The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the flood is the jade rabbit / the old man of the Westward Journey is the jade rabbit

"Shut up! I asked what you replied, how many nonsense, I will die now!" Qin Shou traged.

The other party immediately shut up.

"What are you doing? Also, what is this hell? But where is the place to receive the soul of the Yang? Where is the soul going to hell? If I want to find a few souls, who is going to ask?" Qin Shou asked .

"Go back to adults, small is a small hell ghost. Hell does accept the soul of the yang, basically unexpected, after the death of the people, will enter hell. After entering hell, it will be sentenced to the judge to receive the trial , Then according to the crime, send it to the 18th floor hell to wash, the success of the sin is sent to the city life of hell. You have to find a soul, you have to find a judge, or go to the Lord of hell. Of course, The premise is that people you know, there is no soul in the 18th floor hell.

. If it is found, then nothing is. Hell ghost.

Qin Shou nodded, threw the hell ghost, said: "Let's take the way, first see the sentence you said!"

Hell ghosts are old and old, and the heart has been in the heart: "What is going on? This person is from? It doesn't mean that the door of hell is closed, how can someone come down? God? No, God seems to be dead, ... "

The hell and the fairy world are completely different. It gives people a feeling here, it is more like being destroyed, and it is a broken wall. It does not look at any complete buildings, and there is no Nair, and there is no nail. bridge.

There is no scene of the Numeri-Different Trial of Cuiji, which is more cool here!

Qin Shou couldn't help, asked; "Is this hell usually cool?"

The hell ghosts shook their heads: "Generally, the door of the hell is closed, all the dead souls will be absorbed by the door of hell, and then they will be concentrated to hell at the end of the year. Only the end of the year will be busy ... Great God ... that ... do you have it? "

Qin Shou asked: "Why, I am here, are you surprised?"

Hell ghosts: "What is surprised, how many years don't know the whole hell

I haven't come to the outside God. "

Qin Shou curiously asked: "Why?"

The hell ghosts shook their heads: "This is not clear, anyway, from my birth, hell is like this, no one comes, I can't go, like a live coffin."

Qin Shou nodded, did not ask more. Asked, this little ghost also can't answer what, it is better to ask about the so-called sentence, or the Lord of hell.

Soon, two people came to the place where the hell judge was in, the so-called residence is not a house, but the so-called no top of the seventy-two dark columns.

Qin Shou glanced at it, and the seventy-two pillars contacted the trend of seventy-two times, but it was not a slap. It seems that it should be naturally formed, not someone else.

The outer circumference, a large group of ghosts is very uncharged, and I don't know whether it is standing or in a daze.

When I saw Qin Shou, I suddenly saw a child as if I saw the orangutan of the zoo.

However, there is a ghost, there is no meeting, a man wearing a black cloak slowly came out, asked with hoarse voice: "Outth people, you actually enter

It's a incredible thing to enter hell. ".

Chapter 487, Judge, Hell

Judge, the Lord of Hell

Qin Shou grin smiled, step by step, but instantly released his momentum!


The weather is in an instant, like a super typhoon, swept the quartet!

All the ghosts, all the opposite of the ghosts, can't move!

The so-called sentence, also touched on the ground, stand up, the black cloak is a flying gray, showing a screamless face of a broken knife! But he is not scared at all, but it seems very fearful. It is all cold sweat on the brain.

Qin Shou recovered the momentum, smiled and smiled: "I don't like this person, I prefer to ask others, you come with me, I have something to ask you."

That sentenced to the end, I didn't dare to resist at all. He has never seen anything so horrible! Even if the Lord of Hell is not so horrible!

Qin Shou went into the big array, it was not confused by this method, it was easy to come to the blind, sitting on the judged chair of the sentence, knitting the Erlang legs, huh, huh, took out a piece of paper, write above The name and birthday of the two people, threw the past, said: "I want to know the soul of these two people is not in hell, if, take

I will see them. Don't lie to me, I can read it. "

Judiecheng nodded, did not dare to neglect, immediately took the paper, carefully looked at the name and birthday of the birthday.

Qin Daoyuan, Yu Dunxian, this is the name of Qin Shou's parents, and he has always been a hurdle! The death of parents has always made him and uncomfortable, this is one of the causality. He is coming to hell, it is to cut this cause.

The judge is standing in front of a dark big stone, and the spell is speaking. After Qin Daoyuan, I flew out two names in Dream, and I was printed on the big stone ...

Time has passed one minute, the forehead of the sentence is cold-sweating, but it is never shown.

After Qin Shou, after drinking three cups, I finally couldn't help but ask: "What is the result?"

The judge looks back, !

Qin Shou's heart has a very bad feeling, the temperature of the air is reduced to the ice point, caught in the compassion!

The judge is like a murder: "The God is angry, the little incompetence, the life and death is not there!"

Qin Shouzhen: "Instead of finding anyone? What do you mean? Is them not to report, or what is it?"

The judge shakes his head: "God does not know, this life and death will automatically record the names of all people in the yang and the birth of eight characters, passing things, not a little bit

fall. After death, you will not be able to rely on hell, and their things will be recorded above and there will be no mistakes. And there is no such person, you can only explain one problem. "

"What is the problem?" Qin Shou asked.

Judiecase: "Either there is no two people at all, or it is not dead at all, and it has already taken back to life and death, life and death is no longer recorded."

Qin Shou took a sigh of breath, and this result is a bit unacceptable.

He followed his parents, what kind of people were parents, he felt that he was the clearer!

Qin Daoyuan is a rural teacher. Later, he followed the trendy of the sea, and the sea was sold, and the northeastern three treasures were sold, and gradually became rich. Yu Daxian used to be a housewife, and later followed Qin Daoyuan to go out to do business, and has been secretly to Qin Daoyuan, and two people love. The gradual business is bigger, I have done abroad, and I don't know why, after Qin Shou admire, suddenly killed in foreign countries. This has a revenge of Qin Shou to abroad, and finally after the revenge is successful, it happened.

However, now, the judgment actually told him that his parents did not exist at all, or they were already surprised to die. However, this is possible?

Qin Shou thought about the so-called Qin, but Qin Shou thought, I feel that this Qin Dynasty's character, behavior is very similar, but it is not like a human panel of Qin Daoyuan!

"Are you sure?" Qin Shou asked.

The judge continued to Tackle: "Small don't dare to deceive God, but maybe it is small.

The low manner is low, and it is not enough to detail. You can go to the owner of Hell asks, the Lord of Hell, the whole hell, if he can't find it, it is the little saying. "

Qin Shou nodded, just got up, the next consciousness: "You help me with this person!"

Qin Shou handed his birthday eight characters. The sentence immediately checked it. The result was very fast, and he was suffering from the face.

Qin Shou nodded, did not say anything, Cheng Xian has already got a longevity, once it became the brilliance of Lu Luo Jinxian, it is the existence of the demon level during the flood period, basically jumped out of the five lines, as long as she did not die, not unfair The fierce person is killed, basically, is not dead.

Today, Qin Shou's strength is Yadheng, and even at any time may become a saint! Such a repair is that the other party can't find it is still strange.

In front of the judge, take the city of Qin Shou to the city of hell.

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