The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 1052.

I don't care, I'm just

The girl on the ground quickly called: "Two big immortals, I still lying down, then the air is not good, very disgusting ..."

Chen Ning looked at the stinking ditch on the side, and he also had something to vomiting, and then looked at Qin Shou.

Qin Shou turned into a white eye: "I really served two. A living person is worried about the dead, a dead man still sucks a fart!" After finishing, Qin Shou fell, a flyer drilled into the mud, protect the master The other person has already rotted the flesh, said: "This is a good air. You have a policeman such as peace of mind, waiting for your things here, it's awkward, otherwise ..."

"The big fairy is relieved, I will definitely!" The female ghost looked again ...

I got the ghost, two people went to the road again, experienced a just scene, Chen Ning's mood can be said to be a sweetness. Learned for a lifetime, the result of sad reminders, the feudal superstition that she didn't recognize is really true, this kind of belief is broken, so it is uncomfortable.

Qin Shou took the shoulder of Chen Ning: "Don't think so much, the feeling of belief is really uncomfortable. But you have to understand, not broken, but everyone is mistaken for feudal superstition. Just. Just like the so-called science, there is also a scientific liar. It is all fake. It is also a fake, the same pit people. The fairy is true, false is feudal superstition, it is really scientific. "

Chen Ningnan, the mood is slightly fine, whispered: "Thank you, who do you listen to these words?"

Qin Shou immediately ride: "I believe in the mouth, in fact, every sentence is true ..."

Chen Ning: "..."

After another meeting, Chen Ning found that Qin Shou actually took her to a high school gate.

"You ... don't you want to go in? This big half night ..." Chen Ning had some ideas for Qin Shou.

Qin Shou, I laughed: "Bingo, you are right, I just want to go in. I am not telling you, I like uniform! A beautiful policewoman, with the background of the classroom, I think two Can have a pair of twins! "

"You ... can't you be a bit?" Chen Ning was red by Qin Shou.

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "Don't you want to know what my attitude towards the country? Want to know, just follow it!"

After that, Qin Shou went to the electric door, the door was automatically opened, but Chen Ning did not see the grandfather of the door! This scene looks quite weird! Think of the female ghost before again, Chen Ning only felt cool, hurry up.

The door of the teaching building is also locked, but when Qin Shou went to the mouth, the lock himself opened, the door is unmanned, Chen Ning's heart is higher, whispered: "You What should I do? "

Qin Shou did not speak, and walked quietly.

On one side, Qin Shou's mind was placed in the scene of his school, this school is a school, junior high school, high school, and his teaching building is also a primary school teaching building. Familiar corridor, familiar stairs, familiar teachers! One

Year four!

Standing at the door, looking at the familiar teacher, Qin Shou's heart set off a wave!

Memory is like the reservoir of the open gate, and it is raging!

"You take me here, what is it for?" Chen Ning asked.

Qin Shou sighs: "Nothing, just tell you, I will come back this time, I want to achieve the wishes of the past."

"The wishes of the past? Dear neon?" Chen Ning asked.

Chen Ning stared at Qin Shoudao: "What do you want to do?"

Qin Shou five fingers opened, there is a virtual star in his hand, Qin Shoudao: "Do you think the land is big?"

"Big ... but is also small, now we are called Natar Village." Chen Ning believes that she does the meaning of Qin Shou.

Qin Shou nodded: "If the step is walking, the star is indeed, but the plane is not big. If the use of the networked communication is equal to a village. But that is just in your eyes, in my In the eyes, this is just a small piece of sand! Since there are so many countries in the sand, don't you think crowd? "

Chen Ning took his mouth, she gave a little guessed Qin Shou to do anything, but this kind of practice is too crazy!

Chapter 493, madman, savior

Madman, savior

My fist is big, they are poor! It's that simple! "

"Your idea is too crazy, you are just a person, but you have to fight against the world!" Chenning Road.

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed, a waving, the car whispering, scared Chen Ning, almost sitting on the ground.

Qin Shou station is on Chen Ning, and there is no meaning of pulling one, faintly: "Here is France, do you want to drink a cup?"

Chen Ning is already awkward, she is around, she knows here, it is indeed France!

Chen Ning shook his head: "No, you ... how did you do it?"

Chen Ning looked at this scene, covering his mouth: "This ... can you go anywhere anywhere in the world?"

Qin Shou, I laughed: "It is the universe!"

After that, Chen Ning was discovered, she has already standing on the moon! She saw the Yushu No. 2, took pictures, took pictures, and collected samples!

The picture is turned again, Mars!

She saw the traces of the glacier impact, she saw the mark left by the lake ...

"Wear this." Qin Shou took out a spell change in the hands of Chen Ning.

At this moment, Chen Ning has been completely ignorant, the brain is down, the mechanical wear sunglasses ...

Next, the hot feelings come!

The front round is incomparably, the huge sun appears in the vision! The flame is sprayed, and she is almost swallowed!

Qin Shou is waving, and the sun storm that is enough to destroy the land is blocked, and it is easy to press it! Seeing this scene, Chen Ning Zhang opened his mouth, thoroughly lost his words.

Qin Shou took Chen Ning in the universe, and he took a while: "Now you still feel that I have a problem with the world?"

Chen Ning silently did not speak, but the answer is certain!

Qin Shudao: "I want to destroy the land, there is a thought. I want to kill which country is also between it."

"You ... is so powerful, why should I tell me?" Chen Ning asked.

Qin Shou, I laughed: "Because you represent my motherland, I said, I have some things when I am, I have to end him. Among them, I want to make this country's development of the country's development, this needs You cooperate! Otherwise, even if I give you more, if you just help the mud, it is not white? "

"You give us more? What are you going to give us?" Chen Ning found that she since

After I met Qin Shou, I have become a problem with the problem.

Qin Shoudao: "Give some things that you can digest, this world is leaning against absolute force can be instantly conquered, but it can't be tamed! Can a nation's blood burns, hot, noble, nor I can give it alone. This requires you to fight for yourself! Use the war, use blood to make a baptism, let people around the world know the power of the Eastern people and irresistible! Let everyone fear the East, then learn to respect the East!

Chen Ningming's meaning of Qin Shou: "Do you make an east, step by step?"

Qin Shou played a response: "Yes, this is what I want to tell you today. You will bring these words back, this is what I mean, you can listen, you can not listen, but I will definitely carried out."

After saying, Qin Shou waved, two people have appeared outside the school, not far from Chen Ning's car, obviously two people left Qin Shoujia, the other party has been followed.

Qin Shoudao: "Go back, of course, if you still want to be sleep with me, I am also welcome."

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