The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1051.

Chen Sun said: "Can you answer my question now?"

"What is your identity now?" Qin Shou sideways, supported his head and looked at Chen Ning.

Chen Ning did not dare to see Qin Shou, Qin Shou's body, temperament is a poison to women! She is afraid that she can't help but give the other party!

Qin Shou didn't consciously, and I still make it forward!

Chen Ning was crying, he was twisted: "I will ask you as an oriental!"

Qin Shou Flat Pull: "Sorry, this problem, I just plan to answer my woman."

Chen Ningdon was angry: "Don't you think you have to get in size? I work hard to communicate with you, but you are like me!"

Qin Shou looked at Chen Ning, huh, smiled: "This is angry? But you are angry, you look like a player face, at least look like a living. Since you asked, then I will tell you. First, I am not a square, the square is just the bottom of the human monk. Second, I have no interest in this country, I have no interest in this country. Third, dangerous countries I haven't considered it yet. Of course, if someone urges me, it is another. "

"What do you mean? The country will provoke you, how would you?" Chen Ning asked.

Qin Shou smiled: "How is I take you to see what?"

Chen Nan, asked: "What?"

Qin Shou stood up, directly in the face of Chen Ning, pulling the bath towel! .

Chapter 491 Female Ghost?


Chen Ning, holding his eyes with both hands, but the finger is too big, and the eyes are jumping out from the inside.

Unfortunately, Chen Ning did not see that the momentum flying out of the bathrobe, Qin Shou has already put on the black way. It's better to change the magic cool, don't know how many times!

Chen Ning found that followed this guy, it seems to have a free super magic scene show!

Qin Shoudao: "Let's go, take me out, I will take you to see something. Then I think you have no problem."

After that, Qin Shou went out, Chen Ning quickly got up, followed.

After the door, Qin Shou took Chen Ning along the river, and did not say anything, the atmosphere has some low.

Chen Ning followed Qin Shou ...

Just then, a crying came from the grass by the river, Chen Ningbow wrinkled, and he had to see.

Qin Shou took him with him, "" What is your big living person? "

"Dead?" Chen Ning was shocked!

"Then you think that the big live people, don't sleep in the middle of the night, run to the water, you look at this environment, break the grass, glass jar, the bag, sludge, stink, and the wild battle will choose this Place? Look at your expression, do you tried? "Qin Shou looked at Chen Ning.

"Rolling!" Chen Ning was not light, but it was still afraid to stand on the side of Qin Shou, and asked the test: "Is it a ghost?"

Qin Shou turned into a white eye: "Look at you, you are also a woman who is in bed with me, still uses the ghost? Ghosts are afraid of you! I am also a generation of Yadheng, you are in contact with me, there is natural Saint-West, anger, they all have to be asze. "

At this point, Qin Shou did not brag, he is Yadheng, in this space, as long as he thinks, it can be used to say that the scene of qi and blood kills! The breath of Qin Shou, that is Yadheng, the general ghost, the bloody adults are indifferent, and hit the horror of Yadai, it is like a moth to fly to the sun! It is necessary to make a virtual!

"You will blow it, I have never seen the ghost, even ... I think there should be no ghosts in this world. I tell you, don't scare me!" Chen Ning asked.

Qin Shou shake his head, a trick: "What is crying? In the middle of the night, you don't go to hell

According to the report, come over, give me a Pochi! "

"Hey! You are only a woman ..." Chen Ning said, while the consciousness grasped Qin Shou's arm, she would be empty, but the karate can't play a ghost!

With the order of Qin Shou, a shadow flew out from the river water, floating in half empty, swaying as if the kite is like. Dedicated, Chen Ning saw the appearance of the other party, from the wearing, this is a young woman, but look at the face ...

"Ah! ..." Chen Ning was scared to hug Qin Shou.

Qin Shou squinted, feeling the softness of this girl on his arm, huh, huh, smiled: "It is very comfortable, force."

"You ..." Chen Ning was red, and now it is afraid, do not release the shame, and suddenly.

Qin Shou was generous to grasp Chen Ning's waist: "Okay, you will give me a shame. Who, you, there is a face, you have a good look, you will come out to show me. Also, you can't go on hell, what is this chaos? "

The ghost was blended in the air, staring at Qin Shou, cracking the big mouth, calling: "What do you dare to reprimand me? Let me not believe me?"

Qin Shou flexed a bomb, hey!

The woman's half is gone! The screams have fallen from the air, kneeling on the ground, the hoe, this suddenly understands, encountering fighter!

Qin Shou said: "The Lord of hell see me to call a teacher, your little grievances actually let me let me? You still want to die again?"

The female ghost was scared, and Qin Shou didn't dare to brag. Anyway, it was a hoe: "Adults are forgiving, I have not killed people, I don't know the hell because I am not willing!" I want to revenge! "

"Revenge? What is the hat?" Qin Shou asked.

The ghost said: "I have to look at the killing of the people who are rope!"

I heard here, Chen Ning is bold and said: "Who kills you? Why do you want to kill you?"

The female ghost cried: "I am dead, I went home from get off work, I passed here, I was dragged into the edge of the river, strong ... He was afraid that I was alarm, kill me below. My body Buried below ... "

Chen Ning looked at Qin Shou.

Qin Shou called: "What do you do? This is not what I do! If I do it, I will start with you! She is not beautiful, there is no taste, um ... I like uniform!"

"Go to death! I ask you, what is the trust?" Chen Ning Qin Shou, but unfortunately Qin Shou's peel is thick, it is nothing, and there is no way.

Qin Shoudao: "The Lord is here, do you say true or false?"

"Then, I can't take the police." Chen Ning said, took out the mobile phone, went to the road light in the distance, when I saw Qin Shou, I saw that Qin Shou ran.

I don't know how to say it, I haven't seen it for a while, Chen Ning began to roar: "You give me a mouth! Remind you, don't make a war, I will let people smash your police uniform, let you go! Hurry up ! "

After saying, Chen Ning hangs, and when I went to Qin Shou, I said: "What is it? Who said with him, I don't believe it!"

Qin Shou asked weakly: "Do you say?"

"I said that I met a ghost on the road, told me ... ..." Chen Ning.

Qin Shou took the head of Chen Ning: "Children, I feel that it is very polite, change you, I have already hanging it up. OK, I said, they don't come, you will Go to the police station. "

Chen Ning nodded: "If you don't go to the police station first?"

Qin Shou shook his head: "Don't go, I have something to handle."

"Then I will not go ..." Chen Ning raised. .

Chapter 492 I don't love the country is just a cause

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