The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 1055.

"Temple? Haha ... Tianting has already collapsed, the sky is also dead, now in the sky? I have to have the emperor, and our brothers are!" One person smiled.

Qin Shou shakes his head: "You don't know how to write the dead word."

"How to write it?" The three people, the older man asked coldly.

Miaofei low voice: "His oriental name is the wild, the Western name is the Lord, which is the so-called God."

Qin Shou has not spoken, and there are three people flying over, six people join together, the arrogance is more favorable!

Qin Shou married: "Since you won't, then I teach you, but I have a pen, but I have been prepared, but I have not prepared ink, how can I be good?" Qin Shou spoke There are a big brush, how high it is!

The Lord wrinkled: "How do you write without ink?"

"Borrowing!" Qin Shou said, the human animal is harmful, and it is a person behind the Lord: "Just borrow ink!"

Next, the man was screaming, and the bloody, turned into the blood of the sky, flew to Qin Shou. Qin Shou used a brush to walk the blood, and it wrote a horizontal!

The Lord saw this, the root of the sweat ranted, retired after rapid, "Who are you?"

Six people in their brothers, five people are different, and the strength of the LORD is more powerful, but it is also strong! And Qin Shou, just a sentence, killing a person, how horror is the strength of Qin Shou? If he does the same thing to others, can they block?

Qin Shou shook his head: "Hey, you don't understand what is called the wind and the moon. Don't understand what is famous? Don't speak, I am writing, but I have a lot of ink, but I have to take a job."

After that, Qin Shou looked up, and the five people in the LORD were scared, and they ran!

The result is a bell, and the five people are all fixed in the air!

Qin Shou pointed at one of them: "Come, borrow my ink!"


The man is chemical as a bloody water, and Qin Shou is written in the original one!

The rest of the four people are really afraid!

Death may not be terrible, just a moment! But waiting for death, but it is a very terrible thing! Desperate, people are crazy, but there is no choice but to!

After the second writing, Qin Shou is a method, and the other three people will be all-ink, and they will fill the three ink! But the death is still not written, it is still a short!

So Qinshou looked at the last Lord!

The Lord is shocked: "I beg you, don't kill me."

"Reassured, I don't kill you, just, I like to be a teacher. I don't understand the students, I have to teach it. You don't know how to write, I have to teach you? This word is still one The pen is completed, are you helping to help? "Qin Shou laughed.

The Lord is screaming, and the next moment is smashing the flesh of the Lord, and Qin Shouchi has added the last word to the dead word!

A blood-red dead word is suspended in the air, and the blood color is blooming, and the whole Europe is reddish ....

Chapter 497 Thunder Tongda


There are countless people poured on the streets and taking pictures against this shiny dead word in the sky. Those who know Chinese, one of the scared faces, they know, there must be big trouble! Especially the heads of all countries have this feeling!

On this day, the Orientally declared the war in the country, and the fighter plane flying out, swept the entire South China Sea, the two aircraft carriers of the flower country were sent to the sea, the soldiers were all war!

Then the 30,000 fighters swept the entire Southeast Asia, the anti-China action on the side of Nica has not started, and the military camp of detained the prisoner was flattened by the fighter, and the warboard carpet bombing, all the way, the scene of the grass is not born!

One week later.

Qin Shou sat in the cafe and sat opposite Chen Ning.

Chen Ning quietly drank coffee, whispered: "What are you thinking? Nowadays, the oriental is fighting the world, and it has been embarrassing. But I found out that you don't seem to be happy ..."

Qin Shou shook his head: "I am thinking about something ..."

"What is it? Maybe I can help you, I am a doctor." Chenning Road.

Qin Shou sighs: "I have a boundless strength now, but I don't know what I want. This is very confused ..."

"You said before telling me, you have to rise this East, do you want the blood sea and a hatred? Now, you are all realized, what else is confused?" Chen Ning did not understand.

Qin Shou shook his head: "No, I always feel that I am not right, it seems to choose the wrong road. Chen Ning, I have given me another analysis, I have my parents, my parents have died abroad, but I went to the government to check The result is that there is no such thing as the two! What do you think? "

Chen Nan: "You ... go to the ground?"

"Um ... accurately is hell, a destroyed hell." Qin Shoudao.

Chen Ning did not speak with the straw, and thought about it later: "Do you see your parents die?"

Qin Shou shook his head.

Chen Ning asked: "So, will they not die at all?"

"It's impossible, I received a notice for your government to give me." Qin Shoudao.

Chen Sun said: "Your business I have checked, we have sent you a paper, but I want to tell you is that your parents are dead, but we have not seen their bodies!"

"What?" Qin Shou was shocked.

Chen Sun said: "Yes, according to our investigation, your parents die in the sea, the body is thrown into the sea, so ..."

"So, still dead ..." Qin Shou made a mouth.

Chen Ning said: "I mean, you still don't understand. I am talking about the results of our investigation! You are not ordinary people, your parents may not be ordinary people! Our investigation is not necessarily true!"

Qin Shou eyes suddenly looked up, his heart, he finally understood what is really concerned about his heart, that is his parent of his parents! If he is dead, he wants to resurrect them to make filial piety. If you live, then find them, filial piety! This more!

I think this, Qin Shou's thought is turned to turn, the original is unhappy, it is not smooth!

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "I said, how can I be so bored with the rabbit? I originally ... nine

The cartridge, you gave it to me! Not you misleading me, do I spend such a great effort? "

Nine tube heard, laughing and laughing: "Boss, I can only analyze from your information you have given me ... You have heard the oriental death, then I must think that your initial heart is this ..." .. "

Chapter 498, three characters


"Okay, let's stay." Qin Shou is also a complaint, not really resentment of nine-tube, will do the guy.

Seeing Qin Shou smiled, Chen Ning also laughed, although there were not many time, but Qin Shou's body had too many mystery, with him to travel the world, explore the universe, talking between the global pattern, Such a wonder, Chen Ning said that it is fake!

But Qin Shou is too mysterious, the strength is too strong, and Chen Ning himself, in addition to the appearance, she found that she seems that there is nothing to match Qin Shou.

Therefore, Chen Ning is just silently looking at Qin Shou, but the idea of ​​my heart dares to say.

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