The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1049.

At this moment, the owner of hell has long felt that Qin Shou's horrible momentum, sweeping the power of the heavens and the earth, let him fear. After determining the breath of the judge, he couldn't sit more, and various guess continued.

"Is it that the judge broke through? How can it be good, if he breaks, my city is afraid to do it ..."

"It should not, he has no potential, otherwise, how can it be not as good as me?"

"Is it a foreign enemy invasion, but the door of hell is closed for so many years ..."

Just as the main heart of hell, the shouts of the ghosts came outside: "Judiechers arrive!"

The Lord of Hell immediately got up, greeted it, no matter whether it is a judge, the number will not get trouble! The Lord of Hell is so thinking about it, it has been changed to a smile.

"Haha, judge your brother, what kind of wind blows you?" Hell's Lord walked out.

Qin Shou glanced at the Lord of this hell. As a result, Qin Shou stunned. If you think that hell is, there is no longer like a normal person. But the Lord of this hell is actually a middle-aged uncle! The white hair is also wiped up, and a white suit is quite, it looks extraordinary! .

Chapter 488


The judge can dare to pull the masters with hell, there is a positive god, hurry to say: "The Lord of Hell, you will not joke me. I am coming from outside, I want to find two Personal drop, unfortunately, I have a low slightest, I'm a life and death, but I haven't brought the person. I have to bring this adult, you can see it, can you help? "

One of the hell of hell, suddenly understands the dragon, although there is still a panic, but it is too much, and I will shoot the chest PU: "I am a big thing! This is a good help! call?"

"Qin Ge!" Qin Shou Dafang's newspaper name.

Hell's main stunned, then laughed: "It's a good name ..."

Qin Shou didn't have time to pay with him, and he is now confused. The Lord of Hell also shows the high meaning of the eyebrow, immediately took Qin Shou to the life and death of the city of hell, showing the gods to query, the result ...

"Qinner, this ... is indeed, there is no such person. You are ..." The Lord of Hell is a bit embarrassing.

Qin Shou wondered, flashing in his eyes, a touch of color, a person may be wrong, two people have not said that they can't say it.

Qin Shou greeted two people to sit down and said: "Do you determine?"

Two people chickens nodded, jokes, seeing great gods in front of them, they can't provoke! I am afraid that I am not careful.


Qin Shou looked at two and asked: "Can you have encountered this situation before?"

"I have encountered it, but it is a long time a long time ago. At that time, the star has a reincarnation. There is also a government, the star is also flying into a fairy, jumping out of the five lines. But recently 10,000 years, no What happened this happened. "The Lord of Hell will reply.

Qin Shoudao: "Oh? You said that there is a mission before the star, there is a reincarnation? Is there anything?"

The main bitter of hell smiled; "Yes, there have been, but I didn't know what happened, the sky collapsed, the government was also destroyed. I don't think about it. I am a little ghost, I don't know if I happen. What, talented split, everything

I have never been ... Later, we have worked hard, and I got some of the powerful magic weapon of the year, according to the magical records on the debris, practice, and found these two life and death monks, re-created the so-called hell.

No way, we don't have a Tianstrong seal, at all, don't dare to stand the name of the government ... big god, you are from outside, can you tell us about the situation? "

Qin Shoudao: "Do you don't know the situation outside?"

The main road of hell: "Know, but only to all between all series, you see that my suit is learning with people. Recently, I plan to give the land hall to reform, use the means of human room, what Apple mobile phone, all kinds The computer also got it, anyway, those ghosts were idle. "

When Qin Shouton, there was some speechless. He really couldn't imagine that hell became the situation of human metropolis.

However, Qin Shou still asked: "Well, what special circumstances can this hell can have? I said, abnormal situation."

Hell is the main thinking, shake his head: "There is no special situation."

Just then, judged: "Adults, must say abnormal words, it took a few days ago. We suddenly came here, and very concentrated, it seems to be from the genus Oriental, Nanjing."

Qin Shou wondered, and the eyes suddenly broke anger!

Scared of the Lord of Hell and Judgment Hands, I don't dare to move at all! At the same time, two people guess, what is the strength of this great God? Is it so terrible?

Qin Shou is very clear, it is very likely that it is already a few decades before the judge. Decades, Nanjing, a large number of deaths! Is this still thinking?

Feel the anger in the body, Qin Shou has a murderous impulse!

Just then, the nine cylinders screamed: "Boss! Boss! That's this! Your causal!"

Qin Shouzhen, asked in: "What do you mean?"

The nine cylinders are highly said: "Boss, you come back to find the initial heart, my heart! That is to complete your earliest! And you just have your thoughts, I have pushed your unknown fire, obviously this is your original wish First, it is also one of you in your body! "

Qin Shou wondered, I am suddenly realized!

However, Qin Shou did not say, put this thought, continue to ask the Lord and Judicone of Hell: "Except for this?"

"Later, there have been a lot of resentment to enter the landfare, and the quantity is not less than that time, but they are not from the East, but it is also the soul of the East! Well, they seem to die in a place called Nissi." Tao.

Qin Shou waved: "I am not a saint, not my family class, I don't have to know more. You know what, such as the destruction of the sky, the destruction of the sky, the destruction of the government."

The two people shook their heads at the same time, and they were all fear, apparently destroyed, and two people were very fearful.

Qin Shou carefully talked about the qualifications of two people, and it was a good qualification, but the time of two people cultivated, it turned out to calculate the yuan! Two guys don't know how many years have been lived! Two people's cultivation is purely relying on time accumulated!

Qin Shou is a road: "You are all good, I am the main world of the world, the four emperors! It is accomplished by the Sainte Booklet! Since you see you, you will be a teacher?" .

Chapter 489 Mystery


The Lord of Hell and the Judges looked at it, , !

Both people are clear, there is also the difference between the passing of no conversions! With the qualifications of two people, if there is inheritance, where is the hardships for so many years? And this strength is still cultivated by the ancestors. Nowadays, really can receive them for themselves, and two people are naturally one hundred and twenty will!

As for Qin Shou, it is not a real four emperor, they do not consider this problem at all. Tianstrings have collapsed, and the power is naturally qualified to be the emperor.

Qin Shou nodded, there is a sacred light behind the next moment! This is a starry Royal Highway! This is also the main mark of the heavens recognized by Qin Shou's heaven when he became a heaven of Tianting! With this imprint, you can prove that Qin Shou is the Lord of the Tianship, such as a fake purchase!

Just reaching the flood, be careful to take this printing carefully, otherwise his identity is easy to be smashed. Now he doesn't matter, it is natural to not take care.

The Lord of Hell and the Judgment I saw this, and I was sincere and sincere, more excited! The Lord of the true heavens, the real Emperor has appeared! They seem to have seen the brilliant reproducibility of the old Tiantian Government! And two people are more than just witnesses, or they are also participants! That merit, two people think about exciting!

Qin Shoudao: "Since you are willing, then I will receive you two for the officers, but your look is indeed a little ugly. Looking back to reshape the flesh, change! Today, I will pass your Xuan Tian nine, nine days ten place, Tong Tian Talk three gods. You remember, you are my four-party emperor's disciple, I don't want to bow my name at all times! Even the other party is a saint! "

At this time, the Lord and Judge of Hell is shocked, and even the face of the saints will be given? Although they have never seen the saints, this is a bit big!

Qin Shou didn't care about the two people, I really want to face the saints, there are no few people who can live, the percentage comes from the soul, from the true spirit, I can't hold it.

Subsequently, Qin Shou taught two people, two people had to travel to the ceremony, but Qin Shou hated trouble and was free. Asked: "This is a little aura on why the country is full of aura."

Two people looked at it, the main bitter of hell smiled: "Master, you don't know, this hell has long been blocked, the door of hell, that is, the ghost door is also broken, only once every year. And the ghost door and the Yang It is the only channel of communication, it is closed, and the aura here is sufficient.

However, you also know that hell's soul is a living, although the aura is a good thing, but it is almost the same for ghosts. So ... "The main eye of hell looks at Qin Shou.

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