generously grouped her into the arms, whispered: "Since you can't marry, it is better to take me over the days?"

Luo Wei lowered his head, and he said: "How can you ask for love, can you romance?"

Qin Shudao: "Can!"

"Really?" Luo said excitedly.

Qin Shou immediately ran in front of a old mother who sells fruit on the side, and gave one hundred pieces of each other, took the other's ampayer speaker, then shouted: "Luo Wei, anyway, you can't marry it. It's better to take me with me! "

"Go to you!" Luo Wei's legs, Qin Shou ran.

The two people played, and immediately attracted many people's attention and then smiles with goodwill.

However, someone's face is not good, that is Wang Yun.

"Master, do you see it clear? The guy is a ghost?" Wang Yun also asked.

"The ghost is a night, this is obviously a personal. You still have a shadow, Mr. Wang, I think you may have an illusion during the day, go back to sleep, just a goat." Bearded master.

Wang Yun is dissatisfied: "Illusion is a fart! I dragged to the 4S shop, that is a true tractor head! You told me, how did he turn my Mercedes to a tractor?"

The master shook his head: "True fake, fake vacation, true, Mr. Wang, if you really want to know, you can take a look at magic."

"Go to your uncle, you have a useless guy, pay back!" Wang Yun called very uncomfortable.

The master squatted and asked: "Are you sure?"

"OK! Your waste, but also let you help me collect the ghost, and you are also a waste! I am going to find a tiger brother, and he can't help but say herself!" Wang Yun said.

The master grinked: "Do you really determine?"

During the speech, the master's mouth was blown. Directly crackled to the root of the ear, half a head was closed, blood donation from the corner of the mouth ...

Wang Yun's sound, dizzy, no movement.

That master saw this huh, but also fainted.

Qin Shou smiled in the distance, just the matter is naturally his email, he doesn't want to play what novel plot, dog blood plot, let the rich second generation dead, the last home woman is losing, come back Heroes save the United States. This seems to be in Qin Shou, it is simply a stupid act!

Therefore, he sent a trot of Buddha sent to the west, and sent Wang Yun, although he did not die, but it is estimated that he does not dare to see Luo Wei in this life.

At night, Qin Shou sent Luo to home, although the two people did not take the final step, the basic relationship was also determined. Qin Shou only felt that God was refreshed and found back the feeling of the year.

Just when Qin Shou turned around, a car walked underway, the woman came to Qin Shou, and the hands were inserted and cool: "I should call you Qin Shou or Qin Ge?"

Qin Dong took a moment, then laughed: "Just a place."

This round of turns to Chen Ning, his purpose is to test Qin Shou is Qin Song, the result meet, people

I acknowledge! How did her work continue to go? I haven't played it all!

Then Qin Shou became the face of Chen Ning, turned into white hair, black, handsome and incomparable appearance, bending the waist and bowed, picking Chen Ning's chin, the evil charm smile: "Why don't you talk?"

"You ... pay attention!" Chen Ning retired two steps and cried serious.

Qin Shou smashed: "I have already gained it, otherwise I just got up, tell the truth, your temperament is really easy to put down the idea of ​​the conquest."

Chen Ning said: "I didn't expect you to be a villain! Thanks to your heart, you are so optimistic!"

Qin Shou did not think about it: "If you have, I have not told you, where is it?". ".

Chapter 486 of the star's hell

Hell of the star

"What?" Chen Ni.

Qin Shou went to Chen Ning, when she hadn't returned God, I pinched her pretty face, and then laughed and walked again, said: "The skin is very slippery."

"You a bastard! I have to kill you!" Chen Ning anger, rushing it is a foot!

As a result, Chen Ning was empty, shocked, Qin Shou was slowly disappeared in front of her. And the air floated a piece of paper, and writing: "If you learn to converge temper, it is toned, come to the Oriental Community, three units, 303 to find me."

Chen Ningbei bites a thin lip, a feet, on the lane: "Driving, go to the Oriental Community!"

At the same time, Chen Ning passed the news from this side to Chen Lao. Chen Laoyi listened to Qin Shouzhen is Qin Song! I also started to catch the plane immediately, ready to personally came to see Qin Shou ...

At this moment, the video of the flying tactdy in Beijing also fell in the hands of some countries in foreign countries. After determining this matter is true, they are not calm! For a time, countless eyes turn to the East ...

Qin Shou looked at the clean room, and the eyes were flashing in the eyes.

This is his home, after crossing the fairy world, he didn't think about it here again. When he really came back, the darkness is a feeling of people, but let him have an inexplicable heartache!

But let him surprised that the room was airized for two years, but it was still clean, and the placement of things was not messy. It was still like the same year. It seems that someone specializes in taking it.

At this time, Qin Shou saw a hand of the hand on the table, Qin Shou met this thing, this is Luo Wei's thing! In other words, this house is probably Luo Wei is taken care of!

Think of this, Qin Shou's heart is warm, sitting on the couch, open TV, casual search, but final Qin Shou still gives up, throwing the remote control, Qin Shou's idea moving, disappearing in the room!

Qin Shou didn't know that there is no government in the world, but Qin Shou is going to see, and after the result, he actually entered a door to Nether!

"This ... is really let me surprise!" Qin Shou smiled and went in.

Behind the door of Nether, is not a familiar land house, but a ridiculous place, on the dark land, the continuous lava spray, look at it, don't see anything.

Just then, a big drink came from the front: "Who is it?"

Qin Shou looked up, I saw a whole body without skin, there is a pair of bare wings behind, and the guys who have flowed blood, and the guy who flew over a white bone!

Qin Shou raised his hand, and the other party was arrested by Qin Shou! The frightened call: "The adult is forgiving! I am just a little ghost of hell, I haven't done anything! I have no peace of mind!"

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