The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 1050.

Qin Shou nodded, he also realized why this hell became this

. The land of the same year was treated in the land, and the aura of the fairyland came from underground, and the land hall. The aura is neutral voyage, no yin and yang, but it will still stir the land. So the land house took the auction, so the yin is heavy, the yang is weak. More suitable for ghost practice, life.

Nowadays, the landfare is too high, resulting in the evolution of the fire, if no one is dealt, the final government will grow plants, gestate other fairy ghosts. The latter is okay, the front of the fire in front is equivalent to destroying the earth, and there is no more ghosts in the government.

This is also a matter of hell.

Qin Shou Road: "Okay, wait for me to fix the ghost door, then I want to help you set up a turn. So too much ..."

The two quickly greeted his head.

Leaving the land house, Qin Shou's mood is not easy, and one is the cause of the causal anger has burned, and it needs to be cast, cut off. Two, the collapse of the Tianstring Government, let Qin Shou realize that this star is not really safe, which is afraid that there is still a secret. The place where the star is located, and the plane of the fairy is not a matter at all!

Lying on a familiar bed, looking up at the ceiling, Qin Shou is a little insomnia.

Just then, the door was knocked.

Qin Shou's idea moved, the door opened.

Chen Ning stood at the door and looked at the room in the room, and people didn't, the door was this.

Open, suddenly the heart, the heartbeat, strong courage: "Is there anyone inside?"

"People don't, ghosts?" Qin Shou played hard, suddenly appeared after Chen Ning, and used a flashlight to top, light from bottom to bottom, like a ghost face.

Chen Ning's scream, the next consciousness is a trick!

Qin Shou quickly clamped, and the result of Chen Ning reaction very quickly, grab the collar of Qin Shou, will come to the shoulders.

Qin Shou took Chen Ning, Chen Ning roots did not move, but because of this, Qin Shou just pressed her chest!

Qin Shou swear, he just wants the prank, there is absolutely never want to take advantage of it! All this is coincident! If you believe in ...

Chen Ning did not open Qin Shou. When I took a silver shot into the hand, I called the body of Qin Shou: "Whether it is a ghost, sluggish!"

"What is the hand, it is very comfortable." Qin Shou said, slotted.

Chen Ning saw that Qin Shou's appearance was glanced, and he wanted: "You a bastard! Color wolf!"

Qin Shou booth stalls: "Big sister, this is my home, you come to my house to play people, how do I have a colorful wolf? I still say that you are a colorful wolf."

Qin Shou turned on the light, said: "Also, don't forget that I have told you, if you don't converge temper and I am toned, go right away, please close. Um ...

Right turn is a wall, and it is turned around. "

"You ... do you have this happening?" Chen Ning is willing to go, it is hard to find this guy, don't ask for a clear, how can she get a refuse?

Chen Ning is also welcome, sitting directly on the sofa of Qin Shoujia, whispered: "Come to the guest, don't you give a cup of water?"

"For too long, no one stays, if you don't think about it, drink it." Qin Shou hit a refron, a glass flew over, there was a water ball in the air, filled the water cup. .

Chapter 490

With the same bed

Qin Shou sat in Chen Ning, a sorrowful smile, looked at Chen Ning's side face: "Sister, should add ice?"

Chen Ning was surprised by Qin Shou. She is a criminal investigation, her eyes are very powerful. She looks out, the scene just is really spell, isn't a magic! At the same time, Chen Ning feeled to Qin Shou exhaled, feel the breath of men, Chen Ning moved on the side.

As a result, Qin Shou followed it ...

Chen Ning said: "You ... can't you stay away from me?"

"Yes." Qin Shou said, nearly a bit.

Chen Ning was helpless, and the high Song's chest PU was greatly upset and was obviously not light. I don't dare to turn my head to see Qin Shou, and I am afraid of being too far ...

Qin Shou's mood is not good. Suddenly a sister, do not tune the show, adjust the mood, he all feel that he is sorry. However, this guy is also an inch, and it is not planning to come, just like himself, although it is beautiful woman, it will not be chaotic!

Chen Sun said: "Are you really a square?"

Qin Shou smiled and didn't speak.

Chen Ning frowed: "I ask you?"

"I heard it, but why do I have to answer you?" Qin Shou asked.

Chen Ning took out his own documents in front of Qin Shou's eyes. "I am the Guoan Bureau, you must work with me!"

Chen Ning's first flower, she found it, she actually appeared in the corridor! And Qin Shou's room was half-opened, Qin Shou station at the door: "Before you talk to me, you'd better position your identity. Ok, today's interview is over, unless you want to be big with me. Demoned, otherwise worship! "


The door is closed, Chen Ning is fun ... she has seen countless people, I have learned psychology, but I don't know, I don't know if this wonderful thing is not as people, how do you think about different people? The average person see her documents, at least respect, do you want to give some respect? But this guy actually swept her away!

But when I think about the other party, Chen Ning's heart is also a cold. There is no move, I will move people in an instant, so I am a little terrible!

However, Chen Ning did not die, she was very clear, she couldn't engage in Qin Shou today, tomorrow, her grandfather came, and there is no matter what she is! She wants to express myself in front of her grandfather, prove their ability, this is a chance, she is absolutely not allowed

I miss this opportunity!

So Chen Ning did not die, called; "Qin Shou, you gave me a door! I haven't finished it yet! You dare to throw me out, you ... Are you still a man? This big half night, very Dangerous, don't you know? "


The door opened, Qin Shou didn't know how to change his clothes, red luo was on, and the lower body was around the bath towel. Qin Shou's flesh can be said to be the most perfect flesh in the world, but the muscles are full of explosive power, the three JIAO's body, the perfect skin, don't say it is a woman, even if a man will envy and hate!

Chen Ning only looked at it, and the pretty face was red. He looked at both eyes in the next consciousness, swallow the mouth, twisted the head.

Dare to see. She is afraid that I will see it again.

Qin Shoudao: "It's still that sentence, then it is CHUANG chat. Do you have a mentally prepared?"

Chen Ning Zhang said, looked at this long-faced man in front of him, and the pair of evil eyes, the heart jump is getting faster and faster, and even the ghost is nodded!

Qin Shou was in the opponent's coming in, Chen Ning looked at Qin Shou's back, the heart silently squatted: "It must be my heart hook DA, confused my heart, um, that is, this ..."

Then Chen Ning saw that Qin Shou actually entered the bedroom, lying on the bed, patted the side: "Beauty is coming, my bed is quite big!"

Chen Ning two eyes, how big can the single bed can still?

Chen Ning came to Qin Shou, did not lie down, asked: "You ... you ... Are you a square? Also, how do you see about the country? Will you do crisis international things?"

Qin Shou looked at Chen Ning and said: "You can't communicate like this, I can't see your face, and I am blocked by the mountain."

Chen Ning's face was red, she wanted to take her hand and gave him a big white eye, it is best to throw his face! But she can't go, helplessness can only be said: "You go to it, do you want me to lying down? Also, I don't touch me, otherwise I am smash you!"

Qin Shou, I am afraid, I am afraid, I have moved in the inside, Chen Ning took a sigh of relief, so the generous lying down, but the whole body is stiff, I don't dare to move one.

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