The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 1053

Chen Ning complicatedly looked at Qin Shou, ran to the car, opened the window to shout on Qin Shou: "Although I think you are a madman, but I really expect the arrival of that day! If there is time, you can Take a look at the news! "

After finishing, the car came.

Qin Shou shrugged and went home.

When Chen Ning saw her, he heard her later, Chen Laoyi ass sitting on the ground, muttered: "If you see it is not an illusion, then this Qin Shou is either a Male, or the savior of this nation! I will report it to the top! "

As a result, the result of the discussion of Chen Lao is, walk, see what Qin Shou can give them!

Before Qin Shou did not cross, these countries were in a hurry, but Qin Shou did not expect that these countries have recently happily! And it is still coming out, it can be seen, these countries are afraid that there is a big move! .

Chapter 494, the law


Qin Shou opened the computer, turned over, and Qin Shou found that the situation is far better than the news, Nissi once again moved, the local military actually started to transfer the heavy penalty, these people were concentrated in Jakarta ! Why is this scene and 98th?

When I saw this scene, Qin Shou's eyes were red!

Continue to see, the country also has a move, and it has a strong island reef, and the public opinion is manufactured in the international, claiming that the East has sinkled their fishing boat.

This has a very low credibility, but the media of the various countries of the West have been in the past, and the three people have become the tiger, and the Oriental suddenly has been pushed to the wind sweepstakes!


The laptop was shredded by Qin Shoujia, then the gloomy laughed; "These guys want to play, the rabbit will play with you! Originally, I am going to give you a happy, but now, I want you Regret to come to this world! "

Just then, Chen Ning came.

"Is it alone?" Qin Shou said a little surprised. He thought it would come back to a large number of people.

Chen Ning said: "We are willing to cooperate with you, but you need to come out sincere, prove that you have that ability!"

Qin Shou cut, immediately from the scientific planet in the sea, turned out some scientific drawings, after screening, throwing the past: "There is a drawing, new energy drawing, with sea water can power! One ton water and one There is no difference between the electricity of the ton of oil, the focus is no pollution! There is also a machine drawing of artificial water. "

Chen Nannu: "Nowadays, the situation of the situation is four times, what do you give me new energy drawings? I have to take this thing, it is useless! Can it fight? Is it? Is it a big tang meat, put it out, I am afraid that those countries that don't have no ideas have to be a bit bite! "

Qin Shou waved: "Don't ask so much, take it back is right. I mean someone to understand."

Chen Ning left, and the result is that the big boss has seen it, and took a nod, throw the drawings aside, and let him give me a complete set of equipment. "

The result is that the voice is falling, and it is a bag. At the same time, Qin Shou's voice came: "This is a must-beatented, there are two factories you want, and various equipment, fully automated, according to the drawings Just! You want me to give you, what do I want? "

Big BOSS immediately ordered: "Immediately release the press conference!"

At this moment, neon, Vietnam, Nisez, Lu Song, Huada and many other countries are exciting to look at the map. They believe that this action will have a meat from the East!

And the people of the East are all kinds of anger, the sound of the war!

However, these sounds have fallen in those foreigners, but it is not a matter. They believe that the East does not dare to fight! This time they won!

However, everything has changed at the next moment!

Flower country president office.

"President, give you a day, to remove the aircraft carrier from the South China Sea of ​​the East, otherwise we don't mind with the rocket to send your aircraft carrier to see God!" The Oriental Boss finished, and didn't have a phone call, did not speak with each other. the meaning of!

Subsequent neon, Vietnam, Nesi and other countries have received the phone number of the Oriental BOSS, and the content is similar.

After these phones, the Oriental BOSS leaned against the chair, the brow stretched a lot, said: "For so many years, this time this time is the most cool! My attitude has been gone, this is!"


Another one must fall.

"There are 30,000 leaders in the fifty-year-old, 30,000 bombs, all support global flight. Don't drive, fool control, will play game machines is enough. Oh ... These are drone, so there are A control base. You look at where you look at ... If these things are in hand, you can't get those waste, I can only say, it's so a pity.

. "Qin Shou's voice came.

Big BOSS is excited: "With these things, enough to solve the problem! But if you core ..."

"The rocket is ineffective as date!" Qin Shou said faintly. A loud noise in the sky, the infinite lightning through the nine days is in the universe, a majesty voice falls, starting from now, the rocket is invalid!

Big BOSS doesn't understand what this means.

But some old monks ran out from the closed place! One of the frightened words: "It is said that the law is in the words! The rules of the heavens and the earth have changed, the rocket will become a waste!"

Western also has a monk to go to their own president, screaming like a similar, but unfortunately, no one is believed.

But after a few hours, a bunch of scientists ran over, they believed!

This time, there is no rocket that the Russian of the Rockets is not awkward. The eyes around the world have surrendered the East!

However, the East is like a sleep, and there is no movement.

The official is silent, but the folks are boiling, countless people rushing into the streets and asks forces!

Oriental national blood is thoroughly ignited at this moment! After reading the chaos of the Middle East, they are very clear, only to block the enemy, there is a quiet day! The past war also teaches them! On this day, there is no old, no men, after a bloody soldier who is a blood! .

Chapter 495 destroys God

Destroy God

After seeing this scene, the Eastern BOSS saw this scene, how many years have been moving! The foreigner jokes the Oriental people, the Oriental people also jokes themselves do not unite, but when the real test is coming, everyone tells the world with the actual action, oriental people are sometimes scattered, because I don't want to hold into a group to bully people! But you will be bullied, we will tell you, what is unity!

Wars are not to say that they can play, and all parties call the troops will be the fastest time for three or four days.

And this day, the Oriental BOSS only did one thing, that is, sleep!

At the same time, there is a military academy, a huge airport outside the Oriental Beijing.

Numerous students enter the college like the pipeline, then bring a virtual helmet, graduated from ten minutes!

A fighter fighter is standing, and all kinds of shells hang up. After reading the advanced nature of these records, everyone has no fear for the next war. The rest is just a boxing. Pack all the expectations of all enemies!

Time has passed by one minute, and the whole world is preparing for a tightly talented drum.

Qin Shou appeared in the neon capital Jingdong!

"Boss, according to my analysis, your initial heart is to turn the East into the world

A strong country, destroy neon, Lu Song, Nissi and other countries. If you don't have strength, this idea is equal to you. But your strength is getting stronger, and he is more and more deep. You want to completely cut him, it is quite hard. Nine cylinder.

Qin Shoudao: "Fair? There is no more effort, my Zifu Tiandi has advanced technology. The eaves are not missing people, and the rest will become very relaxed!"

Nine cork: "The problem is, do you really don't intend to participate in this war?"

Qin Shou smiled: "Of course, I have to participate, I have a lot of dreams when I am a child."

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