The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1054.

"If you participate, is this war still meaning?" Asked the nine tube.

Qin Shou, I laughed: "Of course, at least their move, cut off me another causal! When I was young, I saw that the negative news, I always felt that the Oriental did not live up to it. But this oriental response, Let me understand the feelings of the old blood! I like this feeling! "

"Oh ... ok." The nine tube said that he could not understand, then asked: "What are you doing here?"

"Murder!" After that, Qin Shou stepped meteor has moved to Fuji, stepped in, and the scenery surrounded by changes, Fuji disappeared, and it is a big wilderness!

On the wilderness, a man and a woman sat in the air. After seeing Qin Shou appeared, two people got up.

Men said: "I will know that the East should be a monk, otherwise it will not be so tough to fight all countries."

The woman said: "This is a friend, do you tell you myself?"

Qin Shou smiled: "I am afraid that I will introduce it, you can't afford it."

"Haha ... I am the king of Gao Tianyuan, the man of the high-day! The god of the high sun, the god of the sky! I am still curious, you will not get up!" Musk is arrogant! " Say.

Qin Shou stepped into the sky, he must say something, and the next moment, after the next moment, he rushed to a column! Then a huge picture is launched, and the endless will cover the heavens! The will of Holy Sacred, the imprint of the Emperor is also explicit!

Then there is more infinite Tiangong appears behind Qin Shou!

At that moment, there were no chances of defending the rebellious men and Tianzhao two people, and they didn't have the ground on the ground.

Qin Shou sat in a void, cold and looked at the male and Tian Zhao: "You two but the day and night of the Tiantian, the little gods also dare to claim to be the god of creation? Even if you want to make a string Bit, penetrate the mother of the country! Can you know? "

"Little God knows!" Tianzhao couldn't help Qin Shou's percentage, and worship.

Musk bite his teeth and called: "It's impossible! Tianting has collapsed, we can see it with your own eyes! It is impossible to have the emperor, you are fake!"


Qin Shou fell, and the man's head was blown on the spot, and Yuan god is


Tianshi saw this, the flowers were out of color, and the men and her strength were similar, but they couldn't stop the other party, how did she resist?

Tianzhao quickly smashed: "The Emperor is forgiving, the emperor is fighting!"

However, Qin Shou glanced at her, and her back came out of countless resentment, and her resentment came together, and turned into endless power!


The sky is burning in the sky, and the scream is called a flying ash!

Solved these two people, Qin Shou took this space!


The huge space inch is broken, and finally turns into a virtual! At this moment, Qin Shou reached out, a woman was caught in the void. This woman is lying in a crystal coffin, the skin is white, the hair is white, wearing a lovely kimono looks very well-behaved.

"Snow women? Sure enough, the ice is pure, there is no power. In this way, you will follow me." After that, Qin Shou slammed the coffin and took the snow girl.

The snow woman opened his eyes and confused Qin Shou.

Qin Shoudao: "Everything has passed, endless imprisonment is over, followed by me later."

The snow girl saw the Tian Di imprint behind Qin Shou, and quickly got up, worship.

Qin Shoudao: "I am lacking a maid by my side, and you are my maid."

"Yes! Tiandi!" The snow woman replied.

Snowflay, in neon, among the east, in fact, she is just a snowy mountain, isn't a big god. .

Chapter 496 What is the word of death?

How to write dead words?

Qin Shou took the snow girl from the void, behind the Fuji's huge loud noise, many years have not been discounted, finally erupted! Without the suppression of the two gods, this volcano sprayed out the anger of thousands of years, smoke rolling, dust covered the sky, like the end of the world ...

Yes, Qin Shou is also doing things, but he is doing!

Flower country, free goddess!

"Outside people think that this woman is just a stone statue. In fact, this is what the East is often doing, please god!" Qin Shouwang is a huge look at the eyes and laughs.

The snow woman smashed: "I have heard that this god is still living with a female war."

"Go out, you hide me." Qin Shou arrived, the eyes were flashing, the free goddess slammed, almost at the same time, at the same time, trying to escape! "

Qin Shou Da Hand directly grasped it back!

"I am a woman's God of War, it turned out to be a day!" Qin Shou glanced at the other's identity.

The woman in front of me is a silver armor, behind the helmet has a long gun with a metal blender. But in the face of Qin Shou, she didn't even have the courage to shoot.

Qin Shou swept the opponent's glance: "Look at you, there is no cause, too

Come to me as a maid. Yes, what is your name? "

The other party Zhang Zhangzhu, finally smiled, respectfully, said: "Yes, the sky! The name of the little god is called: Miao Fei."

Qin Shou satire: "You know, what happened, why is it crash?"

"Go back to Tian Di, the little god does not know. That destruction is too fast, the sky is broken, did not see people at all ..." Miao Fei replied.

Qin Shou's brow wrinkled again, even if the enemy did not see, Tianda collapsed! Such strength, Qin life calculates, I am afraid that there is only a saints to shoot! However, there is a saints in this world? If this world has a saints, how about the sacred people in the fairyland?

Qin Shou's brain is a bit confused ...

Next stop, Europe.

"I heard that the Europe has God, really fake?" Qin Shou asked.

"Go back to Tian Di, there is no God, only a few of the time of the fairy in this year. In order to obtain European beliefs, they become the model of Europeans, claiming to be God." Miao Dao. "

Qin Shou nodded: "How do they?"

"They treat people as sheep, people, how do people go to sheep, they are going to people. Although they claim to be a cactus, but in my opinion, they are more like a demon! They eliminate all the absenteeism, kill people, the hand is covered with blood Miao Fei Road.

Qin Shoudao: "I understand."

Just then, a big drink came from the distance: "Miao Fei, you dare to come back ?!"

Then, the three people descended from the sky, and the three were all Westerners, a white robe, it looked very holy! But Qin Shou can see the blood in their eyes, the intensity of the inner depth has accumulated a lot, and it may break out at any time!

Miao Fei snorted: "You are just three things, don't meet the emperor?"

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